
Morris Talansky
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

State wants Talansky to testify prior to Olmert's hearing

State Prosecutor's Office rejects request made by key witness in 'cash envelops' case against prime minister to delay testimony until final decision on indictment is made

The State Prosecutor's Office denied Thursday a request made by Morris Talansky, the key witness against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in the "cash envelops" affair, to resume his testimony only after Olmert's judiciary hearing takes place.


In early March, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz informed the prime minister that he is inclined to file criminal charges against him, including fraud, breach of trust and receiving illicit perquisites, in the case pertaining to his dealings with US businessman. The final decision on the indictment pends a judiciary hearing.


Attorney Jacques Chen, for Talansky, assured the State that his client intends to fulfill his commitment and resume his testimony against Olmert, but suggested it would take place after the premier's hearing before the attorney general.


The State declined the offer, stating that "(Talansky) is in the midst of a deposition. He has yet to be cross examined and that testimony has obviously not been subjected to redirect examination.


"As you know, a pre-trail deposition does not necessarily coincide with police investigative procedures, as each of this component play a different part in the case. The purpose of the pre-trail deposition is to 'preserve evidence,' while the investigation is meant to collect the evidence upon which the decision of the indictment is made," added the State's letter.


The State Prosecutor's Office further requested the Talansky's attorney scheduled the continuance of his deposition with them without delay.


פרסום ראשון: 03.12.09, 17:10
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