Opinion  Sever Plocker
Nuclear Islamo-fascism
Sever Plocker
Published: 11.12.05, 14:34
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31. One Question:
Michael ,   Halifax   (12.13.05)
Why is it perfectly fine for Israel to have several nuclear weapons (please dont ask me to prove it, the world knows of these secrets, look up: VANUNU) but its absolutely insane for any other country in the region to have any sort of nuclear facilities, so insane that it calls for military action!!! Even countries who are only SUSPECTED of having such weapons (Iraq) get invaded and occupied (dont say it was to 'liberate' the iraqi people, that was not the case for this war). Iran should NOT aquire nuclear weapons, if thats their plan. Israel should GET RID of its nuclear arsenal, and the middle east should be free of nuclear weapons forever.
32. Gorilla ? You mean Primates ? You dont need to remind us....
Hiram ,   Tel Aviv   (12.13.05)
Palestinian Resistence, Gorrila, Militants, or Terrorists if you call them so. They won. Yes Gorilla (s) just like the primates !!We already knew what they were, you are doing little else besides confirming what we already knew..... G U E R I L L A ( from the spanish ....small war ) not GORILLA ! ( You should replace the classes of anti-semitism and islamo-nazism by some good english classes before starting to epitomize of what Israel did or did not ! Meanwhile which one of the economy and the industrial,HiTech and intellectual successes are you the most jealous of ? The Egyptian economy ? Gaza's economy ? No ! Israel..... we ve got what you will never be able to obtain simply because your life is taken away from you by Islamism and obviously Allah does not agree !!! Poor soul ! I pity you more than I blame you....you are obviously too young to know better !!!! Gorilla !!!!! Hey ???
33. another link in the chain
ynot ,   Montreal, Canada   (12.14.05)
The U.S. was certainly able to defeat Saddam's army, but then again, this was after a decade of U.N. sanctions, and U.N. weapons inspectors destroying anything that was a serious threat. I'm sure Gaza would get on it's feet, economically speaking, if it wasn't a constant target of Israeli agression. Getting a few billion dollars a year from the U.S. probably wouldn't hurt either. Why the religious hatred? Do you blame Muslims for Israel's woe's? or is it good old close-minded racism? I understand there are a lot of Israelis who pray to Allah... but I suppose that they don't really count. As I recall, the wars against Israel were brought about by political, rather than religious agents. What I don't really understand is how Israeli's justify to themselves the injustices caused by the formation of Israel. Jews and arabs lived together in British administered Palastine: why is it so easy to deny the arab's rights to the lands they lived on for centuries but so hard to deny the Jew's right for the land that they claim only through ancient historical documents? I understand that you believe that God gave the Jews the land now known as Israel, but does that mean that you have to prevent any non-Jews from owning land in Israel? Perhaps you can extrapolate from that and require people to be of the Jewish faith to be able to own land and vote. In terms of Iran, it's likely that their president is trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Palestinian cause in the region. Defiance of the west would probably be interpreted as a display of world power for Iran. Outside of that, there is no reason for Iran to upset it's current prosperity; unless, of course, another country were to take actions that might be interpreted as acts of war. I hope that I haven't made any spelling mistakes, else I might incur the pity of Hiram.
34. #32 Hiram
Alfred ,   Manchester   (12.14.05)
Come on now Hiram, making your case based on someone's spelling errors??? thats pathetic, I'm pretty sure he meant Guerillas, not Gorillas, I doubt he mistook the resistance fighters for apes from the jungle.
35. Re: #25 Nuke free zone in the Mideast
Warren ,   Maryland USA   (12.14.05)
This simple solution is more problematic than it appears at first glance. First, why just a "nuke free zone"? What about biological, chemical and other non-conventional weapons. What about conventional weapons of mass destruction? What about grenades? Hitler didn't have nuclear weapons yet more than fifty million people were killed during WWII. If Israel is attacked or invaded yet again by its' neighbors who outnumber it as much as two hundred to one, have unlimited ability to purchase weapons and weapons technology and unlimited oil to fuel their war machines, what kind of assistance should Israel be prepared to expect after disarming itself. Would the United States (and others) be willing to send all the weapons and fuel Israel needs free of charge (as Israel, likely, would not be able to pay for these, let alone the cost of post-war reconstruction). If we use the past as a guide, in the fall of 1973, the U.S. government told Israel not to, under any circumstances, attack its' enemies first. Israel was told to endure the first blow. Israel's neighbors attacked and soon killed hundreds of Israeli soldiers while advancing on all fronts. Israel called Washington for help. The U.S. government had apparently decided not to bother with any resupply or armaments or fuel to Israel. Israel, reportedly, was given vauge reassurances but nothing concrete was undertaken. It was only when Washington became or was made aware of the real possibility Israel would use nuclear weapons to prevent the hemorraging, did the U.S. government finally decide to help. The U.S. has extended a nuclear umbrella over many countries (excepting Israel) and made commitments to go to war to protect these countries should they be invaded. Short of this type of very real and enforceable commitment, which the U.S. government, likely, is not prepared to make to Israel (yet still in force in Korea and other places), the question must be asked, for whom is the "nuke free zone in Mid East" proposal "the only safe way out"? In fact, the response Israel could probably expect from the U.S. in a war situation after disarming itself is probably a boycott on armaments as existed in 1948, 1956 and 1967 if not a total boycott.
36. Doomsday
Richard H ,   Canada   (12.15.05)
Oh my god! The hatred I read here and the fanaticism that comes out of Iran -we are all doomed...... Hey....Why dont all you middle eastern types move to the moon? Then you can have a nuclear war. Because I'm sensing thats what a lot of people really want.
37. #33 Arabs own land in Israel, 1 million of them.
AK   (12.15.05)
Why don't you inform yourself before you expose your ignorance. There're over 1 million Arab Israelis, they vote and they own land. Then, on the other hand, there are no Jordanian Jews, Saudi Jews – landed or otherwise; there are no free and unafraid Jews in any Arab country; note that all Jews had to clear out of Gaza, leaving behind land to which they still hold, what should be a valid deed, predating the establishment of Israel, for land their parents or grandparents paid good money to Arab owners.. As to Jews and Arabs living together under British mandate, have you ever read anything about the slaughter of Hebron Jews, terror attacks against Jewish communities and individuals? Apparently not, for you keep repeating this old lie that Arabs had lived in peace with Jews, except those hateful "Zionists" destroyed that paradise. Have you ever wondered why, if Jews had it so good in the Arab lands, most chose to live elsewhere; and if they had lived so peacefully in what certainly was not called "Palestine" by the Turks, why not many more Jews had not have actually lived there and why they had to be supported by the charity of the European Jews. Did you know that most of the "Palestinians" were fairly recent arrivals, who came from Egypt, Syria, Tran Jordan and many other places, looking for jobs. While there are over 20 Arab countries, there is only one tiny Jewish one. Yet you begrudge them even that piece of land. Jordan has population smaller than Israel, yet territory 3 times as large -- why not resettle the "Palestinian" Arabs over there? Jordan was a part of "Palestine," after all. Why is it that nobody demands that Poland returns territory it took after WWII from Germany, of France give back the Rhineland, or Pakistan cease to exist and become a part of India, yet so many cannot accept that Jews have any moral right to their national and religious birthplace, a arid waste land that they have reclaimed and have made it bloom again.
38. Nuclear Islamo-Fascism
Billo Dario ,   Vicenza, Italy   (12.15.05)
I'm italian, and I know quite well what Mussolini did for my country. He formed a lot of institutions, buildings, organizations and did a lot of reforms for giving a better country to italians. He requested full powers, or if you prefer, to have a dictatorial, totalitarian regime. But it wasn't "full of violence" as you want to pass in your article, USA have killed a large number with the capital punishment in the last 30 years (1000 if I remember well) and you don't know how much of them were really guilty. Fascism government killed with a special tribunal for national security 32 people, SURELY guilty to have attempted to Mussolini OR Vittorio Emanuele OR regnant 's lifes. 32 in 17 years, it's very difficult to understand how the comunist governments followed (thanks to USA) to the head of my country can say that it was a bloody movement. We are still using a lot of the laws created in that period, isn't it a fact which can give to everybody a good idea about how much bad were that actions of the fascist government? I know that I can't oblige you to modify your article, I want only to invite you to make the right correction to it. Thank you for your attention
39. #33 friendly discussion?
ynot ,   Montreal, Canada   (12.15.05)
"There're over 1 million Arab Israelis, they vote and they own land." I am very much aware of that, if you refer to the third paragraph of my first comment (#33), it is those arabs that I was describing. From what I understand, however, they are generally treated as second class citizens, who are encouraged to sell their lands and either leave, or conform. If you re-read my comment I was not stating what is currently the case, but rather an extreme point of view for emphasis: even though the land of Israel is considered God-given by some does not mean that others may not use it as well. While it is true that their are currently few Jews in arab countries, this was not the case before the formation of Israel. In fact, I beleive that many Jews lived in the north African arabic countries (Morroco, Egypt, etc), as well as Syria and Lebanon; I might be mistaken, but aren't a great many sephardic Jews from arab countries? I have to admit that I wasn't altogether familiar with the attacks on Hebron Jews, but, of course, that isn't the time period I was referring to. Attacks on the jews in British administered Palestine began after the Jewish population ballooned due to immigration from Europe. This, combined with the wealthier European Jews buying up all the land the poorer arabs used for farming led to the arab's violent reactions. Before this period, however, arabs and jews lived together, relatively peacefully, across the arab world. This is not to say that the arabs and Jews loved one another, but the situation was peaceful enough that European Jews chose to remove themselves from the midst of the enlightened and gentle Europeans to live among the arabs (note that the arabs formed a majority of the population at that time). It's quaint to think of Jews as altruistic people who can do no wrong (specially if you are Jewish), but the truth is that both parties in this conflict committed acts of terror. You refered me to the hebron masacre of the Jews, well, I refer you to the Deir Yassin massacre of the arabs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre), or are the Jewish terrorist groups of Etzel (Irgun) and Lehi (Stern Gang) and the murders that they committed easily justified? Is the only justification for the existance of Israel that the arabs already have other countries? There are plenty of religions and ethnicities out there that don't have their own countries. What would you think of a homeless man who murders the occupents of a house and claims it? There are plenty of other home-owners on that street, why begrudge the homeless man the house? I do not begrudge the Israelis their land, I simply beleive that the creation of Israel came at too high a price: there is a lot of land on this earth that could have been settled, perhaps negotiated for and bought peacefully. But that is an argument for the past. What I could hope for today is that the Israelis try to solve their problems in a constructive way: it is clear that they hold all the cards. The palestinians are poor and week and the Israelis rich and strong, when did murder and collective punishment become acceptable tools for a modern, Democratic, society? When did it become acceptable, among the Jews, that the strong abuse the week? That Goliath is preferable to David? Perhaps some of the arabs were recent arrivals comming from neighboring lands, but the vast majority of the Jews in Israel, by the same logic, are recent arrivals. Israel can either be a Democratic soceity founded on admirable ideals, or another terrorist state spreading chaos and distruction to preserve ideals that its very actions are destroying. I have not heard of an occupation in the Rhineland. India and Pakistan pretty much agreed on the split. Germany attacked Poland and caused unspeakable attrocities. What had the Palestinians done to the Jews at that point to deserve the treatement they later received?
40. Iran
kim segar ,   mill cree..USA   (12.18.05)
The US should have hit Iran long ago. They could have taken down the regeime as the young would have helped, without firing a shot. We should have done it long ago. And Israel, should have never given up one inch of land, one because it delays Messiah and brings more terrorism on them. G-d will answer and help them when they call to Him out of Love, not fear. The Jews are my heart !!
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