Opinion  Soapbox
An open apology to Steven Spielberg
David Bedein
Published: 23.02.06, 15:13
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. No. 27
Paul Jancu ,   New York   (02.25.06)
Jordi, where it just that simple! The release of all ETA terrorists will not bring peace but will only embolden them to continue their war against western civilization. Such naivete leads to extinction. Israel, after the holocaust, will defend itself against those who swear to destroy it.
32. Bedein's false apology
Martin ,   USA   (02.25.06)
It is amaazing that readers actually would believe that Bedein's column was about Spielberg's movie. Anyone who knows Bedein's work will identify his right-wing political position, and it is, basically, Bedein's crticism of Israel not being right-wing enough -- rather than what Spiel berg actually intends to portray ( in his 'cycle-of'violence' movie ) that is Bedein's goal. From this perspective what Bedein is saying is actually tongue in cheek. Because it is obvious that Spielberg would not endorse Bedein's interpretation.
33. What about us?
Jacobo ,   New York   (02.25.06)
How about apologizing to us, the readers, who trust people like you to uphold a minimum standard???
34. So you don't screw up again
Robert Goldman ,   cooper city Florida   (02.25.06)
Rule 1. Shut up till you have seen it read it tatsed it etc, Rule 2 Read rule 1 as someone that writes for a living you shoud have3 known these rules and followed them to the letter... but then,,,,,,,
35. You didn't see the movie? Journalist?
Jocob ,   Miami, FL   (02.26.06)
If I wanted someones opinion of someone else's opinion I would have asked a friend, not a second rate journalist. Next time see the movie first, huh?
36. Journalistic Ethics????
Don Clarke ,   Australia   (02.26.06)
The old jurnalistic adage about never letting truth get in the way of a good story seems to be one that David Bedein follows implicitly. he made remarks without having seen the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There goes his credibility. Now he has seen the movie he thinks it's okay to say "oops" and all will be forgiven. Well, I did see the movie before I wrote or talked to anyone about it. Fror what it is worth, just looking at it as a movie and nothing else, I did not think much of it.
37. Funny, as in "what?!?"
Jonathan   (02.27.06)
"Indeed, it is hard to find any Israeli intelligence officer who has ever seen an official Palestinian Authority newspaper, an official Palestinian Authority textbook or watched even one minute of official PA TV or listened to a PA radio broadcast praising the murder of Jews in the struggle to liberate all of Palestine..." Wake up and smell the coffee. Is this a joke ?
38. Ask hard questions, eh ? Shame on you.
We have all the answers. Why do we want to fight the people who bomb themselves in Tel Aviv ? Why do we fight for our county ? Why we won't tolerate Iran's foolishness ? Steven could ask the right people for the answers... but it would have been much less popular. Shame on you, reporter.
39. fiction, drama & history
Peter ,   Amsterdam, NL   (02.27.06)
Steven Spielberg makes movies which have to score at the box office. I've also seen Schindler's List by him. Whether they are ' historically correct' is debatable(the Mossad disagrees for their own reasons, they weren't consulted), but that's for (new)historians(Tom Segev et al). Mr. Bedein is a bit self important about his take on the movie, everybody should see it for themselves. Israel Resource News Agency on the other hand could do with a little more fact based journalism. To wrap it up, Israel's fate doesn't depend on a movie but on the people of Israel. The jury is still out.
40. Spielberg Movie
Bill Ford ,   USA   (02.27.06)
I ahve not seen the movie. You may be right about the mind of the Jew as he faces an unending war. The Torah predicts the Jews will follow the Antichrist for peace in the last days and battle fatigue is certainly a part of the reason. You are mistaken about the rest. the war is spiritual between Islam and Ishmael and Yahweh and Jacob. Fatigue breeds when faith is not practiced and too many Jews and Christians alike no longer read the Word of God much less practice and profess it. This too is predicted by Jehovah God in His Word. Against this backdrop your column makes sense. God has not forgotten His blood covenant to His people. He shall fulfill it for His name's sake. He is God! Believe that!!
41. Bedein should retire from journalism
MT ,   New York, NY   (02.27.06)
Any reviewer who has not seen the movie he reviews should retire or get kicked out of journalism.
42. neumark@gmail.com
Don ,   USA   (03.03.06)
David, you are headed in the "right" direction..... just not far enough! Ever since Oslo, that doubtful possibility for peace, it should be apparent that it will NEVER be possible to obtain any sort of tranquility in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab mentality from their earliest beginnings, promoted war with ALL infidels. It's still there in their Qumran. The radicals among them will NEVER permit peace, the moderates will NEVER do anything to change this out of fear. With this in mind, isn't it time for Israelis to come to terms with this reality. Israel has an implacable enemy. That enemy is the entire Arab mindset to destroy Israel, that tiny thorn in their vast world holdings, initiated by a rejected would-be "messiah" turned militant, gathering his troops from Bedouin rabble rousers. Nothing has changed in all the following years, except that they now have ways to effectively implement their goals. Oil gave them the power. It's time for the world to realize that when Arabs get done with Israel, they will continue to try to take over western (and eastern) civilization. Once one comes to this realization, it will be possible to put a big dent in their progress. What Israel needs to do, is support not Likud, the largest party going in the most positive direction, but that of Yisrael Beytenu. It's time to move in full positive direction to prevent gradual deterioration and destruction of the Israeli state, and this is the only party in the next election that is capable of making this happen. My personal solution to this ongoing conflict, would include retaking Gaza and moving the Arabs (and terrorists) to the West Bank. I would continue this process with Judea and Sumaria, until there are no "pockets" of militancy left inside the existing borders. Israel needs to create a defendable border with a continuation (at the same time) of fence building, using the latest technology to patrol these fences. I would let any Arab, willing to live in peace with Israel stay. Creating a "Palestinian" state is not an option, but rather make it an autonomous territory. This should be Israel's goal to ultimately seek some sort of ongoing protection against Arab terror. It should be western civilization's goal to, at last, help Israel in this process..... before it's too late to prevent the Arab goal of world domination.
43. David is headed in the "right" direction
Don ,   Encino, CA   (03.03.06)
David, you are headed in the "right" direction..... just not far enough! Ever since Oslo, that doubtful possibility for peace, it should be apparent that it will NEVER be possible to obtain any sort of tranquility in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab mentality from their earliest beginnings, promoted war with ALL infidels. It's still there in their Qumran. The radicals among them will NEVER permit peace, the moderates will NEVER do anything to change this out of fear. With this in mind, isn't it time for Israelis to come to terms with this reality. Israel has an implacable enemy. That enemy is the entire Arab mindset to destroy Israel, that tiny thorn in their vast world holdings, initiated by a rejected would-be "messiah" turned militant, gathering his troops from Bedouin rabble rousers. Nothing has changed in all the following years, except that they now have ways to effectively implement their goals. Oil gave them the power. It's time for the world to realize that when Arabs get done with Israel, they will continue to try to take over western (and eastern) civilization. Once one comes to this realization, it will be possible to put a big dent in their progress. What Israel needs to do, is support not Likud, the largest party going in the most positive direction, but that of Yisrael Beytenu. It's time to move in full positive direction to prevent gradual deterioration and destruction of the Israeli state, and this is the only party in the next election that is capable of making this happen. My personal solution to this ongoing conflict, would include retaking Gaza and moving the Arabs (and terrorists) to the West Bank. I would continue this process with Judea and Sumaria, until there are no "pockets" of militancy left inside the existing borders. Israel needs to create a defendable border with a continuation (at the same time) of fence building, using the latest technology to patrol these fences. I would let any Arab, willing to live in peace with Israel stay. Creating a "Palestinian" state is not an option, but rather make it an autonomous territory. This should be Israel's goal to ultimately seek some sort of ongoing protection against Arab terror. It should be western civilization's goal to, at last, help Israel in this process..... before it's too late to prevent the Arab goal of world domination.
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