
Sheikh Ahmed S'hili

Tunisian imam to followers: Pray for Jews to become sterile

Tunisian minority advocacy group files complaint against Muslim cleric for inciting violence, hatred

A Tunisian minority advocacy group has filed a complaint against an imam, accusing him of inciting hatred against Jews in a fiery sermon broadcast on television.


The association's legal counsel Attorney Kais Baltagi confirmed that the group "has lodged a complaint with the court of the first instance in Ben Arous against the imam of Rades mosque, Sheikh Ahmed S'hili, for inciting hatred."


S'hili's sermon was aired on November 30 by the private network Hannibal TV.



According to Arab media reports, the complaint is based on Tunisian law states that using a media outlet to "Incite hatred between races, religions and people" is an offense punishable by up to three years in jail.


According to Baltagi, no suit was filed against the TV channel, since it "Broadcast the imam's remarks live and was unaware in advance of the nature of his comments."


"Oh Allah, you know what those accursed Jews have done, the corruption they spread across Earth… Strike them so that there is not one of them left. Allah, make the men and women sterile," S'hili said, referring to the ceasefire that ended Operation Pillar of Defense.


The Jewish community in Tunisia is considered one of the largest in the Arab world. In 1956 it numbered 100,000, but has since dropped to around 1,500 today.



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