IDF soldier killed at roadblock
Efrat Weiss
Published: 08.12.05, 23:11
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Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.09.05)
I am so sorry to the family and friends of wonderful Nir Kahane. Israel and the world, has suffered a great loss. Jewish Nir is the symbol of everthing that is good and honorable in this world. Nir died and was murdered because he protected innocents. The U.S. EU UN and Islamofascists demand that the hated non-Muslim Jewish infidels are totally ethnically cleansed from the Jewish homeland. At the same time the Palestinian Authority/PLO and PA society demand that the hated INFIDEL Israel provide them with jobs and free medical care. AND free passage into Israel for their terrorists to carry out terror attacks against Jews. PA media and PLO/PA terrorist leader, Abbas, praises these terrorists and calls Muslim murderers and suicide bombers heroes and martyrs. The U.S. EU UN, and Russia are eager to give terrorist PLO/PA and PA society an Islamic TERROR state AND free passage into Israel. Israel needs a King David.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.09.05)
I am deeply grateful to Jews who have always OBEYED G-D in that they have never committed the crime and great sin against G-D of forced religious conversion. NEVER! For centuries, innocents have suffered horrific abuse and murder through forced religious conversion, massively breaking G-D's laws: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" Jews have NEVER attempted to take land that does not belong to them; always keeping to the Biblical borders G-D gave them! Jews have brought multiple blessings to the world! Knowledge of the One true and merciful G-D The Bible G-D's laws that protect! Civilization And amazing discoveries, and inventions in medicine, science, agriculture, computer technology, etc. etc. way out of proportion to the Jews' tiny numbers upon this earth! A fulfillment of G-D's Biblical promise that through the Jews all the nations of the earth would be blessed!
33. Nir's fatal mistake
Marcel ,   Florida   (12.09.05)
He turned his back on a Palestinian. It seems Israel has become a carless and suicidal nation ,surrendering to these barbarian for a phony peace.
34. #28, and #19
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (12.09.05)
# 19 first since he made his point very short. Stop killing Israelis, civilians and soldiers. Do you hear the speech your government and your people give whenever someone on your side is killed? "Palestinian terrorists killed civilians", and this means judging by this logic that Israeli soldiers are a legitimate aim. If a soldier carrying an M16 cannot defend himself against a guy who carries a knife, I wonder what can he do with that gun? #28 from beautiful Boston. My point was very clear, that you commented on something you have no clue about, and since you have no clue, you started your lecture about Jerusalem and Alquds, well, can you tell us where the name which has nothing to do with Hebrew came from? Or maybe you uncover for us the meaning of Yerushalayim? I gave a couple of your friends a lecture about that earlier this month and they put their tails in their mouths and went home. Try to figure that out or go back to my previous discussions with your friends. Stay in Boston, that's good for you and for us.
35. sam
Yakir   (12.09.05)
everything u say is just total bs and makes me laugh man. thanks for the jokes anyway. but its time to wake up now, aight? the truth looks way different. you had 50 damn years to build something up in your dirty country but you sat on your hands, pissed all over the place and did exactly nothing but whining, complaining and blaming the israelis for your personal dramas. all i can understand by your messages, is that you support the terrorists. you know, everything that israel has done so far was defending itself. we never attacked to conquer a land just by free will. it was always a reason behind it. and come on sam... arabs just sit around all day long and wait for the oil to squirt out. tell me one thing the arabs invented besides the alcohol and waterpipe. you are just an emberassing kid. you try to defend yourself with your "so wise" phrases with an empty background dude. you just make me laugh and feel sorry for you. did you here about the newest crime statistics in europe? germany: 60% of all crimes are made by muslims / swiss: 59% of all crimes are made by muslims / france: 68% of all crimes are made by muslims / belgium: 52% of all crimes are made by muslims / and at last, 96% of all terror-attacks in the world are made by muslims. ill search you down the link to confirm. so you see sam, we have a.... slight.... (pretty big) trend here that shows us the real truth about your culture and the so called "religion of peace", ok? you know sam, you come here and talk about "how bad" this "how bad" that "how bad" them, but you never ask the same questions to yourself. i guess it's just in your nature, right? just blaming and blaming....... and it's never your fault, right? you can say your stuff here and tell us whatever you want. but theres always the truth outside there, and the world knows it... just dont think everybody is stupid, aight? aight, keep it true ;-)
36. Linda
you are the last one who can speake about God because you are a fake Christian full of hate , evel is your God , and i don't understand why you didn't change your relegion and became Jew till now and why you didn't left NY and went to Israel , you are defending people the killing is their hobby , thirthty for blood , they kill other people even alive , who you are defending .... God can never support people killing and suffering another people all of this years , thousends of years passed and they never had peace till now ... do you think if they are realy the chosen people of God ... god would leave them like this with no peace all of this years but sure God wknos what kind of people those are ... if they were behind the killing of Jeuse and don't repeat your self and thell me the romans killed him ... the Jews of the temple pushed over the romans to kill him .... zionists way like they do till now ... they push the USA to kill for them and they stay waching from far away like inocent babies ... zionists ... and you are one of their victims and hier they are using you too ... you are very ignorant brainwashed ... pray may the Lord forgive you hatress .
37. #36 dude, you realy believe this crap?
Yakir   (12.10.05)
this guy realy knows shit about history. i wonder why the israelis shine so bright, succeed in what ever they do, build a country within 50 years, which others took 700 years (swiss for example), most modern, most developed, etc, etc. blood thirsty? lol, who is blood thirsty here? who does suicide attacks in busses, malls, markets and discos to kill innocent children and women? who?
38. Unfortunate and unnessary loss of life
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.10.05)
Israel opens her borders to Palestinians for humanitarian reasons and in return, the Palestinians send terrorists to kill and destroy. Except for the transport of goods, these border crossings should be closed.
39. #34 Sam and his Ali Babba stories
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.10.05)
Sam you obviously think highly of yourself and believe you are educating other posters. From the responses I've read to your comments, most people are bored, laughing at you or doing circles around you. You have a tendency to misrepresent facts and twist information. If someone does not respond to you, it could mean your post was not worthy of a response. Have a nice weekend.
40. to # 27
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.10.05)
"man for man." not you nor your millions of brothers will push us out nor destroy us; so take this tale to your leader & start learning to swim so you dont drown when you run from us. You want to threaten us, here, I return it to you.We are not afraid of you & your people.Show us you want peace, stop the violence & we will do the same. Shame on you ALL, what kind of history are you giving your children??????
41. to Marcel
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.10.05)
Marcel your wishes will most likely come true, if, Bibi gets into power again; lets wait to see how events turn out here.
42. to # 39
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.10.05)
well done Cynthia, you tell it like it is. twisting he is so good at, but then all of are good at that. Enjoy your weekend.
43. to # 27
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.10.05)
Exactly Yakir,you are right.
44. to 37
if you think like this why you didn't move your ass from Switzerland and went to Israel ... and which history this you speake about .. it's clear that you are an ignorant have no idea about what we speake about you are just nobody full of hate ..... they built a stolen country in 50 years with the American money and thechnology and on the deid bodies of the Palistinians ...and still till now they can not live in peace and they will never live in peace like this they were and they will stay for thousends of years ... you deserve the bad words i write to you but it's the way which suits one like you ..... and again you are an ignorant ... or a child ... and in both cases i can not blame you .
45. to 44
Yakir   (12.10.05)
dude, take a chill pill. i grew up in israel and had to move to swiss because of my parents, i came back to israel to serve the army 3 years long to stop/kill people like you (terrorists) who want to murder my people. i'm a nobody? im 23 y orld now and i run my own company with 5 workers, 750k income / year, im well knowned in the whole region here, and in fact, all the jews i know here are all rich because they know how to grow, develope, create and DO, you know... oh yeah, im the nobody people! :D dude, look in the mirror. talk about history, it's exactly what you say that's untrue. you see, that's why i never go too much into it in forums, because it wont change anything in the end. i know who i am, what i am, and most important - i know the truth. dont think im here to convince you about something, i give a shit about you. i only respect people who to "good" to this world and "make" something of their lives, and "help" the others, and reach for "peace". dude, you can come here and write whatever you want and blaming the rest as always. when you're finished, go look outside the window and understand "where" you are, "what" you are, and how the truth realy looks like. i suggest you try to find sypathy to the jews, try to be their friend, trust me, they will share with you. i would. aight, peace!
46. Very embarrassing Yakir
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (12.10.05)
It was a very good point there from poster #44 to you Mr Yakir from Switzerland, if you were so enthusiastic about Israel, why do you still live in that country which didnt reach the level of your beloved Israel in 700 years? I wonder how you could compare between the two anyways. Switzerland has a GDP of 252 Billions per year while your wonderland has a GDP which reaches 125 Billions with all the subsidies world powers (including the US and Germany for example) pour into it, meaning 1/2 of the Swiss GDP. Unemployment in Switzerland is 3% while it reaches 12% in Israel, and public debt is 110% of GDP in Israel, while it is 52% of GDP in Switzerland (this means if the US doesn't give loan securities to Israel it will vanish economically). The Swiss budget is $140 Billion, while Israeli budget is $50 Billion. Your economy and economic growth and future perspective is crippled in comparison to Switzerland, and that's why you and your father are there selling Falafel instead of doing it in Tel Aviv Tahanah Merkazit. This all did not take into consideration the yearly subsidies I mentioned before which keep the Israeli economy you are bragging about intact, and without those subsidies your economy would crumble in no time. I tell bs the whole time, as you mentioned, and Cynthia says that my postings are funny, and not worthy of responding to them. Well, I don't intend them to be that way. Nothing about the ethnic cleansing of my fellow Palestinians is funny Cynthia, and they did not go to blow up a bus carrying you and your family in Minsk or Warsaw or Berlin or wherever your parents came from. If you do not want, or cannot answer my postings then read them and laugh, I couldn't care less, but when I write something I support it with figures and numbers and references, can you claim to do the same? except using the Torah and the stories you heard from your grandma before going to sleep. I respect the brains of the readers. Thanks for your weekend wishes, same to you in the US.
47. to 45
if i would knew from before that you are only 23 years old i would not waist my time to write to you ... because in your age still you have allmost no exprience in life .... specialy when you still have to run behind your parents ... of course all the Jews in Switzerland are rich ... they are everywhere in the world reach ... because they live to make money not they make money to live ... they are trying not to sh..... that they don't get hungry what's new .... you will not tell how you live because i live a few yards from you and i know the opinion of the Swiss people about you and i hear how they joke about ... and iam sure that you and your parents are Orthodox , only them they speake like you .... why you didn't stay more in Israel to defend them or to kill more arabs and why you had to run behind mami and papi baby .... worry that their money someone else take it from them ... i have my business too beside you in ZH and i have much more people working for me all Swiss , you got it dude ... and the chill pill you know excatly where you have to put it ..... baby .... lol... by the way i can come and meet you if you are not afraid from me .
48. to sam
all my respect to you ... the informations you wrote is right ... those people will never have peace in their life because of the way they think ... but i have to say too that not all of them so sick mineded or brainwashed like Yakir .. he is a poor one like Linda ... why you think he stays in Switzerland the land which the Jews call it the most anti-simitic country in Europe ... because of money and because he knows that he will never be better treated no where in the world better than in Switzerland ... but still he is too young maybe later when he will be more adult he will change his way of thinking .... my best regards to all our brothers and sissters ... Muslems , Christians and Jewish in the land of Palistin from ... God help all the sides to have soon peace but real one.
49. Weeell, look at this!!
Yakir   (12.10.05)
Nice Nice!! Thank you for the facts and figures about swiss and israel by the way and for #47 that (Im guessing) threat's me. Afraid after all ive seen? :) Shit man, you don't wanna meet me! "Baby"? How old are you that you have to talk like this? Whats your business anyway kid, a cabaret? Ooh, forget it, i dont wanna know. Keep your company and be well. Anyway, oh yea, im too young to serve the army 3yrs, Run a company, being active in the swiss politics, donate 500$ every month for hungry people in the Third World.... oooook dude! Nooo problem for me. You believe in your truth, i believe in my truth, cool? ;-) Everyone has his own truth, right? For the note: im not orthodox (i dont like them by the way), nor a rightist. I just love to reply to stupid comments. I came here with 7, i have all my friends here, 15 of them were in the army with me, and that's why im here, my life is here, and i sure will go back to israel when i get a bit older. I love both lands, israel and swiss! Aight, things get here out of control in this forum. Let's keep it real now and the indignities, aight? Let's go back to the subject. Shabat shalom everybody! And be well. (Baruch hashem she bara kaele mefagrim... :D)
50. To Sam and Yakir
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.10.05)
Sam you are defensive, sarcastic and make assumptions about people which are not based on fact. That is a bad habit for someone so concerned about accuracy. I have previously read your statements about ethnic cleansing but do not recall these statements being supported by figures, facts or references. Yakir you must be proud of yourself. Only 23 and so successful. Keep up the good work!
51. To Cynthia
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (12.10.05)
Dear Cynthia, So I am defensive, sarcastic and make assumptions based on no facts. I think I gave too many numbers and figures here more than anyone who ever posted a comment. It is not my problem if it seems sarcastic when I speak of something I can back while others open the Torah and start telling us fairy tales. So you never saw numbers of ethnic cleansing? The number of Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1948 are noted not only by Palestinians, but also by world organizations, and they are registered by the UN for instance. 1.2 Million Palestinians were "displaced" in 1948, and if we compare that number to the total number of the Palestinians at that time which was between 1.6 and 1.7 Million, you can make the calculation. The number of Palestinian cities and villages which were emptied amounts to 415, and the number of Palestinians who stayed in 1948 inside the 1948 borders is around 150 Thousands, since no accurate numbers were ever released by the Israeli authorities. The Zionist gangs of Lehi, Etsel-Irgun Tsva'i Leumi (as they were called at the time) headed of Israeli to be head figures like Begin and Shamir, commited many atrocities during this war and among the most well known are the Massacres of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, Nassereddine near Tiberia, and Tantura near Haifa where nearly all the residents of those villages were massacred. Are those numbers enough for you Cynthia or do you want more? I hope you don't take this as sarcasm. yakir, If you are what you say you are then congratulations, but I doubt it, given that you have a lot of spare time at hand to write here daily. Whenever I come by here (once, twice per week) I find many postings by you, and it seems this is your full time job.
52. Yakir .... baby
from the age i can be your father , cabaret and so is not my way of life ... still you can meet and dicuss with me whatever you want ... me ... i am never afraid from another people and i promiss you i will just have a coffee with you and talk together ... you see how much i am realy nice .... i belive you when you said you run a company or whatever ... but it's belong to your dady and you run it with him .... right ? ... to go back to Israel or to stay in Switzerland this is your problem .... you want to go back to the subject .. ok .. but learn when you want to discuss something to be polite and not to insult the others like you did all the time and not only this time ... still you need to learn alot ... and to learn not to lose your nerves very fast ... i feel it from here ... the last words you wrote i didn't understand but no matter ... and my answer to this ..... Rabena yehdik we alla tadel al tarik ..... klar meine fruend oder sol ich sage meine sohn ? .... keep smile
53. thanks for calming down
Yakir   (12.11.05)
to cynthia: i can only be proud of myself if i can help prevent the world from going under. but thanks for your nice words :) to sam: i've read your figures and i can tell you that this subject has two sides. but i first want to research more on this before i reply. you know, im so concerned about israel, that i keep ynet always open in the background while im working. thanks, but there's no need for congratulations, there's alot more for me to "give", to be congratulated... in my opinion. money is worth nothing if you dont know how to use it :) to 52: i think you can cut the "baby" thingy now. right then, i dont have a problem with that... in spring 06 we can have a talk i zurich when i come back from newyork. im opening a second office in manhatten. but anyway, this business is not from my father. he made something of his own. he never gave me money because he wanted me to do it alone. so i saved money by working hard and opened 2003 my own business-idea, started with 10k. now it's worth 2mio. oh, ill ask my grandparents about your arabic phrase, they are original from jemen and they know arabic... actually im half jemenit (root) half swiss... good night everybody
54. #51 Sam the Arabs ran away from Israel
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.11.05)
Sam you continue to twist information and delete facts that fortunately are available from more reliable sources. You also conveniently leave out background information such as the massacre of Kfar Etzion, the massacre of the hospital convoy of 48 Jewish doctors and nurses who were murdered and sexually mutilated by Arab attackers as well as the continued shelling and attacks by Arabs on Jewish settlements for 20 years prior to 1948. While the Arabs were assured of their safety, an estimated 650,000 arabs elected to leave Israel and abandoned their homes and businesses because Arab leaders told them Arab armies would attack Israel and when the Jewish state was defeated, they could all come back. They were mislead by their own leaders. For thoses interested in a more detailed description of the events leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel, I would refer you to the Jewish Virtual Library, Pre State Israel at Sam it's not enough to rattle off numbers. You need to make sure the information is true and accurate.
55. Cynthia
Sam ,   Alquds, palestine   (12.11.05)
So Cynthia you decided to join Linda and Daisy and start displaying websites for people to surf. Well, if it should be this way, I suggest to anyone who is interested to visit this website which represents fully detailed information about the 1948 war and the resulting massacres and atrocities conducted by the Zionists in Palestine. It shows numbers and figures of landownership, numbers and figures of massacres, and even numbers of jews killed in clashes and by Palestinians. It has also very interesting quotes of Zionist leaders which nullifies this fairy tale of the "leaders asked them to leave and come back". Ben Gurion admitted it in his diaries which were declassified. Jabotinsky claimed this was the only way Israel could be erected, and lots of others made similar contributions. I just wonder why your source should be more reliable, since my source down here presents information from Israeli sources mainly. I suggest you first go to the Zionist quotes section. Try to visit this website, you and anybody interested and tell me what you think. Otherwise I would think you are blindly defending a lost case.
56. #55 Sam
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.12.05)
Sam, I do consider the Jewish Virtual Library a reliable source but that is not the only source I rely on. Aside from what I read, I've received first hand information from people who lived in Israel during this period. I visited the website you recommended and now see what you base your statements on.
57. Good
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (12.12.05)
So you received first hand information from people who lived here. Well, my grandfather was a member of the Palestinian resistance against the British occupation and he was exiled for a while, and among the things he said was that the Palestinians never set the Palestinian jewry as a goal, the main aim of the Palestinians was to kick the British out, and the differences with the Zionists would then be settled after that. Infact, even when he fought against the British, he had jewish business associates, and coexistence was not such a big issue. The problem arose when those Zionists started to have their own agenda, which included kicking not only the British but also the rightful owners of the land out. This website I recommended here is not my only reliable source of information, it is just one of the sites which presents the truth from the diaries and mouthpieces of Zionist leaders themselves. Many other sources show the same information, but they would be questioned by you and the others, exactly like when I question the reliability of the Jewish virtual library. It's like seeking information about Al-qaida and visiting their official website (if such a website exists). The myth of "the Arabs ran away" is such a big lie, and when you repeat a lie many times you believe it. Don't fall in this hole you are digging.
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