Officer: Tree-cutting borders on terror
Efrat Weiss
Published: 13.01.06, 01:05
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31. I thought lying was forbidden by Torah...
David ,   Yerushalayim   (01.13.06)
I guess the Shin Bet is lying, the Israeli army is lying, the independent tree experts are lying, everyone is lying except the sweet angelic settlers. They never lie, because they're Torah-true.
Avi ,   Jerusalem   (01.13.06)
My children also make up stories and include ficticious characters.
33. of course the officer is right
george weiss ,   amsterdam   (01.13.06)
planting trees is supposed to be a mitzvah, wehteher true or not, this is not the only case of uprooted olive trees in the territories. this is perverse, coming from jews who "love the land". of course having one's own actions perverted is more dangerous to the national character than physical threats from outside. just look at the tone of blind hatred in these talk backs ! It is disgusting ! look yourself in the mirror, guys!.- where, instead of uprooting trees are the settler's great agricultural enterprises? how many of them work in agriculture?
34. The money will roll right in
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.13.06)
So far there are 25 posts and 21 of them say we didn't cut the trees down, and anyway it's good that we cut them down, and anyway we only pruned them. Many of the settlers openly believe in Kahane ideology and want to expel Arabs for that reason, and have acted violently towards them in the past. Just for argument's sake, is it remotely possible that they are actually going into Palestinian olive groves and destroying trees? Or do you suppose that the Palestinians, the human rights associations, the Shin Bet, and the IDF are all engaged in a massive conspiracy to make Israel look bad, and none of the thousands of conspirators has leaked the truth to the press? If you believe the second story you need to get your head examined, you're turning into Mel Gibson's taxi driver in "Conspiracy Theory."
35. Shocking journalistic scoop.. photos of uprooted trees!
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.13.06)
Finally, I have found photographical proof of trees being uprooted. Tim from Canada (#17-- "There has not been a single picture of an uprooted tree") your prayers are answered! How did I find these amazing photos? I spent about 5 minutes on google doing an image search. Wow! Incredible! In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that there's more photographic proof that any of you paranoid wierdos could easily find for yourself if you cared about the truth. In fact, I'm going to go waaaay out on a limb and guess that the story is actually true; Israelis ARE uprooting Palestinian trees! But wait, those must be Palestinian farmers driving those bulldozers, lended to them by the IDF as part of a grand plan to make Israel look bad, and to prune the trees. (Every one of you tree experts knows that the best way to prune a tree is to chop everything off, set the tree on fire, or run over it with a bulldozer.) Ahh, now it all makes sense...
36. Ynet Talkbacks Chock Full O' Nuts
David ,   Yerushalayim   (01.13.06)
The weird thing is that if you are in Israel and watching TV or reading the newpapers, you can see the evidence, hear the Israeli agriculture experts say these trees were deliberately chopped not pruned and so on. And it comes as no surprise, since you also regularly see with your own eyes how settlers punch soldiers, smash up Arabs' cars and shops, beat people up and so on. Every Israeli sees it and knows about it. Some people think it's OK that the settlers do these things, but most people don't think it's OK. Like some people are still denying that settlers poured paint thinner onto soldiers during the Gaza evacuation, as if there's any doubt among anyone here, even the settlers' most ardent supporters. Only nuts who are completely out of touch with reality continue to say these things. But Ynet talkbacks attract the nuts, who claim these things didn't happen, that it's all a lie and so on. And they lead people who don't see this stuff on TV every day to wonder, and to doubt whether it could be true that Jews are capable of being such bad people, let alone "religious" Jews. Let me put it in perspective: The people who claim it's all a lie are the same people who in the United States would say that no airplane hit the Pentagon on Sept 11, that the Oklahoma City bombing was a government conspiracy, that Elvis is still alive because no-one has seen his body etc etc.
37. To George "Wicked" Weiss
Ilan ,   Ariel   (01.13.06)
The residents in Gush Katif were largely involved in agriculture and were a major contribution to Israel's agricultural exports. Most of the organic produce in Israel is produced in Judea and Samaria, including organic eggs (one owner is under arrest for trying to prevent Arab vandals from ruining his fields). Ignorance is not a sin, but self-righteous hypocrisy and hatred of your fellow is. Shame on you.
38. Here's the video of the Arabs cutting down their trees
Dave   (01.13.06)
mms:// That's a hidden video showing the Arabs cutting down their own trees (near Yitzhar), which the settlers then got blamed for.
39. He would rather catch tree cutters than terrorist bombers?
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (01.13.06)
He would rather catch tree cutters than quassam rocket launchers? He would rather catch tree cutters than kidnappers of IDF soldiers? He would rather catch tree cutters than snipers that shoot at settlers? He would rather catch tree cutters than the terrorist who killed Shalhevet Pass? Tree killers are worse than Jew killers? Who is this idiot that has no sense of the value of a human life? And who the hell do the "palestinians' and leftists think they are to ignore an army committment. Morons, that's who.
40. retaliatory tree strikes by jews
kapara   (01.13.06)
so if i understand correctly, the arabs terrorize jews, and the jews terrorize the arabs' trees in revenge. We are not going to win the war that way. It will not make the arab terrorists behave like human beings. But I'm sure the trees won't bother us anymore.
41. Who is cutting the Trees????
David ,   NYC, NY   (01.13.06)
Check out who is realy cutting the trees... so stop blaming your own brothers... it should be said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
42. Tree Cutting
Jack de Lowe ,   Raanana, Israel   (01.13.06)
It should be noted that many of the cases of so called 'Tree Cutting' were of trees that had been trimmed and not that of a tree that was either literally uprooted or cut at the trunk. These are not acts of terror and were in fact probably done by the Arab farmers themselves and/or by groups looking to incite others against Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria.
43. Reply to #36 (David)
sk ,   USA   (01.13.06)
Am I one of David's nuts? True, I have no doubt that the Pentagon was hit on 9/11 or that Oklahoma City was bombed by a terrorist and not by the government. Well, David, I see lots of photographic and film evidence of Arab attacks against Israel in the English-language papers. Newsworthy specifics are supplied in such accounts. In fact, I see lots of Arab attacks everywhere in the world! Somehow, though, the Israeli media, which are almost always leftist and largely government controlled, can't seem to publish verifiable evidence of the settler-inspired rampage you claim to see on TV every day and claim to "know." Why not? Why are there no films of violent settlers harming or killing policemen? Might it be that any films that were taken would show the opposite - that police are out of control? (You, being a leftist, have made the same complaint, no doubt, regarding police actions against Arabs.) In real violent attacks, there are serious injuries and deaths. How many policemen have been killed by settlers? I have seen staged "Palestinian" videos before in a free press (the American one). You do know what a free press is, don't you, David? In this video, aired some years back on ABC, we find a funeral procession for a dead "Palestinian." Except, alas, the "Palestinian" falls off the bier, runs around, and hops back on, all apparently captured by an airborne drone. In this present (recycled) story, we have a staged photo of a sympathetic wailing "Palestinian" woman with a pruned tree. Everybody knows that the Israeli government is deeply corrupt. We also know that Israel does not behave like a real democracy. For example, politicians are free to campaign as rightists and govern as leftists (e.g. Rabin, Netanyahu, Barak, & Sharon). We know that Israel's Supreme Court is self-appointed and is out of control. We know that Israel's legislature is not directly elected and is not accountable to defined geographical constituencies. We know that a true alternative radio station will be shut down (Arutz Sheva). We know that someone can be arrested for "sedition" for vocally opposing the PM's "disengagement" policy. Do you claim that these serious defects are akin to Elvis sightings? Finally, we know that Israel does not behave in its relations with its enemies (or its friends) the way a normal and health democracy does. Could it be that a corrupt government has produced a corrupt people who can no longer even see something as obvious as the disastrousness of the Gaza expulsion?
44. 2- andy -to where?
NO ONE WANTS these people- they are yours- remember you wanted all JEWS in your country?
45. who uses bulldozers?
Danny ,   America   (01.13.06)
Big difference between the State uprooting trees with bulldozers to combat the firing of rockets or to build the terror fence and "Unknown" settlers doing it to be mean. I still say the Arabs are sabotaging their own people, woman, kids and refugees included, all to change world opinion against Israel. Electric Infada ring a bell? They need something to report true or not.
46. More Lies #36
David ,   Yerushalayim   (01.13.06)
That's right sk - there's no photographic or film evidence of settlers attacking soldiers or police, or doing anything wrong. The photos are all fakes if you just look a little closer. Just like there's no photo of the Pentagon after Sept 11 that really shows it was hit by an airplane. If you look a little closer you'll see that the pattern of the damage isn't from a plane. It was blown up by the US government to discredit Islam. And the paint thinner film is just a film trick - really it was the police above the settlers pouring chemicals on them. The evil left-wing media photoshopped the film. And Rabin was killed by a government agent, just like Emil Grunberg was killed by a grenade thrown at a Peace Now demonstration by a left-wing agent, not a right-winger at all. In fact, left-wingers often murder each other just to discredit those angels of the extreme Right.
47. to #1
Hilda ,   US   (01.13.06)
You're not crazy. That'd exactly what happened. Palestinians pruned their trees and accused the Jews of destroying their trees. Of course everyone believes the Pals . Doin;t the always tell the truth!!!!!!!!
48. to #6 Yehuda
Hilda ,   USA   (01.13.06)
So you believe the Pals. No the pictures show that the trees were pruned. but you fall for the propaganda. Of course trees are more important Jews. Doesn;t Pita equate the lives of chickens with the Jews who were killed in the Holacaust.
49. Feeble reply from David (#46)
sk ,   USA   (01.14.06)
Poor David thinks that innuendo (e.g. his repeated references to crackpot views about 9/11) and a tediously sarcastic tone count as a satisfactory reply. David seems to grant (if only by silence) that the Israeli political system is not truly democratic. In fact, no system with a self-selected judiciary and a legislature that is not directly elected can be called democratic. It is, instead, some kind of hybrid democratic oligarchy (which is why the same names are recyled election after election). David does not argue that the press in Israel is free in the American or British sense. These things are relevant in interpreting what the government does and what the press reports. David can't tell us the names or how many policemen were killed (if any) by those dangerously violent settlers (around 10,000 of whom were expelled from their homes last year). Yet he doesn't wonder about this. David doesn't wonder about a video showing Arabs pruning their own trees. Evidently, a settler can capture the event on videotape but the Israeli police cannot. He doesn't comment on a 2003 "uprooting" incident where the accusers refused a polygraph. Because of the corrupt and oligarchic nature of Israel's political system, I do not take anything I hear from the media at face value. Because of the dishonesty of the Left, I do not believe any of David's claims, however sarcastically made. It seems that I am not alone.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.14.06)
The global assault of psychological warfare to delegitimize and demonize Israel. In the propaganda war against Israel, world leaders and media use the propaganda word "occupation" constantly. The propagation of this lie - the continual use of the propaganda word "occupation" is an attack on all Jews everywhere because Israel is the Jew of the nations. Arabs prune their trees then accuse Jews of cutting down their trees! It is part of the propaganda war against Israel! The accusation of Jews cutting Arab trees is proven to be false, yet Israel's leaders have joined the propaganda war against Jews! Israel's leaders have abandoned their own people!
51. Grow up, stop being in denial
Khalid ,   Halifax   (01.14.06)
READ AND CONCENTRATE, STOP DENYING! This time it actually IS your fault, you idiots: "Yuval Diskin told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the Shin Bet had handed over the names of members of the "hilltop youth" from the West Bank settlements of Yitzhar and Itamar who were involved in uprooting the olive trees, but the security forces refrained from taking any action." - Report from Ha'aretz I dont have the list of names, but something tells me they are made up of more Davids than Mohammads.
52. Khalid in Halifax
sk ,   USA   (01.14.06)
Looks like someone finally kicked Khalid out of "Palestine."
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.14.06)
The terrorists laugh all the way to the bank with mega U.S. and European TAX DOLLARS. It's land for war! Displaying absolute contempt for Israel's plight of being in a state of war and under continual attack; the U.S. EU and UN are ruthless in their demands that Israel does not fight back, but give continual victory to her enemies! The Jewish Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria has been designated next on the list by the U.S. EU and UN, for ethnic Jew-cleansing and Islamic conquest! Jew-haters, Peace Now, and Israel's left, do their job of demonizing and creating hostility towards the hated religious Jews of Judea and Samaria. False accusations of tree cutting is part of the hate propaganda against religious Jews! The Islamofascists celebrate their savage murders of Jewish children and pregnant Jewish mothers, but the rage of Israel's left is reserved for the decent, law-abiding Jews of Judea and Samaria. It's not just Islam that despises Judaism! Israeli leaders in 1967, gave control of Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount, to Muslims! The Jews of Judea and Samaria, are to be punished for following Judaism! 250,000 Jews ethnically cleansed; rendered jobless and homeless and their confiscated land given to Muslims! The raison d'etre of the genocidal PA society is the mass murder of Jewish innocents. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise:
54. Check out who is cutting the tree branches!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.14.06)
As you can see in the picture, the tree is standing upright! Uprooted trees don't stand upright! Check out who is cutting the tree branches.
55. sk in USA
Khalid ,   Halifax   (01.14.06)
Actually the area (mandate) called Palestine hasn't existed since 1948, genius.
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