Opinion  Ray Hanania
Judas Gospel begs question
Ray Hanania
Published: 07.04.06, 19:25
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51 Talkbacks for this article
31. Yeah--Iraq didn't violate the cease fire from the
first gulf war! The United States didn't need the weapons of mass destruction argument to re- engage anyways. Iraq violated the terms of the cease fire by shooting at our aircraft all the time. Just because Ray is upset because he felt supposedly misled into a conflict, doesn't mean we didn't have every right to re-engage in the conflict from Iraqi violations of the cease fire. Rays writing about his buddies. And he can hug them, and hold them, and whisper sweet nothings into their ears. But in the end, they are terrorist supporters, engaging in funding, planning, and acting out terrorism. No amount of Ray's Verbal Diahrea will change the fact that his culture supports and condones terrorism through their deeds. They never attack their terrorist friends and condem them. They only whine about the guy checking them out at the airport security gate. When will Ray talk as much garbage, about all the screw ups, pushing the terrorist agenda in his family?Greater Terrorist Arabia!
32. #6 How dare you! Outrageous!
Bashir ,   LA   (04.08.06)
How dare you asking Hanania a serious question? Don't you know Hanania is a humorist and entertainer? How can you challange him with scholarly questions? My question for example is this: Q4: Hanania, what in your opinion makes your article worthy of our time? Please check A. Incredible humor B. Scholarship C. Originality D. Humility C. Other, please describe
33. to #19 to the perpetuator of LIES
Jew for TRUTH KOBI ,   ISRAEL   (04.08.06)
What you say is not based on historical fact but pure lies and propanda. Get your know out of Arab propganda text books and learn something..like historical truth. There was Israel in the North and Judea in the South. For short while they were united. Even 2,000 after the Northern kingdom fell it was still populated by Jews. Much of the food is Middle eastern adn guess what Israel is in where ..?? The middle East hmmm so maybe falafel was invented by Jew in Israel 2500 yrs ago who knows? Jew are from teh M.E. So wake up. By the way even Jews in Europe talked about "not being able to dance at two weddings" something brought from the middle East from ISRAEL which predates a tiem when the Arabs came to create the OCCUPATION. Also, you that custom of picking up the bride (and the bridegroom)? The one that we originated but you the Arabs started copying about 40 years ago. Get a REAL education and stop spouting lies and perpetuating EVIL.
34. #19; It was Israel thousand of years ago and it is now!
Daisy ,   USA   (04.08.06)
Neither "Palestine" nor "Palestinians" ever existed. Your food and history is Arab. You are insane.
35. By the way Ray--They are planning on bombing Iran and
probably were planning on bombing Iran, after September 11th. The Iranians must have insulted Bush's father. And since you have obviously insulted the President, I expect an invasion any day now. They will obviously arrest you as a terrorist and destroy your house. No need to worry, Colin Powell told President Bush,"If you break Hanania's house, you bought it!" They'll hook you up with a new one in Gitmo. Where you can throw urine at the gaurds rather than feces in your articles.
36. "Most clear-thinking Americans, mainly on the left"
Ron ,   LA   (04.08.06)
WOW! This is great line. I admire Hanania's sence of humor. He can be Gore's next Vice President. After all Gore invented internet..
37. Sorry Bashir, I don't mean to offend Ray, but
Ron ,   LA   (04.08.06)
to answer your question: After long thought I came to the conclution the answer is definetely the last one (E, Other, please describe)
38. Judas gospel proves what is already commonly known
josef cohen   (04.09.06)
Judas gospel proves what is already commonly known by modern historians and bible scolars. The present Christian bible as it is now known today was composed hundreds of years after the time of Jesus, after numerous changes, the original(s) if there is one as of now forever lost. It is well doccumented that it was altered numerous times with additions and subtractions per papal orders, and further Papal orders that preceding versions all be destroyed. Not that a great a feat since the Church was the one who had them written, all by hand in a limited number, and knew where most if not all copies could be found. So ray I would suggest if you want to really understand the events of those times you would be better served by studying the records of the time, Greek, Jewish and Roman histories which oddly enough never mention anyone called Jesus or even a movement that can be identified with him. For consideration, Josef
39. judas gospel
Eduardo A. FIdel Jr. ,   Philippines   (04.09.06)
In totality the christiandom has emerge a pack of lies and politicized.
40. Post-135 C.E.
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.09.06)
After 135 C.E. it has no connection to the authentic Pharisee Ribi, only to the Hellenist and Gnostic myths being fabricated by the Romans - i.e., Christianity. On the other hand, hate-spewers are equally irrelevant. All hate-mongers are from the same drawer, whether they hate Jews, Christians or Muslims. Paqid 16, The Netzarim Israeli Orthodox Jew www.netzarim.co.il
41. Come on 40# Someone has to hate them
Before they pull the trigger and shoot the sorry terrorist. Good riddens to them.
42. Judas book
Hilda ,   USA   (04.09.06)
It is not a coincidence that Judas and Jew sound so much alike and the picture of Judas is the characature of the Jew. If this book is accepted as truth that Judas was not the baddie depicted by the other epistles and was really the hero, what will all the Christian antisemites do. Who will they have to blame and bash? This book is logicao if Christians want to be truthful but they had to create a bad guy to have some reason to destroy Judaism if their religion was to take hold otherwise Christianity would have remained just a branch of Judaism.
43. Glad you are not writing on Israeli politics anymore
Steve ,   USA   (04.10.06)
B"H I am sure glad that you are not writing about Israeli politics. If there is any common ground, I say it is this. You gave up when Hamas was elected on the Arab election system. I basically gave up when Kadima was elected for parallel sorts of reasons. Now it is time to move forward to something different. It is a real struggle, as I can see from this article. But you are writing more than I am.
44. Maybe people don't read
Ray, I don't think people get you. I do. It's not easy, but I read your columns on your web page, other newspapers. I undertand who you are and what you're trying to do. Don't be discouraged. A friend
45. Answers for Hanania
Muhammed Goldenberg ,   Mecca/Tel Aviv   (04.10.06)
It doesn't matter their language, as long as they are Jews. They are double agents, working on behalf of Jews and Zionists against American interests. A2: Wolfowitz, Pearle all other Jews and cabals who are in the background of the Bush, Administration, who work for Israel against America. A3: The same names with some fellow travelers like Bolton and other Christian Zionists, who are working against America. The difference is they are Jews who work on behalf of AIPAC and Israel. Those are the opinions of Mr. Hanania as interpreted from a corner of this humble observer, of coarse it is not so politically correct to express them... P.S. My working assumption is this is NOT going to be published. But of coarse I can be pleasantly surprised....
46. # Answers to all your questions are here!
Muhammed Goldenberg ,   Mecca/ Tel Aviv   (04.10.06)
A1: It doesn't matter their language, as long as they are Jews. They are double agents, working on behalf of Jews and Zionists against American interests. A2: Wolfowitz, Pearle all other Jews and cabals who are in the backround of the Bush , Administration, who work for Israel against America. A3: The same names with some fellow travellers like Bolton and other Christian Zionists, who are working against America. The difference is they are Jews who work on behalf of AIPAC and Israel. Those are the opinions of Mr. Hanania as interpreted from a corner of this humble observer, of coarse it is not so politically correct to express them... P.S. My working assumption is this is NOT going to be published. But of coarse I can be pleasently surprised....
47. Ray are you absolutely sure Jesus existed?
Judith ,   Haifa   (04.10.06)
According to a book I'm now reading: "Secrets of the Code" (a compilation of articles edited by Dan Burnstein, following Dan Brown's book), the story of the Birth of Christ was adopted from an earlier pagan myth. Sorry, the book is not with me to tell you the name of the prof. who wrote the article, and I'm sorry if you find this disrespectful to your faith (I didn't write the paper). If there is a possibility that Jesus didn't really exist, Judas could not have betrayed him - food for thought.
48. for Judith,haifa
Christiana   (04.10.06)
The Bible gives you the answer Judith-The only authority that can tell you if Jesus did realy exist. The secrets of the code will never tell you the trues. I can say ,truly,truly that Jesus He was .He is,and will be.!
49. #17, #18 Jesus existed, but was he the Jesus of the Gospels?
50. Nice one Ray!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (04.11.06)
Very informing for someone like me who knows very little about Christianity and christian thought. I do recall in "Last Temptation of Christ" that Judas was told by Jesus to inform on him, and I actually thought that was how it really happened. Just another example of the truth being hidden by those in power. What I don't get is if Libby says he was ordered by Bush -- why don't they impeach his ass already...??!! The whole world deserves a better leader than that half-wit, redneck retard !!
51. On Judas and his significance
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (04.14.06)
(Writing from Dubai) Thanks Edan here, too :) I think Judas has been used wrongly to build up anti-Semitism against the Jewish people. That's obvious to most who understand the Christian religion. I think it is always fascinating to try and take one event in life and overlay it on another, which I tried to do here with varying levels of success and failure. The idea is to make people think. Many people also believe that Cheney, not Bush, run the White House. It is a legitimate criticism. And everyone in life either answers to a real G-d, or to a G-d of their political persuasion. Happy Pesach to Jews and Happy Easter to Christians. Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
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