Arab population on the rise
Published: 28.09.05, 12:28
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31. Yo Uri
George W ,   Chicago IL   (09.28.05)
Uri; I agree there are definitely other countries that have bad situations, which the US is helping. The president of Uzbekistan (a great friend of the US and recipient of US military aid) likes to boil his opponents alive, in boiling water. The IDF might be unkind, but they're not that bad. But that doesn't mean that, because we allow someone else to get away with dirty stuff, we should let Israel get away with dirty stuff. We should put conditions on anyone who gets aid from us. If we acted like that, a lot of the problems we have now could have been avoided. Anyways, I'm writing about Israel here because I've got personal connections, and because it's a forum about Israel. As per wanting to be a majority; look, I live in a country where, at some point during my lifetime, white people like me are going to be a minority. This isn't good or bad, it's just a fact-- and it's of no special concern to anyone other than a few bigots. Granted, the history of white Americans is somewhat different from the history of Jews, but my point is this. Maybe you like the US with a white majority (which is already starting to sound racist, but whatever). The question then becomes, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to limit the number of births that non-white people are allowed to have? Are you going to expel non-whites to other countries? Are you going to prohibit foreign spouses from moving to the US if they're not white? Are you going to refer to non-whites as a cancer or ticking bombs? These are racist solutions. Same thing with Israel. Zionism obviously works a lot better if there aren't any Arabs around. But there are, and you're going to have to treat them fairly if you want to call yourselves a democracy. Once you start looking at your fellow citizens as the enemy, when no more than a handful have done anything violent against you, and once you start thinking of ways to make fewer of them, you're starting down a very dark path. Anyways, gotta leave work. Cheers, George
32. I choose to suspect every arab
Newt   (09.29.05)
It doesn't make me a racist, because i never felt this way until 9/11. Justifying my opinion to a person such as yourself is a waste of time. The US gives billions of dollars to Palestinians as well and I have yet to see any good coming out of it. It's been directed to support the attacks on Israel or Arafat's wife in Paris. Your money? Hey buddy, I freaking pay my taxes too. I'm an American you idiot! You just assumed that I was an Israeli and you know the old saying about assuming something. How about you shut your mouth and actually pay attention to the people of Israel and what they are saying? Your a windbag with a narrow view of the world, and living in Israel for two years does not make you an expert on Israeli's. You get to go back home to Chicago and not worry about a suicide bomber on a bus....Israeli's don't have that luxury.
33. George the political correct
Newt   (09.29.05)
So what you're basically saying is that Israel MUST accept Arabs, but Arabs don't have to accept Jews. Israel is for Jews. A place where they don't have to worry about extermination. A place where they contribute to the good of man kind by their many inventions. A place where your opinions on their affairs is of no concern to them. Leave the Israeli's alone and quit demanding they bow to terrorists.
34. Maybe if Sabras didn't spit on the diaspora
Stepehen ,   Raleigh   (10.03.05)
We'd be inclined to join you. But Sabras by and large want to tell us how superior they are and how they don't want us there - especially all of us middle agers. So I suggest that Sabras make an effort to make their country attractive to young singles, families and couples without making them feel like second class citizens.
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