
Livni and Abbas in Paris
Photo: AP

Livni: Strengthening Palestinian economy in Israel’s best interest

Foreign minister meets Abbas in Paris ahead of donors' conference, says 'it is our wish to establish a Palestinian state that not only has a sound economic base, but can also combat terror and create reliable security conditions for the state of Israel'

PARIS - Foreign Minister Tzipi Livini met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Paris Sunday, calling the meeting a “carry-over” to the Annapolis Peace Conference.


Following the meeting, Livni, who is in the French capital for the international donors' conference, told Ynet that “it is Israel's wish to establish a Palestinian state that not only has a sound economic base, but can also combat terror and create reliable security conditions for the State of Israel.


"Strengthening the Palestinian economy as it approaches statehood is in Israel’s best interest, just as safeguarding Israel's security is in the best interest on the Palestinian people,” she said Livni.


Livni was updated by reporters on the Qassam attack on Kibbutz Zikim, during which an infant was lightly wounded.


Some 50 countries and international organizations, including the World Bank and the Quartet (UN, Russia, US and Britain) are expected to be represented at the donors' conference, which is aimed at helping the Palestinians build institutions in preparation for establishment of a government.


Tony Blair, the Quartet's special Mideast envoy, said he hoped the conference would raise some $5.5 billion for the Palestinian Authority.


Livni is preparing for the possibility that the Quartet will issue a statement denouncing Israeli construction in east Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood. The foreign minister stressed that there was no room for finger pointing, as "our goal is to reach a permanent agreement, and such accusations will not help in bridging the gaps.


"Events will transpire that will make it difficult on us, but we must remain focused on the ultimate goal," she said.


Abbas is scheduled to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy Sunday evening at the Elysée Palace. 


פרסום ראשון: 12.16.07, 17:20
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