Leftist group stirs IDF row
Efrat Weiss
Published: 22.02.06, 10:48
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1. crimes at check points
human rights are violated everyday at these check points with war crimes against palestinians and nobody says anything. Stop the occupation and nobody will watch you.
2. Old nutty grandmothers from N. Tel Aviv invited to lecture?
Efi ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.06)
Invited to lecture the IDF? Old far lefty moonbat women who know nothing about security and who do not like our country are going to lecture to young combat soldiers heading out to check points?? Someone has fallen on their head. Help! World going crazy.
3. #1; Stop blowing up Jewish children then no checkpoints!
Daisy ,   USA   (02.22.06)
If Arabs like yourself want to be treated as civilized then act like it and stop being terrorists!
4. for the time being, this is best solution
Avi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.22.06)
As a veteran reserve soldier and the proud father of a serving infantry soldier in the West Bank, I think that this is an excellent idea. We have to balance at least two values while we are serving. The first is to carry out the legal orders we are given to the best of our ability. The second is to remember that the human beings we are dealing with are our neighbours and will continue to be so in the future. It is much easier to cop out and refuse to serve from either left wing or right ring viewpoints. What the majority have to do is deal with reality as it is and try and change it at the ballot box, not through the barrel of a gun. The gun is there to defend us and the responsibility to use it properly is a heavy one. The input from machsom watch is valuable and important, as are their activities. As to Ms. Matar and her ilk, the sooner they come and live in the State of Israel, the better. We will welcome them with open arms.
5. #2, yes, YOU have fallen on your head
6. Heaven forfend
Avi ,   Tzfat, israel   (02.22.06)
Heaven Forfend, but it will be "interesting" if some one discovers a suicide bomber that had blown up, and passed the checkpoint because of the distraction caused by "Machsom Watch". I don't know if those women are really stupid or simply evil.
7. #1 -War crimes?
Barry ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.06)
A war crime is smuggliing bombs and explosive devices in ambulances. A war crime is a terrorist hiding among a civilian population. A war crime is NOT asking a person to identify themselves and be subject to an inspection.
8. #4 Efrat is more Israel than your ghetto mentality
Ilan ,   Ariel   (02.22.06)
Since when wasn't Gush Etzion part of Israel? That is the bottom line. The radical left has it's agenda which is to replace Israel as a Jewish state with a secular democratic paradise as in No. Korea. No thanks.
9. to #8 get your facts right
Avi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.22.06)
Efrat and for that matter Ariel are not part of the State of Israel. They are certinly in the Land of Israel, but none of our governments have ever annexed these places, thank goodness for some sanity. In the end, we and our neighbours will have to come down to earth, learn to live our own lives separately in our own nation states. Until that time, I am on the front line.
10. To #9 You imported armed Islamic terrorists to kill us all.
Ilan ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.06)
You imported trained baby killers, you gave them IDF weapons. You gave them a state. You allowed them to kill 3000 of our citizens. You castrated our army in every describable way except for the officially condoned machsim watch brainwashing methods. Now you have convinced the castrated idf to allow you into their military bases to convince them to go AWOL. M
11. Gush Etzion was part of the Yishuv, half of Jerusalem wasn't
Ilan ,   Ariel   (02.22.06)
Jerusalem's Ramat Eshkol, Ramot and many other neighborhoods as well as the road to Jerusalem are all outside the 48 lines and were not part of the Yishuv before '48. Gush Etzion was conquered by the Jordanians in the '48 war and only reinhabitated after '67. So unless you follow a script written by the PLO, Gush Etzion is indeed part of Israel.
12. to # 10 who is whom?
Avi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.22.06)
To the best of my knowledge the Palestinians do not yet actually have a state of their own. Who is the "you" in "you allowed" "you gave", "you imported"? It would seem to include the Labour party, Meretz, the Likud under one B. Netanyahu and under A. Sharon, as well as Shas, Agudat Yisrael, the NRP and Eilon, Lieberman as well as Shinui and sundry others. They are of course all extreme left wing entities who happen to have been the elected government here for the past few years. Much better to leave the IDF in the hands of those who are in direct personal contact with god and are not much bothered by mundane things like how you protect your family from terrorists and keep the sanctity of humanity intact. Tough world we live in.
13. Wrong answer
Francois ,   Paris   (02.22.06)
These Leftists must be expelled to Gaza. They will prove us that it is possible to achieve a real peace with their pals. Give peace a chance!
14. Machsom Watch brainwashing-double std.
Alon ,   Ramat HaSharon, Isr.   (02.22.06)
Once again, Israel shows what a ridiculous double standard it has of self-hatred. The ultra leftist Machsom Watch, who hate Jews and love only Arabs, will lecture, i.e., brainwash our trained soldiers. At the same time, a young chayelet is punished for talking to fellow Jews from the national camp. We are truly a country gone mad!
15. Right and wrong
Boaz ,   Ramat Gan, Israel   (02.22.06)
Teaching soldiers about humane is OK. Preaching political beliefs is certainly not. This organization, “Machsom Watch” is a political organization claming to be a human rights organization. A human rights expert from the academia is far more suited, both as an experienced lecturer, who knows how to separate education and politics, and better familiar with the subject
16. #3 Daisy - Oh really?
Motaz   (02.22.06)
"Stop blowing up Jewish children then no checkpoints!" Oh is that so? Then why in 1986 before the first Intifada and the "blowing up of Jewish children" as you call it, why then did i still have to go through checkpoints???? Educate yourself before you speak publicly.
17. #3 Sounds reasonable to me, Daisy!
jason ,   usa   (02.22.06)
18. You killed 3000 Jews and Blame others
Dorit   (02.22.06)
Grow up Avi. Be a man, take some reponsibility. C'mon we want to hear how it was all in the name of peace.
19. Machsom Watch
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.22.06)
The "charming" Israeli First Lady, Aliza Olmert, is a charter member of Machsom Watch and Peace Not. Maybe this is why they receive such privileged attention. Others who "interfere" with IDF/Yassam operations get their skulls crushed.
20. #16 Motaz
Joe   (02.22.06)
Israel didn't suddenly throw up checkpoints immediately after the six day war (another war you Arabs started). They came about as a result of Arabs committing terrorist attacks before the first pogram (intifada as you call it.) Besides Arab nations have checkpoints to keep people from shooting at politicians and/or kings they don't like.
21. Olmer'ts Daughter Donna is a Member
Piranha ,   Chicago, IL   (02.22.06)
According to an article by Ruth Matar, Olmert's daughter Donna is a member of Machsom Watch. That wouldn't have anything to do with this effort to propagandize among the IDF troops, would it?
22. #20 Joe - you are so wrong
Motaz   (02.22.06)
That was my whole point - the checkpoints have nothing to do with the "program" (lol its called intifada or uprising i dont know where you got program from, but ill use it). Anyways the checkpoints are there to protect the internationally-illegal settlements that are built on internationally-recognized Palestinian land (e.g. the West Bank - presently occupied and Gaza Strip - formerly occupied). The six day war was started by Israel because they thought (actually, they got information from an insider) that the Arabs were about to launch a secret attack, that doesn't mean the Arabs started it. And finally your rediculous attempt to justify these checkpoints because "Arab nations have them to keep people from shooting at kings they dont like." So that makes them OK? I lived in Gaza and I lived in Saudi Arabia (presumably the country you were referring to). Yes there are checkpoints in both places but NOOOO WAAAAAAY are they similar. Trust me. Ask others if you wish, but in Saudi Arabia (horrible as it may be) the officers at checkpoints don't hold you there for hours upon hours until you can no longer make it to your work from home or to your home from work. They also don't hold pregnant ladies for "security reasons" until they are forced to give birth only to see their child die. So, no comparison between Israeli and Saudi checkpoints, but nice try Joe.
23. mofaz
yaakov ,   judea   (02.22.06)
So you lived in the desert democracy of Saudi Arabia, did you wear your kippa or tzitzis, m-o-f-a-z? IF YOU WANT OUR LAND OUT HERE IN ARIEL, GUSH ETZION, COME AND TRY TO GET IT, DO NOT HIDE BEHIND COMMUNIST ORGANS LIKE MACHON-WATCH
24. #4
YAAKOV ,   JUDEA   (02.22.06)
As a good father, sir you should talk your son into guarding TA, Haifa, instead of protecting"settlers" in my back yard, we could do the same job and cut the rock throwing, firebombing, harrasement by the foreigners on our land. your description of Gush Etzion is a desecration of the memories of the brave men and women who gave their lives to defend Jewish land from foreigners in 1948, that is history, something leftists make up or distort
25. Sorry Motaz, I Was Thinking of Actual Facts
Joe   (02.22.06)
A. The West Bank was internationally recognied as Jordanian land prior to 1967, not "Palestinian" as Gaza was part of Egypt and not your imaginary homeland. B. Israel thought the Arabs would attack because Nasser kept threatening to "finish Hitler's job", he kicked the UN peacekeepers out of the country so that they weren't securing the peace between the two borders. When they were gone, Nasser put troops on the border. Hardly inside information. Well, Motaz I wish I could say that I feel sorry for you but I feel worse for the Israeli kids who are crippled by your terrorism.
26. Joe - Don't lecture about international law.
Motaz   (02.22.06)
Ok, I know the West Bank was Jordanian prior to '67 and Gaza was Egyptian, everyone knows that, but if you want to travel down that path, how about before 1948? Have you heard of Mandate Palestine? Controlled by the British but comprised of 90% Arab people? Listen don't call it Palestine if you don't want to, you can call it Zimbabwe for all I care, it was 90% Arab before Jewish immigration because of the worst crime ever committed - the holocaust. I don't need you to feel sorry for me, and thats find that you feel worse about Israeli kids crippled by terrorism, I feel badly for them too. I also feel bad for the thousands of other Palestinian kids crippled by occupation, Apache Helicoptors, and F-16 fighter Jets... the difference is, you don't feel that same badness for the Arab children.
27. #23 Yaakov from "Judea"
Motaz   (02.22.06)
You fool, my name is Motaz not MOFAZ, and Saudi Arabia is NOT a democracy it is a BRUTAL DICTATORSHIP, backed by your buddies in the White House.
28. Why Do Palestinian Kids Get Killed?
Joe   (02.22.06)
Because you Arabs no longer want to fight like armies on a battlefield but in civilian centers. Hell, even the Hamas has one of its headquaters built adjacent to a hospital. As for the 90% people. Most of them moved into the area within years of 1948, which is why the UN had to redefine the definition of a refugee so it included people who had lived in Palestine "within 2 years of 1948". The UN couldn't seriously call you indiginous because you weren't and no documents prior to 1967 war even mention any "Palestinians". Not to mention Jerusalem never had a Muslim majority. It was never the capital of "Palestine" no matter what Abbas says either.
29. All Arabs Live Under a Dictatorship
Joe ,   USA   (02.22.06)
or monarchy because living in a democracy involves believing in a higher law which all peoples are subject to. Muslims cannot believe this because they are the people of dhimmi laws and pacts of umar. In other words, one law for them and one law for us. By the way Mota, Judea is what they region was called evn during the days when maps labled the area Palestine. Not that you would know because your people have no real history there. You gave it a generic name like west bank. Actually, other people named it for you.
30. whatever
yaakov ,   Judea   (02.22.06)
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