Prison siege over; detainees surrender
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 14.03.06, 22:14
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61. to 55
Sharon was expeld (only) from the army because he was in charge of kiling thousends of inocent Palitinians and later he becam a PM whenever he ist till now charged as a war criminal ... shamer he was a bid member of an international Jewish terrorist organisation and he became later a PM ... Yaser Arafat he was the terrorist no. 1 wanted in the world and later became the official president of the Palistinians and even he got a nobel prize ... politic has relegion or prencipal ... but what Israel did today and killing inocent guards doing their job their and has nothing to do with such story is an act of war and movaz now is war criminal because of the killing of those guards ... the law say this ... let's see together what will happen soon .
62. to g,g,g,
sadat ,   jerusalem   (03.15.06)
palastinians translate the sufferings to terror becouse the suffering can be felt only the israili feel the terror translate it to more suffering to the palastinians and so on .i do not like whine but hunny even if it is mixed with poison
63. ham-ass impotent little scum crawling on knees and shouting
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (03.15.06)
64. TO: Gabrielle Goldwater
KS ,   LEBANON   (03.15.06)
I guess you didn't read my reply to your talkback in the article about iran's underground command center so i'm just gonna repaste it and not waste too much time with you...cause your like a dated cassette tape that just won't stop playing. "For God's sake, please're really embarrasing yourself!! Everytime i say something, you reply with something that is totally off topic. "Hizbullah and Iran sits next you in your living room"...what the heck is that??? did you think before you wrote that?? what does that have to do with my talkback?? Saddam's tapes??? what?? is that what the US used to argue for an invasion in the United Nations. NOOOOO!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!! hahahah...funny how you rely on ABC Nightline for 'THE TRUTH'!!! Please, either don't reply to my talkbacks or think hard before you write!! And the fact that you said "But of course sitting in Lebanon you are restricted to real news" shows how ignorant you are!! In lebanon, if there's anything that is real, free, independent or whatever you wanna call it, IT'S THE PRESS!!! IDIOT!! TRY TO BREAK THE EGGSHELL YOU'RE IN AND COME OUT TO THE REAL WORLD! SEEMS LIKE YOU'RE IN A WORLD OF YOUR OWN!!! and by the way...knowing you, you're probably gonna reply with something about hizbullah and problems in lebanon (completely off topic)...or maybe you won't after i wrote this!! hahahah!!! "
65. sadat ,jerusalem: You are not the sharpest Knife in your
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (03.15.06)
drawer - it really shows
66. KS , LEBANON: Sharpen your pencils
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (03.15.06)
and your brains mate there are surely Lebanon websites that would love to hear your blabber Go and play in the bombed out trafic of your own country - you have far more serious problems there . Tell us did you participate at that time in Beirut, at the major conference of Holocaust deniers March 31. 2001 and you still drivel from it ? Lebanon is also another center spreading anti-Semitic propaganda trough the written and electronic media and by books published there. Now you don't like it when one mentions Hizbullah - well is it part of your society and you have a real problem ...... But we know: Hezbollah in Lebanon does not have a monopoly on anti-Semitism. For example, Walid Jumblat , the chairman of the Progressive-Socialist Party in Lebanon, a member of the Lebanese parliament and the leader of the Lebanese Druze community, made statement extolling suicide bombing terrorism and calling for the murder of Jews: “ In the time of [Muslim and Arab] surrender, every Jew killed is an achievement .” At the time he was surveying the 'Aleih region east of Beirut and was quoted by both the Lebanese News Service's Internet site (January 18, 2004) and by An-Nahar , a popular Lebanese daily newspaper (January 19, 2004). Jumblat is well-known for his unrestrained verbal attacks against Israel and the United States Jumblat: He applauded the Palestinian female suicide bomber who perpetrated the attack at the Erez checkpoint in the Gaza Strip : “Only yesterday a Palestinian mother, Rim Riashi , died as a martyr for the sake of Allah, and joined the line of heroic jihad warriors, breaking the deeply annoying Arab silence… and thus she brought a bit of hope to the sea of [Arab and Muslim] apathy, hesitation and fear. She symbolizes the return of the intifada of the rebellious Palestinian woman, and the land that rejects everything: the Jews, the Jewish existence as well as the Arab regimes …” You want to hear more abour your sick Lebanese Lot ? Now take a hike
67. KS, LEBANON cannot face his nations atrocious facts
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (03.15.06)
68. Wow.. and the poll numbers have climbed ..
Jeff ,   Australia   (03.15.06)
Good on ya Olmert, it was a fair dinkum move. Now you can have your votes after his 'brave' move. You coward, it is like hunting in a zoo ... And what about your mate Abbas, I guess he is in the cold. You guys never miss an opportunity to make an enemy. Cheers !!
69. KS you mumbling fool...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.15.06)
do you think those prisoners would be kept in jail once Hamas takes power? Have you not heard of the "revolving door system" in palestinian jails? Criminals and murderers are set free all the time. Once they are free, they go right back to killing innocent Israelis. Does this make sense to you? Israel does what it needs to keep Innocent people safe. There is nothing innocent about these inmates. You keep defending the wrong side and it makes you look really ignorant.
70. #60+61
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.15.06)
Act of war? Are you insane? Palestinians are known to release criminals/terrorists and if they don not release them they are rescued by force. We have seen palestinians kill their own security forces many times so stop your bullshit, you are fooling no one. You are a blind fool and by your posts, yes I would call you an arab or a muslim too because other people are not so backwards in their thinking or so brainwashed that they cannot see the truth.
71. not a knife nor a spoon
sadat ,   jerusalem   (03.15.06)
to g,g,g, i will never be a spoon to eat from your kook nor a knife to cut your cake may i be a fork to and hit your eye to see the reality the situation as it is not as it is in your mind salam go go go to the hill no it is the hell
72. to 46 about this gabrielle
don't count on this gabrielle , he is an old boan siting on his ass in Geneva , enjoing the rest of his life with the money they stolen from the swiss banks by blackmailing them .. and he calling him self a Holocoast surviver and living in Switzerland the land the Jews saying about that they are the most Jews haters in europe but the Swiss franks are stronger than his hate to the Swiss people ... by the way this name (Goldwater) is no where in the telephon book in Switzerland it means or he is hiding his real name or he changed his name in Switzerland because he knows that their they don't like them .... so easy with him he is an old boan or like they say in Switzerland .... ein alt knoche .... lol
73. to the unpolite 70
first of all learn how to be polite when you discuss an issue you will not scare me when you are no polte ... palitinians killing eachother in none of your bloody business in each country there is people killing eachother specialy in the USA , the bigest brainwash which is made by the zionists to the naiev American people which costing them too much lives and money till now and still they are cheating you and stabing you in the back ... the bullshit is that there is unpolite people like you in this world ... ask your father to teach how to polite if you know who your father is ... if not ... ask your mami which man in the village is your father .... you deserve it
74. To #53 Gabrielle. Without US Money what is Israel?
Jan ,   Australia   (03.24.06)
Gabrielle you complain the world gave Palestinians millions. Seven times more money has been given to Israel per head by the US than to any other nation even though Israel just kept on building settlements despite all the agreements not to. Gabrielle you say Palestinians are "just Arabs". Well the Dutch are just Europeans but if half of them were moved out for refugees who take over their land the Dutch wouldn't accept it. The same for any other Europeans - they all have their own identity even though they are all Europeans. Arabs also have all types of Arabs and can't be dismissed as "Just Arabs". Egyptions may be Arabs but they are Arabs who live in Egypt and speak an Egytian form of the language. Palestinians come from Palestine and many were displaced from Palestine. How can you deny them a name that everyone recognises. Palestine is much older than 1967 so the people who came from there are Palestinians. Denying people their identity is a kind of genocide. Gabrielle you condemn your side to be rejected as racist and totally one-eyed and unreasonable. No wonder so many in the world take the side of the Palestinians against Israel if the pro Israelis are like you.
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