
Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Photo: AFP

Egypt: Israeli earnest only way to promote normalization

Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit says Arab nations unlikely to consider striking diplomatic relations with Israel unless 'serious, trust-building steps' are taken towards Palestinians

Cairo seemed skeptic Wednesday that Arab nations would heed to US President Barack Obama's call and normalize their relations with Israel before the latter takes earnest in favor of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.


"I do not believe that the Arab nations would be willing to accept this offer, unless they see Israel taking active, serious, earnest and trust-building steps," Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit told the London-based Arabic-language al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper.


Gheit added that should Israel satisfy the Palestinians and Arabs, "some Arab element may comply, like we did in the mid 1990s, when the Oslo Accords were signed.


"If Israel is serious about the two-state solution, there is no reason not to apply the principles of the Arab peace initiative, and especially the once calling for land for peace… When Israel enables the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Arabs would gradually agree (to normalization."


Gheit was interviewed while on an official visit to Moscow, where he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The Russians are trying to promote an international peace summit similar to the Annapolis Peace Summit of 2007.


פרסום ראשון: 05.21.09, 11:56
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