Opinion  Others
End of nuclear order?
By Avner Cohen
Published: 29.05.05, 20:57
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5 Talkbacks for this article
1. Dismantle Israeli nuclear arsenal soon
zeev ,   geneva   (05.30.05)
Israel nuclear arsenal is endangering the world. Israel cannot get the nuclear weapons and forbid others to have them. It has be be disarmed soon, for two reasons: 1) Nuclear weapons are not in sure hands neither in Israel nor anywhere. Religious fanatism, either Jewish or Islamic , can push to use them. 2) Remember the Shah regime and how it collapsed. Remember the American defeat in Vietnam. It is in the interest of the West to dismantle Israeli nuclear weapons before Israel collapses if the West in not willing that these wepeans fall in the hand of Islamic fundamentalists.
2. Israeli threat to the world's security
Ahmad Abouali ,   Nablus, Palestine   (05.30.05)
Israeli is known by all to have in it' s possession of over 200 A bomb heads, and the capability to luanch them from by all means and methods, and can reach up to 3000 miles in its capability. The problem is not the A bombs themselves, rather the problem is mentality behind such strategy, therefore, Israeli leaders keep on reminding us all the notion of Shamoshon and Massada myths (stories in the old testiment) in which Israel is ready, willing and preapared to launch a nuclear attack if she feels that it's own existence as a system is in jeopredy!! On first & 2nd day of the Ramadan War, Israel deployed Jericho 1 with andmade it ready and to be-seen by the Soviet and the USA spy satellite to send a message to the entire wold, including the victorious Egyptians that Israel when possessing Nuclear weapons, that means she is not kidding and willing to use them on the heads of the world: Massada and Shamshon. The Iranian program is nothing when compared to the world class Israeli advanced program, it came to light to counter the Zionist threat who brought (before India and Pakistan) the entire Middle East into the A-bomb building cpacity (thanks to Shimon Peres ad France). Stop israel now before it destorys the entire middleast, to that, the entire world
3. Abolish nuclear weapons now!
Micha Sloman ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.30.05)
It is absolutely necessary for every nuclear country to abolish nuclear weapons. There can be no greater obsenity than a nucear weapon. Israel could start to be a "light unto the nations" by leading the way in this respect.
4. The only possible solution....
Holland ,   Amsterdam   (05.30.05)
Why would an unarmed Israel prevent nuclear weapons from spreading? Wouldn't it be a lot easier for Arab countries to get those weapons if there isn't an Israeli threat? Afterall, there is nobody around to be afraid of. Also, an Israel without nuclear weapons is an Israel that might be defeated with conventional methods. So disarming Israel will lead to war. But you have to admit that there is nothing we can do to prevent nuclear weapons from spreading. The crazy ayatollahs want 'em, the terrorists want 'em, the dictators do. Therefore I propose that everybody goes nuclear. Everybody should have the bomb because only mutually assured destruction will keep the peace. Imagine if Theo Van Gogh had a gun when Mohammed B. assulted him. Oh Ahmad in Nablus. It really doesn't matter for Israel if it gets nuked by a modern nuclear bomb or an old fashion one. The result is the same. By the way, those Iranian bombs are also being aimed at you : )
5. Israeli Nuclear Weapons
Steve Ames ,   Scottsdale, AZ USA   (06.03.05)
If Israel posesses nuclear weapons she needs to keep them until a secure peace is achieved in the Middle East. Israel needs nuclear weapons both as a deterrent to a Muslim nuclear threat as well as a "last ditch" weapon against extermination by a coalition of Muslim countries using, potentially, overwhelming conventional forces. Israel is the only country in the world whose very existence is threatened by one or more other countries (Iran and "Palestine"). The Jewish people know from their history that when they were powerless, the world was not interested in protecting them from discrimination, pogroms, and genocide. Those who think that theworld has changed should listen to the Ayatolas of iran and the anti-Semites of Europe and the Arab countries.
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