4 terrorists killed in Gaza
Ali Waked
Published: 24.09.05, 17:38
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31. Wrong Jenin
???   (09.24.05)
Israeli's are strong and determined people as well. If history has taught us anything, it's the fact that Jews are survivors.
32. Re31 Survivors
Jenin ,   jenin refugee camp   (09.25.05)
So are Animals, they are the best Survivors of all species, if you claim palestine is yours since thousands of years why didn't you defend it, where were you all these years, or you were waiting for England to help you and now it is America You are fake, I refrained from calling you cowards because this applies to legitimate claimers
33. To #7; Why the kids in Sderot need to pay for the 19
Palestinians that Hamas killed? It wasn't Israel's fault, yet they shot 36 misisles at this city and its surrounding. Do you think they can concetrate when there's a real danger to their life? You are safe in your house, all the blasts you've heard were sonic booms (when you pass the sound barrier of 1000kmh there's a boom sound) that were done just to scare people. Only 2 missiles were shot today, and only one hit inside Gaza city. We should do exactly what you are doing, you shoot 36 Kassams on Sderot than we shoot 36 artilery shells on Gaza city. Israel has to protect its civilians and if that's what it takes than that's what should be done.
34. Jasmine - why do I have to pay
AK   (09.25.05)
Sorry Jasmine, but you unfortunately have to pay for the actions of your fathers, uncles, brothers and the rest of your family. Hamas are not foreign invaders -- they are you, all of you. If they people in Israel from your territory, then everybody becomes a target, that's the way wars usually work. During WWII, cities were bombed, even allied occupied cities. Thanks to UN and world callousness where Jews are concerned your people have had it really easy, literally getting away with murder; therefore, you all have come to believe that it must always be the case. It isn't. Your people are the aggressor so either they stop the attacks or you look for sympathy someplace else, not from me.
35. thank you SHaron go on
mıhael ,   lstanbul   (09.25.05)
please fıre all palestlnlan terrltorles klLL all terrorlsts
DACON9 ,   BROOKLYN NY   (09.25.05)
MANY HERE KNOW MY TOUGH ATTITUDE ON ARABS AND DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL BE TOUGHER ,,,BUT HERE I WILL WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO 'TEACH ME A THING OR TWO' I WILL PAUSE AND THINK TWICE.... YASMEEN,see HER comments #16'' SAID THAT SHE WANTS THE BOMBING IN GAZA TO STOP,SHE IS AGAINST HAMAS,,AND THAT SHE IS A JEW...SHE IS A JEW?????? I pride myself on the ability to read into people and words, and i will say that I am excellent on that inspite of what many of you ignoramases say .,, so i am very suspect of her posting in many ways.. I THOUGH EVERY SINGLE JEW HAD TO LEAVE GAZA. if she lived in gaza as a Jew then she should have sympathies for the Israeli positon of presently bombing in a counter measure move and she should be the one to fly the plane and pull the trigger for the complete disengagement of gaza.... I RESERVED MY OPINION...AND NOW I CAME TO MY CONCLUSION. PEOPLE..DONT BE SO LIBERAL ..WAKE UP AND BE SUSPECT..IF SHE IS JEWISH , SHE WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR BEING IN GAZA....HEY LIBERAL BLEEDING HEARTS WATCH OUT,,THEY WILL GET YOU WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT. THE SNAKE WAS A SMOOTH OPERATOR ..THEN ADAM ATE OF THE FRUIT...
37. Anti Teddy Roosevelt
David ,   Brooklyn   (09.25.05)
Since Oslo, Israel has talked tough, but carries a tiny stick. Israels response, other than impotent retaliations, will be to Disengage from the Western Negev and Ashkelan.
38. 15 year old Palestinian
David ,   Brooklyn   (09.25.05)
Because you and/or your friends are burning synagogues, performing suicide bombings, and committing other violant acts. If you are old enough to attack Israelis, you should be old enough to say "no" to the Terrorists. There is no difference between Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Al Queda. They are all murderers, and must be eliminated. If Abbas won't do it, he must be eliminated too.
39. Meaning of Zionism
David ,   Brooklyn,NY   (09.25.05)
Let's not play games. Zionism is a religious term for believing that Ha Aretz belongs to the Jewish people because G-d gave it to us. This was the first commentary of Rashi on Breishit. If one is a Zionist, they cannot support an Arab nationality on the same land. One can support however those non Jews that are living there, live productive lives, and are a vital part of the existence of the State. Those Arabs that threaten our existence by committing acts of Terror (which incidentally is Hamas in Hebrew), according to the Torah, must be all destroyed. See First Kings (Shaul) in the Tanach. In a recent Parsha, we are also reminded to Zachor what Amelek has done to our people. This is also one of the Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith. It is very unhealthy and unwise to finess the Torah.
40. #34 AK, 36 Dacon9, 38 david
Yasmine ,   Gaza   (09.25.05)
AK: "you unfortunately have to pay for the actions of your fathers, uncles, brothers and the rest of your family". Would you please stop believing that everyone in gaza is hamas?! Dacon: my friend, who are you quoting?! why are u calling me a jew? i may be symphatsizing with jews but i didnt say that..who r u quoting ?! David: "Because you and/or your friends are burning synagogues, performing suicide bombings, and committing other violant acts." WHAT????????? again, its suh a pity, all people are here think that all palestinians are like the ones they see on tv.... NO .... u people have to be more open minded, i dont think everybody in israel walks around with a gun just waiting to killl an arab(like they show us on tv), i dont believe all people my age who are being drafted in a couple of yeasr are so happy about it cuz theyr blood thirsty, NO, cuz if i did, i would be called retarded, and im not.. so you people have to stop believeing that everyone in gaza is hamas, that every single teen wishes to be a suicde bomber and burn a synogage, NO!!!! now if ALL palestinians believe that ALL israelis are blood thirst murders and if ALL israelis believe that ALL palestinians are terrorists, how would we ver have peace? even if the majority of the people are bad, theres still hope.. of course this does not make me as a palestinan side with the israelis or vice versa, but being open minded and the willingness to accept the mistakes of my own side and of the other side is what will make me, and the younger generation(at least most of it) of both the palestinian and israelis able to put an end to this war peacfully. Fingers crossed!
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