A pleasant flight - for Arabs too
Roee Nahmias
Published: 09.04.06, 17:32
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31. 13 - you are NOT the only one who experienced that
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.09.06)
Germans better keep their big mouth shut Finally . each security check is for the save travel of everyone
32. 18 Mars,Germany : This posting of yours is example of your
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.09.06)
Hate you vent - at least be honest
Sammy ,   CA, USA   (04.09.06)
I have to agree that it's NOT ONLY Arabs that have a hard time going and coming through Israel's BG Airport. I have traveled there 3 times in the last 2 years. I am an American citizen who's not jewish BUT has a hebrew first and middle name. Only AT the airport would be my only complaint about my travels there. I was visiting an Israeli Arab there, only when they were told this did they become more rude and nasty to me. Like #18 states..."East Germany in communist time had a lot in common with Israel today. They take your passport and disappear without a word for 15 minutes, then comes a different guy and asks you the same questions again and disappears as well....." It' like an if coming to Israel a non-jew is a crime. WTF...!!!!!!!!!!!! As for those that are Jewish and try to talk about OTHER countries airports....this article is not about them. IT'S ABOUT ISRAELI ARABS HAVING PROBLEMS IN ISRAEL AT IT'S AIRPORT!!! So please quit whining and take it as a hint about what YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS WHO PAY TAXES go though. EL AL IS BY FAR THE RUDEST OF ALL AIRLINE AND WHEN THEY OPEN THE COMPETITION FOR FLIGHTS TO ISRAEL. I'M SURE EL AL WILL BE THE LOSER. BRITISH AIRWAYS IS THE BEST SERVICE!!!
34. The Arabs always whine because of their wounded pride
Roger ,   USA   (04.09.06)
Israel is safer because of the Israeli security. As for the Arab whining, if it is not that it will be something else.
35. Hatred of Jews is wired into his DNA
#18 ,   is an enemy   (04.09.06)
36. 33 - british airways has the WORST food
mike ,   usa   (04.09.06)
and if you don't have kids, it is an ok airline.
37. to #20
John ,   Jerusalem   (04.09.06)
Well, the first 4 or 5 times that I flew in and out of Israel, fine. But after a while, always being singled out for the "random" security check gets a little old. No, I don't have anything to hide, but why should I have to be put on the defensive every time that I go to the airport? What this article was trying to say is that Arabs are targets for unreasonable inspection, and I say that so too are people without Jewish names. Prove me wrong.
38. Cry Me A River
Adina kutnicki   (04.09.06)
Has anyone wondered why extra vigilance is needed against Israeli Arabs? Does collusion, treason and joining with Islamic forces resonate here?
39. may I remind you its 2006 not 1956
Yisraeli   (04.10.06)
and its called "Profiling". and whilst it may not be pleasant to the one profiled it has become a necessity in our times thanks to arab terrorism. And if you havent noticed by now that Israel has a little problem with terror that has gone on for over half a century. If you are innocent and have nothing to hide and intelligent enough to realise why its happening in the first place it shouldnt be a difficult process to go through. After all its not for the fun of it but not just your personal safety but the safety of everyone else. Bitch about it, then stay home and dont do us or anyone else any favours, this is the reality of the times we live in.
40. 37 John, Jerusalem: this sounds a bit of BS
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.10.06)
41. 38 Adina kutnicki : You got a serious point
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.10.06)
42. Humiliation for terrorist supporters, good enough for them.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (04.10.06)
43. big mistake
Betsy   (04.10.06)
44. The best joke ever
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (04.10.06)
The best joke ever to happen to anyone is to be a Palestinian who does not have the Israeli Passport, you should see what that means, of course until all the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip were deprived entry whatsoever to the Lydda Airport-AKA Ben Gurion airport. I came home once after a trip, and when you enter the airport, you are faced by the two windows, Israelis and non Israeli citizens. And since I have no Israeli passport, I figured out I must belong to the other group, so I stand in the line. When I reach the window, the very polite lady, starts shouting, "why did you come to this window?", I asked her sarcastically if the passport she has in her hands was an Israeli one, but all what she did was wave with her hand, asking me to go to the next window, "Israeli citizens". So I went there... I reach the window (they ARE windows in the Ben Gurion airport, or at least they were last time I was there), and as soon as the second "very polite girl" sees my passport, she says: "is this an Israeli passport?"!!! in a loud sarcastic manner... I tried to explain to her what happened at the first window, when I was "saved" by the security officer who came, asked her to stamp my passport and that he would take it from there-the usual, I said to myself-. Of course he saved me for his own pleasure, I did a strip show, a summary of my CV, and a 1,5 hour interrogation (including all the stupid questions one can come out with) in order to get my passport back and get an escort to the main gates of the airport. The best thing about it though is that your luggage never gets delayed or missed, since they would close down the airport if one of your bags-as an arab- is missing! I decided long ago to fly from any other country (prefereably Jordan) where I have to be present at the airport less than an hour before my flight, whereas I would have to go to Ben Gurion 5 hours before the flight I might as well miss... due to security reasons...
45. If this is what people suffer at an airport, what do you ...
think an ordinary Palestinian enjoys at an army roadblock in the westbank!! The reason why you see all this is that Jews are aware that they are thugs stealing others rights. They are unjustly on others territory and they are damn right to be scared to hell from every body non jewish
46. To #39: Jews have been doing that for years
Do not use Arab terrorism as a justification. You have been terrorist since much more before Arabs turn on you the same way you dealt with them in 1920s and 1930ss.
47. lack of manners
Anthony ,   London   (04.10.06)
Im a British Jew and not exactly the most likely to be profiled but Im always amazed at the Israelis' bluntness. They ask judgemental questions ("Why dont you speak Hebrew?" or this summer "Why would you want to learn Hebrew?" and "Why arent you making aliyah?") I entirely trust the Israelis with my security but a few more classes at Charm School wouldn't go amiss!
48. Agreed Totally
Craig ,   Israel   (04.10.06)
The treatment of the israeli arabs in general leaves much to be desired i mean when israelis discriminate against people its fine when its reversed then its anti semitism ... i have personal experience in this matter and it stinks ... i am leaving Israel in the near future because im not convinced that i have a safe fair non corrupt economically viable future in israel any more ... Between lunatic right wingers and corrupt politicians the average joe and mohammed are screwed!
49. for the 10000th time!!
eyal   (04.10.06)
its not only araaaabs!!!! im a jew and alll the times i arrive and leave israel its always the same shit...u arrive, they look at u, your passport, you again, passport again then the security man comes "do u have any problem?" the girl in the window "i didnt call u yet" then she waves and the security man comes again takes you, your passport and your bag... u never know where your hand bag goes to cos they take it from u and u sit and wait...2 hours at least till someone comes asking u the most stupid questions like "have u been in spain 2 years ago?" "do u have family living in india?" and alll stuff like that then after 3-4 hours sat u finaly get your stamp :) and im a jew...
50. My heart bleeds for you sammy (a response for #44)
Jonathan Levi ,   Jerusalem Israel   (04.10.06)
What was done to you was truly horrible, in fact so bad that it makes you almost sound like a Dhimmi (you do know what that means don't you sammy?). LOL bet my north african ancestors would be partying in their graves (g-d bless them) to see an arab treated like a Dhimmi. Sucks to be a second class citizen doesn't it sammy? Maybe you and yours will be willing to apologize to me and mine for thousands of years of persecution... The difference between your and my ancestors was that my ancestors never engaged in terrorism against the states they had lived in. Your people do and almost all of them hate Israel so if you expect pity on our side your in for a sore disappointment.
51. Surprised at all your stories
Nizar ,   Canada   (04.10.06)
Last year I visited Israel for the first time. My canadian passport clearly indicates I was born in Syria !!! and at the passport counter, the very pleasant your lady officer asked a couple of questions, then "shall I stamps your passport?" whatever you want to do, I responded. It did not take more than two minutes, I was out. Even my luggage were not checked. It was a very pleasant experience as (in all honesty) I was expecting long questioning about the reason of my visit. None of that. In the five weeks stay, only one time was I asked for an ID, understandably enough at the bus station in Jerusalem when I wanted to take the bus to Tel Aviv.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (04.10.06)
AGAINST ISRAEL. l0,000 Jews, punished for not being Muslim - were ruthlessly ethnically cleansed. Loyal Jews, including children, are brutally beaten and jailed. Jewish taxpayers who pay Arab MK Bishara's salary are FORCED TO FINANCE TREASON! Arab Israelis who are openly genocidal to Jews and support the violent overthrow of Israel are members of Israel's government! No other nation on earth allows such treason. Will Jews revolt against their forced financing of treason and Arab MK hate incitement to a second holocaust of Jews? From article on the violent Arab Muslim Israeli riots in 2000 'Let's investigate everything' by Yaron London, 10/2/05,7340,L-3150205,00.html The report offers a history of Arab demonstrations and protests that over time have become evermore extreme. The report also mentions several individuals that contributed, through words and through silence, to the progression from legitimate protest into a violent, destructive riot. Leaders of the Islamic Movement, wrote the Or Commission, fanned the flames by accusing Israel of planning to destroy the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount, and openly sympathizing with Hizbullah and al-Qaeda. MK Azmi Bishara (National Democratic Assembly) has said the Shiite militia should be a role model for the struggle with Israel, and has called several times for an intifada against Israel. Arab-Israeli leaders should be investigated The Or Commission- including one Arab justice and another member considered an important expert in Arab culture - rejected Bishara's evasive comments, and had this to say about the part Israeli Arab leaders played in the October, 2000 riots: Individuals such as the leaders of the Supreme Israeli Arab Monitoring Committee, the Islamic Movement, and Knesset Members Tibi, Bishara, Dehamshe and Zahalka were full partners to the outbreak of riots in October, 2000, and therefore also bear responsibility for the deaths of 13 of their brethren." The following is part of an article from, Sept. 25 2005 'Column One: Israel's disengaged establishment' by Caroline Glick: "...recall what happened five years ago. Following months of increased violence and extremism in the Arab-Israeli sector incited directly by the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli Islamic Movement and the Arab members of Knesset, violent riots seized the Arab sector of Israel in October 2000. During the week of riots, Arab Israelis threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilian cars throughout the country. Israeli motorists were dragged out of their cars on Highway 65 along Wadi Ara and beaten. An Israeli motorist was murdered when Arabs from Jasser a-Zarka threw a rock at his windshield as he drove down the coastal highway..."
53. seriously?
Betsy   (04.10.06)
they want to take the world's best and finest security measures and make them lax enough for terrorists to do damage? who's idea was that? The word, "torture" is used rather loosely. but actual torture is probably better than what would await a Jew at the airport if-God Forbid-the arabs were in charge. in American news broadcasts, Israeli security at the airport is menttioned as something America ought to emulate. Israeli airport security is admired. and now you want to change to please...the enemy and/or people who do not understand what's going on in the world . Amazing.
54. That's the way of Life
Ron ,   Mission Viejo, USA   (04.10.06)
People, these day's this is the way of life... Security is every were...... As much as some of you do not like it too bad..... I would rather go through a little security than DIE ON AN AIRPLANE...... Every time I fly to Ben Gurion I go through the same security questioning, however I would not call it discriminating. I even have an American Passport with several visas on it from Israel and I still go through some intense questioning every single time. SO Stop the WHINING........ This is normal life all over the world these days.....
55. #25 GAB...
ELOKIM ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.06)
56. #44
Oh you poor thing. How can you live like this? ... Are you even surprised you got detained? your brothers had launched at least 4 attacks in our air ports. What makes you think we will just sit and wait for the next one? because the officer hurt your feelings? who cares about your feelings? why will we care? do you give us a reason to? or do you give us a reason to do the exact opposite? think about it. What comes around goes around.
57. #37
Do you remember what happend in the 70's? or was it the 60s? With the japanease gang that was operated by palestinians, went into the air port and killed anyone they saw? one of them killed himself in prison and one died by security forces. Why should we trust you anymore than anyone else? We know Jews won't blow theirselves up or try to terrorize their own state. But we have no idea about your intentions. And why do you think if you had that security check once, you will not have it again? could you not take one legit flight and then bring a gun with you? We are not racist, we are paranoid, and for a good reason. If you were a terror magnet you would act the same but you just don't realise it as you're a foriegner, Israelies understand this perfectly. Just look into our history and search for the keywords 'air port' and see how many terrorists we stopped/didn't. And before you question anyone's methods. No one in here cares if you will come to Israel or not, but I can tell you without a doubt any Israeli will prefer a foriegner who gives problems to security guards to stay in his own country. We have enough problems to care about your petty racism crap.
58. No humiliation at all. Thanks, Israel.
R. García ,   Spain   (04.10.06)
Humiliation in this case means inferiority complex. Nobody should feel less important when taking into account means to avoid that his life could be at a risk. I agree with Israeli safety, no matter how thouhg it could be. It is necessary, given the circumstances. I wish other countries do the same.
59. Part 1 - A funny article I found about Israeli Security
Paul ,   Israel   (04.10.06)
Here's a funny article I found last week on the website IgoUgo. Read it and laugh - it's all true. Be sure to read part 2 after this as I couldnt put it all in one posting. Tel Aviv Airport... The trouble started when I presented my passport to the Israeli Ben-Gurion Border Control. Since my only previous foreign travel experience had been in Central and South America, I had taken the liberty of procuring travel visas to enter adjacent Middle Eastern countries as I had done before when planning the negotiation of Latin locales. The border control officer was this dark haired matron (for some reason, women make the most intimidating customs personnel). She listlessly picked up my passport and began browsing first former travel habits and then the newer visas. 'Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,' read one stamp. 'Embassy of the Syrian Republic,' read a second. The officer looked up with a glare that suggested I'd just dumped her to run away with her roommate. 'The Syrians are our enemies!' she declared. I was clueless. Hadn't they sent troops to support Desert Storm in subduing Israel's old nemesis Iraq? 'I want to know every place you have stayed in Israel since your arrival,' she barked. 'Well, the first night I stayed at a youth hostel in's the receipt they gave me,' I replied. 'How did you know about this hostel?' she asked. 'The tour guide told me,' I said, beginning to mix up in my mind hostel with hostile. 'Who is this guide? I want his name!' she said. 'He doesn’t have a name...' 'Then you will give me a description...' 'I’m talking about the tour guide of Israel from the Wausau Public Library that I photocopied pages out of before I left for my trip,' I said. 'You will come with me,' she said. I was obviously too clever of a terrorist for her level of expertise. I was taken to a waiting area in the back and turned over to another female officer. She was younger and prettier, but twice as vicious. 'You will tell me every place you have traveled in Israel since your arrival,' she said as she began taking apart my luggage piece by piece, examining even my dirty socks as if potentially lethal weapons, (which perhaps they were). I managed some sort of reply about sightseeing I'd done, but was soon interrupted. 'You have been in Israel for a week, yet you have only one small bag. I find this unusual, don't you? Where is your other luggage?' she asked. 'I don't have any. I travel light. Check it out--there's two changes of clothes there,' I said. 'To me that still is not enough,' she said with an air of impatience. 'I washed my dirty clothes by hand in the hotel I was staying in,' I said. 'Why did you take this radio along with you?' she asked.
60. Part 2 - A funny article I found about Israeli Security
Paul ,   Israel   (04.10.06)
I was unnerved by the question. Indeed, I hadn't been so unnerved since I was hand-frisked by a pistol toting PM at the Bogota International Airport while a soldier stood by cautiously training a submachine gun on me. It was a radio cassette player I'd picked up in Guatemala City during the Persian Gulf War for the sole reason that it also had short-wave feature on it so I could access the Voice of America during Desert Storm. I had taken it along to record a little local music but now realized I was attempting to leave Israel with a short-wave radio in my possession. Fortunately the 'SW' label on the short-wave switch was too worn to be read. 'To listen to music and catch the weather,' I answered. 'Why did you bring such a big radio? Why didn't you bring a Walkman?' she asked. I was getting the impression I was leaving the Iron Curtain rather than the Holy Land. 'Because I don't have a Walkman!' I shouted. This seemed to have the effect of swaying her to the notion that perhaps I was nothing more than a disgruntled tourist. 'It will be necessary to dismantle your radio,' she informed me and directed a second officer, who was unraveling all of my carefully wrapped souvenirs, to take the radio to the shop to open it up as well. I was taken to a small cubicle and hand searched by a male attendant who apologized for having to do it. Then I was returned to my nightmare. 'Will I get my radio back?' I asked. 'What makes you think you wouldn't get your radio back?' she replied. I didn't bother to ask her if she'd ever been in a third world country. 'You are free to go--an attendant will escort you to your flight shortly,' she said. I was handed a ball-point pen with the Ben Gurion Border Control insignia emblazoned on it and a little card that read: Israel Airports Authority Dear passenger, We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused to you during the procedure. We wish you a pleasant flight and hope to welcome you to Israel again. With Best Regards, Ben-Gurion International airport Office of the Airport Director On the plane I noticed a well dressed businesswoman occupying the seat in front of me and writing a note with the exact same pen as mine. One could only imagine what her Border Control experience had been like. Funny, she didn't look the terrorist type.
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