Opinion  Sever Plocker
Back to proper borders
By Sever Plocker
Published: 21.02.05, 01:30
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1. Israel-Palestine
Charles Attard ,   Australia   (03.04.05)
Israelis were very lucky to be given the Chance to become a Nation, after the Romans Kicked them out. If Israelis want to earn World respect .. not just that of the U.S. and a puppet Australian Government .... Israel must Quit the Occupation and there will be Peace, but it looks to me that Israel does not want Peace!! Since the supposedly Peace Truce Bulldozers have been in fullswing, the Wall has doubled its speed,, the tear gas , rubber bullets and live ammo, has been a daily ritual. This has been responded to, by the Tel-Aviv bombing ... a proof that the wall's security is an excuse to grab more land and put Palestinians in open air concentration camps!!!
1. Article: "Bach to proper borders"
Sever Plocker is wrong about Israel's proper borders. Our proper borders are defined by the Torah, not by polical considerations.
2. Poor Sever
Kenneth S. Besig ,   Kiryat Arba Israel   (02.24.05)
I would usually suggest that Mr. Plotzker stick to his area of expertise, that is, economic affairs, and stay away subjects like security and diplomacy, like the disengagement plan, for which he is obviously poorly qualified to discuss. The trouble is that Sever is just as incompetent regarding economics, and national fiscal policy as he is about the disengagement plan.
3. both sever plotzker and charles Attard are wrong
Charles Sportes ,   Paris-Israel   (04.20.05)
to spoke like that ; I'm telling to boths that will be better considerate israel borders similary to israel biblical because the jews are on their lands historical and not the arabs which we dont have to make them gift for pleasure that inadmissible ..!! the arabs nations are very very enormous then small israel is only 20/30.000 km2 its too small , and that I said to boths you dont know our history and we dont have to give one feet of our new conquest because reconquest after 2000 years so gaza -judea-samaria are part of jewish heritage and only belongs to jewish people , israel is not negociable neither shareable palestinians is a people never existed they are a people virtual that will be better israeli did transfered those arabs from israel and of yecha to jordania where lived 85 pc of pseudo palestinians ; I suggest also to pull out israel "mr shimon pérés and all maraknikim are taking defense of the poors palestinians and all merit to passed on justice court for collaboration with ennemi plo ... I told to c.attard israel medina is not to sell ," israel reoccupied his territorys reconquest after 2000 years "and yecha are part of eretz israel .. or may be you arent jew for spoke like a leftist my dear !!! myself I am socialist but for eretz Israe I am big supporter of gibourims mitnahalim of yecha that have my estimation and my love I have for that giborims mitnahalim are my bigs heroes and I tell them " dont worry we will win against sharon and his bands of traitors' likoud as olmert-mofaz-livni-etc ... if someone want write me to my email I will be happy to read you my dear brothers .. hag pessach sameach et bonnes fétes à tout le peuple de droite d'eretz israel ..
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