Tibi: Rightists suffer from unique disease
Ali Waked
Published: 04.03.06, 18:09
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Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.05.06)
In the 1948 Islamic invasion, Jordan destroyed 58 synagogues in Jerusalem. Since 1996, Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem, has been attacked by Muslim snipers, bombs and Molotov cocktails. In October 2000, Muslims torched and destroyed the ancient synagogue in Jericho. In 2005 in Jewish Gaza, Muslims destroyed the synagogues where G-D was honored and exalted. Hamas flags flew from synagogue roofs as synagogues burned. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs BURNED BIBLES and Jewish prayer books that gave praise and glory to the One great G-D, and destroyed the Tomb. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES were TORN UP for TOILET PAPER. Inscribed in the Bibles are the Laws G-D gave to Moses; the Laws our Western civilization is founded on: Exodus 20: "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Global Islamofascists seek the total destruction of Western civilization. JERUSALEM is MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES in the BIBLE, not once in the Koran. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Muslims on the Temple Mount repeatedly engage in massive rock throwing at Jews, turning the HOLIEST place on earth into a common place of violence! Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at Judaism's HOLIEST site, the Temple Mount. The OFFENSE to G-D is ENORMOUS! Protect Jewish and Christian holy places! The Temple Mount must be returned to its Jewish owners immediately!
32. A Nut throws firecrackers in a Christian Church
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.05.06)
and he represents the Israeli right? So Postmen who kill employess in the post office in the United States represent the Democrats when Bill Clinton is in office? Then when the Republicans are in office, They represent President Bush? This article is a joke. This crazy family represents no one. They are just crazy. Why is it, when Jews tend to disagree, they use wide slogans like, they are a Rats, Vermin? Or was that the Nazi's? The tactic being used is the same. So why is it so convenient, for Jews to print this crap about fellow political parties in Israel? Will the left and right start killing each other next? This firecracker thrower is crazy, nothing more, nothing less. He only represents mental illness. Anything more is an insult to all Jews.
33. It is shameful, after all it is their country
Chaim ,   Safed   (03.05.06)
Each and every one of us lives on an Arab lan, every meter of the country has an Arab name, and then we come and terrorize their houses of worship, from Aqsa mosque to Nazerath church, SHAME ON US
34. typical Tibi
Sigfried S. Kuhn ,   Aberdeen Md.   (03.05.06)
This psychopathic liar and traitor has no shame. His buddies commit the most unspeakable crimes all over the world including the attacks on synagogues, the recent horrific and depraved torture and murder of the French Jew Halimi, the attack on the Passover seder, the attack on the Bat Mitzvah and other obscenities wordwide and this traitor has the gall o criticize the right-wing in Israel. He is such a piece of shit that he has no shame and doesn't know the difference between wanton slaughter of innocents by his soulmates and an act that took no lives by an insane person. He seems to be the norm in his vile culture.
35. If the Arabs who live in Israel don't like Israel
Roger ,   USA   (03.05.06)
they have 22 Arab states to pick from. Let them give the Israeli Arabs unparalleled educational opportunities and first-class medical treatment.
36. Arabs and Jews should not mix
John ,   USA   (03.05.06)
Cause the Arabs would look for any trouble to use it against the Jews.
37. 33# Each and every Arab is living on stolen land
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.05.06)
Land that Muslims conquered and stole from Jews. Now that you had to give some back, you whine and bitch all day and night. At least the Jews didn't cut you arms off like in Saudi Arabia, you little thiefs.
38. How such events can be avoided....
Colin, Tel Aviv   (03.05.06)
The Arab Israeli community does suffer from a certain amount of neglect - as seen by a recent comptrollers report. As a result they feel that they can only rely upon themselves. Elevating their status as fully fledged citizens and giving them equal rights will do much so stop the hatred. Barring them from political office is not a wise move and is bound to backfire. Tolerence of religion and freedom of speech are the cornerstones of democracy - even if it violates the idea of a pure Jewish state. Tibi's demand that the U.N protect Muslim & Christian sites in Israel is understandable but unacceptable. The arabs are looking for reasons to poke at Israel at every occasion. The Israeli government should take steps against its extremist movements in the same way that they rightfully demand such action from the Palestinian Authority. Now is the time to act on all the above so that the Israeli Arab community will not have so many reason's to riot, support terrorism or make unreasonable demands.
39. I would ratherr....
jason white ,   afula,israel   (03.05.06)
I would rather have a firscracker thrown at me than a grenade. They want the u.n. to protect them? What about us? We are killed by the hundreds and no one asks the for u.n. protection. The only disease of the right is cowardice. Let us throw the arabs out of the gov't. Smash them when they riot. Jail them for talking against Jews,Zionism or the State of Israel. Let us become their worst nightmare.
40. For all those who do not know the facts
Judith ,   haifa, Israel   (03.05.06)
One deranged Jew and 2 deranged Christians, chose to protest their troubles in a church (why? anybody's guess). The entire affair was bizarre to say the least, but it was not a political or religious attack of extreme right-wingers on Christians. 50% of my neighbors are Christians and we have very good relations – no hatred or tension between us, on the contrary we help each other. So Muslims stop trying to make trouble between the Jews and Christians, It doesn't exist, not in my neighborhood anyway.
41. #37
Chaim ,   Safed   (03.05.06)
Listen up bonehead, you live in Alaska and you know NOTHING about this land, I am a jewish man who live in a town that its name and its houses are all ARAB, and you know it, so don't lecture me you little morron thief
Haim Habibi belonged to the left-wing Tzedek Lakol (Justice For All) political party. His wife Violet is a Christian and they applied for Palestinian citizenship claiming they felt more comfortable among that population. So..NOT a rightist.
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