Jordan: Officer should be disciplined
Ronny Sofer
Published: 22.02.06, 22:24
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31. Palestinian ,East Jerusalem: Totally failed your history
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (02.23.06)
Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of one percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today . . . No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. It has never been the name of a nation or state. It is a geographical term, used to designate the region at those times in history when there is no nation or state there. The word itself derives from "Peleshet", a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as "Philistine". The Philistines were mediterranean people originating from Asia Minor and Greek localities. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. The name "Falastin" that Arabs today use for "Palestine" is not an Arabic name. It is the Arab pronunciation of the Greco-Roman "Palastina"; which is derived from the Peleshet, (root Pelesh) which was a general term meaning "dividers", "penetrators" or "invaders". The use of the term "Palestinian" for an Arab ethnic group is a modern political creation which has no basis in fact - and had never had any international or academic credibility before 1967.
32. Palestinian, History cannot be invented by YOU
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (02.23.06)
Yerusalaim the city of King David. Over 700 times mentioned in the Torah . ..But NOT, no matter how much you Arabs lie, mentioned in your Quran. The Qur'an does NOT mention the name "Jerusalem", the hadith specify that it was from Jerusalem that Muhammad ascended to heaven in the Night Journey, or Isra and Miraj....... Just a dream, no historical archaeological reality... A dream Yerusalaim in Israel's history - is NO dream but archaeological reality, proven by history The Romans disappeared from history while, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, is again a nation in the same land forever. The land is again called Israel and Jerusalem is again Yerusalaim, the capital of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish kingdoms of Israel, Judah and Judea in the First Temple and Second Temple periods and is the capital of the modern State of Israel. It is the holiest city of Judaism and is of key importance to Christianity Jerusalem was founded by Shem and Ever, ancestors of Abraham. It has played an important historical role at various times over the past several millennia. King David defeated the Jebusites in war and captured the city without destroying it. David then expanded the city to the South, and declared it the capital city of the united Kingdom of Israel. In 1173 Benjamin of Tudela visited Jerusalem. He described it as a small city full of Jacobites, Armenians, Greeks, and Georgians. Two hundred Jews dwelt in a corner of the city under the Tower of David. Islam was not even around then. Islam did NOT exist in those times. Look at your Islamic calendar which has not yet reached the year 2000....... Hijri conversion: Christian Year 2006 = 19106 Judaism's calendar lives in the year 5766 ......... and Christianity in the year 2006........ and YOU ....1906 Now do you Math !! "Palestinians" - are Arabs. They are foreigners who never lived in this land but immigrated from the Arab countries in the 20th Century.
33. To #27??? Where have been Jews in the past 2000 years!!!
You mention they have 3000 years back in the Holy land. I just checked my calendar and I see that in the past 2000 years, Jews did have nothing in the Holy Land!! It was Arabic/Islamic history. Also, I have check my books again, and Jews lived among Canaanites. And we know that Today's Palestinians Lebanese Syrians and Jordanians have Canaanite origin. And Canaanite is just one of the many tribes that migrated from the Arabian Peninsula to the Holy Land...! Palestine is almost in the Arabian Peninsula and has been throughout history a place for Arabians!! Cananites and others
34. To #22
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (02.23.06)
In 1947 the UN voted with a with a majority to give Jews a national home. We accepted it, and that's our right to be here. You and your people are fictional. I know this and you know this. Your nationality is an invention of Arafat. If it wasn't for him, you would be living in Egypt or Jordan by now. You are not descendants of Canaanite Phoenecians, you are a descendant of Ishmael, ABRAHAM'S SON. He's even one of your prophets! You have no Palestinian language, no Palestinian culture, no Palestinian history (except for the past 80 years or so). The Jews, as a nation and as a religion have been here for over 3000 years (Moses), Islam for 1500 (Muhammad). These are the facts. You are BRAINWASHED.
35. #23
Jacob ,   NY, NY   (02.23.06)
"So even suicide bombers are university graduates!! This should tell you something... " You know what this tells me?? It tells me that even those of you scumbags who have degrees are poorly educated. If you don't have respect for human life, you have not been educated well. Taking your own life and the lives of innocent others is pointless and backwards. So all of you uneducated morons need to learn that Israel is here to stay. Stop fighting and start negotiating. Besides, you idiots couldn't manage your own state anyway. You'd just be another screw-up Arab wasteland.
36. #22
Let me ask you this...If "All Israeli Jews have either converted to Christianity or Islam", then why are there still Jews in Israel. Also, the statement, "Palestine is a name of a land that was in a Political system named after the River Jordan" is just false. Also, Arabs are not Phoenecians!!! You should also watch what you are writing. Both Jews and Muslims descended from Avraham. Your people (as well as ours) did not exist before Avraham's time. I think you should get an education (unlikely, but still give it a shot)!!!
37. To#24-#32: The ancestry of the Palestinians
An Observer ,   Jerusalem   (02.23.06)
Palestinians, like most other Arabic speakers, thus combine pre-Arab and Arab ancestry; the precise mixture is a matter of debate, on which genetic evidence (see below) has begun to shed some light, apparently confirming Ibn Khaldun's widely accepted argument that most Arabic speakers descend mainly from acculturated non-Arabs. The Palestinian Bedouin, however, are much more securely known to be Arab by ancestry as well as by culture; their distinctively conservative dialects and pronunciation of qaaf as gaaf group them with other Bedouin across the Arab world and confirm their separate history. As genetic techniques have advanced, it has become possible to look directly into the question of the ancestry of the Palestinians. In recent years, many genetic surveys have suggested that — at least paternally — the various Jewish ethnic divisions and Palestinians, (and in some cases other Levantines) are genetically closer to each other than either is to the Arabs (of Arabia) or non-Jewish Europeans. SO YOU CANNOT DENY TODAY'S PALESTINIANS THE RIGHT TO EXIST IN THE HOLY LAND. THEY HAVE BEEN HERE AS FAR AS HISTORY GO BACK!!
38. #11
Jane   (02.23.06)
No. We'll create a by-pass road and mine it's edges, idiot.
39. #16
Jane   (02.23.06)
I have nothing against King Abdullah, nor did I against his late father. King Hussein watched as his father was assasinated by a Palestinian. But the reality is that the kingdom was created from 78% of the original British mandate for Palestine. 65-70% of the population is Palestinian.
40. #22
Jane   (02.23.06)
You are an idiot. Jews have all rights in the region. Israeli Jews did not convert to Christianity or Islam, that's why they are called Israeli Jews. The only thing correct in your diatribe is the fact that you and the Jordanians are brothers. And we are glad that you do not want to be ruled by an Israeli "entity". And you can have whatever political system you like. Fine. You wanted Hamas, you got Hamas. And if you don't like Hamas, go to Jordan to live with your borthers and shut your face with regard to Jewish rights.
41. #23
Jane   (02.23.06)
We all know what you teach at your universities, so graduating from one and becoming a suicide bomber makes all the sense in the world. You are educated to hate from your infancy. This tells us a lot. You get lost and out of the land of the Jews, you Islamofacist wasted piece of DNA.
42. #33
Jane   (02.23.06)
We have lived continuously in the land and region. You are correct that you and yours migrated from the Arabian Peninsula to the Holy Land. In big numbers after the return of a significant number of Jews who reclaimed the land that was ruined by the Arab residents. You are bottom feeders.
43. To Gabrielle, yet again
Alejandro ,   Chicago   (02.23.06)
So Gabrielle, what you are telling me is that since the Roman’s expelled the Jews from Israel/Palestine in the first century until the twentieth century (almost 2000 years) there was no one living there??? And then in the 20th century when Israel was created the Arabs decided to move in? So when the jews came in from Europe in masses just before, during and after World War 2, Jerusalem was empty? Jaffa was empty? Haifa was empty??? And that Lebanese, Syrians Jordanians and co moved in then??? Wow… I really feel sorry for the Turks who ruled the province of Palestine all that time not knowing it was empty…. Thanks for educating me. By the way, have you noticed that most Israeli are moderate and understanding but how narrow minded and fascist the Jews of Europe/North America tend to be?? Makes you wonder why…
44. Jordan is Palestine & Palestine is Jordan.
Avraham ,   Netivot   (02.23.06)
Palestine is on the east bank & Israel is on all of the west bank.
45. Time to get some Education
Palestinian ,   Palestine   (02.23.06) To people writing from north america. You are so so right wing fanatics. Please learn the suffering of this region before writing. You want us just fighting to satisfy your right wing agenda.
46. To Jane #40
Of course many Jews converted to other religions. Otherwise they should be numbering in the hundreds of millions. Also, other non Jews converted to the Jewish faith. They are not bani yisrael. So how comes they have a right here??
47. Alejandro: God Bless you. I love Lebanon
Palestinian   (02.23.06)
48. to #25 Alejandro is 100% right
49. Everybody shut up a second!
This entire story is wrong - twisted - mistranslated -and out of context! If you checked out what was really said, Naveh pointed out demographic facts and warned of a potential threat to the Hashemite kingdom as a result. Naveh WOULD VERY MUCH PREFER that the Hashemite Kingdom remain intact and strong!!!!!
50. #46
Jane   (02.23.06)
There are not hundreds of millions of Jews because of the Crusades, Inquisition, pogroms, Holocaust, intifadeh, etc. As to the right of converts to Judaism to live in our land, the convert is respected and loved for choosing to join us in our faith.
51. #49
Jane   (02.23.06)
Most israelis would prefer that the Hashemite Kingdom remain intact and strong. People, for the jmost part, are underscoring the validity of the points Naveh made, and the reasons that King Abdullah is so upset.
52. Naveh's remarks
Simcha Brooks ,   London, England   (02.27.06)
Naveh has no right to make such comment as he did! Israel's best neighbour is Jordan and King Abdullah II already showed a great commitment to Israel. Israel cannot afford to lose such friendship. Moreover, Naveh (with all respect to his position) is not in the government and not a foreign office official; how dare he say such thing! I think he should be dismissed from office; he stepped out of line and should pay the price! Yours, Simcha brooks
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