Hamas wins; ministers resign
Ali Waked
Published: 26.01.06, 12:48
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Thank you to the Palestinian people
Christopher ,   Boston, MASS USA   (01.26.06)
Thank you for letting the world see what your true intentions are. There is no "peace partner" on the Palestinian side, and probably never will be. The solutions? 1.FINISH THE ORDER WALL. It HAS worked! Homicide bombers have had to find ways to go through areas that have no walls. 2. Exchange the Arab triangle of the Galillee for the Jewish settlements of the West Bank. The th columnites have become a danger to the State. 3. Reinstitute the death penalty for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Arab terrorists. 4. Respond quickly and harshly to criminal attacks by the terrorist PA and its people. NO warnings; NO conditions:NO hesitation. If they continue to use their children as human shields, then they will have to face the repercussions. 5. Shut the border crossings in Gaza. Gaza is populated by enemies, as proven by the 'election'. NO OTHER STATE IN THE WORLD WOULD OPEN A BORDER TO AN ENEMY, YET THE WORLD WANTS ISRAEL TO! If that affects their exports to the Israeli market....well...that's what they voted for. 6. Let them develop their own infrastructure. Until now, Israel has built roads, electrical exchanges, water conduits and all needed utilities for the people. The Arabs voted in opposition to receiving a helping hand, so stop helping. 7. STOP US FUNDING. Although all the Muslim states promise the PA money for support, only the US has actually been providing ongoing financial support. US LAW FORBIDS funding terrorists, so - BY LAW - the US must stop. IT IS WHAT THEY VOTED FOR! That is what the Palestinians voted for. Give them what they want!
32. A clear mandate for continuing attacks
Adamush ,   London, UK   (01.26.06)
There is no doubt that this election shows that Hamas has been given a clear mandate by the Palestinian people to continue to purportrate attacks against Israel. I would hope that the West, particularly the EU, will give Israel the political room to deal with this reality the best they can. I will be writing to my MP about as much, I hope that all Britons will do the same.
33. Adamush , London, UK: Thanks
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.26.06)
but will they listen if a person like Galloway and RedKen can exist in your country but keep hitting on them and do your best keep us posted
34. The EU.,US Spin Begins
Marcel ,   Florida   (01.26.06)
Israel is too weak and cowardly to go in and make Hamas extinct and Israel's chosen Lord over Israel Bush will not permit them to do so. Their agenda now is to spin Hamas into good and peaceloving terrorist ,just as they did with Fatah. As DACON9 pointed out, "YOU THE MAJORITY ARE ALWAYS WRONG." Read the insane rant of #8 where he blames the Jews and myself but no blame to terrorist Hamas. Is this a self loathing Jew ?
35. To John from Canada
DR ,   Florida, USA   (01.26.06)
Your idiotic rant proves that you are a very ignorant person. To say that Israel is the country that needs to work towards peace is ridiculous. Throughout it's whole existence as a state, Israel has had to defend itself from other attacking countries (Syria, Egypt etc.) and terrorists (Palestinians) and has always tried to work for peace. The problem is that even though Israel is tiny compared to rest of the middle east, it is still a stronger country. Do you know why? Because we are fighting people like you. It is very appropriate that you are hiding in Canada, one of the few countries in the world that would rather appease terror than fight it. Check your borders, I think you are letting in terrorists right now!!!
36. #30. Look.....!!
Avi ,   Ramat Gan   (01.26.06)
Condoleezza Rice calls Abbas, says U.S. will continue to support him (AP) My point concerning the media exactly. No one in the media deisres to talk about the fact the Party of Abbas (al-Aqsa/Fatah) now has missiles to target Israel. No one wants to say that there is truly no difference between Fatah and Hamas. Why? Because the party of Abbas is made to look like the Tuesday afternoon Woman's garden club thanks to the US led quartet. I hold them (US led quartet) onehundred percent accountable. I am ashamed.,7340,L-3206493,00.html If long ago Fatah al-asqua were RIGHTLY creditied with being a terror organization by the US and State Department the world might see things differently. Having said that, if they were an official terror organization we then could not keep the poor Palestinian bad Israeli issue alive. How then would we appease the Arab/Muslim street if not to sock it quite unfairly to Israel while at the same time being slaughtered by world - wide funded Palestinians? BTW: You are so correct about the phone lines and emails. Not sure how much difference it makes in the end but it is the right thing to do. We are obligated. Silence kills. Thanks for your good work! We need more of you. Thanks for keeping the flame going....
37. It's the liberals fault they didn't give enough land
Jeremiah ,   Israel   (01.26.06)
If only the liberals would have given Tel Aviv to the Arabs. That's all they wanted was a little more beach front property to relax on. Now look what you have done. You forced the Arabs to show themselves for who they really are. The left was hallucinating when they thought if we give them little patches of Judea and Samaria then the Arabs will be our buddies. I suppose they perfered getting kissed before getting screwed. So selfish of you liberals to hold back on our Arab cousins. Now the only the only thing that can be do is to give the Arabs Tel Aviv and Jerusalem or they'll never be our friends... idiots.
38. To Gabrielle
john ,   Canada   (01.26.06)
so a canadian is not allowed to be impressed by democracy in a country under occupation. For god's sake. just think before you write. Look at the situation in Palestine. We all cannot deny that Palestine is under occupation. Even the israelies finally admitted that in Oslo. Everyone (including the government of israel ) agrees that west bank (including jerusalem) and gaza strip are occupied by the israelies ( UN resolution # 242). Palestinians had democratic elections in that land (which is under occupation).!! IN CONCLUSION , palestinians are impressive for their hard work! Why do I have to walk you through simple facts. Are you stupid ? seriously.! and btw. I am proud to be canadian and living in canada where i can freely express my opinions with no fear .. i dunno what the hell you went through in switzerland to assume that it happens to everyone .. lol!
39. To Dr #35
john ,   Canada   (01.26.06)
Well , actually israel has lots of work to do to prove that peace is what israelies are looking for. Israel was built on the ruins of others and that was not enough, it had to occupy more land in 1967. So logically israel is not a peaceful country. A country with WMDs is not a peaceful one. and about your attack against Canada, i dont even have to defend Canada's endless record of peace missions around the world . We are a country that looks forward to making this world a better place to live unlike Israel.
40. Jeremiah , Israel YEAH ,,YOU TELL 'EM
DACON9 ,   JEREMIAHS FRIEND   (01.26.06)
41. I know Hamas!
Robert Goldman ,   cooper city Florida   (01.26.06)
when Hamas was born they forced people to join and support htem in the Ala Mooktar area of Gaza, they would rape and kill to force people to allow them to operate in larger areas. they murdered mamed. and more to get their way. now look what it has brough tto the pals. Hamas won , their people lost, no legitimate govt will fund them no companyt will invest in them....... look what voting for the wrong party is bringing to the table.....
42. john:Canada: You are obviously mentally limited and A
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (01.26.06)
JEW-HATER if at least you would be honest about it you would show more guts in Fact You are a perfect Westend of an Eastbound Donkey you suffer from the DOLT disease
43. #31
Werner Marti ,   Switzerland   (01.26.06)
Unfortunately thats perhaps about the only solution left now, it is not right but not much else can be done obviously. The fact though remains to everybody who cares about history that the jewish State centuries ago was much bigger than it is now, it is NOT the jews who are the occupier.
44. #42 Gabrielle
john ,   Canada   (01.26.06)
so please tell me .. how am i exactly a jew hater ? thanks
45. response to #23 "john"
Doug Graves ,   Chicago, Ill.   (01.27.06)
John; You speak of the "occupation" of "Palestine". Please answer the following questions: 1) Why was 78% of original mandated "Palestine" given to Abdullah by the British to create trans-jordan in the early 1920s? 2) Name the years that "Palestine was ever an independent country with its capitol in Jerusalem. What is the precedent? 3) Why did the Mufti of Jerusalem state before the Peel Commisson in 1937 that arabs had sold over one million dunams to the jnf and individuals? 4) Why does the Jordanian constitution forbid jews from living within Jordan's boundaries, while over a million arabs are not only allowed to live within Israel, but are citizens as well? 5) John, If you are so concerned about "civill rights", where are your comments regarding nearly a million jews forcibly evicted from arab lands where they had lived for centuries? Why was the property and assets of those jews seized prior to their eviction? 6) If the state of Israel is the problem, why was the entire Jewish community of Hebron murdered in 1929, two decades before Israel's rebirth? 7) John, would you care to peruse a list of arab notables and elite that sold land to the jews which disenfranchised the fellaheen in the process? I have more queries for you John, but let the above suffice for the present.
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