Qureia: Today Gaza, tomorrow J'lem
By Ali Waked
Published: 27.07.05, 17:23
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31. Who gives a damn
Obad ,   Gaza,Palestine   (07.28.05)
well i can see all your concern is the american embassay and where it stands ,i dont know about you,but who gives a damn,and you Isrealis are always concerned about the americans,americans are only using the isreali so called state to have a hand in the middle east. i think the day of the withdrawl is the beggening of the end for isreal,i think isreal is shrinking and soon it would be all gone,i just wanted to say one thing.GOD BLESS THE RESISTANCE,if it wasnt for them this disangagement wouldnt have ever happened!!!!! and thank you SHARON for seeing that and strengthening it more and more.....
32. Internationalize Jerusalem for God sake!!
Hiram ,   Tel Aviv   (07.28.05)
Curiously enough, and selfishly so, Jews and Arabs are fighting about the "legitimate ownership" of Jerusalem. Completely blinded by passion and basic themselves on some religious theories, both completely forget that between Judaism and Islam, there is an other component of importance which is never discussed : Christians. The religious fanaticism demonstrated by both Jews and Arabs reminds me of the dark ages or early Christianism when " whoever" was NOT a Christian was worth being eradicated or forced to convert to " the real faith". It is interesting today to look at both religious convictions ( and their dangerous extremists representatives) and realize that the Christians are not claiming their part of Jerusalem. Although Eretz Israel has been the source of Christianism, although Judaism has been the basis for this religion, it seems that the value of Jerusalem for Christians is more a matter of historical references rather than a question of " ownership". Jerusalem cannot be a Palestinian capital, anymore than a "Jewish" capital, or an "Arabic" capital. The three religions of the Book should be reasonable enough to accept that Jerusalem is Holy to all of the believers and that because the basis for the 3 books are the same, the Old City should be shared as a part of the world's cultural and religious heritage. If Judaism and Islam have any hope of living together and changing their respective community members for the better, wisdom should prevail and the Old City be put under International administration.
33. Israel Forever!!!!
Michelle ,   Forever Israel   (07.28.05)
Unfortunately, at many points in our history we have and remain to be our own worst enemy. However, we will smarten up and with G-ds help we will always live in the land he gave us --all of the land he gave us!!! This land is our birth right, we are the ones that made it blossom . Maybe those that are so intent on giving our land away in the false hope of peace should wake up and listen to what the Arabs are saying in their own words. Take your heads out of the sand!!!!!!!!! Israel Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
34. Don't care of UN...
GABOR ,   Budapest, Hungary   (07.28.05)
Israel (and other democratic nations) should NOT care of stupid UN resolutions! This organization is consisted of hundreds of Muslim countries, it's the "second Arab League".. It's time to put an end to it! If Israel wants to continue its existence, Israelis shouldn't give up strategic territories in the West Bank.
35. to......Salameh , Gaza
Give us a history lesson. Facts, dates, etc. I doubt if you can deliever because you are void of historical facts. You know nothing except hate. You know nothing and will never be anything simply because you have been brainwashed.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.28.05)
Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. JERUSALEM IS MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES IN THE BIBLE, not once in the Koran. Around 1948, Arabs violently ETHNICALLY CLEANSED about one million Jews from Arab countries. Arab governments seized the land, homes, bank accounts, businesses and assets of the Jews. Most of the Jewish refugees fled to Israel. THERE MUST NOW BE A JUST SETTLEMENT FOR THE JEWISH REFUGEES AND THEIR DESCENDANTS- COMPENSATION IN LAND AND FINANCES. In 1922, Britain illegally gave MOST OF PALESTINE-80% TO THE ARABS. The area became Jordan, giving the Arabs an Arab Palestinian state on JEWISH land. IT WAS ETHNICALLY CLEANSED OF JEWS. This area is part of ancient, Biblical Israel, and along with present-day Israel, including Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan was recognized by the League of Nations as the Jewish homeland. In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza and ethnically cleansed ALL Jews. In 1948, Jordan invaded Judea-Samaria (West Bank) and east Jerusalem and ETHNICALLY CLEANSED ALL JEWS. Jordan, opposing G-D DESTROYED 58 synagogues in Jerusalem. In 1967 when Israel won Islam's religious war of aggression against it, Jews returned to the areas of their homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Islamofascists DECEITFULLY call this return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. ALL of the Jewish land, homes, properties and businesses stolen from the Jews in the 1948 Islamic invasion must be returned to the Jews IMMEDIATELY.
37. In 1948, Palestinians were Jews
Elder of Ziyon ,   Jersey City, NJ   (07.28.05)
Proof from newspapers at the time at
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.28.05)
If Jesus Christ lived today, from the time Jesus was in his mother's womb, he would be targeted for murder by the Islamofascists for being a Jew living in his homeland of Israel. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered the beautiful and innocent 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother and her four little daughters. The Palestinian Authority teach the murder of Jews-the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, as a religious obligation through their mosques, media and public education system. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..." Joseph is the beloved Bible heroe of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs with venomous hate destroyed the Tomb. Muslims desecrate and destroy Jewish and Christian holy sites. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES WERE TORN UP FOR TOILET PAPER. Mocking Israel's G-D. Mocking the laws G-D gave to Moses inscribed in those Bibles Some of those laws: Exodus 20 "You shall have no other gods before Me" "You shall not make for yourself an idol" "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Jesus always taught from the Jewish Bible in the synagogues of Israel and in the Temple on the Temple Mount. Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at the Temple Mount. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Muslims have repeatedly engaged in massive rock throwing at the Jews on the Temple Mount, turning the holiest place on earth into a common place of violence. If Jesus walked this earth today, he would not be silent! His anger and outrage at the terrible crimes committed against his people, the Jews, would be very great.
39. To Obad from Gaza
AP ,   Highland Park, NJ   (07.28.05)
you just proved to me that the expulsion of Jews from Gaza is not worthwhile, it will make people like you think you can destroy israel and will only spark more terror against innocent civilians.
40. to #35
Salameh ,   Gaza   (07.28.05)
You are simply a coward, someone who can;t even spell his name bakward, or has the guts to say where he is from. Look at the history, real history, not that history written in yeshiva's and in Jabotinsky's stories. Every inch of this land speaks of its Arabism, while you, an occupier for over 57 years can't even find an artifact that speaks of anything, so GO FIGURE. Hatred blind eyes and hearts
41. Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem
Michael Spiro ,   Montreal, Canada   (07.28.05)
Armed with the knowledge that they have lost yet another war bent on the destruction of Israel, the Palestinian leadership through the voice of their Prime Minister Qurei has again made the intention of Palestinian society clear as day. He has expressed the aim of Palestine loudly (“We are telling the entire world”). The demand for rights as a nation depends upon the destruction of the State of Israel and would leave in its place a warring Arab nation of armed gangsters. The entire modern history of the Palestinian entity has been based upon denial of the existence of the re-establishment of the Jewish homeland. Furthermore, this entity has been fed and has lived off of the racist notion that Jews should be denied their right to self-determination. Qurei is as much a spokesperson of the Palestinians as is anyone. As such I believe he is speaking for Palestinian society when he insists that the whole world be aware that the warring against the Jewish nation will continue. The world should therefore realize that, as much as any nation, the Jewish people have a right to self determination and have a moral responsibility to defend the right of their families to live peacefully. The world should realize also the Israel has the moral right to war against those who would war against her. The world should realize that a society cannot be built upon a foundation of dysfunctional gangsterism. The gangsters should not be permitted to dictate the terms.
42. in regard to salama and obad from gaza
AP ,   Highland Park, NJ   (07.29.05)
i see that the two palestinian arabs on this "talkback" for this news article have denied the right of israel to exist. Salama called us occupiers for more than 57 years - that means ever since the state has been established, we have been occupieing land for our state. thats before '67, the time when our borders were universally accepted. and obad the gazan said that the disengagement is the beginning of the end of israel. it shows he hopes israel is destroyed. the attitude of these two palestinians really upsets me. if that is the general attitude of the palestinian public then i dont see any prospects for peace.
43. "the attitude of these two palestinians really upsets me."
Salameh ,   Gaza   (07.29.05)
Wooo guess what that really makes me happy !! You're upset? Praise the lord, me sitting here under occupation makes an occupier who has the luxury to settle on MY OCCUPIED DESTROYED village upset, now that is an achievement. Don't care about what you think anyways, all I ask for is for you to go back to you "universally "what universe?" recognized borders and lets us establish our own state, you are the last outsanding occupation ON EARTH, live and let live
44. Hands of Peace
lisa ,   usa   (07.29.05)
Just spent two weeks with an amazing group of teens here in the Chicago area. they came from the Palestinian territories as well as Israel. They were here to work on Co- Existence. Christian, Jewish and Muslim -- For two weeks they argued, got extremely emotional, yet danced together, played together, shared music, played sports and in the end - they came up with a peace plan - What would be wrong with a Palestine/ Israel based on mutual respect for each other's diversity and culture? What would be wrong with worshiping together learning together? As these kids learned to do. Someone has to stop the cycle of hatred that's being preached. What if the PA Ministry of Education revamped their educational materials , guides, textbooks with the intent of ridding it of the lies about Judaism? Jewish textbooks have no such propaganda. What if from the beginning Muslims, Christians and Jews, went to pre-school together, mothers of all religions, socialized, fathers of all worked together to build a loving new culture that embraced diversity. Remember that the Almight God, Creator of the Worlds and human race had plans for diversity in his scheme- Prophets came in succession to show us the truth - guide us, remind us, to do our best - Every human - This is the message that the Mosques teach here. Why can't we build a world free of fear and despair? Rather than arguing about 1967 borders, why not remember that in a world of hate eventually there will be no world period.
45. Habibti Lisa
Salameh ,   Gaza   (07.29.05)
There is not a single Palestinian, even Hamas folks, who is not an accepting peace with Israel based on the Palestine/Israel division of the land, now you should go across the fence and try to convince: 1. Likud 2. National Religious Party 3. Shas 4. Degel Hatorah 5. Kakh 6. 500,000 crazies living in settlemets 7. Herut 8. National Unity (HaIkhud HaLeumi) 9. Tzomet 10. Yisrael B`Aliya (should I go on?) to simply accept US as human beings, to accept our very existance let alone have peace with us !! Now that speaks who hates who my dear, Salaam
46. Keeping Israel together
Dr.&Mrs.G.E.Klump ,   La Crescenta, CA   (07.30.05)
Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments make it very clear that, when God the Lord brings His people back to Israel (14 May 1948 after c.2,500 years), He will not allow Israel to be divided, particularly Jerusalem. He has said that He shall have His people in the midst of the nations and that He will dwell there in the midst of the nations. Isn't it interesting that, about 45 years ago, geographers determined that Jerusalem was the center of the great land mass of Europe, Africa and Asia. Specifically, the very threshing floor which David purchased for the Temple and where the Holy of Holies would stand was the exact center of this land mass. We know that the Lord never goes back on His Word. To paraphrase Isaiah, His Word will not return to Him void! He has said that those who come against Jerusalem to split it and to take spoils will be seriously hurt. It was put back together in 1967. Only fools will want to come against it. Of course, the PA Prime Minister is now saying that, first, Gaza and, then, an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Some people never learn.
47. Who the land belongs to
Chris ,   London   (08.02.05)
The Land of Israel belongs to G-D and G-D alone. It is He choses who will have tenancy of the Land, no one has the right Jew Gentile Muslim Israeli American British or any other nation, to seperate or divide up the land as they se fit only G-D. When you decide that you have that right you are decalring that you are taking G-Ds place you are coming against G-D and therfore can only expect His judgment.
48. to: Hiram , Tel Aviv
Dondan ,   Madrid   (08.20.05)
The question is not on religion interpretation of the meaning of holy Jerusalem for all religions. The question is politically-nationally only. Jerusalem is and was a Jewish city, even at times of great occupations, and should stay so. Religiously, it will be open to all believers as it open since 1967. Only Jewish rule can ensure free Jerusalem for all believers. Nationally it should stay under Israeli sovereignty as it is today
49. Israel
Stephanie Sharma ,   USA   (10.20.05)
In article 31,someone states that the withdrawl is the beginning of the end for Israel. I want to say, Israel is a land chosen by God. It is the land where Christ walked and he will not allow such a time to occur. It seems distressful now and I know so many people are at a terrible loss. I do not agree with what Bush has done. I know that long around around the late 1400's a King named Heria ( I think that is how it is spelled) wrongfully and illegally took part of that land away from the Israeli's and he named it Palenstine. He did this to show his arrogance and over bearing control at the time. So, this land was always belonging to Isreal. I think that Bush has sat back and not said anything to defend Israel the way he should have during this crisis. I think that the many people in Palenstine have acted violently to get their way. I want to say not all have acted violently. Unfortunately there are many innocent people and children caught in the middle of this violence. I think that by giving the terrorist in Palenstine, what they want. It t is saying to them, If you act like terrorist you will get your way. I think if people think this, they may think their tactics will work in all their complications. I live in the United States and we have had two catastrophic events in the last six weeks. There is another one coming in by this Saturday. It is called Hurricane Wanda and it is the worst hurricane known to man in the United States. I pray for everyone's safety. However, I remember when Hurrican Katrina was being put out all over many news channels. I saw at the bottom of the screen, information being scrolled about all the death, destruction and terror going along the streets of Bethlehem, Gaza and the West Bank. I felt in my spirit that there is a correlation to what is going on here and how the situation in Israel has been ignored and tolerated by some of our officials here. Bush, says he is a godly man, I am just wondering why he has not stood up for such as strong case that is so close to God. Does he not know you can not do what ever you want and still receive the blessings God has for you? In order to receive the blessings God has for you. You must be listening to God and walking on the path he choose for you. I definetley think Bush, is sticking his head in the mud out of fear. I think he does not want to have confrontation with the rest of the Arab world. I think this all goes back to oil, power and money. However, there is not a one that is greater that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I promise you he will have the final say and he promised one day all the Jews would return to the land. I believe that will all my heart. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Peace be with you,Shalom
50. reconcilation between jews and gazawies
wassef Youssef ,   Denmark   (06.27.06)
people in gaza will suffer big losses , if the war starts again abu abeer is a big liar he is exaggurating and fooling his people like others because palestinians own no power to win .Only diplomacy can help to puch the peace process and the good will to approach a comprehensive dialogue.
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