Senior Hamas leader: Israel exists
Ynet reporters
Published: 20.02.06, 15:36
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31. 2 comments
jf ,   nashville   (02.20.06)
1) seems like alot of these nutbags got to study in the usa.(when will we ever learn) 2) Sharia Law seems very close to the Pirates Code that guys like Blackbeard used.(also an insult to use the word Law since Law/justice is meant to support what is Just/Good)
32. #6
Jane   (02.20.06)
No, by better he means more accomplished, more educated, more compassionate, more cultured, more civilized, more advanced, more talented, more fair, more tolerant, more responsible and any one of a number of "more(s)".
33. #32
Mo   (02.20.06)
"and any one of a number of "more(s)"." Yeah like "more cruel" and "more of a terrorist occupying power" and "more paranoid that the world is out to get it."
34. How foolish is the West ?
Adina Kutnicki ,   US   (02.20.06)
Isn't it dandy that many of the PA terror leaders have received degrees from the US? Perhaps it is long overdue for the US to start closing its institutions to Arab students from hostile countries. What are the chances that these students are coming to the US for "multicultural" exchanges, as opposed to access to the best technology in the world, and for scouting purposes? Dumb and dumber doesn't begin to describe these lax policies. Speaking of dumb. If any Israeli gets taken in by the "softening" of the Hamas rhetoric, then they deserve the consequences.
35. #30 John, who are you kidding?
Motaz   (02.20.06)
Yeah, Ok, that's what it says in their charter. But no matter what they say in the future, you're not going to believe them, so what's the solution? Murder every single last one of them? THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Listen, even if you believe that is the only solution you must believe that it is impossible to do so. For every one that is assasinated more are made, and further, for every civillian that is killed, more become sympathetic with movements like Hamas, they can not be defeated millitarily. So if they change their charter to liberating only 22% of what was Palestine; Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem, would you believe them then or would you still insist it's some 'diabolical master conspiracy plan?' I guess what I'm asking is if, HYPOTHETICALLY, Hamas abandons its charter as it is now, and calls only for liberation of Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem and accepts a truce with Israel and recognizes its existence and agrees to stop suicide bombing and qassam launching, would you THEN believe them or still insist they are lying? And if your answer is that they would still be lying then please please tell me, what solution is ever going to be possible?
36. law & code
jf ,   nashville   (02.20.06)
I take back what I said about the code of the Pirates.....having looked it appears to be more honorable than the sharia nonsense. sorry, my bad.
37. To #35 Motaz
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (02.20.06)
I have no idea how you understood from what I wrote that I think the solution is to kill every single last one of them, although a world without terrorists is my dream. I think a military response can solve the problem in the short run, which it has been proven to do (Op. Defensive Shield). This operation rid the West Bank and Gaza of many terrorists, and significantly lowered the number of SUCCESSFUL terrorist attacks. On the other hand we see from the same study, that after the military actions ended, terrorists regrouped (just like you said) and actually came to form the government, effectively making them more powerful than before. This tells us that military actions work in the short run, but are useless for the long run. What I DO think is that terrorist's Jihadistic ideology is very deeply rooted in the social and political atmosphere that they have lived in since birth. It has been their up-bringing since they were young, and it's what they've been taught to believe. My solution? Only education will end terrorism, because all the bullets in the world can't kill hate.
38. The terrorist scum are in Israeli jails, YES, Israel exists.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (02.20.06)
39. #33
Jane   (02.21.06)
Those are not the mores that I was referring to, as if you didn't know. I meant things like more honest, more competent, more concerned with real justice, more egalitarian, more realistic, more willing to compromise, more willing to share, more kind, more intelligent - you get the picture. We are more everything that you are not.
40. Palestine exists
Arafat   (02.21.06)
the Israeli people who for more than 50 years have elected terrorists (from irgun leaders, most recentlty to beirut massacare instigators) should renounce violence, recognise palestine' right to exist and its peoples rights to self determination, and accept peace negotiations based on UN resolutions (not militant actions and collective coercion) as the only means for a just settlement. with billions of dollars in US aid and a bankrupt international security architecture such as todays, this evolution in Israeli thinking isnt in the horizon and wont materialise. Palestine resists - power to Hamas (literarily)!!
41. #15
What I want to hear   (02.21.06)
It's quite arrogant to steal a people's land using force, impose all kinds of hardships on them and then on top of this add "I want to hear the word " end of claims and peace"." Perhaps you should think again.
Don't Forget ,   Radio, Givat Haviva   (02.21.06)
43. #39
Mo   (02.21.06)
"We are more everything that you are not. " Again, you're right, like "more willing to drop one-tonne bombs on crowded buildings" "more willing to terrorise with Apache helicoptors" "more willing to build racist cement walls and try to call it a fence" "more willing to uproot olive trees" "more willing to empty full clips into little girls knowing that the soldier will not be guilty of any crime" Do you want me to go on saying how much MORE Israel is than the Palestinians?
44. #40
Jane   (02.21.06)
Not for long, if you don't cut out the crap. You got the government you deserve. Now we can take off the kid gloves. No more door to door. Boom, boom, BOOM!!!!!!!!!
45. #41
Jane   (02.21.06)
We stole no land. You used force to try to stop our return to our home. It is you who imposed hardships on us. And then you have the nerve to complain when we will not accept your barbarity. Go back to those lands from which you came. The name Palestinian is a Roman creation. It is the land of Judea. You can attempt to rewrite history all you want, but the truth is not as you say. What I want to hear is that you are getting the hell out. Our mistake was made in 1948. When the Jews were thrown out of the Arab lands in which they had lived for more than a thousand years, we should have thrown you out of our land. Even exchange. 700,000 or 800,000 each. Done deal. But now we are stuck with your rotting lies and hate.
46. Unless ...
Jul ,   Paris   (02.21.06)
...You simply don't consider Israel is stealing anyone's land but just getting back what was Jew's land, a land on which they worked harder and fought harder, 1 to 10 to establish a western standard country. And that's my case. So yes, I'm DEMANDING an end of claims from arab from the territories and nothing less. War can go on and we all know who's winning and who can put a drastic end to it.
47. Jane and Jul
Arafat   (02.23.06)
Boom boom boom would be a drastic end, also to whatever little pretence Israel still holds about being a civilised and democratic country. You've built a wall and cramped the Palestinians in camps, why not just build a few large ovens and march them in? At least this would be less noisy and perhaps show some respect to your partners, who have already proven that, as far as they're concerned, you can do what you like as long as they dont have to hear, see, or speak about what is actually happening.
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