Norway: Parliament shuns Israeli products
Eytan Amit
Published: 22.12.05, 17:22
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31. Norway raised the white flag! Give Norway to the Palestinian
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.22.05)
There you go Gaza, make these Norwegians your new friends, immigrate there. Make the Norsemen put there money where there mouth is. Ask for Visa's immediately. Lots of trees and white anglo's to shoot at and blow up. Go show them your muslim love and bombing techniques. Crispy fried Norwegians. I'll bet they change their invitation after the first bombing.
32. to u 27...
stephane ,   france   (12.22.05)
in france,since the" antisemit boycoott" started,the kosher shops r successing more and more!they never sell so much israeli product before intifada2!you know why??because the jew and pro-israeli non-jew,we buy ONLY israeli to fight your antisemite thank you my dear stephen,thanks to stupid,ignorant people like you,israeli product have now a huge success,we are so happy to buy israeli everyday,we make a stronger israel!
33. oppression
yosef   (12.22.05)
can someone please tell me when the land actually belonged to the palestinian people? I am serious. Israel won the land from Egypt and Jordan not palestinians and it wasn't called palestine when Israel own it. It was called Egypt and Jordon. So they live there now. They also live in other countries, does that make those countries palestinian land as well? Also, perhaps Israel should stop oppressing them. Instead of building the universities and providing electricity, they should be like egypt from 48-67. perhaps they should be like jordon who slaughtered them outright. perhaps, like lebanon where they cannot own land. perhaps saudia arabia who wouldn't let them into work. perhaps like kuwait and iraq who threw them the hell out. How dare Israel provide electricity, build houses, roads, schools, provide jobs, give htem autonomy. How dare the arabs build those mansions inhte west bank. They are just so oppressed.
34. boycott
y   (12.22.05)
does that mean they will boycott all the medicine and technology developed by Israel?
35. to a clever man,31 of course...
stephane ,   france   (12.22.05)
i wish i could speak english as well as you to write something true like you wrote,but even if it was the case,i wouldn't be able to write better.unfortunately,there is so many peole worldwide who don't understand who really are the palestinians,and who we're dealing many 09/11,how many london bombing,how many bali???till they apologize to israel of their ignorance and understand where is the truth.
36. boycott of Israeli goods
Moshe Zuchmeer ,   Israel   (12.23.05)
Norway have always had a miserable snot nose mentality. The boycott is obviously muslim pressure. Norway sold out their jewish citizens to the Nazis in the 2nd world war, .Their is so much muslim influence in Norway today, don't be surprised if soon Arabic is their main language. So much for fair play, self respect and honesty.
37. thanks you stephane ...ou Merci encore...For 27
xavier ,   paris france   (12.23.05)
Lets remind Stephen from Ohio that he should really give back the house where he lives to the indians that his ancestors had expelled. He seems to really know who is the real owner of a land anywhere in the world...So please start to abide by the law where you are now living. BUT According to international laws, proofs on the ground, and the book if you rely on it, the jewish people dont occupy the land and at the contrary, has a right to live here. Seems to be homeless now...Ask some arab friend states to welcome you if you are looking for a new house or ask to the norwegians to live in a fjord...
38. Norways happyiness is mi glee
Richard Hitchings ,   Methil   (12.23.05)
I wecome Norways desiozion as it is a policy I have persued since 1982 when I first flew the Palestinian flag from my home ...... 25 years may seem a long time for the Norwedgens to catch up... however I am pleased that they do thios now
39. To Stephen #27
Steven ,   Toronto   (12.23.05)
Stephen, Not everyone in Toronto is an illiterate anti-semite so speak only for your own sorry self. Your poor grammar and kooky ideas indicate that you very obviously have a very low IQ. You wrote, "Similar fate waits facsist Israel," which is the second time you misspelled the word that describes you. You more than anyone should know how to correctly spell fascist.
Daphy ,   New York   (12.23.05)
what will Israel do without exporting to Norway! Such a super power consumer country. Ha ha ha....I am really scared. Maybe Israel should stop importing from Norway, that will do much more damage to Norway than what Norway can do to us. And anyway, Norway? NO-WAY!
41. Norway=Antisemitism
Gerard ,   Poland   (12.23.05)
There are things that will never change, they will only change the disguise
42. Accessol get a life
Mark ,   New York NY   (12.23.05)
43. To Richard Hitchings Ali
CZ ,   New York City   (12.23.05)
Ah Richard Hitchings of Mehthil, land of the wandering sea ducks. Even the Pals have contributed more to society than the inhabitants of Methil so it is no wonder you choose to fly their flag instead of your own. To that I say when you are strapping on your bomb-belt, make sure to take precautions that you do not harm those precious sea-ducks that Methil is ever so famous for.
44. From Israel with Love
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.23.05)
These short lived boycotts remind me of all the wonderful products made in Israel. While I don't need much encouragement to shop, I'm going to make a point to seek out products from Israel. There are numerous websites that feature these products, most markets stock them and I've noticed an increase in clothing, bed and bath products from Israel sold by high end retailers. The US market for these products is definitely growing. I really don't think a boycott by the sardine capital of the world will impact Israel at all.
45. 6 - Don the simpleton.
Tahl ,   Israel   (12.23.05)
The questions you brought up are rediculous, simplistic and demagogic, and coupled with you condoning Syria and Iran - smell of deep-rooted hatred toward Israel, no matter what it does. But I'll answer you anyway, in the hope of educating and informing you so that you'd know the facts better, before passing judgment (in the good case), or just shutting your hateful mouth (in the worse case). The reason Israel is in violation of whatever-many UN resolutions, is very simple. The UN chokes under an Arab stranglehold, passing countless unbalanced, one-sided "resolutions" which almost always blame Israel. Because of this reason as well as others, the UN is an archaic, mostly toothless establishment, so it's not such a big deal. As for the annexed territories - do your homework. The west bank, never belonged to the Palestinians. Actually it used to be Jordanian. The reason Israel was there in the first place, was as a result of the '67 war, when Israel beat Jordan, Syria, and Egypt who were all trying to annihilate it. Since then, Jordan never made any claim for these territories. As for the Golan Heights - guess what? Syria's fault. They never should have attacked us in '73, and they would still have their beloved Golan. As for Sinai - same story. Only this time Egypt was wise enough to make peace with Israel, and got it back. That's how it works - you want your territory? Make peace with us! You wanna fight? Fine, get a load of our airforce and missiles. I have no desire nor strength to thoroughly go over the land-for-peace illusion of the Oslo accords (In Noway, what a surprise) in which Israel gave the Palestinians more and more lands, in exchange for more and more terror. As for the "apartheid wall" - Well, I don't see much problem, and I don't need to justify the basic, rightful desire (and actually, obligation) to protect our people from terrorism, so I'll just tell you this: one fact speaks louder than words here. Ever since the wall was erected, the terror death toll in Israel dropped sharply to about a quarter! As for its location - it is not a political divider, and is only there for security reasons. It can be moved for humanitarian purposes, and even the Israeli supreme court once ordered to have it moved. Just remember that for many years, we tried doing without such wall, we tried to live with the Palestinians without boundaries, and it only got us over 1000 deaths. They brought it on themselves. Now let's move to your dear countries Syria and Iran. Funny that you mention Israel "violations" of UN "resolutions", yet you neglect to mention anything about Syria's continuous harboring, aiding, and abetting terrorist organizations, like Hizbullah - doing so, interestingly enough - against UN resolutions! Funny how you neglected to mention Syria's assassination of Rafik Hariri, president of Lebanon, and the Mehlis report. Funny how you neglected to metion, Syria butting its nose and occupying Lebanon with its troops, for two decades. Funny how you neglected to mention, how Assad once quelled a civil upheaval in Hamma, by slaughtering 140,000 of his own people! As for the angelic Iran, funny how you neglected to mention its continuous disregard to international calls to freeze its nuclear development, which far exceeds, in its scope and in its speed of development - anything for "civil" purposes as it claims. Funny how you neglected to mention, how it sponsors Hizbullah and other terrorist organizations, and directs them to do anything in their power to kill Israelis, and never let the Palestinian Authority reach any kind of an agreement with Israel. And funny how you neglected to mention, Iran's "wonderful" record of human rights, their religious police, them stoning to death (by law!) women suspected of adultery, for instance. But of course, just as Norway says- all this pales in comparison to Israel's horrible crimes. Right?...
46. How about comprehending
Sirocco ,   Norway   (12.23.05)
- that this is a just a local decision of Sør-Trøndelag, a county with 5,9 percent of Norway'spopulation? And that, contrary to the misrepresentation here, the county does not decide what individuals or companies are buying? The boycott only applies to purchases by the *county administration.* Not that I, for one, have a problem with this boycott. If Israel wants to be other than a pariah, it might consider respecting basic international law. As to those wishing to boycotting Norwegian exports, they are welcome to boycott our oil to their heart's content.
47. #41: Rather ironic this, coming from a Pole...
Sirocco ,   Norway   (12.23.05)
48. You think that is it..
Lise ,   Norway   (12.23.05)
Get your facts right Avraham. We are also the richest country in the world, due to all the oil we produce. So apart from the fish you mentioned, we also export quite a bit of oil. Also not to forget Norway is the country who give the most in aid to third world countries. Voted best country to live in also!
49. That's nice
Israeli ,   Jerusalem   (12.23.05)
I guess that it is illegal to buy a centrino laptop or pentium D desktop... Also, that their cell providers will stop using comverse technology. And that they will stop selling J2ME phones, etc. Cool, they can go back to middle ages and raise sheep, that's where these antisemitic bastards belong.
50. Guessmonths of darkness and freezing cold makes you go crazy
Dudu ,   Kfar Sava   (12.23.05)
51. Norwegians against the boycott.
Vidar ,   Norway   (12.23.05)
I and many Norwegians with me are really angry at this boycott. These politicians is facing a storm of protests. Please feel free and send a protest email to the Mayor of Sør Trøndelag, Tore Sandvik: Israel still has many friends in Norway......
52. Quisling part 2
Marisa ,   London, UK   (12.23.05)
What do you expect from Quisling land. This is the country that produced the Nazi Quisling and murdered Jews in the holocaust. They are hoping that the Pals will finish the job that Hitler started. I won't be buying Norwegian products but then again, I can't think of anything they produce anyway. Norway is a pathetic little culturally defunct shithole with its own Islamic problem.
53. Lise Norway hello
richard Hitchings ,   methil   (12.23.05)
yes indeed what u say is so true the USA has long way to go to catch up with the Nordic Nations... I have spent only a small time in your country but know what you say is true. But Lise I have one negative comment on life in Norway...Why Is the beer so expensive ??? here in Methil you can buy for £1 /50 a pint of the finnest tennants lager. At Mcphails on Monday night... Hope to see you there Lise .... tell all your friends indeed charter a beer flight special....alternatively try Brannigans... where Im afraid the music is a shade loud even for me... However Lise I make a point of friday night beer night at the said place
54. I will now only buy Israeli products
Asa ,   Oslo, Norway   (12.23.05)
What a stupid decision. As a Norwegian I am ashamed of this boycott which completely ignores all the other countries that supposedly 'oppress' people. Is Norway going to start boycotting Chinese products, Turkish products, Saudi products? I will make an effort to buy only Israeli made products.
55. "Look to Norway..."
Delano ,   Oslo, Norway   (12.23.05)
"And if there is anyone who doubts the democratic will to win, again I say let him look to Norway." Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a speech in September 1942 where he told people to look to the Norwegian resistance as an example to follow. Every country in Western Europe produced Nazis during WWII, and every occupied country had their "Quislings". The legimate Norwegian government continued their struggle against Nazi-Germany from London. And Norwegian special forces stopped the Nazis from developing the atomic bomb when they sabotaged the heavy water plant at Vemork, Telemark. (That Norway later supplied Israel with heay water for their nuclear program, is another and not so proud story). From 1985-93, Josef Elias Benkowitz (yes, a Norwegian-born of Jewish parents) was President of the Norwegian Parliament, a position which ranks second only to the king. I leave it to you good people to draw your own conclusions on whether Norwegians are particulary anti-semitic. But it's true that the beer is expensive.
56. Why are people not in title to their way of reacting?
Ritchey ,   Oslo, Norway   (12.23.05)
Yes we are a bunch of know it all people and we do bad things at times, but so do you! And if someone wants to make a statement by reacting in such a way, well kudos to them! Even if it is Norway they boycot, because they show an interest instead of just talking about it.
57. Call to practical action
Fabia Fiortina ,   Los Angeles   (12.23.05)
If you believe that this boycott is unjust, rather than sitting and stewing, protest. Send an email, write a letter, make a telephone call and get the word out that Norwegians are anti-Semitic hypocrites who support terrorism. Evidence of the above: In a press release issued by the Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, the government, which includes Trondheim, Norway's third largest city and comprises almost 20 percent of Norway's population, decided to completely and totally prohibit the purchase or sale of Israeli products in all municipalities in the province. "The Provincial Parliament explicitly stated that the Israeli system of domination is no different from that of Apartheid South Africa. This comparison means a great deal in Sor-Trondelag, as its provincial parliament was the first Norwegian governmental body to boycott South African Apartheid," according to the Campaign. ADDRESSES TO WRITE TO: Please fill their email boxes to the rim !!! Trondheim, Norway's third largest city Norwegian Region of Sor-Trondelag Political addresses: Ola Huke: Solveig Kvidal: Snorre Valen: Morten Ellefsen: Olav Huseby: Yngve Brox: Randi Rognes: Heidi Klokkervold: Their Telephone numbers in case are on this link: Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune Remember Terje Larsen:,, Norway Embassy in Israel: Norway Prime Minister Office: Norway UN Norway Media: Aftenposten Norway Media: Norway Anti Racism: There is a Jewish Community in Trondheim, perhaps they should be contacted to discuss the boycott of Israeli Goods, and what they are doing about it. Postal address: Det Mosaiske Trossamfunn, Trondheim Postboks 2183 N-7412 Trondheim Norway Chairman of the Jewish community: The Jewish Community of Trondheim, Norway Julius Paltiel, tel. 7352 2030 / 7352 6568 Their info is not very much updated; their webmaster address:
58. brave?
Nabulsi   (12.23.05)
It is very rare to find a brave European country who can do the right thing in the new zionism-biased world order...Israel is continuing its collective punishment against the Palestinians with an appalling human rights recored and it does not look any different to the old south african aparhied regime.
59. Rather un-official
Alexander Joyce ,   Auckland New Zealand   (12.23.05)
You have to take into consideration that the area we are talking about is inhabited by not even a million people. This boycott has virtually NO effect whatsoever since it does not apply to the whole of Norway. For the people that are yelling about Norwegians being anti-semetic I have one thing to say. You are off your damn heads. Norway is officially one of the most pro Israeli nations in Europe. Far more than the British government. You have to remember that when no other nation in the world would supply Israel with heavy water for their Dimona reactor Norway happily exported 20t of it to Israel and has ensured that no one asked any questions about what it was to be used for. Even the Americans didn't want to give the Israeli's heavy water. As for those of you who still feel like boycotting Norwegian goods you would want to ask your gas station attendant to make sure that none of the gas you are putting in your car is Norwegian because there is a pretty big chance it is. Seeing as it is Norway's biggest export by far and most of it goes to the US and for the people living in continental Europe. Most of the natural gas you get into your house for cooking also comes from Norway. Guess you'll be using wood to cook from now on.
DEBRA ,   USA   (12.23.05)
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