Opinion  Yaron London
Worrying signs from Amman
Yaron London
Published: 14.11.05, 13:37
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31. #26 WH
steven ,   france   (11.15.05)
Have you any Idea of you are saying?Your unbiased words are really confusing ,so I wont ask you to repeat yourself,Where in heavens name do you get that feeling that The US &The UK are practicing State Terror,and above all calling it,"Mandatory,&loving"??What in G-D's name are you jibbering about?With regards to the "ODD LUNATIC"you are refering to,I would'nt quite say "THE ODD"Mass murder comitted by Your kamikazee is certainly not "THE ODD" muslim.PLEASE,I'm not that "Brainwashed"The war in Chechnia,has nothing to with the west"as you say,nor with Bosnia & Kosovo.Ithink It you who should catch up on reading cher fellow.and what is happening in Israel has nothing to do with the West.It is strictly a matter concerning the Israelis and the Palestinians.You say you are poor ,because you are under dictatorship,there I agree with you;but dont put the blame on the west for electing your leaders,Religeon is such a power tool in muslim countries,it is they who elect your leaders.IE:Iran do you think that The current President was elected by the west????Or Syria,did the west elect Assad?Now as to admission of mistakes,I ask you,for one Mistake admitted?by an arab Nation Just ONE..And I dont recall my denyal of being biased to Israel?I really do not see where this comes into what you are talking about,DO you??You say that I accuse you of lying that you've got retrospection,mon cher ,What in heavens name are you jabbing about???Dont you think that what certain Arab leaders are doing to the weak and the poor of their countries is Embarresing???If you hate your leaders so much;why don't you do something about it??Instead of continually blame the WEST So I think double standards can be directed to you too non?and finally When you say & I quote "VICTIMS OF WESTERN WARS,DWARF THE TERROR I AM TALKING ABOUT"I now ask you ,What terrors are you referring to?Our Western terror victims,are indeed innocent civiliens murdered and massacred by Islamic terrorists,who enjoy doing this evil deed,yes ,look at whats happening around the world and mostly in Muslim countries,it is NOT,us who are blowing ourselves up,for some stupid and ludicrous aim ,to become a Martyre,Suicide is and was always condemed by our religeons .So If the Muslims still believe that commiting these acts of Barbarique nature ,will get them to the gates of paradise;where 72 virgins are waiting ,then mon cher,we are all in trouble.and it is not the west who will convince them other wise.So I think in all honesty,it is you who should take the veils of your eyes,and see what is happening in the real world.& that is a fact. END
32. to David
Hilda ,   US   (11.15.05)
Unfortunately the world indeed will stand for it . Haven't you seen, they are blaming the Jews for the bombing. Haven't you seen C. Rice punish Israel and reward the Palestinians. Israel has to open the gates and let all the terrorists come in with their bombs. She doesn't care. She is sitting in her fine office in Washington with guards at her door. And the latest outrage Israel must build them a new seaport in Gaza which Israel of course can't afford so she is asking me and all the other Jews in America to finance. I feel as violated as you must.
33. to #27
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
of course you liked it. Well, it is a lie that we ever agreed on blowing iraqis. Muslims always relently condemned and abhored that. Yes, people who are blowing themselves in your troops in iraqs are good fighters, people who are blowing themselves in civilians are evil. Your occupation of iraq is not fighting evil, is stealing oil, and proposing an agenda for the middle east. We'll see if it works, i greatly doubt it! it is a long essay, that made me laugh at the so many lies in it. It seems that person who wrote this lives on the moon. When he returns to earth, i might discuss his low opinion of muslims. I am sure that even George Bush will be giggling reading these comments!
34. to YK
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
Dear WH, I do not support Suicidal bombings against civilians. I think it is utter madness. Do you support bombing civilians in gaza? if you say we assassinate terrorists. I will tell you, from witnessing and living in Gaza for 7 years, that killing the terrorists and 10 passer-bys is not ok. This is what creates hatred, and fuels revenge. You've killed three times at least what we've killed. 30% of our death toll according to the red cross are children! I agree with you, when both sides want peace, it will prosper and be a paradise. Currently, Palestinians feel you treat them like take it or leave it, we do not care. They do not like that, and will keep fighting. If a group get convinced that suicidal bombings are wrong, which i believe is happening, they will fight other ways. Justice is important. I have many jewish friends. They are fantastic, but I as well dealt with many IDF soldiers, they treat us like shit! we were treated like animals at the borders and check points. we are attacked by all weapons that we do not have a fraction of. Is it fair? I appreciate your objective talk as well, without any disrespect. i wish you live in peace, and from what i know about some muslims and some jews, it is more than possible, it is natural.
35. to helena
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
you are poor dear in your head. American people are poor because an idiot like GWB is governing them. We are oppressed, and we'll do what we can to change. You believe you are ok, we know we are not. Not knowing that you are deceived is a bigger problem than knowing that you are oppressed. Immigrants in France have problems, not muslims. But your eyes and heart cannot find an evil and not relate it to your enemy, Islam and muslims. Helena, you are pathetic! I live in UK, and it would have never survived without immigrants. You know nothing of course. I actually doubt you can read! lately in my university, we had a conference about the crisis in UK as british people are not getting Postgraduate degrees. Long story, and bigger than your head can grasp. Fuel your hatred more and more. It will only burn you. From my side, i wish you best luck! PS, you said a lot, and the reply will be even longer, but discussing hatred-blinded people is no use.
36. #31 Steven
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
If you are using sarcasm, and think you are funny, and we are on Saturday night, then let me start. UK, USA, and Israel are practicing State terror, and trying to impose an interests-based agenda on the middle east. a prophecy, they'll fail, actually iraq's experience is telling that already. Going against the international community was a crime, at least in the eyes of the west. Gallaway was talking about this in Syria couple of days ago, you should have listened to your western fellow. His my fellow too!! i do not have hatred to the west in general, but i hate evils, and USA government so far is taking the evil side. Yes, i hate it. Don't you like it? it doesn't matter! You are very brainwashed, but i more doubt that you have a brain! Oh, obviously you do know nothing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict saying that has no connection with the west. This is political and factual infancy. You need to grow up. electing our leaders? we do not elect mon cher, they are assigned, they are bastard corrupts that they forge it. Results of our elections are sealed in that matter. I bow before the western democratic system. But honestly, george bush was the wrong choice. Not meaning that kerry was much better, but ..... at least not yet hopeless in humanity's eyes! We admitted many mistakes. Have you? looked in your words, did not find any! you turned to be an angel. Charming, to death! Arab leaders are crap, we agreed on that. Why do you get hooked up on things like a cling!! Why do you keep blaming muslims for terrorisms? why did you give Osama Bin Laden weapons to fight Russia and then cry when he (his your creation) backfires? The people you killed in Muslim and Arab countries are innocents (sorry, I know for you INNOCENT equals WESTERN), but for me, it does not. Jebberish is your specialisation. Not mine!! You occupy countries for evil, ludicrous, mean, rotten aims. Your troops shall fail, and you'll see. They always did! History screams at you, but you are blind, deaf, and bluntly feelingless. With all honesty, your reply to me was a silly joke! do not do it again.
37. #32 Helda.
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
Please give me a break, you feel USA is not supporting Israel enough. Do you want them to ethnically genocide us for you to be happy? You know what, palestinians are not interested in your airport. Just please, if we build one, do not bomb it. Can you?
38. to JK
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
here you go, this opinion suits your case! http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/8245212D-39CC-4E6E-80FF-2E1F29F72BC5.htm
39. To WH
AK   (11.15.05)
Your post demonstrates what's wrong with the so called "Moderate Muslims." The terrorists are not a fringe but are supported by the mainstream Muslims around the world. You a self proclaimed "moderate" are incapable to condemn terrorist attacks perpetrated almost exclusively by Muslims, without tying it to some alleged wrongs perpetrated against various Arabs. Let's face it, Muslims are murdering civilians around the world, from Buenos Aires and New York to Philippines and Bali, through all the countries in between. Muslim religious leaders around the world support those acts of terror and the general Muslim public finds those acts of murder justifiable or in alternative blames the Jews for them. "Moderate" Muslims have been misrepresenting what your religion teaches, selectively choosing and editing quotes from Koran and Hadiths to present Islam as a peaceful religion. Well, if Islam is so very peaceful, how come that Muslims fight not only Jews, but Hindus, and Christians, as well. Until recently, most of us never bothered with the content of the Koran, the Hadith – this is no longer the case. Now many of us read carefully, by ourselves in order to understand what we're dealing with. And now, thanks to wonderful translations, we also become aware what your religious leaders preach in your mosques and say on the radio. If you are indeed moderate, then condemn without reservation Hamas and Islamic Jihad and the PA, Hezbollah and the Islamic Brotherhood, because those are all terrorist entities. Otherwise, peddle your propaganda on the C.A.I.R's pages.
40. WH -- You're really good
AK   (11.15.05)
Do you do it for a living? You get everybody to respond to you engaging in a dialog and trying to explain themselves while you peddle the same "victimhood" story, although I must admit, well packaged. You sound like a pro, hitting all the "right" spots.
41. to WH in UK
Barak   (11.15.05)
I couldnt care less what the damn americans or british are doing. They have their problems and we have ours. I accept that arabs prosecute terrorists when they threaten or harm ARAB interests But I would like you to name ONE instance where ANY arab government has prosecuted and properly incarcerated a terrorist where they harmed or threatened ISRAELI or JEWISH interests? Just one example will do thanks As for hunting we do that very well thank you very much. Much better than anyone else. Thats why we manage to stop most, but unfortunately not all, terror attacks Would you prefer us to sit on our hands and do nothing? And watch people die? Dont be an idiot As for negotiating with palestinians I think Sharon understands that they dont know how to negotiate They dont reciprocate and have never done so Not even once. So stay in england and enjoy you fish and chips When the palestinians are ready to negotiate and fully understand what that term means - give and take - not just take and expect everything that you demand to fall in your lap and more besides - then we will negotiate with them
42. to JK, Hilda, Helena, and JK. Steven too.
WH ,   UK   (11.15.05)
Read this article for a British Historian. Just read, you might be able to grasp something new! http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/features/visionsofpalestine/william_dalrymple.shtml
43. # 38
J K ,   NYC, USA   (11.15.05)
The article you had be read was a 2 second piece about politics. The one I gave you was about 'societal' sickness that supports violence. The 2 articles are not at all congruent in their content. And dont worry, whether the US stays or goes and under what circumstances, our society is quit strong enough to recover and prosper. Thats was multicultualism does for you. What happens to Iraq? I dont know, but I bet it becomes 3 countries in the end.
44. to JK, and Barak.
WH ,   UK   (11.16.05)
I feel sorry that you cannot see my points. Again, without any victimhood stories, do not put terrorism on Muslims, and forget about the horrorism other do. Just be responsible person and say we (you and I) have to figure out how to stop the lunatic Osama, and the just-as lunatic George Bush. in addition, there is nothing called Moderate Muslims. At least, I am not. Terrorism is not Islam. Live with that, or live in self-denial with the American Peaceful Model!! To Barak, I do not speak for Arab governments. I hate them a lot more than you do. You can insult them and say whatever you like about them. They are hopeless cases for me. They've got to be changed. Don't watch, Kill more, and call yourself a prophet and call the whole Muslim nations a nation of terrorists. If it suits you and you believe yourself, go ahead and enjoy the indulgement of the thought! It won't convince many. I am not waiting you to tell me who is idiot and who is not. Sharon does not understand anything! Arafat did not too. If you see sharon as an angel, live in your dreams on your own. No one believes that. We did reciprocate, you are truce breakers all the time. Most nations and individuals clearly recognise that. You only do not. Good average! We do reciprocate, and many israelis recognise that. You do not, that is fine. I dont like fish and chips. I like our olives. The term negotiate is defined by Israel as TAke and Take, not by palestinians. As you are part of the School "all arabs and muslims are rubbish, and The west (including Israel) are the angelic creatures", there is no need for me to say more except, Good luck.
45. To WH in UK
Barak   (11.16.05)
Give ONE example when ANY palestinian leader - abbas or arafat or otherwise has reciprocated? Just one example - Ill be happy with that What truce? Hudna is a crap word, it means nothing to Hamas Tell me haver, if we agree a truce with Hamas and they agree to stop the violence, and later that week we get intelligence that some of their fighters are not going to adhere to the truce, that hamas cannot control them, and that they are on their way to blow up woman and children in buses and cafes If that happens you want us to sit on our hands and do nothing? If we do that people will die. So we go catch or kill this rubbish and then Hamas accuses us of breaking the truce. Go figure You live in a dream land. I do not enquate Islam with terrorism. What irritates me imensely is that not one top hierarchy Imam says a word when a bomber blows himself up in Yerushalayim or Tel Aviv But when he blows himself up in medina you could swear the sky has fallen on their heads the way they go off There is such a thing as a moderate muslim - its a muslim who is willing to denounce terrorism against non combatants and protest against it. It is a muslim who is willing to compromise And there are moderate Israelis. I am one of them. I dont like the settlers and hate them as much as you do. The rubbish like that young twit who went into an arab town and shot some people in the street like they were dogs deserved to get lynched. If we can catch them before they go do these things we prosecute them and shove them in jail where they belong You lot dont do that. You have a claim to this land So do we Thats why we have to negotiate. But this only works if both sides recognize that the other has a valid interest in the matter too The palestinian leadership want it all. Look at the insignia for the Fatah - the armed wing of the PLO - it shows a solid map encompassing ALL of Israel proper as well as all of the westbank and gaza That just about says it all Sharon is no angel, no politician is. But he recognizes that Abbas wont give anything. He is unwiling to stop terror as he sees all the palestinian terror groups as a legitimate part of palestinian society Good luck to you too. Just remember we bleed just like you do. If someone is comming to kill us we will always hunt them down and kill them first.
46. to WH - my last response to you
Helena ,   stockholm, sweden   (11.16.05)
so, I read the article you recommended...what else is new? I strogly recommend you and others of your ilk to look closely in the mirrow, take a deep breath...and stop blaming others for your misery. You Arabs have a lot of money, manpower, land etc but all you do is whine and perpetrate terror attacks... Isn´t it time you did something constructive, the talk is cheap. You are like bad dancers blaming it on your balls that always get in the way...
47. to all
man ,   jerusalem   (11.16.05)
damage and destroying do not help any if they want to build ...i see here only the right to damage the other and all are proud of the destroying ..and this will not help any body ....as the bomb in jordan do not help the israili the same the bomb in israil do not help gordanian construction is the opposit of desstruction and this is right in life also
48. to Barak.
WH ,   UK   (11.16.05)
Barak, I respect you for what you said. I agree on a lot. Your second message is legible, and I agree with most of it. I am now at work. Can't reply. But I really repect your sensible discussion. Idiocy first message, i couldn't connect to it honestly. Regards,
49. more for WH
J K ,   NYC, USA   (11.16.05)
Reading is fundamanetal! www.danielpipes.org/article/3133
50. You dont have to agree with me WH
Barak   (11.16.05)
Just understand that we have a claim to this land too just like you do Our claim is just as legitimate as yours We dont hunt terrorists because we have nothing better to do with our time We do it because we have no choice - if we let them be then they kill our people A lot of things in life are grey, but this one area is very black and white - terrorists kill our people, and we will do everything in our power to stop them The fundamental problem is the starting point from which palestinians come to the negotiating table: this sense of ''entitlement''. This sense that they are ''entitled'' to everything that they demand. This sense that we are not entitled to ANYTHING that we demand This sense that they dont have to reciprocate when we offer them something I thought my first talkback was very clear actually And you have consistently failed to counter even ONE of the issues that I raised with you You just moan and groan about injustice and woah is me We have made mistakes in the past and so have you We admit our mistakes and constantly try to figure out ways to do things better, often spending lots of money and time and energy to do so It wouldnt hurt you to try the same thing. You may just learn something about yourself and other people too Yalla bye
51. to JK and Barak.
WH ,   UK   (11.17.05)
Daniel Pipe is known to be anti everything about Islam with not justifications. He only moans, not me as barak said. Give me a break!! his article is full of jokes. Not even one thing he mentioned was accompanied by evidence. Reading rubbish is not fundamental!! To barak, We do not moan, and we work on our mistakes too. It seems that Israel doesn't. If you think of people of fight you as terrorists, every palestinian thinks of your troops when they visit our houses at night, and bomb our cities as terrorists and even worse. Who you think you are? You keep repeating yourself in a completely illogical way. but you know what, you speak better English. Congratulations. JK was mocking my English earlier, so here you go, i am helping you to find something to mock me up about!! Many of your people have eradicating us on their agenda, you like or not. Many of your troops execute or contribute to make it true. We are entitled to be treated equally. You have the power, and you think you can force us to accept unfair deals. Palestinians will not live with that. They'd rather die with pride, than accept humiliation. You consistently raise unjustified issue. I do not have to counter what you said. It is countered already by any moderately sensible person. we have made mistakes, and we admit them too. You just blind yourself in fear you see that, and it makes us equal. An idea that facts approve, but your heart cannot take! It won't hurt you to read, listen, and be open-minded for one day in your life. It might just teach something before it is too late! Shalom!
52. to WH
Barak   (11.17.05)
is it not open minded to expect that a final solution requires you to reciprocate when we offer you something? Give me one example, just one, where your government has reciprocated?? We are not going to get everything we would like. So why are you bunch all of a sudden entitled to everything you want? Being treated fairly is one thing, but thinking that you are entitled to everything you demand and that you dont have to do anything in return is just plain arrogant Terrorists are NOT a legitimate part of your society. I suggest you get rid of them or we will do it for you Ehud gave you morons a deal including almost everything you wanted - including east Jerusalem as a capital - and you let it go. And it wasnt just Arafat who rejected the deal - so did Mr ''I know everything'' Saeb Erakat, so did Mr ''Not as moderate as he thinks he is'' Mohammed Dahlan, and so did Mr ''I am an arrogant arse'' Ahmed Qurei. And what did your people decide to do once you rejected the deal? The second intifada. What more do you want from us? Now maybe its time for you to open your mind and come back down to planet earth Shalom
53. re disneyland jordan
allen ,   australia   (11.17.05)
some retard was struck by your callousness
54. Terror in Amman
Elias Zananiri ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.05)
The debate on whether the perpetrators of the terror attacks in Amman were Muslims or not is not a means to deny their identiy as much as to emphasize that their actions do not meet the rules and ethics of Islam. This is a good point to start with and move on to have it also implemented on those who target innocent civilians anywhere, including of course Jews and others. I could not agree more with you that terror is terror no matter what justification is used to market it. Out of the deep grieves from what happened in Amman, I do hope that people's subconscience wakes up to realize that this weapon of terror should be abolished once and for all. Regards
55. To WH you don't like Pipes, then how about Robert Spencer?
AK   (11.17.05)
There are no Palestinians -- Read from Time Immemorial. by Joan Peters. How can you have a nation that doesn't even own its name? Israelis do not derive their name from Roman, nor from Greeks or Babylonians , or Assyrians, or the Egyptians. So, what were the "Palestinians" calling themselves before the British mandate took over from the Turks?
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