US questions Netanyahu's commitment to peace
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 27.10.14, 22:21
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. What is the payoff for the U.S. and Europe?
Devorah   (10.28.14)
What is the big payoff they receive from bullying Israel? They are getting something they want out of their behaviour. What is it?
32. USA annexed Texas in 1845...
Beary White ,   Norway   (10.28.14)
... and moved the border with Mexico southwards..taking vast areas of land from Mexico.. Most people do not know this...pls check it out.. Mr Sotero has dirty why on earth should he dare to criticize Israel, unless he is a sunni...member of an islamic cult...
33. #4 Sally usual you miss
John Robey ,   Austin, Texas   (10.28.14)
the point...nobody is telling Israel where to build, just where not to build. According to the world (except Israel) you do not have ownership over this part of Palestine. Jerusalem belongs to the world...not just the Jews.
34. any fool that has half a brain that even pays half
Jerome ,   Basalt, Colorado   (10.28.14)
attention to the history and reality of the Arab-Israel conflict knows that it's the Arabs(so called Palestinians) that don't want peace or there would have been peace. I'm not only writing about the comments on ynet, but also the U.S.'s President and all his flunky's.
35. Holocaust Denial Illegitimate
Zechariah   (10.28.14)
There is enough room in Israel for Palestinian Arabs who want to live in peace with their Jewish neighbours .Better Medical care Better freedoms of Speech and complaint Right to Protest Villages 100% Arab .There is Military Protection from Psychojihadi a World Califate with Sharia law for a more Humanitarian Islam less strict and forgiving .There is enough Room with Megacities for millions of Arabs but because the Jews are a minority in the area it's vital they control Security.
36. #9 - Cynthia Ann
Devorah   (10.28.14)
There is a difference between being loyal to the United States and being loyal to Barack Obama and his regime.
37. Title is in error, State Dept. spokeswoman is not "the U.S."
Dr. L. Brnd ,   San Diego, USA   (10.28.14)
Neither the appointed Secretary of State nor his hired civil service spokesperson is "the U.S." as far as American policy or law on Jerusalem goes. In our system, according to the US Constitution, the President makes foreign policy WITH THE ADVICE AND THE CONSENT OF THE CONGRESS. The position of our democratically elected Congress is this, as codified in the Jerusalem Recognition Act of 1994 - "The unified city of Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and only of Israel". The Obama White House does not have the "advice and consent of the Congress" to implement any other policy. Obama is free to try to get the Israelis to adopt a different position,and give up their rights to Jerusalem, if they are stupid enough to do so, as a concession to some crackpot "land-for-peace" deal. But their refusal to do so does not constitute any conflict with US foreigh policy. It only conflicts with Obama's wishes. Which is something very different, since a landslide majority of the US population is also opposed to "Obama's wishes" on a broad spectrum of issues. The vast majority of the US voters and the Congress sides with Israel on Jerusalem, not with our leftist boob in the White House.
38. Ridiculous game of back and forth Ping and Pong
Sammy ,   Newcastle   (10.28.14)
Ping Abbas creates more political theatrics and uses ever more drama queen rhetoric to try to 'undermine Israel' Pong Netanyahu announces more Settlements Ping PA deliberately stirring up and in some cases encouraging racial incitement Pong Netanyahu announces more Settlements Ping Abbas goes on another 'World Tour' to gather 'support' (for what you may ask..Is it for Investment? NO Is it for Entrepreneurs? NO Is it for Cultural and Educational Exchanges? NO) No that support he is after is for the Abbas Persona and support to try to isolate the very people he has to end up talking with to achieve Statehood Pong Netanyahu announces more Settlements So can anyone see theres a 'cycle' that needs to be broken?
39. No prejudicing facts? Freeze both Arab and Jewish building
Alon   (10.28.14)
That would be a terrible policy, but at least it would be 'fair', by US and EU standards.
40. #4 Cynthia on the way to North Korea
Alon   (10.28.14)
That sounds like where you fit in on the democracy scale. Also points out that you can't be a patriotic American and at the same time racist scum.
41. "Good for you Netanyu"...(On this issue !)
Roland ,   london England   (10.28.14)
42. East Jerusalem Judenfrei?
maddad ,   Johannesburg RSA   (10.28.14)
In todays world how is it conceivable that Jews cannot BUY or build homes in East Jerusalem. If ever there was a RACIST idea on the planet then this is it. Just ask yourself - why CAN'T a Jew or Christian PRAY on the Temple Mount - the HOLIEST site to both these religions. Is there something SUPERIOR about the Muslim religion that I am missing?
43. To: No 10
maddad ,   Johannesburg RSA   (10.28.14)
You really must be proud and a happy chappie with your New Best Friends when they celebrate and hand out sweets whenever a GI or innocent US citizen is murdered or beheaded. Why is it that you feel Jews are not entitled to have there own home land (you have the land you stole from the red indians)? Is it OK for you to see Jews prevented from praying at their holiest site or buying homes in a "once-was-Jewish-then-was-Arab- and-now-is-Jewish" area?
44. Sorry Obummer..Israel want PEACE not just PIECE
Tracy   (10.28.14)
and frankly we don't CARE if your Arab friends are pissed off.
45. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.28.14)
Jerusalem belongs to the world? Then why did the world ignore it for several hundred years? More particularly, why did the world ignore it between 1948 and 1967, at least the eastern part of the City? Why did the world let the eastern part of the City fall into rack and ruin? Didn't it bother you that between 1948 and 1967, no Jews and no Christians were permitted into the eastern part of Jerusalem to pray at holy sites? Face it, sluggo -- Jerusalem didn't become important to anyone until the Jews unified the City in 1967. Then, it became unthinkable that the capital city of the Jewish people should be entirely under Jewish control. Face it -- that's what bothers you. If we were a different kind of people, we could easily close off Jerusalem to anyone but the Jewish people. So count your lucky stars that the Jewish people allow everyone to worship in Jerusalem. But don't hold your breath. That can change. In a heartbeat. Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital city of the Jewish people. It belongs exclusively to us. That we allow others to live there and worship there is testimony to our munificence. But make no mistake. It's ours. Whether you like it or not, Jack.
46. To: No. 19
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.28.14)
Exactly. In the event you haven't noticed, Jerusalem happens to be in Israel's yard. So everyone who thinks otherwise can get lost, right?
And those who do not approve can take a running jump.
Israel certainly has nothing to prove to any person ,nor country ,nor people. Israel only has to prove itself to The Almighty. And Catherine Ashton can go to hell.
49. Peace was never won by giving land to pals
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
in fact the opposite Gaza is the example. obama is a failure a flop because he supports terror over reason and has allied with the pals and is no longer useful to any one especially WE the people. Ignore obama and his Jr. Varsity amateurs. KEEP BUILDING !!! MAKES OBAMA FURIOUS!
50. #9 If there were a back door to the Alamo
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
San Antonio would be in Mexico. If I could choose one for deportation, I'd start with you pal. America should clean house starting with obama who on YouTube declared, "I was born in Kenya.". Where were you born ? KEEP BUILDING ISRAEL FOR JEWS!!
51. # 11 Really? A majority of Americans
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
hate our president including many democrats who refuse to be seen with him on this campaign. Pardon me but, you sound like a lunatic. Muslim, I presume as is obama, the worst US president in US history. Up yours Hank B. LOVE BUILDING !!! while obama throws a hissy fit. ( obama acts like a girl.)
52. #1 US talks too much
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
and then does nothing to stop terror. Remember 'Syria's red line' make Putin the hero and obama a zero. Don't hate Israel she's here for the long haul unlike some "I was born in Kenya' liar in chief. Maybe obama should do something to stop ISIS before they fly their black flag over obama's sinking WhiteHouse?Oh, that's right, he's too feminine to act like a man. KEEP BUILDING !!!!! Call it 'a monument to obama..
53. Holy Yerushalayim is not a settlement
CJK   (10.28.14)
only bigoted jew haters would refer to holy yerushalayim as a settlement. the conquering arab muslims have no right whatever to the holy city of yerushalayim, seat of zion. the arab muslims have mecca and medina. the shia muslims have many holy cities. the catholics have the vatican. obama and the eu need to keep in mind that after two thousand years of exiles and persecutions the jews have come home and have reclaimed their ancestral homeland and their most revered city, jerusalem, seat of zion. no part of the city of david is up for sale or negotiation--not gilo, not ramot, not har homa, not pisgat ze'ev, not any other part of our jerusalem.
54. USA Administration
Somebody must tell these anti Israel in this adminstration to go and read the NEW TESTAMENT and then they can make their mind in fairness to whom the land of Israel belong to.
55. #31 fundamental transformation
Why do they ignore legitimate Kurdish national aspirations? Why did they ignore the genocide of Christians and Yazidi in Middle East, or Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria? The list is endless: this is all about fundamental transformation, and Israel / Jews are just another victim.
56. Americans question obama's sanity...
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
57. # 33 There is NO palestine
BUILD BABY BUILD!!   (10.28.14)
Jerusalem was annexed by Israel in 1967. As for you, too late and too ignorant. Mecca belongs to Muslims, Israel belongs to the Jews. Vatican belongs to the Catholics. "Israel the homeland for The Jewish people." BUILDING FOR A MORE POPULATED JEWISH NATION !!!!!!
58. Nentanyu is for peace; the question
Michael   (10.28.14)
is what process the U.S. is supporting? TheU.S. dismantling process does not equal the peace process. Having an ally openly reject the capital city does not serve any peaceful purpose. In fact, it calls into questions the U.S. definition of peace and the definition of ally.
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