Shas chairman: Gays are sick people
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 22.02.06, 22:48
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49 Talkbacks for this article
1. homo research
jf ,   nashville   (02.22.06)
we should admit to having invented a homo pill that we plan to put in you know who's water.
2. spiritual illness
hanina ,   usa   (02.22.06)
No sir it's a spiritual illness where the yazar hara has taken over the body and soul. We need spiritual cleansing for everyone and I bet that would be the medication you are looking for, the moo adom.
3. Shas
every so often the shas party has to say something stupid (there may actually be a quota fixed)...just to let the rest of the world know 'hey, we are still retarded'
4. No, honey, we part of are klal Yis'rael.....
Andy   (02.22.06)
We were at Sinai and we will be in Jerusalem from August 6 - 12 for World Pride 2006. We have enough to worry about from those that want to kill us to fight amongst ouselves, gay - straight, dati or chiloni. I pray that God removes the sickness of intolerance from Yishai's heart. In the interim, his sentiments make my support for Israelis, gay and straight, even stronger.
5. who says we can't find common ground with hamas and Iran?
yehuda halevi   (02.22.06)
6. normal deviant behavior - nothing more
michael ,   tel aviv   (02.22.06)
7. Mr Yishai is right
Uri   (02.22.06)
Though I doubt that there can ever be a pill to cure Homosexuality (although, anti-Psychotic and anti-Depressant drugs may be used to aid the psychotherapeutic process of 'healing' Homosexuality), the fact still remains that Homosexuality is a disease. And homosexuality is often accompanied by serious personality disorders - stemming from an insufficient childhood. The average life span of a Homosexual male is 45. The rates of aids, and other sexually transmitted sicknesses affect homosexuals at an astronomical proportion. What is even sadder, is that a certain extremist community has succeeded in normalising this illness, thus eliminating all serious prospects of further research into this fatal disease. If everyone on the earth were Homosexuals, there would be no more Human life on the planet within one generation. (I would also like to express my dismay at Ynet's blatantly pro-Gay bias. And in particular, its mockery of Mr Yishai - who represents a significant segment of Israeli society. )
8. The Gay Agenda
Chaya ,   Israel   (02.22.06)
The gay agenda has, in the U.S., succeeded in brainwashing the American public into believing that this 'lifestyle' is normal. Homosexuality is even being taught in schools that it is one of a number of 'choices' people make. This is a terrible thing that is happening there and God forbid that should happen here too! This is a disfunction that can be treated. Numerous groups in the U.S. have succeeded in doing so but are attacked and thwarted by homosexual groups. What people want to do in private is their business. Nobody should go to prison anymore for this. But it should not be put forward as something normal!
9. He is 100% Correct
Israel ,   Israel   (02.22.06)
Israel was given to us from the Ha*hem, to us Hebrews.Not to some gays. Gays should not be allowed in Israel. Israel was destined and allowed by those that were religious, the Hareidi. Not to some clowns, you secular. You are internally destroying what it means to be a Zionist. Go back to America or to Europe as Israel is for those that respect G-d's wishes. Lesbians and gays will not be allowed to enter Geula. We are supposed to be G-d fearing. Gays/lesbians/secular Jews/anti-zionists are the Erev Rav the Amalek which are destroying our nation. Israel should never be mainstream, it was never supposed to be democratic. Literally its supposed to be a theocratic government ruled hopefully soon by the bloodline of David. For those that dont believe in Geula, those will not recieve it.
10. to #7
The Golem ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.22.06)
Uri, you are simply repeating old rumors and out of date theories. Being Gay or Lesbian is no more deviant than being left handed. (I am both, btw). Passing off slander as truth, such as the life span of the Homosexual Male is, on average 45 or that there are drugs that will cure or make someone less gay is khillul Ha-Shem. The real question is why some otherwise rational people continue to hold the belief that gay people are not healthy and normal.
11. I saw Broke Back Mountain last night-great movie.
12. Normalizing homosexuality
Nat ,   Montreal, Canada   (02.22.06)
At first the gay agenda was tolerance. After it became politically incorrect to oppose it, the gay agenda has moved to having homosexuality treated as normative behaviour, which it is not. Kinsey's distorted figures gave the movement an undeserved credibility. Whether it is a psychological, physical trait, or whether it is an "illness" is a meaningless debate. The problem is that the gay community is about as tolerant to opposition as the Muslim community is to cartoonists (albeit less violent). Yishai should be have his comments reported, without being editorialized in the report.
13. I thought everyone in Israel had gone crazy
hillel ,   brooklyn, usa   (02.22.06)
With Homo/Lesbian parades in Tel-Aviv and the Holy City of Jerusalem, and Kadima now ready to legalize Gay Marriage, I thought Israelis had completely lost their senses. Now I see that there are still some normal people in Israel.
15. The dark ages
Efi ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.06)
Some people like to cling on to them. Sad.
16. Pathetic
Yoav Ben Zakai ,   Israel   (02.22.06)
Oh dear here we go again....First women shouldn't serve in Knesset, then Homosexuals are "sick". Human sexuality is a very fluid thing which we have been socialized to ignore. Regardless of what religion or Torah has to say (these are all human books, as inspiriational and spiritually uplifting as they are), the reason why so many people believe that homosexual behaviour is an "illness" is because of all the stunted "research" of early European sexologists, psychologists and psychiatrists who pathologized homosexual behaviour. And its the same people who believed that non-white non-european peoples were sexually depraved, intellectually inferior beings with no concept of Western "morality" and "ethics". Anywayz, some people won't like to hear this but you have no choice. Gays, Lesbians, bisexuals, Transgenders and transsexuals exist in our world and in our socieities. In addition to lots of married men with children who still screw around with other men, but we turn a blind eye...We are obligated to respect ALL human beings and their right to a dignified life free from hatred, slander and stereotyping and demonization. You don't have to agree with their lifestyle or sexual lives, but you are indeed OBLIGATED to respect them as humans.
17. Yishai is right and Broke Back is Good
S Judah ,   London   (02.22.06)
Eli is Yishai is absolutely right and let me explain why. 1. The Torah is against such acts and there is no disputing that. So anyone who believes in the jewish religion has to accept that these acts are wrong. 2. Most people that way inclined would if they could prefer to be hetrosexuals, You cannot dispute that as that is the norm. Thus whatever ones urges and inclination you cannot go round saying homosexuality is right. It is a fact that You will not find a single mother or father that wants their childern to be that way inclined. Acceptance and tolerance is not the same as right. Whatever, we still need to be kind and understanding of our fellow man, but that again does not make homosexuality right , correct or the norm.
18. What is sick; The Arabs who live to murder Jews.
Daisy ,   USA   (02.22.06)
Gays don't harm anyone and just want to live in peace. As someone who has gay friends and relatives it pisses me off that they are being attacked for being attracted to people of the same sex. They are not the enemies of Israel or the world.
19. the stupidity of bigots
Paul ,   USA   (02.22.06)
Here I am a 50 year old gay male Jew. I'm not dead. I feel fine. The only threat to my health is from bigots like those above. There hate allows them to lie with impunity about me. Not unlike their soulmates, the Nazi's, they believe that if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. Hitler murdered gays for the same reason these bigots would do the same. Because they need a scapegoat and because their ignorance and hate becomes their religion. They will grasp at fake science, or twisted readings of scripture to push their hate. That is the real sickness.
20. Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a sin
Menachem Petrushka ,   New York   (02.23.06)
Mr. Yishai is incorrect. and his statements are antithetical to Torah Judaism. His words show that he has not learned the difference between bigoted homophobia and the Torah's concept of holiness. The Torah prohibits a whole range of sexual practises among them homosexulaity, bestiality and incest becuase they are sinful By stating that homsexaulity is a disease, Mr. Yishai is in effect excusing the evil - rebelliousness against the Almighty - that one committing such acts displays. One cannot blame someone who is acting solely as an automaton. Secondly, the Almighty wants the sinner to do Teshiva for his/her misdeeds not swallow pills. Sin is sin and disease is disease and Mr. Yishai should learn to keep the concepts apart.
21. The Torah sais its toeva
Asher Barkin ,   cleveland, oh   (02.23.06)
if you dont give a darn what Hashem has to say you have no business assosiating yourself with Israel
22. Homosexuals are sick?
Jerrold Cohen ,   Seal Beach, CA USA   (02.23.06)
Eli Yishal is sick. Homosexuality has already been proven to be the result of a gene on the sex chromosome that changes the size of a portion of the hypothalamus. By not accepting the results of science Eli Yishal proves he is out of contact with reality, and hopefully ten years of psychiatric treatment can cure him of his psychosis.
23. Gays
L.R. ,   Delray, USA   (02.23.06)
I will always say, their lifestyle is between them & God, He will be the judge. Just love them as Jesus will. WWJD?
24. #22
If I were you, I would post a link to this information. That way it can be proven to the people here. I am not saying that you are wrong or anything but there are some here that might question you.
25. I think Yishai is right
Yakir   (02.23.06)
Homosexuality is a psychological problem, which im sure can be cured, if other things can be cured. Well, of course not with medicine but psychologicly. It is un-natural and it's the effect of a prior dramatic (bad)experience. Or you could call it: "Testosteron Minority" lol
26. he is not totally right...
Ian   (02.23.06)
As student of psychology, and as a jew, there is not such thing as homosexuality being just a biological problem it is also a emotional/afective disorder. Obvoiusly eli ishai es religious is going to said that but the thing is that most israelies do not go the psychologist I really don't know why... so there you go, and really homosexuality could be cured but we must be patient over it
27. hypocritical
Justin ,   Livingston, NJ   (02.23.06)
Last time I checked, just a few psukim away from the issur against homosexual sex is the pasuk: v'ahavta et rei'echa kamocha. Perhaps Mr. Yishai missed that part...
28. We love the people we condone the act.
jack ,   Usa   (02.23.06)
All sexual related issues can be controlled. Your not going to say adultery is OK. We just tell the Person snap out of it. Change your goals to something proper. It might take time but like anything it takes effort.
29. The most intolerant and hate-crazed bigots
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.23.06)
...are the homosexuals who want to grind their perversions into everyone else's face. Nobody cares what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms, but it is the height of intolerance to parade down the streets of Jerusalem and demand applause. We don't publish cartoons of Mohammed because chas vechalilah a Moslem might be offended, but religious Jews aren't allowed to have sensitivities and feelings.
30. #25
wrong. it was removed officially years ago from the long list of psychological disorders.
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