Ynet poll: Kadima wins with 30 seats
Published: 29.03.06, 00:49
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31. Only 9 Seats For The Idol Worshippers
Daniel ,   New York   (03.29.06)
The NRP/NU and their avodah zorah got nowhere. Boruch HaShem. These people would have brought down disaster upon us.
32. Best hope for peace in this bloody region
Egyptian   (03.29.06)
I would like to congratulate Israeli people for their civilized election. Kadima is the winner for now, but Likud is not finish yet they can change or just wait for a chance to pull them self back to power. This is how real democratic regimes work. And yes I know Egypt is still governed by pharaohs, he stays in power as long as he lives, so save the crap.
33. AL-AQSA Brigades Preparing ATTACK on ASHKELON
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.29.06)
Kadima responds to terrorist attacks by firing on empty fields, making sonic booms and promising to surrender the strategic high ground of Judea and Samaria to Islamo-Fascists bent on Israel's destruction - land military experts insist is vital for Israel's defense. In this very significant victory for global jihad we will all be the losers. All Islam must be celebrating Kadima's win. Palestinian Al-Aqsa Brigades Preparing Attack on Ashkelon - Jonathan D. Halevi (NewsFirstClass-Hebrew) English translation by Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs The engineering and military industries sections of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades announced Sunday the start of a new military offensive against the Israeli city of Ashkelon, to be called "Volcano Fire." The announcement claimed that the group had improved the range of its rockets from 12 to 18 km, which would reach all of Ashkelon. The Al-Aqsa Brigades announced a plan to fire 100 of the new rockets and 80 mortars at Ashkelon. These are not the rockets with the longest range in the Palestinian arsenal. On January 29, the Brigades revealed a new rocket - the Al-Aqsa 207 - with a range of 27 km, which could reach the Israeli port city of Ashdod.
34. Dear Linda - They are irretants not a threat
S Judah ,   London   (03.29.06)
Think , what would happen if they did fire all those rockets and suceeded. Retribution woul follow on a level that will have their people howling and begging for Israel to stop. Don't dramatise the ability of Al Aqsa, they are irritants, not a threat.
35. # 18 Gil and # 21 Josh
Naser ,   Canada   (03.29.06)
Gil, you maybe right its not the "perfect" democracy, but being perfect is in seeking perfection. They are way ahead of many other countries. Denying that, as Kate does all the time, is deserving of the response. Which bring me to Josh... I assure you I do not call a LADY... names. Happy elections day to you all
MOSSAD AND SHIN BET MOVE ASIDE. LINDA IS HERE. Hey Linda, Bibi is history and so are all the likudniks nuts like you. Zip it Sis.
37. Before the votes are counted, Olmert gives away more land.
AK   (03.29.06)
38. iam so sorry
fady egypt   (03.29.06)
i cant find words to express my feelings iam very disappointed with the people of israel they should deserve all what r going to happen to them by the left wing rise of hamas kassams iran and finally katyoshas may be tomorrow chemical and biological missiles the people of israel is so lazy as to stay at home or to vote kadima and the left it is a shame do u forget gush katif amona hamas victory i will never fogive u on ur choice it is not just , the right and the likud and netanyahu never deserve that from u u will see dark days u dont know anything there is no peace it is lieing jesus has told us so no peace the israel land must be from the river to the nile u will see dark days because not only u chose kadima but also because u crucified the christ tomorrow the truth appears
39. tzedek tzedek tirdof
b. katznelson   (03.29.06)
a pensioners party headed by an old palmachnik (who was responsible for the capture of eichman BTW) will help anchor a government where the poor, the needy and the greatest Jewish gneration are not ignored. Dear Bibi: why not think about London where you can drool at the feet of your newest shiksah --an aging and discredited Maggie Thatcher. kol hakavod to the Israeli voter!!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.29.06)
The jihad against Israel is one part of global jihad. Surrendering Jewish land to enemies sworn to Israel's destruction will NOT stop the global jihad against Israel! It will STRENGTHEN the jihad! In Islam, all of Israel and ALL countries that are not Muslim are considered Dar al-Harb - the house of war. All "Peace" Agreements are WORTHLESS. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dar al-Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلام literally house of submission) is a term used to refer to those lands under Muslim government(s). In the conservative tradition of Islam the world is divided into two components: dar al-Islam, the house of submission and dar al-Harb, the house of war.
41. The Right still has a chance
Moshe Z. Matitya ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.29.06)
If Bibi and Lieberman can make a sweet enough offer to the Pensioners, and get Shas and Agudah on board as well, then they still have enough to form a blocking coalition against Olmert. They'll have to give the Pensioners everything they want and more, though, because Olmert will try to do the same. It seems to me that the future of this country is about to be determined by a bidding war to buy the Pensioners.
42. To Art (24) - about Shinui
Tahl ,   Israel   (03.29.06)
Shinui crashed in these elections, for various reasons: 1. The formation of Kadima. Kadima stole all the sensible, middle-of-the-road, middle-class voters, upon which Shinui thrived. If Kadima didn't exist, Shinui would hold at least 6-7 seats today. 2. The inner strife between its MKs. After MK Poraz (formerly no. 2 in Shinui's list) did not accept his low position in Shinui's last primaries, he defected from the party and formed a new party, "Hetz", which actually had the very same agenda as Shinui. This split into 2 parties caused neither of them to pass the threshold. 3. Terrible PR. Shinui had the reputation (mostly unjust, in my opinion), of being a party motivated by hate and even anti-semetism, just because it objected to the religious enforcement in the country, and to the huge bilking of budgets by the religious parties. It's sad that people couldn't see Shinui for what it really stood for - equality and freedom for all citizens, no more leaches living off the battered middle class. But Shinui can also blame its leader Tommy Lapid for this aversion - he was never the diplomatic type, often making some nasty slurs against religious or oriental Israelis, which understandably alienated many people from Shinui. It's too bad Shinui didn't elect a more sensible person for its leadership. 4. Disappointment of Shinui voters who believed Shinui could make miracles and perform everything they promised, in the last elections. But they've forgotten that without Shinui's support, the sensible economic reforms would never have passed, the disengagement would never have passed, and Shas would still be in the coalition, bought by hundreds of millions of shekels of taxpayers' money. When Shas wasn't around, the problem didn't seem as pressing as before, and naturally Shinui did not seem as relevant after they've already achieved their main task. People's memory is quite short in politics. Personally, I'm quite disappointed about Shinui's disappearance, now all of Bibi's economic achievements might go down the drain if Shas gets back in the coalition.
43. #34 No Retribution for OVER 26,000 TERRORIST ATTACKS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.29.06)
...against Israel in the last five years and thousands of Jewish innocents maimed and murdered. Stabbings, shootings, stonings, bombs planted, firebombings, sniper attacks, grenade attacks, rocket and mortar attacks, drive-by shootings, homicide human bombers... There is NO RETRIBUTION! Only HUGE rewards of Jewish land and assets for mass murder and terrorism. In psychological terms it is known as positive reinforcement. Rewarding behavior that is considered desirable.
44. #38 fady Who gave you this FALSE teaching? ???
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.29.06)
Jesus Christ, the Jew, was crucified by GENTILES - Roman soldiers. On the cross, Jesus said: (Luke 23:34) "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." Every wicked lie against Jews; every murder; every pogrom; every blood libel; crusades, inquisitions; every attack against Jews has also been an attack on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a JEW. All who speak evil words and commit evil acts against Jews should ask G-D for forgiveness before it is forever too late. Jesus was asked in Matthew 22:36: "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" Jesus answered from the Jewish Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel! The L-RD is our G-d, the L-RD is One! You shall love the L-RD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." This scripture is the very essence of Judaism. It is total allegience to G-d, and not man! It is the primary reason why Jews have been persecuted and murdered for thousands of years.
45. #42
Art ,   Sydney   (03.29.06)
thanks for that detailed explanation. To us, in the diaspora, Israeli politics is a bewildering affair. Only 6 million people and so many parties! Australia, with 20 million people has 4 parties with state or federal representation. Of these, the Greens are a very minor fringe player and the next smallest, the Nationals, are in a coalition anyway. So in effect there are only 2 major parties, Liberal and Labor.
46. The earthquake was the FIRST KATUSHKA ROCKET not he election
Henry Goldschmidt ,   Fort Lee NJ USA   (03.29.06)
There is no strong leader in Israel.Only Chamberlains who are blind an see piece in our time. They are deaf, dumb and blind. They hear only what they want to hear.They are all wishful thinkers and dont listen to the enemy. The will wake up soon when it maybe to late t safe jewish lives. The KATUSHKAS will fall. Will anybody hear? AM YISRAEL CHAI
47. Response to Kate (post 12)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (03.29.06)
First of all, mind your own business and keep sucking on your fish & chips! Second, stop your usual mantra about what the Palestinians did to Kuwait and Kuwait did to them because its really getting pretty borning and lame! Third, I'd response to the subject matter about Likud going behind and Sun! Tough Being Kate. Shalom
48. Response to Moshe (post 17)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (03.29.06)
I agree with you and I also think that Israel should start treating the Palestinian public as human beings for starter as an incentive for such invitation to discuss peace.
49. Response to Yisraeli (post 19)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (03.29.06)
What rock have you been under for the past year? But in short yes woman can vote in Kuwait just like their fellow male citizens. Now can we stop the mocking and start being serious for a change?
50. to#24 and to #42 Tahl, Israel
Wolfgang Kraus ,   Stuttgart, Germany   (03.29.06)
Shinui received 600,000 of taxpayers money for it's "support" for the disengagement . Why it's better to give them but not for children's breakfast from poor Jewish families? Shinui has nothing against to give money to Ultra-religious ashkenazim parties and even sat with them in one goverment! If economy issues were so important for Shinui voters they have opportunity to choose Likud with Bibi! Shas is a typical left social party in Israel as her analogs Christian democrats in Germany and other European countries. Shinui supported the disengagement because the most of them came from ultra-left Meretz. Shas was in coalition with Labor in 1993 and voted for Oslo and ready to join coalition with Kadima now. Shinui party was honest and brave attempt of rich ashkenazim people rid off mask of left social ideology. No doubt that Shas practice it and BTW won support not only from religious Jews with oriental background.
51. Response to Abdullah #48 I agree with you!
MOSHE ,   USA   (03.29.06)
Israel has to start reaching out to Palestinians. In USA, we started by having a Jewish-Muslim dialogue. (no politics) and it is very successful. I enjoyed going to the mosque and the Jewish community was very welcomed!! I was impressed!! We are meeting every other month.
52. Response to Moshe (post 51)
Abdullah ,   Kuwait City   (03.29.06)
May God/Allah/Hashem bless your guys and all of the moderate and sane life loving people! I am really happy to hear this and I know at the end of the day the voice of the moderates will prevail. Shalom Shalom
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