Opinion  Ray Hanania
West should not give up on Palestinians
Ray Hanania
Published: 20.03.06, 13:54
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31. Yoyo Ray
Yehuda ,   Seattle   (03.21.06)
Ray, I'm glad that you write here, but this column does not make any sence. If Hammas is a terror organization then so is the Palestinian Government. There is no other party joining Hammas in the new government (and I cannot blame them). So if you acknowledge that Hammas is a terror organization and they are going to govern Pali policies then the Palestinian Government is a terror organization. Your analogy WRT likud is very poor. Likud may have been viewed by Palis as a terror org but they simply took a tough stance on Israel's security. Kach was like Hammas and we banned them from running just like the Palis should have done with Hammas. Anyway, I hope you write a more sensible column next time. This one was too poor for me to comment on further.
32. don't give up on Palestinians
Hilda ,   USA   (03.21.06)
Ray, You are forgetting one major thing---The Palestinians voted for Hamas. They made their decision. They decided on terror. Or maybe you didn;t forget this at all. I've noticed that you are a big hypocrite. You say you want peace and you choose to defend terrorism. And you call yourself a Christian and yet you side with the Muslims who are terrorising Christians as well as Jew. You say your wife is Jewish and you choose to defend those who wish to eradicate her people. She may have thrown in her fate to be with you but I don;t imagine all of her family has. She may even have converted but as you know Judaism never gives up on even converts--they always retain their Judaism and can return and even ther children are Jew ish women are Jews so if you have any children, they are Jews. and your buddies in Fatah as well as Hamas wish them dead.
33. To All
atmawi ,   Ramallah/ palestine   (03.21.06)
To all of you: I don't know which democratice school you guys graduated from. When would you be able to respect some one else openion with out insults. I think what Ray was trying to say is that USE YOUR BRAIN, but sound like he is talking to the wrong people, and work for the wrong newspaper may be. My dear friends, not only palestinians think Sharoon is a killer, The Israeli Parlement thinks so too. Not only palestinian people think that Israel occupies the Arab land, Sharoon himself does. I do not agree with all of what Ray wrote, but I think we should not left hostages to one school show. put your self in my shoes, and then tell me how do you feel, I will do the same and believe me if we do so, we will be much closer than ever be thought.
34. only Arab support Ray ! - I wonder why EOM
michael ,   tel aviv   (03.21.06)
35. Ray you can't compare Hamas to Likud..
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (03.21.06)
Menachem Begin was a Likudnik, remember? The likud, although I disagree with their platform on almost all issues, is not a racist party calling for removal of all arabs from Israel. That would be the equivalent of the "Kach" party taking control of the Knesset. The Hamas calls for the removal of all jews from arab lands...Do you know what "arab lands" means to them...?? Yes Ray, they want to throw us into the medditeranean. I agree that Bibi was (and still is potentially) a disaster for any progress, but Hamas is an even bigger one by all means... Unless they really really surprise me. What you pointed out about the PA itself not being a terrorist organization is just a minor technicality. The Nazis (and I hate to refer to that) were a party that took control of a parliament and we all know the rest. ... Many Israelis like myself want to give them a chance even though they don't deserve one... For now they look like the same old scumbags...
36. 14 ray - you can to resort to name-calling, i won't
mike ,   usa   (03.21.06)
ray, if calling terrorists "terrorists" is bigoted and racist, then i'm a bigot and racist. but only in the eyes of people who excuse such behavior. my wife is an israeli arab and she REFUSES to be called a palestinian, like many of her friends now like to identify themselves. i don't blame her. the palestinian identity is rooted in islamic values, lust for land (not peace), and the proud use of the most immoral means to achieve their goals. pure hate. i'm not going to excuse that or soften what it is. i'm aganst that and while israel isn't perfect i'll take that over the palestinians any day. sincerely, mike the bigot
37. to #7
99% of what you said is all fiction! I cannot believe you have these things in your mind. I do not know from where to start! 1- Hamas follows Islam, and Islam says fight your occupiers, regardless of their religion. Just like USA is fighting against terror (as they claim), Hamas fight for the land. They never kill Jews because they are Jews, If americans come to occupy Palestine, they will fight them the same way. If Egyptians occupy Palestine, they will still fight them! is that outlandish? I do not think so. 2- You do not tell Palestinians what to do to be recognised. Palestinians do not need your recognition. Palestinians do what they think is right and just. You do what you can (kill them, eradicate them, terrorise them, demolish their houses, cut aids, whatever), but do not dictate to people what they must do. This is superimacy, unacceptable! 3- When Americans chose George Bush, they chose imperialism. Does that give anybody any right to oppress, attack, or revoke recognition of the USA? same argument! give over! 4- Yes of course, as long as Palestinians live under occupation, they must resist. Just like French, British, Chinese, Spanish, Italians, etc did in all previous wars. UN grants you that right! what's wrong with you? 5- You saying that Islam is cultural, intolerant, militant, imperialistic, does not make it so. You say whatever you like. Islam is peaceful but does not tolerate injustice, tyrany, and aggression. Islam never waged wars against Infidels as long as they are on their lands. You attack people's lands, you get hurt. As simple as that! Crazy!
38. Daisy, Likud did call for Arab
genocide. You do not read enough! or you prefer to ignore the facts!
39. to no 36
Immorality is the mastering of Europe imperialism and USA neo-colonialism. Do not point fingers at Palestinians who lost everthing, and so resorted to violence. The west had everything, and still resorts to extreme violence. Values and Morals are awash in the east, Africa, Asia, and South America. Europe and USA strives only for money, corporate profiteering, and greed for land, resources, wealth, political, and military power. You are some materialistic beings. You lose, we win. Time taught you this lesson a thousand times, but ... it takes you more to learn. Triumph of justice and morality is inevitable. It only takes some time. Don't believe me, I do not believe you. We both do not convince each other obviously. We have to only wait and see. I wish you luck on your way!
40. 39 - the way of islam is definitely NOT the better way
41. to no 40
If your problem is with Islam, I got your message :) ... Some muslims think that the west is against Islam per se, not against terrorism. It seems you agree with them. Well, I do not want to believe that! whatever way you choose, go for something just. I couldn't find the west fair or just. Complete hypocricy, tyrany, persistent colonialism, scandalous occupation, faceless invasion, etc. I'd rather go for Chavez, Chinese, and probably Cupan models.
42. Hamas is an antisemitic organization
Susan ,   Philadelphia, USA   (03.21.06)
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. It is also an oranization with a Nazi-like hatred for all Jews everywhere. We are told that we should ignore their charter and their words, but history has taught us that charter and words matter a great deal.
43. Ray is a liar
Rob ,   UK   (03.21.06)
The PLO Charter calls for the "liquidation of the Zionist presence." Exactly the same as the Hamas Charter, it has never been amended. Secondly, the "Palestinians" have received more aid per capita than any other state or people, it has either been spent on weaponry, used to bribe U.N. members/Western Journalists and other politicians, or simply deposited in Swiss bank accounts. The PA ministers drive Audis for God's sake. Lastly, 65% of the "Palestinians" approve of terrorist attacks on the States and Europe. - http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=95535 You're a pathetic propagandist and terrorism-apologist, I really don't know why YNET buys your articles.
44. #6 - Ray can't be a voice of moderation to "Palestinians"
Rob ,   UK   (03.21.06)
"Collaborators" get strung up from lamposts. It's much safer to write this unmitigated garbage from the safety of the U.S. He should go stand in Jenin--in a street named after a suicide bomber--and profess his desire for peace and moderation.
45. Rob you are an extremist and liar as well
AHMED ,   Ejerusalem Palestine   (03.22.06)
Just a small note, the PLO charter has been changed long time ago. You can continue believing that the palestinians are all antisemite and support terror but take one minute to understand why do the palesitnians feel as Ray describes it? why do we think that Likud is a hate party, why some families send their young boys to kill themselves and kill other innocent people? where is all this hate coming from? start thinking and look at the bigger picture beyond of what you were taugh to believe. There are a lot of good palestinians and a lot of bad israelies out there and vis versa. So stop attacking because you simply do not and can not get it. it is too complex for you to go beyond the simplistic ideas your portrayed. thanks
46. #38; Prove Likud advocates the killing of Arabs.
Daisy ,   USA   (03.22.06)
Another Arab lie. Can you people ever tell the truth?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.22.06)
The raison d'etre of PA society is the genocide of the Jewish people. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains Paradise. http://www.pmw.org.il/AFD.html
48. To Josh in Jerusalem
Hamasi Girl ,   Chicago   (03.22.06)
The Israeli military actions, the killing of 4500 Palestinians, economic sanction and destruction of means of living through imposition of checkpoints, confiscatiog land, uprooting trees, polutting water resources in the West Bank and Gaza are actually policies for ethnically cleasing the natives of that Land. Remeber the white man and the red Indians. Its about time to dot the Is and cross the Ts and call things by the right name. Israel is the biggest sponsor of terrorisem. Go and experience for one day the crimial activities of your military actions and the your criminal colonial population in the west Bank. One day your political elites and leaders will be put on trail for crimes against humanity.
49. "Moderate Palestinians"
Yael ,   Rishon   (03.22.06)
Alot of people on the postings have complained that there are not enough of these. Well, there never will be, just as there were no moderate Nazis or no moderate Soviet Commisars. An ideology of lies, rage and hate can never become "moderate"
50. To Ahmed
Dudu ,   Kfar Sava   (03.22.06)
The so-called palestine had many chances to come into being - in 1937, in 1948 and in 2000. At each stage, the arabs did not want it. So, if there is no palestine today you should know who to blame.
51. We gave up on the Leprechaun party a long time ago.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.22.06)
That's what they have in common with Ireland. Boooooooooommmmmmmm!!!!!!! Who wants to live with suicidal morons? We enjoy dealing with one nagging wife that we love. Why blow ourselves up for 72 nagging women? When you figure out, that there aren't 72 ditzy blonds behind bomb door three-----then maybe we can talk about being friends. Other than that----you idiots can stay on your side of the wall, watching reruns of Escape From New York.
52. to Linda.
I actually watched the movie. It is great. Shahada is dying defending your country, your family, your land, or your dignity. In USA, they say soldiers who die to defend USA as heros. Palestinians think exactly the same. Of course, Palestinians teach their children that it is an honor to die for your country! is that a problem? Just like G W Bush tells his soldiers that it is an honor to be in Iraq to fight terrorism, and that he appreciates their sacrifice, and that they are his heros! why the double standard? I find that quite courageous and noble to teach your children to refuse and resist aggression and occupation! nothing wrong with that! are you crazy people?
53. #48 Hamas Girl
Ram ,   London   (03.22.06)
Palestinians have to be concise to make people swallow their diatribe. You go on about how Israel is powerful, they have tanks, helicopters, F16s, missiles etc. and that you only have sticks and stones and your bodies to fight back. Then, a sweet Hamas girl writes, for all to see, that Israel is ethnically cleansing the Palis. With all the power Israel has don't you think you would have been cleansed by now? Watch what you write!
54. Hamasi Girl - Another liar
Rob ,   UK   (03.22.06)
The "Palestinian" population has increased exponentially since Israel's creation. The only "ethnic cleansing" is in the 22 Arab states where no Jews are permitted to live.
55. #52 - suicide bombers
Rob ,   UK   (03.22.06)
Ordering your child to go and commit suicide--and to kill as many civillians as possible while doing it, is the most depraved perversion of humanity. The fact is that families get huge payments when they sell their children to Hamas/Islamic Jihad. It's nothing to do with "defending your homeland" or some other such nonsense, it's simple economics. When Saddam was still in power they used to get even bigger payments for their children.
56. Ray Hanania, Ynet, thanks
sh ,   netanya   (03.22.06)
Don't let the flak get to you and keep going. This reader is glad to read something, anything, that tries to reduce, not reinforce, prevailing prejudices. Refreshing.
57. Mr. Hanina, why don't you respond to #3?
Dan ,   USA   (03.22.06)
instead of #11. It is indeed time to give up on the Palestinians. Have passed on every opportunity to deal in a realistic way with facts on the ground the Palestinians have consistently chosen to continue the conflict and work out a peace agreement. And don't cite various Israeli atrocities back at me (both real and imagined), because everyone here knows that had a moderate Palestinian leadership been elected in January, one that was ready to sit down with Israel and define borders and talk peace, we would be there already in March. For 56 years this has been the case. Rather than look for some equivalence or to trade atrocities, it is abundantly clear to any student of the conflict that is honest that had the Palestinians at any time chosen to negotiate, there would be peace today. Furthermore, having been the recipient of far more aid from the world than any other distressed population on the planet, the Palestinians have consistently misused that aid for personal luxuries and public terror. So yes it is time to give up on them. It is time for the world to move on and leave these people to their own devices until we some personal responsibility coming from them. As my Iraqi friend told me, people use their heads only when they have exhausted all other options.
58. West should support Jordanian solution
Eilon ,   jerusalem   (03.22.06)
Even Hanania in his heart of hearts knows that this is the only sane rational option.
59. PA is rulled by terrorists, that declare their intentions to
Dana ,   Israel   (03.22.06)
remain terrorists, that were actually elected by the majority of PA population, and still somehow manages to remain a peacefull and order loving place... Really. Your main statement is just absurd. Don't lose your intelectual honesty.
60. And, Ray, you last articles are humorless.
Dana ,   Israel   (03.22.06)
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