Jimmy Carter: Give Hamas a chance
Published: 02.02.06, 11:42
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31. chance!
alan ,   usa   (02.02.06)
Hey Mr Carter, How about giving the students in Iran a chance?
32. I suggest amnesty for all murderers everywhere!
Sarah ,   Jerusalem   (02.02.06)
silly me. I forgot, only murders of Jews. All this aside, if anyone thinks for one moment the US will stop funding the the PA which is Fatah and it's offshoot Al-aqsa you are deluding yourselves. Furthermore, while Hamas is on the list of terrorist groups don't think for a moment Fatah did not plan and carry out attacks on Israelis. Just because they do not call for the destruction of Israel they have sure done a hell of a job of trying with bomb belts, bullets, hateful literature, school books and evil incitement from mosques. But shhh, we are not supposed to talk about that. Nor should we talk about those who harbor and sponsor terrorism right here under our noses. According to George Bush there are consequences for those regimes.....ha ha, except the regime of Abbas. He is a "man of peace" you know. LOL! A man of peace who has done nothing for peace and openly oon many occasions said he would not disarm Hamas! Alas, those who terrorize Jews does not fall under the real war on terror. If it did there would be no talk of a Palestinian state or the Quartet of fools issuing their double standards and spewing Palestinian whitewash every chance they get. And for sure, no more evil Zionist Jews to hold accountable rather then the dictatorial leaders who rule the Palestinians and incubate such groups as Fatah-Al-Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. Thanks to Hamas being overt we don't have to hold the REAL "harborers" of terror accountable. In a sense Hamas is the fall guy for the PA. Just like the weasel Jimmy Carter who says things outright which in the end is the same as the guys who use smoke and mirrors for the end result. Right here in YNET,7340,L-3209808,00.html there is a story of the US asking Israel to release funds to the PA. One way or another the Palestinians will get their money and Israel will continue to be pressured unmercifully in every direction and the false struggle of the Palestinian people will be kept quite alive. Just wait..... Now lets join hands with our " peaceful neighbors." Remember, there are only a "few who wish to hijack peace."
33. carter
gabriel ,   maoz zion   (02.02.06)
he maybe a good man but stupid as an ass, he lied to israelis during peace negotations with egyptians and forced israelis to accept his solution fos nothing, do not ever trust man like him
34. BUT use physical force against 12 YEAR OLD GIRLS
DACON9   (02.02.06)
35. Carter is a bonehead
Noah ,   Toronto, Canada   (02.02.06)
That is it, plain and simple. He's just playing 'let's appease the terrorists'. Beat it Jimmy, you're time and tenure as to when you can advise Israel on what to do is over. Keep your idiocies and your Christian values out of Israel.
36. That's why they call him "Dhimmi Carter"
cliff from montreal   (02.02.06)
Word is that Dhimmi's paycheck is funded by certain middle east entities that are hostile to Israel.Well more than 'hostile'..There's more to this peanut than what's under the shell.
37. Carter:"I should know - I gave Khomeni a chance and Iran tur
Christopher ,   Boston, MASS USA   (02.02.06)
38. #20 Khalid speaks for terror
Christopher ,   Boston, MASS USA   (02.02.06)
You are right - a new approach should be tried. Rather than speaking to terrorists, there should be an all-out unrestraind war against them by all civilized States. Given that Eurabia has already surrendered to the mass-murderers, Israel, the US, Australia, and a handful of other States will have to spearhead the attacks. Sound like deja vu? Many times in recent history, it has fallen on a few to fight the fight to safeguard civilization. The fight against radical Islam cannot be lost, for a loss would mean the end of civilized existence.
david ,   santa cruz, usa   (02.02.06)
what a joke "give hamas a chance" to arm themselves to the teeth so that they can really do damage to the Jewish people in the future. whats even more sad is that the brains behind Carter is a collection of liberal self loathing Jews that write speeches for him......
40. Carter
Sebastian ,   Argentina   (02.02.06)
I don't know much about Mr. Carter political career. I just want to say that it seems like it's time for him to say goodbye to the public life. Some people don't get old so well. I feel sorry about you, Mr. Carter
41. A Carter legacy uncovered
Christopher ,   Boston, MASS USA   (02.02.06),12271,1343190,00.html
42. Nothing upstairs
Sigfried S. Kuhn ,   Aberdeen Md.   (02.02.06)
Because Jimmy Carter has a background in nuclear physics, many believe that he is one of America's brightest presidents. To me, he is more like an idiot savant with an inflated ego. The facts speak for themselves. Carter's presidency was a disaster and the American people threw him out after one term. He was absolutely hapless in dealing with international or national crises. Internationally, he had no clue how to handle the Iranian situation and had no idea how the dangerous the mad Ayatollah would be once in power. He was helpless in responding to the Iranian hostage situation and our embassy workers would still be in captivity if Ronald Reagan had not assumed the presidency. Despite his military background, he approved an idiotic and incompetent plan to rescue the hostages. His reaction against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was to deny American athletes the opportunity to compete in the Olympics and to arm the future fighters of AlQuaida. Domestically, we all remember his incompetence in dealing with runaway inflation. People could not buy or sell homes. Also, his pessimistic moanings demoralized the American people -- something Reagan helped to end. Now this misfit has become a ferocious critic of the US. He had given advice and has written speeches for Arafat---so that Arafat would say what the World wanted to hear. Even during the Camp David talks, he made no secret of his dislike for Begin and his kinship with Sadat. Even the Democratic mayor of NY, Ed Koch, refused to support Carter's reelection because of the Mayor's fear that Carter would sell Israel down the river. Now, this pious fool wants Israel and the US to recognize Hamas, a terrorist organization that is sworn to Israel's destruction. He and Yassir Arafat---both Nobel Peace Prize winners.
43. #32 you are so correct.
Marsha ,   Boston   (02.02.06)
The problem here is stupid Carter says inappropriate things straight out. We all know who he is and where and with whom his weakness lies. (<---laughing---->) What you see is what you get. However, post 9-11 we have become accustomed to the magic wand of presidential double speak. In the end it will be Israel pressured to speak to Hamas, the Palestinians will get their money and we will all live happily ever after. The Palestinians will continue to be heavily whitewashed, lied for and protected while the good guys will continue to suffer. Syria will be Syria, Putin will continue to sell them missles while helping out the Iranians pointing nukes toward the entire world. Egypt will be portrayed as the good friend of the US on the road to yet another phony democracy and the Saudi's who according to Bush are turning over a new leaf will continue unchanged to be who they always have been. Goodness, what brand of White Paint is the White House using these days? Full coverage for dictatorial regimes but only partial coverage for the ally Israel? hmm. And here it is. Carter and Bush....Two roads from two very different men both sadly leading to the same place.
44. #20
Jane   (02.02.06)
45. #25
Jane   (02.02.06)
Actually, he deeply dislikes Israelis and, I would assume, Jews. Sorry, Brandon, but that is the reality.
46. To #5
Joan ,   Haifa   (02.02.06)
You're right. And let's not forget the U.S. would also have to stop calling people "terrorists." They're "militants," you know.
47. To #25
Joan ,   Haifa   (02.02.06)
I agree with you that Jimmy Carter's probably a great guy -- for leading a cub scout troop! He has no business making pronouncements about world politics though. Every time he opens his mouth, he shows himself to be more naive.
48. #38 Chris - settle down buddy, take a chill pill
Khalid ,   Halifax   (02.02.06)
"a new approach should be tried. Rather than speaking to terrorists, there should be an all-out unrestraind war against them by all civilized States." Umm yeah nobody is speaking to the "terrorists" now, that was my whole point. An all-out war? that's REALLY your suggestion? Isn't that what Bush has been trying for the past 4 years? How's that been going by the way? Any increase in global attacks? London? Madrid? Indonesia? Amman? Sharm elSheikh? What makes you think trying to millitarily eliminate Hamas would bring about any different results? But forget about hypotheticals, let's look at the reality: What was the ONLY thing that led to Hamas halting its attacks on Israel for the past whole year? Was it continued millitary aggression that scared them off? Nope. It was the summit when they sat at a table and DISCUSSED like normal people. Diplomacy is the only road to peace, this isn't my idea, this has been proven time and again. Hamas has proven at least that it has enough authority to control its own people and when they said "truce" last year, apparently they meant it. Hamas should not seek the destruction of Israel, nor should it initiate or instigate by suicide bombing, because that's wrong. The problem with you Chris is that you believe diplomacy is surrender, well it's not. Quite the contrary, diplomacy is the only civilized means to end a stalemate. You seem to want no solution, correct me if i'm wrong, but would you like to see Palestine (West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem) living side by side Israel Proper on the '67 borders like Resolution 242 calls for? Thats the wish of the majority of Palestinians AND Israelis according to numerous polls. You and Hamas need to BOTH grow up and face reality for the sake of Palestinians AND Israelis.
49. #'s 32 and 43 I would like to take this one step further.
Lior ,   Israel   (02.02.06)
Have you noticed the US and others merely putting the emphasis on Hamas simply ending heir call for the destruction of Israel and laying down of weapons? However where is the talk of transparency and every other step in-between? Surely our world leaders must be concerned with this aspect of terrorism seeing transparency is the key which might unlock the door to peace. Surely they MUST KNOW for Hamas to disarm and change their entire agenda it will take years not just 'TALK.' Knowing this why is there so much emphasis on TALK and not what takes for durable lasting peace? See the pattern of what they our world leaders are trying to achieve here? Then take the leaders of the Palestinians who have indeed incubated terrorists of all varieties, what transparency have they had to employ? What consequences and for sure which personal sacrifices have been imposed upon them? None. This whole thing is a game to keep the Arab street both calm through appeasement and in a convoluted way holding Israel responsible for every ill of the Arab world.
50. Jimmy and the Attack Rabbit
Horace ,   Atlanta, GA   (02.02.06)
Jimmy didn't have talks with the "attack rabbit" that harrassed him and his canoe in 1979. He tried to hit it repeatedly with a paddle. This is what he should have learned from the experience: "Lesson for life #1: if it moves, kill it. Lesson for life #2: if you can't kill it, for God's sake don't talk about it to the Associated Press." Jimmy, Hamas is much worse than your "attack rabbit".
51. Labels
Steven ,   London   (02.02.06)
Just because he is completely stupid, it doesnt make him an anti-semite. People use that label to quickly.
52. Kalid-a reality check
Christopher ,   Boston, MAS USA   (02.02.06)
NOT talking to terrorists is a norm in civilized states and amongst civilized people. Talk to thise dedicated to your destruction? WHY? Your logic is similar to those that argue that Hitler's decimation of European Jewry was the Jews' fault because they wouldn't engage in a logical exchange. Hamass stopped attacks due to diplomacy? Hamass stopped terrorism when their leaders were forced underground by Israel's policy of targeted removals. Hamass called for a truce? READ their comments: They called for a truce for a couple of years so that they can later decide how to "replace Israel with a Muslim State." That is what Hamass leadership in Syria stated, not that they were looking for peace. Diplomacy is NOT surrender. The Eurabians have surrendered yet Arabs continue to massacre European Christians. Why don't you start to address the following: Why are the Arab States that promised to create a Palestine in 1948, TOLD the Palestinians to leave,attacked the new State and were defeated, not brought to task for creating the current situation From 1948 to 1967, Egypt and Jordan controoled what you call "Palestine" yet no pressure was ever exerted on them to let the Palestinians organize a State? Resolution 242 was a basis for negotiation. Oslo was supposed to be a basis for continued negotiations. Arabs don't honor cmmitments. Hamass has already said that they see no reason to honor ANY agreements signed since Israel CANNOT be allowed to exist. Diplomacy exists between partners seeking a common solution. Israel wants peace - Hamass wants the destruction fo the Jewish State. The Palestinians have proven what their true goals are by putting in power a IslamoFascist group hell-bent on not just taking over Israel, but the removal of Mubarak and Abdullah. You strike me as someone who would have gleefully voted for a Hotler, and then condemned those that did not succumb to his greed. Israel is not destined to be the new Poland or Czechoslovakia. It is destined to remain a free and democratic State, unlike any Arab entity!
53. exPres. Carter
SGE ,   Connecticut, US   (02.02.06)
Mr Carter was one of the worst presidents to ever occupy the White House. His new role as 'elder statesman' was not earned through any action of his own, it is by default. He is no statesman. He is clueless to the workings of the real world. Clinton, Carter, and their brothers (Roger and Billy) might be a fun foursome for a round of golf, but they should stay out of politics.
54. Jimmy Carter - the weakest President ever
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (02.02.06)
No doubt, former President Carter is a good man who cannot see fault even in the devil. However, this is the man who turned the USA into the laughing stock of the world. It took the Late President Reagan to restore self-respect to the American people. Regarding his "give Hamas a chance" statement I ask him if he is willing to give Osama bin Laden a chance and would he free the funds frozen in the US that were destined to enrich the coffers of AL Qaeda? Has he forgotten 9/11? Mr. President, Arab or Muslim terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. These same Arab and Muslim terrorists have killed over 20,000 Israelis since the birth of the State of Israel and you want us to give them another chance? No Sir! The time has come to close the door forever on these violent and brutal people. Let them have their state where they stand today, with a few adjustments and Israel must shut the door, lock it and throw the key away. Kadima, the Likud and most sane Israelis realize that the only way forward is total separation of Israelis and Palestinians. They elected Hamas on a platform of the destruction of Israel by a very large majority. For Hamas to change its standpoint would be anti-democratic. They chose violence now they must face the consequences of their choice.
55. Would America negotiate with Al-Qaeda?
Roger ,   USA   (02.02.06)
56. Carter gave away the Panama Canal
Ann ,   USA   (02.02.06)
Carter is a disgrace!
57. Carter's people
Christopher ,   Bosotn, MASS USA   (02.02.06)
Ramallah: Gunmen take over TV building Gunmen apparently belonging to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades have taken over the Palestinian television building in Ramallah. The circumstances of the incident are still unclear, but the takeover could be linked to a decision by TV management to freeze the salaries of workers who receive salaries from other media organizations, mostly foreign. (Ali Waked)
58. Money laundering
Michael ,   Fairfield CT   (02.02.06)
In the US, we call the transfer of money to third parties to avoid the law, money laundering. Carter would do anything to fund anti-Israel terrorist groups, even break his own govenment's laws.
59. "antisemitism" is way over used.
Brandon ,   USA   (02.02.06)
Yes, Carter is not a capable political leader. He is a simple man from a simple southern background. Like I said, he has a simplistic view of the world in which everyone strives for good. He doesn't understand the danger behind a Hamas, or conflict in general. It bothers me that people jump to use the "anti-semetic" slap. This is overly used in the modern day zionist movement. If ANYBODY disagrees with ANY Israeli policy, idea or agenda, they are deemed "anti-semetic." It is very pathetic and sad.
60. #59 Brandon
Jane   (02.02.06)
Actually, Brandon, your naivete is pathetic and sad
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