ADL: Evangelicals threat to religious pluralism
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 20.12.05, 23:22
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31. To DACON9 - I wait eagerly for Isaiah 2!!!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.21.05)
Thank G-D for Isaiah 2! May that wonderful time promised by G-D come quickly! Isaiah 2: Come, let us go up to the mountain of the L-RD, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; that He may teach us concerning His ways and that we may walk in His paths." "For the law will go forth from Zion and the word of the L-RD from Jerusalem..."
32. #29, Yes DACON9, the goyim who hurt Jews WILL BE PUNISHED!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.21.05)
They deserve it! Psalm 7:11 "G-D is a righteous judge, and a G-D who has indignation every day."
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.21.05)
Setting one religion, Jews, against another religion, Christians! G-D has one Chosen nation: Israel; one Chosen People, the Jews. The Jews are ETERNALLY G-D's servants and sons and daughters. Through thousands of years of horrific, satan-inspired persecution, the Jews have honored G-D by their faithfulness to Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel! The L-RD is our G-d, the L-RD is One! You shall love the L-RD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." The Taliban is everywhere: Islamists call for elimination of Christians Pakistani Muslims also want to see man charged with blasphemy hanged Posted: December 13, 2005 By Jeremy Reynalds © 2005 Assist News Service Militant Islamists in Pakistan have called for the elimination of Christians and the public hanging of a Christian accused of blasphemy...
34. To Michael Steiner
NYC Girl   (12.21.05)
Believe me, I'm not unsympathetic to some of your arguments. But, perhaps, having been to the left of the political spectrum for my entire adult life, it infuriates me to see them demonizing Israel, exacerbating the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe, and generally turning the truth on its head. Maybe I just have higher standards for the left, but there's no legitimate way they should be able to rationalize enabling some of the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic regimes on the planet. There are many on the left who've effectively gotten into bed with some of the world's worst despots just because their skin is darker than theirs is. Consider, if you will, the deafening silence on the part of the left about the genocide in the Sudan. These same people were rightly vociferous in their condemnation of apartheid. Yet, when the same black Africans became the victims of genocidal Arab Muslims, we heard very little outrage from them. It's this obscene double standard that I find so intolerable. And if I follow the line of reasoning you're presenting, that's all the more reason why it's important that Israel survive, just in case the extreme right were to ever take over in America.
Arik Sullivan ,   Milwaukee USA   (12.21.05)
Bravo Mr. Foxman for speaking out against the Christian Taliban. They control the Republican Party, and hence the United States. What's next? World Domination? The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Colorado Springs? You've heard about the scandal at the US Air Force Academy with these Taliban evangelizing. Well The Academy is located at Colorado Springs, also head of many Taliban groups such as James Dobson's Focus on the Family. It's like turning training of the IAF over to Rabbi Ovadia.
36. #34 NYC Girl
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (12.21.05)
I agree with everything you say. The smolim get so ensnared in ideology that they are unable to be flexible in their opinions, just like the mad right does. That's why I eschew all labels, and do not consider myself either left or right. I take the best of both and form my own opinions without regard whether they conform to any particular doctrine. E.g I love Israel. I therefore have to support everything the US does because it is Israel's friend (or, at least, is friendlier toward Israel than opponents of the US and/or its policies). Why? The point is, if one insists on identifying with a particular group or dogma, sooner or later one finds one has to deviate from it on one or more points. And if one doesn't, then one becomes a bigot (qv. the masses of rightist commentators on here, and the occasional loony leftist). I'm called a traitor by the "right" and a war criminal by the "left" so I gotta be doing something right. lol
37. Keep snuggling up to those democrats, theyll turn on you!
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.21.05)
NYC Girl, I used to be a democrat. Voted for Clinton, watched his explanation about how a cigar got up Monica Lewinskis private area. Couldn't quite explain it to my child, who wanted to know why the President was being impeached. That's when it became obvious that this party, and the free wheeling molestor we voted into office, had to go. It was a republican conspiracy to get rid of Clinton? Don't think so, anyone else at any other job would of been fired. Gore would of been a mistake. He would of been calling Clinton asking how to deal with 9-11. Kerry is a crib hugging, vietnam era, anti war activist. We are at war, We need someone who isn't a what does Europe think before I use the bathroom. Should I ask Europe how to wipe? Should I ask them how? I need a president who can, and will handle the war. I don't need a party boy who wants to make Michael feel better in the E.U. , because he is worried about what Michael thinks of him. Now Europe thinks they have the right to hate america because they go into countries like Iraq. I'll give my take on it. Europe can kiss my hinder! I don't care what Mr. Michael Steiner thinks of america or americans. He's whining about how terrible we treat homosexuals and a few instances of abuse at Abu Graib. Give me a break. He hates america and americans. Can't stand them, anymore than the europeans protesting american missiles in europe in 1979. He is one of the crowd ,as with 90 percent of america, that won't pick up a rifle and protect themselves. Why do you think people hate the military here? Because they are to weak, or to chicken shit, to pick up a rifle and protect themselves. The Soldiers that do protect the country make them feel like weak insecure little mama's boys. Michaels crowd never says a thing about the terrorists who cut off prisoners heads, while they scream as their head is severed. They are the forget what's important crowd, lets just undermine america. Michael should change the name of the EU to WGU. We Give Up. Then maybe all the school children in america will remember his location on the map and avoid it. If Europe wasn't constantly talking crap with their noses in the air I would probably give a shit about them. American students are so stupid that I will remind them to turn their heads and not look the next time a foreign occupier takes their freedom. Yeah little Johnny, Michael Steiner thinks you are stupid ,so don't get on the plane to go save his oppressed self from the next nazi that comes to get him. You need to go join the Israeli army and protect Israel from your buddies in Europe Michael. Not the religious right who helped to free your ungrateful self in World War Two. You have forgotten your history and sucked up to much european poison in your continent of Jewish Hope. And by the way, any of you women who are killing your babies by abortion. Let the kid be born, then take the high pressured vacuum cleaner out, and suck their arms and legs off. Being that I am an atheist. I'll almost bet that The beheadings of troops by muslims, will compare to what you women are doing to your children. How about protesting for murders of children in Europe Michael. Between Europe and America, I think you are just about as barbaric as you make the United States out to be. But you Europeans are as hypocritical as we Americans. It isn't murder, it's the womans body until I see the baby scream, being dismembered. It would be nice if babies weren't such a nuisance or burden to women. When are they going to give you the same right to kill your baby as they give your wife Michael? Oh----that's murder! I forgot! Just like we all forget where you arrogant stuck up europeans live. I can't wait till the currency collapses in the U. S. A.. You blood suckers in Europe will be on your own then!
DACON9 ,   ADVISOR   (12.21.05)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.22.05)
Muslim CAIR have stated they would like to replace our U.S. Constitution with the Koran. Silence from Foxman! The hate literature and planned jihad against Americans is NOT protested! Part of article from: GLOBAL JIHAD Report: Saudis spread hate through U.S. mosques Propaganda against Jews, Christians 'mainstreamed within our borders' January 29, 2005 The 89-page report by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom, "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques," concludes the Saudi government propaganda examined reflects a "totalitarian ideology of hatred that can incite to violence." * Various Saudi government publications gathered for the study, most of which are in Arabic, assert it is a religious obligation for Muslims to hate Christians and Jews... * The documents stress that when Muslims are in the lands of the unbelievers, they must behave as if on a mission behind enemy lines. Either they are there to acquire new knowledge and make money to be later employed in the jihad against the infidels, or they are there to proselytize the infidels until at least some convert to Islam..." U.S. leaders declare Saudi Arabia is America's friend and a key ally in the war on terror. As Saudi Arabia incites to hate and jihad against America's Christians and Jews, the U.S. government defining Saudi Arabia as America's friend, strongly indicates the American people have a very grim future ahead of them.
40. Was that a tantrum? Mikey
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.21.05)
You keep huggin up to your lefti friends in Europe. Us dumb Americans will keep cleaning up Europes mess. Weren't your buddies the ones aho started WW2 and ran the jews out of europe? We get our buildings blown up for taking sides with the jews. Not letting an arab holocaust happen. You created this whole mess in the first place. Not you Michael. Europe. Hug the dead babies Europe. What's the point of being against the death penalty?????
41. Thanks Dorothy (#27) :-)
MS ,   EU   (12.22.05)
42. 27# And 41#
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.22.05)
You know Dorothy Friend in Tel Aviv, while on Kibbutz Haogen and Kibbutz Ma'abarot we let the children see the physician before the adults. That is how much reverance the Kibbutznics had for their children after the Holocaust. Why is it that you yourself, as well as the left in Europe and America, believe you have the right to run into the Doctors office to murder your child? Did you forget the Holocaust? Or are you just not compassionate enough to let another Jew come into this intolerable world. You are protecting the Jewish child? Now I understand. Am I the only Atheist that can figure out that you are killing children that never gave you their permission to kill them. Or is it just to damn hard to admit that you have the right of legalized murder because, tough shit God----It's my body, The babies rights don't matter. Neither does the babies life. I'm not religious and even I know you murder your children. When are you going to let your boyfriends and husbands get a chance to kill the ones that you want to keep, but your husband doesn't want to pay child support for? You probably won't give him that right since It's your baby now, right Dorthy? Which only proves that females reign in complete selfishness when it comes to Babies lives hanging in the balance. My God---would SS Troops haul protestors away from the front of concentration camps. You can bet your life on it Dorothy Friend. Those Christians you so despise lost their lives in WW2 breaking into those Concentration Camps to end the Holocaust. Maybe we need a lot more of them protesting. 45 million babies could of been saved in America. A lot of Jewish lives in Europe could of been saved with a few more protestors too!
43. god and human support
moslem ,   jerusalem   (12.23.05)
first god supporte all the human if they are religouse or not ,god do not need any supporte from any body even the most religouse one ..human when support each other for a benifet for what they like or if they want the support in a way or other .the state need supporte from its citizines and also the citizens need the support of the state so rules must suppote all the population and against the little if they affect the sochiaty in a negative way this is the rsponsebility of a state bunishment for the the sake of benifet of the most and if these rule is with god rule it is not the link of state and religion //god rules never against the humanity only human rulesmay against eache other supporte one and in the same time against the other ..god supporte all and need no supoorting of any one ....this is true if youbelieve in god only
44. anti defamation league article
steven hatch ,   united states   (12.28.05)
this foxman abraham knowing our consitution of the united states is this period, this left wing harping on speration of church and state is not in it period, these left wing thugs spreads lies, misinformation and much more. what this man said is not a friend of the the written word of god, to gentiles or jews. find this outrages left wing agenda period. steve hatch of united states utah god bless israel pray for piece of jerusalem from the written word
45. #44:
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (12.28.05)
You're the best argument--if any was needed--in favor of the separation of church and state. What causes all this bile in you?? Take up a hobby...geez... And, please, DON'T support us.
46. Foxman
George Glancz M.D ,   Palm Desert USA   (12.28.05)
Foxman, like Spielberg and Rabbi Yofee, are Speaking for themselves, and not for the American Jews,or Israel. Their actions and speaches, clearly endanger both Israel and the American Jews and should be condemned. It is my opinion that the Evangelical view of Israel is more favorable than that of those 3 individuals.
47. I agree 100% #46
CZ ,   NYC   (12.28.05)
48. Abe Foxman
Cheves ,   America   (12.29.05)
I'm not sure which country Abe Foxman is talking about. As anti-Semitism grows and grows among the left, it seems odd that Foxman would choose religious conservatives as a target. Look, America is the only real friend Israel has. Who in America is the MOST staunch supporter of Israel? Evangelical Christians. Why are they? Well, some see "second coming" theology as a reason, but most see Jews as John Calvin said, wrong, but "still the apple of God's eye." Foxman needs to stop shilling for the left and join forces with the defenders of Jews.
49. Michael Steiner , EU
Ray - Evangelacle ,   Texas, USA   (04.28.06)
You poor simple minded little boy. Are you thankful you were not aborted or do you see yourself as a blob who perhaps feels it would not have made a difference if you had been aborted. However what abortion has not killed legalize euthanasia will as your country has already opened the door to. Truth is your spiritual life has been aborted which means you are living in death which is pretty much your belief system. No carnal man can undo the faith and belief that we Christians have for the Torah believing Jew who lives anywhere in the world. As a Christian we are adopted into the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through Christ Jesus. No one can drive that wedge between the brotherhood of Evangelical Christians and the Nation of Israel because God has set that in place. It is rather arrogant to believe the some lost person could over write this belief and faith because of a hollywood movie or an article. If it were not for Christianity, America would not have gotten it's start and foundation to the Nation it has become. The battle cry of the American revolution was “No King but Jesus" In time all of humanity will stand before the throne of judgment on an individual basis. The beginning of knowledge is to fear God and I pray for those that don’t.
50. To Steven Wilson:
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (04.29.06)
Give it up . You are fooling no one. You are not an atheist. You are as Evangelical as Linda Rivera. Why should a teacher say Merry Christmas to his class? Have you ever thought about what it feels like to be a jew in a class where everybody says merry christmas to each other? What do YOU care if it is Holiday vacation instead of Christmas vacation? No "normal" person sees abortion as "killing babies". Admit it, you love your Jesus Christ and you were lying about being an athiest so that people would take your arguments more seriously. Well my friend, Christianity is for gullible people like yourself who need a (false) messiah . We jews are not that gullible.
51. egomaniac Foxman always picks wrong battles
Jerry ,   Chevy Chase   (05.01.06)
now it's the evangelicals. Thanks, with Presbyterian friends of ours, who needs enemies.
52. Mel Gibson thanks idiot Foxman for his Oscars
Jerry ,   Chevy Chase   (05.01.06)
Thanks Abe We can always count on you for picking the wrong fight
53. Why doesn't ADL go back to counting bathroom swastikas
Peter ,   Baltimore   (05.01.06)
Until very recently, I thought that was teh main contribution of the League to Jewish defense
54. i appreciate evangelical support for israel
sergey ,   va beach, usa   (10.14.08)
but stop telling me that democratic party is more anti-semitic. first, most politicians do not believe in what they stand politically. bush is not religious, he used religious right to win votes. second, neoconservatives are not true jewish patriots but an embarrassment to jewish race that contribute to antisemitism. and third, republican party is not more pro-israel, they just have a "business contract" with your Likud. I have no faith in politicians of any country. i do not believe that american government is the best in the world. finally, steven you can be an atheist but you were obviously raised by christians because you share christian morals. american medical association does not believe that life begins at conception. if you are a true atheist you should give up christian moral code for the secular one. women who have abortion, even if you think they are whores, there is nothing wrong with being a whore. multigenerational atheism and broad atheism is good for society and not detrimental. you seem to be gentile leo strauss who was a father of neoconservatism, an atheist himself but opposed broad atheism. as a part jew, i can tell you if you like jews, leo strauss is a jew i am ashamed to share background and very sad to see gentile look up to him. i am proud of jews such as einstein and freud
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