
MK Shelly Yachimovich
Photo: Avishag Shaar-Yashuv
former Labor Chairman Amir Peretz
Photo: Yaron Brener

Round 2 begins: Labor Party chooses new leader

Race is on between Amir Peretz and Sheli Yachimovich as over 66,000 registered Labor Party voters will be able to cast their vote and finally determine who will be next party chairman

The Labor Party will hold its second primaries vote on Wednesday. Over 66,000 registered Labor Party voters will be able to cast their vote in the race that will finally determine who will be the next party chairman.


The vote pits MK Shelly Yachimovich against former Labor Chairman Amir Peretz. Ballots will open at 10am and close at 10pm with final results coming in at midnight.

כולם עם המחאה החברתית (איור:  אופיר בגון)

Race to the top: Yachimovich or Peretz? (Illustration: Ophir Bagon) 


In the past few days the two candidates took to the campaign trail with enthusiasm, and while Peretz complained over the support his rival MK Shelly Yachimovich received from Labor Union Chief Ofer Eini, he is still optimistic thanks to former leadership candidate Amram Mitzna's vote of support.


"The mobilization of so many supporters from the Herzog camp, our partner Mitzna, and party veterans, Labor Unionists and The United Kibbutz Movement has been both impressive and moving," he said.


Meanwhile, in the Yachimovich camp, the younger generation of Labor Party supporters is taking center stage. Yachimovich has received the support of many of the leaders of the recent social protests. This week they were joined by Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai, Raanana Mayor Nahum Hofri and of course, Eini who published an official announcement declaring his support.


On Tuesday Yachimovich assembled her supporters and announced that she was receiving support from former Mitzna voters and from voters who supported Yitzhak Herzog in the previous round of voting.


"Tomorrow will decide not only who will lead the Labor Party but where the party is headed, its ideology, the trust the public has for it and the new strengths it will acquire," Yachimovich said.




פרסום ראשון: 09.21.11, 11:32
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