Sharon: No more evacuations
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 06.09.05, 00:06
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23 Talkbacks for this article
milton ,   chicago   (09.06.05)
2. "we build and dont talk about it"
edward ,   las vegas   (09.06.05)
translation: kiss my fat a** america and europe. i fooled you all with that trash heap of gaza pullout, and now i will try to cement a permanant occupation, apartheid legal system, and ethnically cleanse arabs without talking about it. nice, im sure there will be no uproar over this monsters plan to destroy humanity
3. we will see
keep on dreaminig sharon , maybe you meant no more evacuation in your time because it's over for you but the next will do it even east Jursalem you will give it , the international comunity will not axept any other soluation because this is the final point to have peace in the region , but if you say this as propaganda for the new election so it's ok ... you can say whatever you want
4. A person cant do that
Lenny ,   USA   (09.06.05)
You cant assure the world that 'Netzrim is the same as Tel Aviv', then uproot 10,000 people, and then expect anything else to be believed. If a person says one thing before being elected, and then does slightly different, this is one thing (not good, but seems to happen) However what happened here is unprecedented- to be eleceted on one platform, and in fact carry out another one completely. Not Sharon, and not Bibi. They should both step down and leave the post to someone who might be able to withstand the pressure. May the next Prime Minister be the Moshiach, and this would be the best kind of leadership.
5. Arik -- The Serial Liar!!
Moshe Burt ,   Beit Shemesh   (09.06.05)
He said that his relationship with the Religious Nationalists was a "date", not a love affair. "Love on the rocks, no great surprise. Pour me a drink, and I'll tell you some lies." If you believe him now, I got a bridge for you, cheap.
6. Build and don't talk..
Tzippi ,   Usa   (09.06.05)
G-d is simply moving his faithful from Gush to the front, bc the next battle, the REAL one is for Jerusalem. The vile anti-semites of the world should take note: If you strike us down now , we will become more powerful then you could possibly imagine. Amen vamen.
7. Sharon No More Evacuations
Dov Koret ,   Givat Olga   (09.06.05)
Only an old fool would believe an old FOOL. Fool me once shame on you; FOOL me twice shame on me.
8. Re. comments
Lenny ,   USA   (09.06.05)
'Destroy humanity'- ??? Building a wall to try and prevent your citizens from being blown up- this is a crime against humanity? Also, it is not possible to compare this to South Africa in any way shape or form, if someone is truly educated in the history and the present of the situation. If oone even does some internet searches they could could up with the history of the region and get a better understanding of why this is completely not comparable. In addition, anyone who decides that Israel is required to give away land, might try to think hard about that. Literally every country on the planet at one point belonged to someone else. America should seemingly move back to England and give back the land to the Natives. Canada should split itself- some to France, some to England, and some to Asia... Though even that is not logical- the English should move out of Ireland and Scotland, and in fact should move back to Rome! But even that is not enough: the English and the French, along with the Germans and virtually all the Europian nations, should in fact move back to tribal areas around Iran and near Africa! In fact, we should all move back to Africa and the MidEast, because that is essentiall where we started from. Somehow we should bring bakc the DNA of the poor 'Phillistines' and give them back their land of Cana'an, and we should replant Egypt with their Native peoples, and all Arab DNA should be taken away... My point is that it is illogical to ask a country who won a *defensive* war with its enemies, to give away land that it rightfully won. Please, I aks anyone who has any reasoning to the contrary, to please explain. Lenny
9. Sharon: No more evacuations
Billy ,   Burlington, Canada   (09.06.05)
As an outsider interested observer, I don't see any contradictions of what Mr. Sharon is saying or doing. Gaza was a clever tactical unilateral move to protect Israel. He's just a devoted nationalist politician as he was a brilliant IDF General. He never denied before that Jerusalem is Israel’s forever capital nor committed to limit the state's boundaries to 1967's. We have to give the man a big credit for the expansion & increase of the settlements in Judea and Samaria. Can anyone deny that if he was not focused & effective in this & previous governments, the settlements reality in Judea and Samaria would be totally different? Was not he amazingly successful in fighting terror despite the controversial measures that he took? Despite the corruptions & atrocities accusations which he was cleared of, the history will remember him as a great Israeli who saved the nation. He has the right to defend his position as he wants to complete his mission. Again as an outsider, I think Israelis should be more grateful & supportive. Remeber, nothing is perfect. What really counts is achieving the long term results & that's what he's doing.
10. #2
peter ,   toronto,canada   (09.06.05)
Well , arabs not humanity but barbarians
11. Jerusalem
Micha ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.06.05)
Sharon said "Jerusalem is Israel’s capital forever." Please note that he did not say that Jerusalem will not be divided. He did not define which part of Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital. Sharon is a politician and like all politicians he engages in double talk. They use words in a way that can be interpreted in more than one way.
12. Re. #9
Lenny ,   USA   (09.06.05)
I think that people dont realize something: at around the same time that the Gaza plan was announced, the actual terrorism was very low. The reason was not related at all to the plan, but rather to the fact that the IDF destroyed a huge amount of their infrastructure and was after them wherever they were. Still, I think they could have done more, but what they *did* do, in fact proved to be the key to stopping the terrorism. Only it is claimed by some that the Gaza idea brought quiet, but this is simply innacurate. From the intense offensives that Israel launched, and the fact that the average Arab living in the PA areas realized that they are in fact the ones who are losing out after several years have gone by and nothing progressed. They lost all the terror leaders, they lost Arafat, and their economy wasnt there, and they couldnt enter Israel to work either... The support for the intifada was much less at that point, and practically speaking, their abilities were less as well... In other words, the IDF *could* prevent terrorism. Its not 'oh, we couldnt just go cat and mouse forever...' because if the IDF makes it clear what their objective is, it gets done. The terror people get scared and move more into hiding, and the public is more concerned about joining them... However, all this progress is now unfortunately being undone (-though its not too late, he can still refuse to hand over Gaza...) The terror groups have a major victory to show the public. They also have time and space to regroup, rearm, and replan. They now have no IDF intrusions to this either. They would also get the Gaza/Egypt smuggling as an open route now... In other words, it seems that casual coincidences can lead people to get the wrong impression of what this plan accomplished, when in fact it will and has accomplished the exact opposite! May we hear good news. Lenny
13. Occupations don’t evacuate, they are defeated and expelled
K. M. ,   USA   (09.06.05)
Some occupations may take longer than others, but in the end they will all fail and the occupied are librated. History, old and recent, is full of examples.
14. Re. 13
Lenny ,   USA   (09.06.05)
If you are implying that Israel is occupying, then that is incorrect. The Jews who were living in Israel at the time when it was called 'Palestine' by the British rule, are just as 'Palestinian' as the Arabs who claim this. But it actually goes deeper. The land of Israel simply belongs to the Jews and has belonged to them for over 3,000 years. In addition, there had been a direct and unbroken Jewish presence in the land for that period. At times there were many Jews, at times not so many; At times the Jews were in charge, and at times others had occupied it. But it has always been the Jewish Land of Israel since G-d commanded them to enter the Land. Though if one wishes to claim it as occupied by the Jews, and that they must 'unoccupy' it, then they might as well demand of the American to return to England. The Brazilians to return to Purtugal. The Mexicans to return to Spain. Etc. Etc. The world seems to have bought the carefully designed false ideas which were developed by Arab/Muslim leaders and terrorists as a means to deligitimize Israer and bring her to her knees. It is truly shocking that the world has bought it. If one wishes to understand the situation there, one must study the real history and the truth about the present. To simply listen and/or read the news, one would only be hearing and reading part of this false idea which has been developed. I dont blame them (the Arabs/Muslims)- they dont like Israel. But for other people to be buying what they have sold, this I think is illogical and pretty upsetting once you know the truth.
15. Don't talk about it
Meir ,   Beit Shmesh   (09.06.05)
It is a bit cynical, to say we'll do something, but not talk about it. It's like saying I'll tell you a secret. In short, the less publicity the better, it is less provocative as well it it is not talked about, so I just wish the press would stop looking for sensational headlines, and just report the news rather than trying to make it.
16. Remember what he said about settlements before the election?
He lied before and he's lying again... he promised never to give up the settlements before the last election... he thinks he's got a winning formula which is to lie to the people and if he gets in, he'll do another u-turn. Pathological liars like Sharon will never change.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.06.05)
18. EVACUATION - Hardly!
Adina Kutnicki ,   NJ, US   (09.06.05)
Stop using the nonsensical and cynical word "evacuation". Evacuation means rescue from distress. The only rescue the "settlers" needed was from their own gov't! This abuse of terminology is compared to the fox guarding the henhouse. EXPULSIONS & subsequent demolitions & decimations are the only accurate terms to be used. Y net - Stop sounding like a disciple of Goebell's.
19. to Edward
Hilda ,   USA   (09.06.05)
So Israel is apartaid. So what do you call the new Judenrein Gaza and the planned Judenrein Palestine. the present country of Jordan and every Arab country. Why is it that Arabs can live in Israel , be citizens of srael, be members of the Knesset but Jews cannot live in the Muslim Countries.? I think you have your priorities backwards.I
20. disengagement
Hilda ,   USA   (09.06.05)
Tell me what is the difference between what Sharon did in Gaza and Jordan army did in Jerusalem In both cases, Jews were expelled, Jewihs houses destroyed synagogues destroyed . In both cases Israel was dishonored
21. Linda
first time you say what's right Linda , because the Israelians has to give BACK much more lands that the peace cover the area includeing east Jerusalem , how long it will take ... that's what we don't know but it will happen for sure .... the Justice , the International comunity , the UN resolutions , and more than all of those the HISTORY say that it will happen , please don't write me again that Jerusalem was never a capital for the arabs and it's mentioned 600 time in the Bible because we know it and we read the Bible too not only you , but you need to read the history too to learn something .... ok baby
22. Hilda
sorry to tell you that you are ignorant about what you are talking about , first of all those Arabs who live in Israel are there before the Jewish it's their land ... in Arab countries we live all Moslims and Christians and Jewish all have the same rights , all can be members in the parleman all can be ministers in the Government ... is there any arab as a minister in the Israelian government ? and before you speake about the rights in the arab countries look how is the situation in Israel ... are all the Israelians hast the same rights even the Jewish ? of course not because it depend on from where they came .... they are diterbuted as first , second and theird degrees ... they are even rasicts with their people not only with the Arabs . are you too young Hilda ? ... smile
23. Hilda!
Fivish ,   UK   (09.07.05)
Dear Hilda, The Arabs mostly came to the Land of Israel in the 1920's when the Jews rejuvenated the land that had been desolate for centuries. International Law recognises the return of Jews to reconstitiute their home land by right and not by sufferance. It also demands settlement by Jews of all of Palestine. It is a monstrous crime that Britain reneged on the Mandate due to the discovery of OIL a few years after the Mandate came into force. OIL rather than justice has been the policy ever since.
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