Hamas: Haifa, Jaffa are next
Ali Waked
Published: 14.09.05, 01:44
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. on gaza
rafi ,   israel   (09.14.05)
Let's see the obvious: Arab-->from arabia (NOT Gaza or West Bank, or 'palestine') Jew-->from Judea (land of Israel including Gaza, West Bank and Israel) Who is the owner by definition, creed and presence-->Jews Who is the interloper by definition, creed and presence-->foreign arab invader (& their descendents) from arabia Get it? nuff said...
32. hey #9
AK   (09.14.05)
When you wrote that you want to live in peace with you neighbors, for a moment, I belived you. You didn't mean Jewish neighbors, did you? What are you planning now, changing your name from the original Canaanites to the authentic Hebrews, with the original Philistines fitting somewhere in between. Somebody suggested Antarctica as the right place for you, and I concur
33. #25
AK   (09.14.05)
How very little does it take for your civilized veneer to slip off and expose the crudeness underneath? No, it is not national origin, but uncivilized, vicious behavior that marks those people as somewhat less than human. If you cannot see it, you’re one of them. The same goes for the “human being from Gaza.” In one post he talks about being a good neighbor, and here he threatens that sooner or later, Israel will be destroyed. Can any of you be trusted? The answer is sadly, NO.
34. 33
Nablus 1   (09.15.05)
You are talking as if you are the most honest human on earth when the opposite is true, you are from the USA and you don't know nothing about the problem, who can trust Sharon or mufaz and the rest of the gang, these people are wanted in Europe and being chased by the Interpol for committing war crimes so please stop talking about trust and idealism and don’t use the anti Semitic card because it is no longer affective, if you are describing us as less than humans what can you describe those wanted war criminals and the people who put them in office????? Nazis, animals, nonhumans LONG LIVE GAZA THE WEST BANK IS NEXT INSHAALAH
cletus holloway ,   bowling green u.s.a.   (09.15.05)
Daisy>u.s.a. you are right as rain! There has never been a palestine and I'll dare to go farther,>>PALESTINE WAS NOT,IS NOT,AND NEVER WILL BE! The Land of Israel including part of Lebanon,Syria,and Jordon belong to the Jewish people and one day they will dwell therein.
36. #29 &30
cletus holloway ,   bowling green u.s.a.   (09.15.05)
#29 There are no palestinians there never was any palestinians,nor shall there EVER be any palestinians! #30 Or should I say Hamas or some other militant group,whoever you are your goal is to drive Israel into the sea,where the name of Israel will not be any more. It won't happen for God will stop you in your tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
37. Israel vs.Arabs
thunder hawk ,   america   (09.15.05)
who will win?who is right? GOD WiLL DECIDE!
39. cletus holloway
Abu zaid ,   Jerusalem   (09.18.05)
Are you blind or deff or retarded??? FYI, Palestinians outnumber Israelis Also, for you to know and That dizzy Daisy, Israel is 55 years old , but Palestine is thousands of years Think with your brain, not your feet
40. Crack open a Torah
Kemaste ,   USA   (09.19.05)
and you'll find out just hold old Israel is. It's remarkable how with all this talk of genocide etc that Palies numbers are skyrocketing. The truth is Israel has always been small in number. But the braintrust is beyond measure. And while Arabs out number Jews their intellect in infinitesimal.
41. HAMASTAN must be destroyed by force
Gabor ,   Budapest   (09.19.05)
I'm sorry but there are places on earth where democratic measures can NOT help to achieve peace. Israel must destroy Hamas even if there are civilians in Gaza. Islamists and their supporters understand only the language of force! Let them to become martyres! NO more territories, no more talks about Palestinian statehood! They don't deserve it! Europe and America must finish to support Palestinians, i.e. Islamist interests!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.19.05)
Strengthening global jihad, the Islamofascists are receiving amazing help in the jihad against Israel from the international community. The entire world will pay the price of an Islamic terror state in Israel. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. JERUSALEM IS MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES IN THE BIBLE, not once in the Koran. Around 1948, Arabs violently ETHNICALLY CLEANSED about one million Jews from Arab countries. Arab governments seized the land, homes, bank accounts, businesses and assets of the Jews. Most of the Jewish refugees fled to Israel. THERE MUST NOW BE A JUST SETTLEMENT FOR THE JEWISH REFUGEES AND THEIR DESCENDANTS-COMPENSATION IN LAND AND FINANCES. In 1922, Britain illegally gave MOST OF PALESTINE-80% TO THE ARABS. The area became Jordan, giving the Arabs an Arab Palestinian state on JEWISH land. IT WAS ETHNICALLY CLEANSED OF JEWS. This area is part of ancient, Biblical Israel, and along with present-day Israel, including Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan was recognized by the League of Nations as the Jewish homeland. In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza and ethnically cleansed ALL Jews. In 1948, Jordan invaded Judea-Samaria (West Bank) and east Jerusalem and ETHNICALLY CLEANSED ALL JEWS. Jordan, opposing G-D DESTROYED 58 synagogues in Jerusalem. In 1967 when Israel won Islam's religious war of aggression against it, Jews returned to the areas of their homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Islamofascists DECEITFULLY call this return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. ALL of the Jewish land, homes, properties and businesses stolen from the Jews in the 1948 Islamic invasion must be returned to the Jews IMMEDIATELY.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.19.05)
Global jihad is greatly empowered with the support of the U.S. EU and UN for an Islamic terror state in Israel that will threaten the world. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. JERUSALEM IS MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES IN THE BIBLE, not once in the Koran. Arabs FIRST took the name “Palestinians” in 1967. Arafat was the FIRST leader of this NEW PEOPLE. Before 1948, Jews were known as the Palestinians! The Jewish newspaper, the Jerusalem Post was called the Palestine Post. After the Jews miraculously transformed desert and swamps into rich, agricultural land (for which Jews are world famous!) Arabs came in large numbers from Arab countries for jobs from the Jews. The fact that the overwhelming majority of Arabs resided only briefly in Palestine is attested to by the special UN decree: that any Arab who had resided in Palestine FOR ONLY TWO YEARS BEFORE 1948, and then left, would be considered a refugee and so would his descendants!!! On March 31, 1977, Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”
44. nablus
tony ,   paris   (09.19.05)
You are quick to condem some one who comes from another country,do you know some thing about him:/her?I don't recall reading the origins of this person,who you are quick to insult as being from the USA Who can trust, Abbas or any body else from the Palestinian side?All these so called,"FREEDOM FIGHTERS",who are your "leaders"they are the ones who should be wanted by interpole,and in Europe,for CRIMES AGAINST THE JEWISH PEOPLE.Do you really believe that all the innocent men women and children,that your people have butchered,in cold blood,do not merit,the war crimes title???It is you palestinians who should stop using the "LOOK WHAT THE ISRAELIS ARE DOING TO US ""card,because it just does'nt work any more.and I quote your words of none intellect,"What can you describe those who are wanted as war criminals,and the peoplewho put them there?"Nazis ,animals,non humans??"Take a good look at your "leaders"&what they have done,not only to the jewish people,but to innocent civilians,all over the world,and then tell me that they are not "Nazis"& non humans"You have the audacity to blame the jewish people,for the misery that your "Leaders have put you in,If you had the guts,to stand up and be as proud as you all say you are,and tell these "Leaders" that you would like to start living normal lives,,then maybe you would'nt be in this MUD hole you are now in.So I suggest you pals,start looking in the mirror,at your true faces,and come to terms with who you really are,& whom you wish to become.
45. a question
pierre ,   belgique   (09.19.05)
here is a question I want to ask HUMAN BEING?THE EGYPTIAN SALAMEH&YASMEEN.Why are the people in Lebanon,wanting to kill all the Palestinians??,,are you not their Brothers,Not that they ,or any other arab country,did any thing for you,besides send "freedom fighters"to,murder innocent citizens, on behalf of your crusades Why are they now wanting you dead???Please explain as it is very confusing,MERCI for your enlightement.
46. next on the list???
tony ,   paris   (09.19.05)
Could some one please ring up "allah",and have the 72 virgins ready,I think it wont be long now ,till this Smuck gets thebig bang.Oh sorry!!!!!he has to blow himself up,into a10000 pieces,There is one thing I would like to say to this,wretch,I sincerely hope,that if and when you hand over your flag to your sons,they will be more intelligent and educated to do the right thing,because your handing down this heritage of violence and destruction,will surely destroy their future,should they decide to continue in your footsteps.and just as Arafat has disappeared,from the scene,so will all the Pals,"Leaders" that choose the same path.
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