5 killed in Hadera bombing
Ynet reporters
Published: 26.10.05, 23:02
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77 Talkbacks for this article
61. We deserv it
Shaul Yitzhak ,   Israel   (10.26.05)
We deserv more than this ....
62. to palestinian
maya,nz   (10.26.05)
you're right, theres no justification for murder on either side of innocents, but you arent exactly working towards getting your country by going into a market and killing people who are there to buy some food for their family. you want pity? or understanding? you need to choose, and then act according, this isnt the way.
63. They did ward , and are warning...
Miss Muslima ,   London England UK   (10.26.05)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.26.05)
MAY G-D GIVE SPEEDY & TOTAL HEALING TO THESE INNOCENTS Listen to the cries of heart-broken families who weep, and plead in vain for protection. It is a lie to claim there is no military solution to Israel's problem. The only way to fight war is with a military solution! ISRAEL WILL NOT SURVIVE IF SHE CONTINUES TO FIGHT THE RELIGIOUS TERROR WAR WITH WORDS, SONIC BOOMS, AND BOMBING FIELDS AND EMPTY BUILDINGS. Such strange tactics encourage terrorism! Forcibly seizing Jewish land and assets and gifting it to Islamists for a global base for terror increases terror!!! Stop giving in to U.S. pressure. Israel, do what all other nations do when war is waged against them - fight back and win!
65. Ms Rivera wrote:
Lior ,   Israel   (10.27.05)
"Stop giving in to U.S. pressure. Israel, do what all other nations do when war is waged against them - fight back and win! " One. Use your energy to tell those who exert the pressure for it is bankrupt of scruples. Two. Are you kidding? Terrorists are terrorists other places. Surely not in the case of the Palestinians. They are armed gangs, remember? Three. While the US is bombing insurgency in Iraq (rightly) they are telling Israel the exact opposite. Worse, telling Israel to open her borders. (to terrorists) Gather your friends and urge them to write Bush and company to tell them their double standards are killing Israel and that history will write most unkindly of this. Tell them their legacy is besmirched because of it. While they are at it you might ask them why Russia is part of the quartet. Lets not forget they supply weapons to Syria and are building a threatening nuclear time bomb for Iran. As for the rest of the quartet who meddle into Israel affairs their bullshit meter has just spun out of control.
Ian ,   Lima Peru   (10.27.05)
Have really read the news??? Can you see that these guys are killing because they love this sport!!. Two israeli arabs died, and of cource they don't give a .... if they killed them. IDF continue to disable terrorists
67. Those who are cruel to the kind will be kind to the cruel
Jew ,   Jerusalem   (10.27.05)
The Midrash teaches an important lesson (Yalkut Shimoni, Samuel I, 221): "Those who are cruel to the kind end up being kind to the cruel". A frenzied shahid named Hassan Abu Zeid from a the Jenin-area village of Qabatiyeh blew himself up, killing 5 Haderans and maiming 30 more. Now hear this: At the prodding of Ms. Rice, Sharon released Abu Zeid and scores of other terrorists from Israeli prisons a mere 30 days ago. The same regime that shows cruelty to the refugees of Gush Katif (present tense, their plight is not over - many are still homeless and jobless), the same regime that has trampled the Torah and its commandments as well as the religious population, is the regime that releases convicted terrorists from prison. The terrorist attack in Hadera is the sour fruit of kindness to the cruel. As soon as someone ignores Torah values, everything turns upside down. The problem is that in Israel, ignoring Torah values is more dangerous than Russian Roulette. May HaShem have mercy on us Jews.
68. Well, those "Palestinians" are just like Swiss. Right.
AK   (10.27.05)
To all those who advocate the creation of bi-national "Switzerland " with Arabs/"Palestinians," -- you're beyond delusional.
69. israel is a dangerous place for jews
jack hunter ,   melbourne australia   (10.27.05)
jews being harmed overseas just for being jews is bad enough.. but being killed in israel is unforgivable. either the politicans in power solve this problem or step aside and let someone who is better eqquiped do the job. there was a time that sharon was the man.not anymore he has lost his edge blowing empty words and empty buildings does not work never did. it is time to pull the finger out.
70. To All Bigots
The Palestinian who commented that before 1948 Jews killed Palestinians has got to take another look at the facts. More Jews were killed by Palestinians than vice versa. The Palestinians need to realize that now they have their own country. With that comes responsibility. One of those resposnsibilities is controling your terrorists. When a bomb goes off or rockets are fired accross the border, they should be seen as an agressive act of war and should be retaliated. If someone fired rockets at the USA, there would immediately be a whole squadron of bombers retaliating. It is the PA's job to control terrorists and if they cannot, they are to be held responsible. They want control of the border, well they are going to have to prove that they are capable of controling the border before Israel even considers negotiations. And now for the other side. Israelis need to realize that innocent civilians are affected by Israels actions. For example the endless sonic booms over Gaza. There are Palestinians who don't want the total destruction of Israel. It is important to realize that there are innocent civilians on the other side. With that said, Israel's targets are known murderers and terrorists. The IJ or Hamas targets are innocent civilians. If a Palestinian civilian dies it is a mistake where as it is the goal of the terrorists to slaughter innocent Israelis.
71. Nicolas
Newt   (10.27.05)
"The arab-musulmam world has declared a war to Israel and its very existence." Where the hell have you been? The Arab world has been attacking Israel for years now. And not only that, they are now targeting the likes of you and me so why don't all of us step up to the plate instead of leaving it up to Israel? The Arab world needs to know, see and hear the reactions from the non Arab world. Perhaps that will frighten them back into their mid evil caves!
72. You tell them Kate!
Michelle ,   New York   (10.27.05)
You go girl!
73. Re post 54
Newt   (10.27.05)
"All Jews here are talking about inocent people who has been killed by this attack. I, personally do not agree with suicide bombing." Then do something about it! It's not enough that you don't agree with it, you and those who think like you need to work to stop it. It's funny how you have the courage to say that you don't believe in suicide bombings on a computer web site, but I bet you don't have the courage to say it to your people. Israel made the first bold step in handing over Gaza, and you have all failed in what was expected of you.
74. to Ali in Gaza
Yehu Ben Zohar ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.27.05)
Jews cry? When the IDF kicks your sorry asses the first thing you do is cry for "international intervention." You cry massacre when 7 or 8 of your "holy warriors" die in battle. Right away you want a hudna. It takes a real "soldier" to murder a pregnant mother and her 4 daughters in their car seats. That scum is now plugging arafart in hell, where he belongs. Your brave shahids, are nothing but a bunch of cowards and fools, too stupid to have a life and to cowardly to fight real soldiers. One day the world will stop protecting you and your countrymen. No other Arab country will lift a finger to help you, they can't stand you, the Jews have treated you better than your arab brothers. However, your days are numbered, you will join Yassin in Hell, enjoy the trip.
75. #54; Free your mind and learn real history.
First of all, when innocent Palestinians are killed there's always an investigation and if soldiers are found guilty they are put to trial. Believe it or not, but this year your beloeved terrorists killed more Palestinians than the IDF did (Palestinians mean everybody, not just innocents). You have to understand that we assassinate in roder to survive, you might think that this is a revenge, but such an attack isn't a revenge it was well planned a head and probably by this master terrorist before he died. This attack was coming anyway, wether this terrorist was dead or not. Barak offered Araffat 98% of the West Bank, the muslim quarter in Jerusalem and Gaza strip, Araffat refused and didn't give a reason. Few days later the intifadah started. So please, we were an inch from giving you a state when your leader decided to say no. Before 1948 Jews were Palestinians, and they were murdered in larger numbers than the Arabs. The Arabs gangs killed Jews in 1921,1929,1936-1939 and later up to 1948. The Jews attacks were usualy revenge for the killing of other Jews and were made by the IZL that wasn't supported by many Jews at that time. The IZL members were caught by Haganah members and were put to trial. Israle doesn't have to implement the general assembly resolution, no country has to implement them they are just a recommendation and has no meaning. Only the security council has the right to tell contries what to do.
76. Petition YNET editors: You don't capitalize pig so don't
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (10.27.05)
capitalize islamic jihad, don't capitalize hamas, don't capitalize hezbollah, don't capitalize "palestinian." There is no reason to show any respect to violent scum, please petition the YNET editors to cease the capitalization of terrorist words and show some respect to the victims of the terrorist scum.
77. Suicide bombings go against Islamic teachings
Miss Muslima ,   London England UK   (10.27.05)
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