Opinion  Others
I'm not the sicko, Eli Yishai
Oren Rice
Published: 23.02.06, 10:12
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. To Zalmy Raskin # 27
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (02.24.06)
Where did I mention Yishai? I am against hated, discrimination and the refusal of some accept that others are different. If you want to be religious, secular or whatever you want, that's you business but do not tell me how to live my life. This one you can quote me on. I feel that religion is the root of all evil! Just look at the results of hatred over the years and how many people of all faiths have been butchered in the name of religion or because of religion. Ironically, most relgions preach tolerance! If you can't see the hatred it generates then all I can say is that there are none so blind as those that will not see.
32. On a lighter side about Gays
Frank ,   Karmiel, Galiliee   (02.24.06)
Gubernatorial candidate for the State of Texas, Kinky Friedman, said on Fox News yesterday that he is pro Gay Marriage. His reason: why shouldn’t Gays suffer like everybody else. Stop the argument and accept. Gays aren't going away!
33. #30 David "Live and Let Live"
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.24.06)
***if the enormous energy spent on the pros and cons of sexual orientation was spent in helping the people of Darfur, the starving in Africa and the oppressed in other countries, a lot more could be achieved *** What have you done recently to help the people of Darfur, the starving people in Africa and the oppressed all over the world? Maybe all the money that is being spent on gay parades and entertainment should be sent to starving people in Africa. ***Surely love between two people of the same sex is better that hatred against strangers? *** False dichotomy. I love my brother, does that mean that I should be allowed to have sex with him? Homosexualism is not about "love," it is about sex. You can love another person without having sex, and you can have sex without being in love. Don't get the two things mixed up. ***Live and let live.*** I know a guy (straight) who happens to live on the same block as a gay club. Every night when he comes home from work he has to run a guantlet on his own front stairs of drunken and stoned gay guys who are ogling him, pinching his butt, making propositions, and when he tells them, "sorry, not interested, I prefer girls," he is called "homophobe! Bigot! You're in denial!" So "live and let live" means also not hitting on people who are not gay. Regarding your comment about hatred. You seem to have a lot of it in you, even as you demand "tolerance" from others you spew your own hatred of all those whose moral code disapproves of your sexual conduct.
34. Being Gay and Shabbat Shalom
The Golem ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.25.06)
As I write it is Shabbat b' Aretz, but still Friday afternoon in Los Angeles. There are a couple of points I want to respond to, hopefully this discussion will still be up after Shabbat is over. First: Sodom and Gomorrah. The sin of the people of Sodom was attempted rape, I hope all the posters who referred to that episode can understand the difference between rape and a loving, committed relationship. Secondly it was said that it is not forbidden to be gay, only to act on it. This is a false dicotomy. I know the difference beween a Lover and a friend, my whole being is wrapped up in my love for my Lover, the relationship is physical and sexual, but also emotional, intellectual and spiritual. "Ani l'dodi v'dodi li." While I could, in theory marry a woman, it would be a dishonest relationship. Even if I was able to have sex with her, emotionally I, and most gays, am not constructed by my Maker to give her the kind of love she would deserve. Wishing everyone Shabbat shalom, The Golem of Los Angeles
35. G-D created serial killers
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.24.06)
Scientists have identified a double-Y chromosome which has been found in many serial killers and others imprisoned for violent crimes. Does this mean that a murderer can use this as a defense in a criminal trial, that he should not be convicted because he was "born that way"? No, we imprison and execute those who have committed crimes, even though they may have the double-Y chromosome. The argument "G-D made us this way" is specious. G-D also gave everyone a yetzer hara. "Eizehhu gibbor, hakovesh et yitzro"
36. Shir Hashirim
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.26.06)
Is an allegorical mystical poem about the love of a Jewish person for the Creator of the World. It is not a paen to human sexuality. "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" refers to our love for G-D, and the love that G-D returns to us. Furthermore, the allegorical relationship portrayed in Shir Hashirim is a man and a woman. Rabbi Yehudah Loewe created the Golem without speech and without a sex drive.
37. Response to Kyle #35 - 36
The Golem ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.26.06)
Three points, Kyle: 1. The relationship between a serial killer and his victim, unlike that between gay lovers, is not one where there is mutual consent, and is one where one of the two is, by definition, harmed. Do you realize how offensive your analogy is, by the way? Comparing another Jew to a serial killer is not my idea of "Ahavat Yisrael." 2. As to Shir Ha-Shirim, one of the wonders of our Holy Tanakh is that it contains layers of meaning and interpretation, all of which are correct. You do not own the copyrite on Shir Ha-Shirim. It is both a love poem between two humans, and a mystical text about the love between Ha-Shem and the human soul. 3. Perhaps the Golem created by the Maharal z"l had neither speach nor sex drive. This Golem, however, has both. Shavua Tov
38. Offensive analogy
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.26.06)
You didn't like my little analogy? The purpose was to show how specious and worthless is the excuse "we are made in G-D's image!" G-D made people with the double-Y chromosome, they were made that way. Is the double-Y chromosome also "in G-D's image"? No genetic marker identifying gay behavior has yet been discovered. So don't hide behind that lame excuse. ***our Holy Tanakh is that it contains layers of meaning and interpretation, all of which are correct. *** What part of Vayikra 18:22 DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? It is not an allegory subject to multiple interpretations. It is a Mitsvah Lo Taaseh D'Oraytah.
39. Congratulations
The Golem ,   Los Angeles   (02.27.06)
on your campaign to drive gay Jews away from Torah and from G-d. You are aware of the statistics of teenage gay suicides, aren't you?
40. Golem - Missing the Point
S Judah ,   London   (02.27.06)
There is no question that some people have homosexual tendencies. No one is suggesting that we should not show understanding, kindness and the highest degree of humanity to "Gays" . This does not mean the practice of such tendencies is right, or the norm. It is not. Why are we pretending otherwise ,none of us is perfect we all sin in different ways, we all have different tests and different temptations in life but it does not make it right. Oren misses the point and so do you Golem
41. #39 Proof Yishai is right
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.27.06)
***You are aware of the statistics of teenage gay suicides, aren't you?*** The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Now you can seek help. Refuah shalamah.
42. V'khai Bahem
The Golem ,   Los Angeles   (02.27.06)
Any understanding of Torah that leads to smug, self-satisfied responses in the face of the suicide of children cannot be the correct understanding. Since you do not know that, there is no point in further discussion.
43. #42 Man of Mud with no intellect
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.28.06)
***smug, self-satisfied responses in the face of the suicide of children*** Suggesting that depressed people should seek medical treatment for their depression is "smug and self-satisfied" according to you? Did I say to "let them die"? I was responding to your comment about a high rate of suicide among gay teenagers, that they should seek the treatment they need so that they will NOT decide to kill themselves. There are many life-saving medications available for severe depression.
44. gays and Israel
Steve ,   Annapolis, MD, USA   (06.20.07)
How can I, an American Jew, possibly support Israel when it lets a group of homophobic haters dictate policy. Must I remind people there that when the Jews of Europe went up Hitler's smokestacks, intermingled with their ashes were the gays of Germany, another group hitler deemed as less then human. Until Israel changes its policy, one of my new jobs here is to help end the blind support of Israel by our goverment. Perhaps God is telling you something by letting the madman Bush help create the terrorist state of Gaza. Perhaps God is saying - I know this sounds terrible - that you deserve each other. You have solidified my religious decision. You have probably solidified the offhand remark my daughter made when we visited her a couple weeks ago - she also plans to look at the Universalist-Unitarian church for herself, her daughter, and her husband.
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