Report: U.S. to offer Assad 'Gaddafi deal'
Roee Nahmias
Published: 15.10.05, 13:41
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35 Talkbacks for this article
31. NY - US constitution still protects my right to criticize!
a critical American   (10.16.05)
naturally we are all waiting to see what happens with the Patriot know that Ah!merican post 9/11 facist document. but at the moment we can all criticize America and be assured that our rights are still protected by the US constitution's Bill of Rights. so NY "Bite me!" hahaha!
32. She's not boasting
Newt   (10.16.05)
And neither am I. Have the guts to atleast leave your name!!!
33. ???
??? ***   (10.16.05)
what the heck is all of this nonsense. who gives a flying crap what your grandfather did. i don't care what newts family did and i certainly don't care what michelle's grandfather did. the war is over. move on people. stop boasting.
34. my grandfather......
sean ,   ny   (10.16.05)
My grandfather used to be a baker.....thought I'd just say that.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.16.05)
Drastic changes are taking place in America. U.S. schools, hostile to Christianity and Judaism, are aggressively promoting Islam. Part of article from: JUDICIAL JIHAD Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms Dismisses suit opposing requirement students recite Quran, pray to Allah December 13, 2003 © 2003 Requiring seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Quran, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools has been legally upheld by a federal judge, who has dismissed a highly publicized lawsuit brought by several Christian students and their parents...the suit was filed by the Thomas More Law Center against the Byron Union School District and various school officials to stop the use of the "Islam simulation" materials and methods used in the Excelsior Elementary School in Byron, Calif. The World History and Geography class in question is part of a curriculum being taught to seventh-graders all over the state, and is included in the state's curriculum standards required by the state board of education. Although the standards outline what subjects should be taught and will be included in state assessment tests, they don't mandate how they're to be taught. In the three-week course, Excelsior teacher Brooke Carlin had students assume Islamic names, recite prayers in class, memorize and recite verses from the Quran, and had them simulate Ramadan fasting by going without something for a day. The final test required students to critique Muslim culture. The Islam simulations at Excelsior are outlined in the state-adopted textbook "Across the Centuries," published by Houghton Mifflin, which prompts students to imagine they are Islamic soldiers and Muslims on a Mecca pilgrimage. The lawsuit also alleges students were encouraged to use such phrases in their speech as "Allah Akbar," which is Arabic for "God is great," and were required to fast during lunch period to simulate fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. "While public schools prohibit Christian students from reading the Bible, praying, displaying the Ten Commandments, and even mentioning the word 'God,' students in California are being indoctrinated into the religion of Islam," The Islamic indoctrination of America's school children is a major victory in the war for global Islamic conquest. Part of article from: GLOBAL JIHAD Report: Saudis spread hate through U.S. mosques Propaganda against Jews, Christians 'mainstreamed within our borders' January 29, 2005 The 89-page report by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom, "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques," concludes the Saudi government propaganda examined reflects a "totalitarian ideology of hatred that can incite to violence." * Various Saudi government publications gathered for the study, most of which are in Arabic, assert it is a religious obligation for Muslims to hate Christians and Jews... * The documents stress that when Muslims are in the lands of the unbelievers, they must behave as if on a mission behind enemy lines. Either they are there to acquire new knowledge and make money to be later employed in the jihad against the infidels, or they are there to proselytize the infidels until at least some convert to Islam..." U.S. leaders declare Saudi Arabia is America's friend and a key ally in the war on terror. As Saudi Arabia incites to hate and jihad against America's Christians and Jews, the U.S. government defining Saudi Arabia as America's friend, strongly indicates the American people have a very grim future ahead of them.
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