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Getting the mobile homes ready for evacuated settlers: a disaster, the writer says
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The case against disengagement

Unilateral disengagement fuels political pressure through violence

A case against the “disengagement” can be easily made based solely on safety and security considerations.


Disengagement will advance terrorism rather than peace. If the PA-PLO gets territory in return for terrorism it sets a shining example for other Arab and Islamist nations to exact and extract political concessions through terrorism rather than via a peaceful negotiation process with Israel and sets a very dangerous precedent.


The plan for unilateral “disengagement” or “withdrawal” fuels political pressure through violence. A reward for the support of terrorism will transform Jerusalem, Tel Aviv (including Ben-Gurion Airport) Haifa, Netanya, Afula, Ashdod, Ashekelon, and other major places into targets for a future state of terrorism and its missile range.


Lebanon move propelled Hizbullah


Already, the “disengagement” of southern Lebanon has proven disastrous, as Hizbullah now has a launching point for missiles that can destroy major population centers in Israel.


The July 2000 “disengagement” from Israel’s security buffer zone in occupied southern Lebanon has propelled Hizbullah from a local to a regional stature. The proximity of this terrorist organization plagues U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq with Arab-Islamist terrorism.


The Oslo-driven “disengagements” have ignited an unprecedented wave of Arab terrorism. Each and every square inch added to the PA-PLO since 1994 has become the largest terrorist base in the world, a safe haven for Arab-Islamist terrorists under the control and domination of the Iran-Syrian axis of evil and support of terrorism.


Israel has not controlled the Arabs living in Gaza since the “disengagement” 1994 Oslo Accord. The PA-PLO controls and dominates the territory together with its sister terrorist organizations Hamas, Hizbullah, and Islamic Jihad, working hand in hand in towards the annihilation and complete destruction of the only Jewish nation state in the entire world.


“Disengagement” therefore would not impact Israel’s demography.


“Disengagement” from Gaza and Gush Katif has similar symptoms of the failed Oslo Accord and failed peace process. Land for Terrorism. Nothing less. Nothing more. Israel is getting nothing in return in its unholy alliance and agreement at suicidal self-destruction otherwise erroneously and falsely called withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms re weakness and willingness to self-destruct as seen through the eyes of the Arab-Islamists.


Beware of Bush, Rice comments


“Disengagement” is a complete setback for deterrence, intelligence gathering and pursuit of peace. In other words the plan is a bottomless keg, militarily diplomatically and economically.


“Disengagement” would not be financed by the U.S. It will increase the budget deficit, avert economic recovery, worsen unemployment, increase taxes, impose government bonds, cut human services and infrastructure expenditures and much much more.


Israel and the Jewish people better beware of U.S. President George W. Bush’s call for a total freeze of all so-called “settlements” (derisively used as gypsies living in tents) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's call for a contiguous Arab “Palestine” (according to the Balfour Declaration all Palestine was to be a Jewish homeland and the British Mandate gave away 80 percent to the Arabs in the created Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, formerly Transjordan).


Bush’s comment is deceptive and fraudulent “that any final status agreement (including the “right of return”) will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes.”


Bush’s refusal to finance the "disengagement” confirms that "disengagement” will not produce any benefit to America as well as Israel. His friendly statements were not legislated and ratified by Congress, which merely passed a non-binding resolution.


Bush’s recent offer to fund the PA-PLO with USD 50 million U.S. taxpayer money also sends a mixed message to the Medieval Middle East comprising 22 Arab-Islamist corrupt dictatorships, human rights violators, ruthless repressive regimes, and state sponsors of terrorism, as compared to the only Jewish nation state in the entire world and the only beacon of freedom and democracy and true-blue American ally in the entire region.


Why create a second Arab “Palestine” and twenty-third state sponsor of terrorism and tyranny?


Is a terrorist a terrorist? What about Mahmoud Abbas, “Chief of Terrorism” elect of the PA-PLO and “Mr. Moderate”? As Arafat’s partner in organized crime for over 40 years the Holocaust denier and financier of the Munich Olympic massacre has not changed spots. Only into a more palatable image with a better barber and more stylish suit.


While Middle East peace has been driven by deterrence, “disengagement” guarantees destruction and undermines deterrence.


Disengagement is destructive. Disengagement is dishonest. Disengagement is disastrous.


Gary Fitleberg is a political analyst specializing in International relations with emphasis on Middle East affairs

פרסום ראשון: 06.16.05, 18:16
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