IDF kills top terrorist
Efrat Weiss
Published: 25.09.05, 21:53
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31. #27 ny ny
dahvid ,   usa   (09.26.05)
Israel was attacked pre-1967. The PA charter calls for the elimination of Israel and all Jews from the land. Israel has just ceeded land and the answer is violent attacks. Are yooo actually saying that if Israel withdrew to the 1967 borders then the pals would be happy and proceed to build a peaceful society in harmony with Israel? The historical facts suggest otherwise. The pals would gain much, much more by being peaceful and working productively with Israel.
32. #11
Abu Zaid ,   jerusalem   (09.26.05)
I am sorry to wish that you were in that car because you are just as bad All hardliners need to go Whoever they are.
33. B.S. As Usual
Egyptain ,   Egypt   (09.26.05)
What did the Muslim culture ever do for the world? For example Science The word algorithm named after Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, His work on algorithm, introduced the method of calculating by use of Arabic numerals and decimal notation. The Tariff system was established by Muslims also. The word origin is from an Arabic word. The number system is called Arabic numerals. In Health, Muslims establish the hospital systems, while in Europe they were using saint’s bones to treat their patients. In their decline God still generous and gave them oil and let the money come out of the earth. The question should be what Jews ever do to the world, beside collecting money?
34. Some justice for Tali & her children. May they rest in peace
Adina Kutnicki ,   NJ, US   (09.26.05)
Better late than never. Why in the world was this terror fiend allowed to breathe one day longer after he killed beautiful Tali and her wonderful family?? Judaism expects its leaders to exact revenge on those who kill our people. As much as Israel is supposed to be a light unto the nations, it is also expected to protect its citizens in the Jewish homeland. More targeted assasinations are needed to end this scurge once and for all. Rest in peace Tali and children.
35. Shut up post 8
???   (09.26.05)
"They have to suffer the same pain-that the Palestinians feel- all the way." Trust me....the Jews have suffered more than you can imagine. But apparently that's still not enough for you. Do mankind a favor and don't pro-create....the world has enough head cases as it is.
36. Palestinian terrorists are not brake Post 14
???   (09.26.05)
If they were truly brave, they wouldn't hide behind women and children.
37. To Synagogue Burner #29
classified ,   hereandthere   (09.26.05)
Israel got out of Gaza because of Hamas and Jihad, not because she wanted peace? And the majority of people around the world know this? Pardon my French but you must be delusional. What the majority of people around the world know (and saw) is that Israel showed good will and left Gaza (which is what you Arabs wanted, right?) To celebrate your newly-found freedom, you started by burning the synagogues in Gush Katif. Your second act of business was to fire thirtysome Qassam rockets into Israel. Guess what: You're starting to reap what you sowed.
38. yakir, bring em on buba
alan ,   san francisco   (09.26.05)
Hamas and Jihad resumed hostilities over the weekend by thinking the world was going to say it is ok to kill more Jews. Wrong Yakir. It is not ok to send rockets and mortars into Israel. That is why after Hamas lost a lot of its weapons supplies, it decided to raise the white flag, again so the IDF would not take out all its leaders. Yes it raised a white flag. But then keeps firing at Israel proper. The response is going to shake the ground. This is not pre pullout Buba. The gloves are off. Run and hide terrorists.
39. Peace?
Eik Corell ,   Copenhagen, Denmark   (09.26.05)
"NY, NY" - do you really believe there will be peace if Israel went back to the 1967 borders? Do you really think that would stop a society that praises murderers as heroes and sends their kids as suicide bombers to leave the Jews alone? A society that names its various schools, soccer tournaments, etc, after murderers and terrorists? You actually believe that a society so sick and twisted would just stop the killing of Jews because Israel appeases the world by giving away land that it justly claimed after several arab armies tried to destroy it? Man... And please, don't go into international law. You clearly know nothing about it. And as far as thievery goes, well, historically speaking, that doesn't make sense, so I'm gonna assume that you mean that as an insult. And I say it's a poor one at that. Anyway, as far as the article goes - Booyah! Another one bites the dust.
40. I am so glad he is dead!
Molly ,   Australia   (09.26.05)
May Israel keep killing these vermin.
41. To Yakir Switzerland
greenpeace ,   World/   (09.26.05)
Do not you hear the news about those who made and used atomic and chemical bombs, it is the westernworld, who caused the oil prices reach the highest ever, it is the western DEVELOPPED world. go and read about the massacres done by zionists such as you against civil palestinians and libanese, those caused by Ramsfield and W Bush against Afghan, Iraqi, and also do not forget those who used chemical green effect against vietnam paysants. Fuck you western world. I advise you to go and read the history to see when Jerusalem lived in peace, when Europe lived in peace, it was under the islamic era. JUST FOR YOUR INFO if U have ANY.
42. To 33 The Egyptian
AK   (09.26.05)
If you really want to know what the Jews gave the world read "The Gifts of the Jews," by Thomas Cahill. To get a nice perspective, you could also read the same author's, " How the Irish Saved Civilization." As to the achievements of Arabs -- not many for so many people. As to mathematical achievements, I read someplace that the credit ought to go to Assyrians, not Arabs. Similarly, I remember reading that the majority of the doctor’s where Jews, even then.
43. Song
Oleh Hadash ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.26.05)
Sung to the tune of a foreign commercial: If you've got Moslems, Moslems Who keep on giving problems, Don't give in, You can win! Give them nukes, Nukes! There's really no excuse, To take this sh*t from Bin Ladin!
44. Jews' contribution to the world (response to Ahmed # 33)
Oleh Hadash ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.26.05)
Ahmed the ignorant Egyptian only exposes his prejudice and ignorance in his post. Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Sigmund Freud, Steven Spielberg, Jonas Salk, Carl Sagan - all Jews! Benoit Mandelbrot, Ayn Rand, Baruch Spinoza, Paul Samuelson - Jews too. Franz Kafka, Nadine Gordimer, Primo Levi, Isaac Asimov... yes, Jewish. This is just a quick random selection of Jews who have made an exceptional contribution to humanity. I'd go on and on but there is a limit on the length of talkback submissions (we'd need several gigabytes or terabytes of space to even scratch the surface). One of the clearest measures is the number of Nobel Prizes Jews have received for their contributions across the board; a tiny nation has produced so many great thinkers and architects for a better world. And yet all the world gives us in return is hatred and bitterness and venom. Shame on you, ignorant, prejudiced Ahmed. All your wonderful Arab culture has given us is terrorism, oppression of women, ignorance, hatred, poverty, backwardness and regression to savagery. You Arabs have been given control of the most critical resource in the world and yet you cannot produce anything and instead blame everyone else (especially the Jews) for the failings of your backward culture. Simple question: which is more developed, Cairo or Tel Aviv? Where does one live better? In the ubiquitous sewer cities of the Arab world or in the lush and productive land of Israel? We Jews started with NOTHING: we have a tiny sliver of land (less than 1% of the landmass controlled by Arabs); we have no water; no natural resources; few people; many enemies (like you) - and yet we have prospered and made our little corner of the world bloom. In just two weeks the savage Arabs in Gaza have destroyed everything the Jews produced and are quickly regressing to their natural primitive state. Soon they'll be starving and wallowing in their own sewage. Of course, they and the world will blame it on us... while we will continue to produce doctors and scientists, mathematicians, thinkers, poets and writers, philosophers and visionaries, computer scientists and technology experts bringing the world closer together... And you, you'll be left with your hatred and bitterness, your resentment and your sewage and donkey carts and suicide bombs. Enjoy wallowing in your misery! Am Yisrael Chai!
45. Sorry, not Ahmed... confused with another post
Oleh Hadash ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.26.05)
Post 44 should not refer to Ahmed, merely to "Egyptian" as he calls himself. Apologies - I confused his post with another by an Ahmed. But this doesn't change the content and substance of my remarks.
46. #44
Ahmad ,   Nablus,Palestine   (09.26.05)
you missed one big name ...Issac Newton, Hertz, I really admire most of these names like Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan ..because they contributed a lot to humanity and especially to modern physics....I agree with you 100% that we are contributing nothing to the world ...I know that ...and I really Ashamed!! but DO YOU LIKE TO KNOW ..WHY??? I think you can understand my point because people who know "Feynman" are intresting to talk with, NOW .....for the last 50years we are ruled by regimes where freedom of expression is zero....where corruption is just horrible! where intellegence services are controlling evey thing...those blood stained regimes are wasting our money every where ...but not in education and Research and development our countries a silly security officer can Turn your life into hell!! you will never see a single research paper published from a single arab university!!! the gulf countries will enjoy 500Billion$ as aresult of increase in oil price ....but this will go to their palaces and their prostitutes!!!!!.........I know all that .....exactly like you!!!! but one thing you refused to know ......these regimes were created and protected by the WEST UK and USA!!!!! now you will ask me ..why you don't try to uproot them??? ok ...go to the prisons in cairo..Amman..Riyadh..Damascus..Tripolli...Tunisia....!!!!!! you will find hundres of thousands of scholars ......some of them are there for the last 30 years ..and no one ever saw them!!!!!!! and finally ...we know the same facts are happy but I am sad dreaming about a better life!!! bye
47. Oleh Hadash ,Song
Ahmad ,   NAblus,Palestine   (09.26.05)
hurting others feelings....especially when it comes to religion will not ADD any good CONTRIBUTION! and to know more about bil ladin and terrorism ,,,,just wake up and watch Fahreheit 9/ will know the real culprits.
48. I think # 11 needs to understand English
Ahamd ,   Nablus   (09.26.05)
you are just a stupid who couldn't understand my words!!! I didn't mean that at all!!
49. To Ahmed #46
Adam ,   Manchester   (09.26.05)
Ahmed you have mentioned a number of superb Arab develpoments in the past but what have you done in the last, 50, 100, 500 or 1000 years??? Considering that Jews make up a half of a half of 1% of the world popualation and muslims take up about 22% or so, what are the propotional achievements made relecting the contribution by these peoples? Jewish advances in medicine, the arts, literature, economics etc far outweigh any muslim/Arab achievement. You have the suicide bomber and a lot of oil as well treating women as second class citizens so a lot to be proud of im sure............ I did notice however that all the nations you mentioned whose prisons are full of scholars are all muslim and ALL have far worse human rights records than Israel! When it comes down to it, the Arabs are their own worst enemy, they all hate each other and would stab each other in the back in private but in public they are all 'brothers'. if you were 'brothers' you would have defeated Israel in 1973!
50. As long as it will take ...
Hiram ,   Beyrouth   (09.26.05)
IDF will reply to terror attack as long as they will not stop. Today these reply are " mild" . Tomorrow, it might be tougher. The solution is between the hands or terror movements Hamas and Islamic Jihad : Disarm.Disband,Obey, be curbed. Should hamas and Islamic Jihad continue with their racists and criminal approach, Palestine will never become a state. Choice is yours.
51. Arab achievements in Medicine, philosophy etc
raykie ,   Israel   (09.26.05)
It's interesting isnt it that these achievements were made in the years during which there were Jews among the Arabs who were allowed to study and write. Since the time that Jews have been banished from your lands or restricted in their movements the Arab achievements have melted away.
52. Still B.S.
Egyptian ,   Egypt   (09.26.05)
I didn’t say Arab achievements, I said Muslim achievements. This Arab myth was invented by the British as a part of their war against the Ottomans. Yes some achievement in the medical field was achieved by Jews. Even one of Saladin physician’s was Jew. You can read about the treatment of Jews in Islam The contribution of Muslim civilization Most of the people you mention were Jews from other nationalities. Their achievement belongs to the countries they exist and live in. Albert Einstein was born in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879 and died in us. What is the contribution of Jewish civilization? Not individuals belong to your religions?
53. Ynet
Ahmad ,   Nablus,Palestine   (09.26.05)
Ynet, you should mention clearly that you are interested in making this site as "Jewish" that you all can enjoy cursing muslems freely !!! and you are posting my comments and the other muslem from Egypt just to stimulate and generate more and more jewish posts,,,,,,sorry to say that you are far a way from tranceparancy and professionalism
54. In response to #53 "Ynet"
Oleh Hadash ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.26.05)
Ahmad, you complain if they do post your comments that it is a ploy to elicit a response; if they don't post your comments you'll complain that they're racist and excluding Arab / Moslem views. This is TAM (Typical Arab Mentality), or should that be TMM (Typical Moslem Mentality). Behave like moral, civilised and decent people and you won't get the kind of responses that you complain about. Again, the issue is one of taking personal responsibility rather than just blaming and pointing fingers. It's easy to be a victim!
55. Response to # 52: "Still B.S."
Oleh Hadash ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.26.05)
Arab, Moslem - whatever you want to call it - that culture will be remembered for bringing the world terrorism, religious intolerance and persecution, oppression of women, hate and bloodlust. While the Jews create spacecraft and advanced computer systems and decode the mystery of the human gene, the Moslem world creates its vision of utopia: Taliban Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Hamas, the slums of Cairo and Pakistan. Good going! Egyptian, when you blame the British for creating an Arab myth as part of their war against the Ottomans (I don't understand what this argument proves, but it is part of your usual blame game), you prove my point about how Moslems refuse to take responsibility for themselves. Moslems constantly blame everyone except themselves for their problems: the West, the Cold War, the Jews, the British, corrupt leaders, Europe, America, Israel, Sharon, the Zionist conspiracy, capitalism, the oil companies, the war on the Ottomans - anyone except yourselves! The Moslem world needs a big dose of introspection and soul searching. Instead of pointing your fingers at everyone else, acknowledge how your own culture, values, beliefs and actions have led you to the dead end that you now find yourselves in. Unfortunately no one in the Moslem world has shown the courage and maturity to embark on this process - and if they do, you are very quick to kill or otherwise silence them. Instead, you choose to be perpetual victims, perpetually bitter and angry and resentful. When you don't get your way you throw a tantrum like a spoiled child. Unfortunately your tantrums involve explosives and hijacked planes while a kid's tantrums generally involve nothing more lethal than a stuffed toy. The average two year old has more self-awareness and self-control than Moslem society. And unfortunately the West (esp Europe) is just giving in and giving in to the Moslems' temper tantrums. I don't have kids but I am sure that any parent will agree that this is a recipe for disaster. Egyptian, you are blinded by hate and prejudice. Go back to your miserable life in Cairo, go back to the hate and anger that you have been fed all your life, go back to the lack of responsibility and perpetual victimhood, go back to plotting to terrorise and hurt us. And when you blow yourself up playing with your bombs, blame the Jews!
56. To Egyptian on Jewish achievement
AK   (09.26.05)
Egyptian, you post is evidence enough why there is no achievement among MUSLIMS in any field other than blowiating and terrorism. You state that the Jews, like Einstein, were born “someplace else,” as opposed to where -- Israel? There was no Israel until 1948. Jews HAD to be born and live in foreign lands, since, you Muslims, had stolen their land and brought it to ruin, making it uninhabitable. Yet, let’s face it; Israeli Jews have more scientific and literary achievements, all of 5 million of them, then the billion Muslims. Now, what does it say about your Muslim civilization? As to Jews having a distinct civilization: Jews have not only a separate religion, from which both Christianity has sprung and your Islam heavily “borrowed,” but separate ethnic identity, including language which they managed to preserve for almost 2000 years, without the protection of their own country . That Jews managed to preserve their culture, language, identity, as well as religion in the hostile environments attests to the strength of Jewish civilization.
57. Greenpeace
AK   (09.26.05)
Jerusalem lived in peace and greatness when it was in Jewish hands. But those nations around her wouldn't allow her peace. When Jerusalem became Muslim, it declined and became a small dirty little town. Now, that the Jews returned home, Jerusalem is coming back to life.
58. at #30
Yakir ,   Switzerland   (09.26.05)
try on ebay dude... ;-b
59. Still B.S.
Egyptian ,   Egypt   (09.26.05)
To AK-47 It's a news to me that you can read. You need to get a life man. I’m not blinded by hate and prejudice. I have any very Good life in Cairo; despite I’m outside Egypt right now. You just want to see and hear your own voice. People from different backgrounds complain about your high class civilization. How Columbians suffer from your military expert that trains the drug dealers for the money. I don’t have time to care about you, but you and similar people like you think that everybody out here is trying to get you. I don’t care simply about your country. Muslim achievement is widely spread and we don’t need a proof from a guy filled with hatred. The fact about the British role in the religion was actually criticized by a British man and you can read his book for a change, this if you can read. I will stop blaming the British, If you stop blaming the Nazi. You can not claim that Jews created spacecraft and advanced computer systems. Simply this is not true; all of this stuff was developed by different scientist from all over the world. Actually one of the leading scientists in the space program is an Egyptian. Your point of view shows how racist actually you are. You didn’t reply by facts, just the same broken record you have in your closet. The slums actually are those people who stole other people land. No body blames Israel or Jews for our problems we only blame yourself. If you don’t like us these much stop begging us to normalize the relation.
60. @53, Ahmad, Nabus
Pieter ,   Holland   (09.27.05)
Excuse me!!!!!!!!, I find it hard to believe what I’m reading here! Are you really accusing Ynetnews of publishing your posts? Then why are you sending/posting them????????.........stupid! You are not used to opposition, isn’t it? Let me guess, you find your mother, sisters and nieces a lot easier to handle/oppress. (They don’t talk back, and if they do you just hit them) Just tell me; your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were closely related to each other, weren’t they? (Inbreeding does nasty things to the human brain and you know that better than all of us.) Welcome to the real world where we all are minorities (even that allah of yours) I have read a lot of stupid posts, but this is one I will remember my entire life. Unbelievable!
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