Opinion  Sever Plocker
The deniers and the forgetters
Sever Plocker
Published: 25.04.06, 10:39
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63 Talkbacks for this article
31. Answer to Karim from Morocco PART (3)
Ron ,   LA   (04.26.06)
Karim sez: “ Back to the holocaust denial in the Arab world. It is an issue that needs to be tackled, through education but is it a crime? It is NOT a crime. It is an unfortunate sitution, which is caused mainly by the hatred of Israel and it has done to the Palestinians. The Israeli up to this day deny the Palestinian nakba of 1948, and deny them the right of RETURN. “ Ron sez: Karim, you claim that Holocaust denial is not a crime. To this I say: Yes and No. Let me explain. In our Western society there is a freedom of speech. We believe you can criticize, and even trash and say terrible lies, but we will still will protect your right to speak, even if it harts our “Holy of Holies”. This is the reason good friend of mine published some cartoons on the following site. I encourage you to take a look. You can learn a lot about Israel and democracy if you choose so. http://boomka.org/ However you ARE committing a grievous crime. Moral crime of tremendous proportions. 6,000,000 crimes for each and everybody of those souls, who were condemned to horrible death, just because they were Jews. One soul who survived this horror and lived to tell me about it was my own mother, may G-d bless her soul, who passed on recently in Israel. Another moral crime is to tie down Israel- Palestinian conflict to Holocaust as many Arabs and Muslims do. Since Holocaust is and forever will remain the most painful event in the modern history, why do the injustice to Palestinians, by involving another powerful obstacle to piece, which doesn’t help, but weaken their legitimate claims? Don’t you realize, you condemn us for eternal fight? Is this the only thing you can do for Palestinians? Hit Israel with Holocaust stick? Even Palestinians themselves sick and tired of other Arabs, who manipulate them for their own selfish needs. Palestinians have enough good and legitimate claims that are honest and just. They don’t need filth to justify their just claims. We in Israel respect their rights, although we at times disagree on details. There is an Arab American I admire, Karim. Her name is Wafa Sultan. She is an incredible and powerful woman. She speaks from her heart. She speaks to you, Karim and to other good Arabs like yourself who ask questions. Listen to her, Karim. http://www.memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1050 Karim, we want to resolve those issues through honest negotiations. I hope Arabs like you can help to bring some fresh and productive attitude toward the above issues for everybody good. You Arabs are our cousins; we should better help each other, not fight each other for the land of the size of ranch in the Texas town of Crawford.
32. Answer to Karim from Morocco PART (1)
Ron ,   LA   (04.26.06)
First, Karim, welcome to the talk back, I am happy to exchange ideas with intelligent Muslims and Arabs as yourself. I hope more of our neighbors will follow you and put their 2 dinars, so to speak… Karim sez: “We hear all the time about the issue of "Muslim denial" of the holocaust. The author offers no data or proof about how all Muslims perceive the holocaust. Bigotry or racism maybe? “ Ron sez: I think you jump to conclusions too fast. Bigotry and racism are pretty serious accusations. Just because the author doesn’t give you enough information, you decided to call him racist and bigot? It is a general knowledge in the world today; terrible blood labels, run free in Arab and Muslim TV, newspapers and various other publications. Jews called sons of pigs and monkeys in the mosques, Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian TV produce Ramadan series about Jews, who murder Christian children for their rituals. They produce series about Protocols of Elders of Zion, known forgery of Russian secret police. Syrian government invites David Duke, who is known KKK bigot and racist, despised by any reasonable human being. Links provided. If you need more, just let me know. http://www.memri.org/bin/search/search.cgi?nocpp=1&p%3Ats_udav=0&sort-method=1&Match=0&Terms=holocaust&Realm=All http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP103505 Karim sez: “In the Arab world, it is however well established that a big number don't believe in the holocaust the way it happened. This applies to both Muslim Arabs AND Christian Arabs. “ Ron sez: I agree with you and it makes me sad. The key word here is “believe”. You see, Karim I hope you agree with me, this is not a matter of simple “belief”. When we talking about “ believe”, normally we mean “ religious belief”, “ ideological belief” or “ atheistic belief” or alien abductions, Ayn Rand, megavitamin therapy, deep-tissue massage, skepticism, Holocaust denial, Satanism, near-death experiences, Randian positivism, conspirator theories…. Did I forget something? My point is this; it’s not about belief, it’s about facts, honest, scientific research, sticking to acceptable historical analysis and norms, modern academic standards. The questions here are simple; did Holocaust happen? How and why it happened? Are the numbers reliable, etc.? Those types of questions I am not here to address. Thousands of books were written, tens of thousands testimonials collected, Nuremberg trials conducted, countless soldiers-liberators both Russian and Western testified, many movies made. Holocaust deniers lost their cases in court of law, Holocaust Museums constructed and more and more cases- more than I desire to describe here.
33. Answer to Karim from Morocco PART (2)
Ron ,   LA   (04.26.06)
Karim sez: “Israeli or pro-Israel are always careful not to generalize about "Christians" because they are concerned that they would offend their main source of support and weapons: the USA. “ Ron sez: I disagree with you and I’ll tell you why: First I know WHY you think this way and please, correct me if I am mistaken. Your idea of Jews, as you learned from means of mass propaganda in your country as well as Al-Jeezira and others. Jews think only in terms of profit and loss. What good for the Jews or what bad for the Jews. There is something to it, of course, but “something” is the key word here. Your reasoning, Jews ONLY care what’s good for them, this is their nature. Please pay attention; I said “mass propaganda”, because there is no free press to talk about in the Arab world. Again, please correct me if I am wrong. Now about “Christians” and USA. Without claiming to be an authority on both sectors, I will take the liberty to speculate and I hope Christians and Americans can correct and guide me here. Christians support Israel for couple main reasons as follows: They know their Bible. They believe their Bible. Their Bible tells them what they care to know. Their Bible tells them what is GOOD and what EVIL is. It may be trivial and simplistic, but it is a delusion; unfortunately our Western “modern” culture became ignorant of those “simple” distinctions. Americans support Israel, because it is free country, based on the same values and principles their fathers defended many times and so many of them died for their flag of freedom, flag which is being trashed and stepped on by ignorant mutants of communist cancer of the old, who enjoy this freedom DON’T deserve. Americans support Israel, because America knows Israel is a canary in the mine. If Israel capitulates in front of Islamic Barbarism and Fascistic Jihad, free world is not far behind. America knows, Israel is strong, powerful and consistent ally of America for many years and no specific issue will change this fact. America knows that she is popular in Israel more than any other country on Earth, because Israel also has good understanding of good and evil. America is good. Period. True Americans know it, but they are dignified and humble enough not to shout about it on every corner. Socialist and communist mutants shout about their “Love of peace” on every corner. True Americans don’t need to; power of free vote- this is what is of real value to Israelis and Americans. Not “because they are concerned that they would offend their main source of support and weapons”, Karim. After all 1967 war was fought with French weapons, not American. If we wouldn’t have principles, we would kiss French ass for many years, to this day. No Karim, I do not agree with you on that.
34. Answer to Karim from Morocco PART (3)
Ron ,   LA   (04.26.06)
Karim sez: “ Back to the holocaust denial in the Arab world. It is an issue that needs to be tackled, through education but is it a crime? It is NOT a crime. It is an unfortunate sitution, which is caused mainly by the hatred of Israel and it has done to the Palestinians. The Israeli up to this day deny the Palestinian nakba of 1948, and deny them the right of RETURN. “ Ron sez: Karim, you claim that Holocaust denial is not a crime. To this I say: Yes and No. Let me explain. In our Western society there is a freedom of speech. We believe you can criticize, and even trash and say terrible lies, but we will still will protect your right to speak, even if it harts our “Holy of Holies”. This is the reason good friend of mine published some cartoons on the following site. I encourage you to take a look. You can learn a lot about Israel and democracy if you choose so. http://boomka.org/ However you ARE committing a grievous crime. Moral crime of tremendous proportions. 6,000,000 crimes for each and everybody of those souls, who were condemned to horrible death, just because they were Jews. One soul who survived this horror and lived to tell me about it was my own mother, may G-d bless her soul, who passed on recently in Israel. Another moral crime is to tie down Israel- Palestinian conflict to Holocaust as many Arabs and Muslims do. Since Holocaust is and forever will remain the most painful event in the modern history, why do the injustice to Palestinians, by involving another powerful obstacle to piece, which doesn’t help, but weaken their legitimate claims? Don’t you realize, you condemn us for eternal fight? Is this the only thing you can do for Palestinians? Hit Israel with Holocaust stick? Even Palestinians themselves sick and tired of other Arabs, who manipulate them for their own selfish needs. Palestinians have enough good and legitimate claims that are honest and just. They don’t need filth to justify their just claims. We in Israel respect their rights, although we at times disagree on details. There is an Arab American I admire, Karim. Her name is Wafa Sultan. She is an incredible and powerful woman. She speaks from her heart. She speaks to you, Karim and to other good Arabs like yourself who ask questions. Listen to her, Karim. http://www.memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1050 Karim, we want to resolve those issues through honest negotiations. I hope Arabs like you can help to bring some fresh and productive attitude toward the above issues for everybody good. You Arabs are our cousins; we should better help each other, not fight each other for the land of the size of ranch in the Texas town of Crawford.
35. Hitler's so-called "Jewish" soldiers
Former Belgian ,   Greater Tel-Aviv   (04.27.06)
The 1939 census of the Third Reich found 70,000 "first-degree Mischlinge" [two Jewish grandparents, not married to Jews and not members of the Jewish religion], 40,000 "second-degree Mischlinge" [one Jewish grandparents], and tens of thousands of Mischlinge of higher orders. Jews according to the Nazi (y"sh) definition (three or more Jewish grandparents, or two and married to a Jew, or two and members of the Jewish religious community) could NOT serve and did NOT serve. The misleading title "Hitler's jewish soldiers" refers to Mischlinge of the 1st and 2nd degrees, who were at various times eligible for drafting into the Wehrmacht but could not become officers. (Mischlinge were half-citizens in a kind of legal limbo: their status was to be clarified after the war. Thank G-d the Nazis lost it.) As the total number of Mischlinge of all degrees was about 150,000 --- and only a small section of them was of military age --- every sxingle word in the "150,000 Jewish soldiers" is wrong: there weren't 150,000, and most of those were not Jewish by any relevant standard (no Jewish mother, not members of the Jewish religion, not identifying with Jewish culture,...) In addition, many of those drafted were recalled in early 1940 and never saw frontline action. Those seeking a more "Aryan" classification could apply for a change in status (from Jew to 1st degree, from 1st to 2nd, from 2nd to Aryan,...) Such application were PERSONALLY reviewed by Hitler (y"sh) himself, and a couple thousand people obtained status changes or "Aryanization" certificates. For instance, a high Luftwaffe officer (Erhard Milch, also the 1st CEO of Lufthansa) with a Jewish legal father was "Aryanized" after (dubiously, but with the support of Goering y"sh) claiming that his biological father was his mother's Aryan lover.
36. Beliefs
I went to a Holocaust rally yesterday and the Rabbi talked about believing what people say, like President Ahmadinejad from Iran. I thought it was odd, because such a simple thing to do, but not always the mind willing. The mind at times can play games and it may be the start of understanding.
37. Enjoy reading your columns
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (04.27.06)
I don't always agree, but I do appreciate your views ... I would only point out that the majority of Muslims I know don't deny the Holocaust, although yes many do. I think it's out of anger against Israel, a way to "get them back" ... afterall, Palestinians and Jews do things often as much to provoke each other as they do out of belief. Holocaust revisinism is wrong as is anti-Semitism and there is much out there. But I thought in fairness that despite the fanaticism of Iran's Prez, many Palestinians I know lament the Holocaust and argue only that it shouldn't be used int he political battle over apeace accord. Anyway, just acomment, not a criticism. God knows there's enough criticism around here :) Thanks Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
38. To RON
Karim ,   Morocco   (04.28.06)
1) The author made a serious generalization. He claims to know what over 1 billion think about the Holocaust with no data or proof to back up his claim. Only bigoted people can write such things. Imagine if someone wrote: "Why Jews love money" Anti-semitic programs can be found on some Arab TVs, but not all. You mention Syria, Egypt and Lebanon, how about Morocco, Tunisia? Can either you and the author you defend claim the same about Morocco? You can't because I know for a fact that no anti-semitic show like the protocols was ever shown on Moroccan TV, EVER. Yet you find no problem in accepting a bigoted comments about Arabs because that's what Israeli and their supporters do which is a shameful practice of bigotry and racism. MEMRI is run by a former Israeli army officer (Colonel Yigal Carmon)..it is a propaganda organization bent on demonizing Arabs and Muslims. Shameful. 2-) your arguments about the holocaust denial are not convincing. This is not about free speech. You failed to convince me that it is a crime. You could say it is very unfortunate to deny it, and I agree with that, but denying it doesn't mean condoning it. The act of denial might hurt the FEELINGS of victims but it doesn't lead to the lost of their homeland like the Israeli do with their denial of the refugee rights. 3-) On the issue of the US support for Israel, you read me wrong. This is not about good for Jews or bad for Jews. The Nazis who killed 6 million of Jews were of christian heritage, yet Israeli (at least in public) generally refrain from accusing Christianity directly like they do with Islam. I don't need anyone to tell me what Jews are like. I had Jewish neighbors, and so did my parents. The only "mass propaganda" that hurt "Jewish image" (unfortunately) is the 38 year old Israeli occupation. I still remember when IDF used to break the bones of Palestinian kids. I was only a kid at the time, and I used to wonder why they do that. See, there was no Al-Jazeera 15 years ago, and no satellite tv either.
39. To RON
Karim ,   Morocco   (04.28.06)
On the US support for Israel, well part of it is due to the successful "propaganda compaign" waged by radical Israel supporters in the US. All of what you said about Israel in terms of its similarities with modern USA is not true. The US does not require its citizens to report their religion/ethnicity in their ID cards, and of course the USA does not officially revolve around a specific religion. The similarities between Israel and the US can be found in old racist USA of black enslavement, in the USA of Jim Crow laws, and in the USA that uprooted most native Indians from their homes. Israel still behaved better than old USA in terms of dealing with the natives. The old USA committed a near genocide against the native Americans, while Israel only wanted natives out, not dead. Wafa Sultan is entiled to her views that she freely expressed on Al-Jazeera. Her Arab pride was wounded deeply to the point where she gave up. I can understand her. A tiny little state of 5 million (most of which were born somewhere else) forced its way on over 250 million people. That is hard to swallow for some.
40. To Karim
KH ,   LA, CA, USA   (04.29.06)
I am grateful, as a Jew, to read what you wrote. I agreed with most of it - and all of it that I know much about. I can't say I agreed with everything because there is much I need to learn and I just don't know enough to make that claim yet. But I can say and want to say: Thank You - for taking the time to express yourself here thoughtfully. Understanding and appreciating comments like yours...in a Jewish setting...and the knowledge on which they are based, is what gives our world hope for the future.
41. # 27
Konrad ,   Warsaw   (04.30.06)
"As regards renaming the Auschwitz death camp as German, let's not forget the role of the Polish murderers who collaborated so willingly." Any evidence of the Polish involvement in the management of the German Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkeanu? If you have some, do not hesitate, please, and share it. I am always eager to learn.
42. From Ron to Karim(1) ( answer to 38, 39)
Ron ,   LA   (05.01.06)
The author made a serious generalization. >>>>>Agree. We probably need to be more sensitive. Anti-Semitic programs can be found on some Arab TVs, , how about Morocco, Tunisia? >>>> Agree. Your King must be commanded for his tolerance. Other Arabs need to notice and learn. Good point. Yet you find no problem in accepting a bigoted comments about Arabs because that's what Israeli and their supporters do which is a shameful practice of bigotry and racism. >>>Please be specific MEMRI is run by a former Israeli army officer (Colonel Yigal Carmon)..it is a propaganda organization bent on demonizing Arabs and Muslims. Shameful. >>> What is important is whether the facts are true- not who they are and their purpose. The act of denial might hurt the FEELINGS of victims but it doesn't lead to the lost of their homeland like the Israeli do with their denial of the refugee rights. >>> Why Arabs are so fond of hooking Holocaust with Nakba? Palestinians have other very solid arguments to fight for their rights. Much SMARTER, that doesn’t hart Jewish sensitivities for nothing. The question is is it smart from ARAB perspective? My answer is no it’s STUPID. The Nazis who killed 6 million of Jews were of Christian heritage, yet Israeli (at least in public) generally refrain from accusing Christianity directly like they do with Islam. >>>>> Nazis didn’t wave their Bibles and acted in the name of Christianity. Islamists do. The only "mass propaganda" that hurt "Jewish image" (unfortunately) is the 38 year old Israeli occupation. >>>>> To compare PR which is fought in the media and occupation as a result of defensive war doesn’t make sense. Apples versus oranges/
43.  From Ron to Karim(2) answers ( 38,39)
Ron ,   LA   (05.01.06)
On the US support for Israel, well part of it is due to the successful "propaganda compaign" waged by radical Israel supporters in the US. >>> radicals are extreme leftist very anti-Israel. Can you name and address them? All of what you said about Israel in terms of its similarities with modern USA is not true>>>>.Why? <<<< The US does not require its citizens to report their religion/ethnicity in their ID cards, and of course the USA does not officially revolve around a specific religion. >>> Many countries do, not just Israel. Islam is recognized as official religion in Israel. Israel has 13 Arabs in Parliament. Israel recognize Islamic law for Muslims. Israel has woman and gay rights. Israeli Arab MKs meet with the most visious Israeli enemies as Hizb Allah under protection of the law. Morocco on the other hand doesn’t have free press. Criticism against the King is forbidden, as well as any mentioning “ Sahara issue”<<< The similarities between Israel and the US can be found in old racist USA of black enslavement, in the USA of Jim Crow laws, and in the USA that uprooted most native Indians from their homes.>>>> This is old <<< Israel still behaved better than old USA in terms of dealing with the natives.>>> Palestinians are not more native than Jews<<<< The old USA committed a near genocide against the native Americans, while Israel only wanted natives out, not dead. >>>> SOS<<< Wafa Sultan is entiled to her views that she freely expressed on Al-Jazeera. Her Arab pride>>> this pride again<<< was wounded deeply to the point where she gave up. >>> I haven’t seen her giving up<<>> Agree. Thanks, Karim, please continue to post. I learned a lot. Good Luck, Ron
44. #37 People who always blame others for their misery...
Ron ,   LA   (05.01.06)
#37 People who always blame others for their misery... Hanania sez: "Anyway, just acomment, not a criticism. God knows there's enough criticism around here :) " Ron sez: Criticism is NOT bad. Criticism is essential in any working democracy. Constructive criticism make people look at the mirror and change their ways for better. This is fundamental difference between Arab clan society and Israeli cosmopolitan one. ISRAELIS STRIVE to criticize, just read their newspapers. You Arabs are backward, because criticism harts your " pride" so you avoid it . This is the reason your civilization is in decline, while Israeli flourishes. You yourself being born in America, even without speaking Arabic, think and behave as a typical Arab. You relate legitimate criticism with hate and bigotry. This is cultural. You need to hang out with westerners more, so you can learn more of " western" values and ideas. People like you brought Arabs to the state they are in now. They allow incompetence to rule them. People who always blame others for their misery, don't have a chance to improve.
45. Questions to Karim from Ron
Ron ,   LA   (05.01.06)
Hey, Karim, I have some questions for you. Please tell me what YOU tinK ‘bout it. I am interested in Arab opinion, not necessary just Palestinian, but generally… A. Why Palestinians are picking fights they destined to loose? I other words, why they try their weakest weapon against the strongest area of Israel and expect to win? B. Why Palestinians ( or Arabs) react with emotions, instead of logic? C. What’s the deal with culture of pride, shame and honor? D. Why Arabs avoid self criticism and blame everything on others other than take responsibility? E. Why Arabs think in terms of conspiracies? Thanks, hope you doing well. Ron
46. Why?
Diana ,   USA   (05.02.06)
I am not Arab, Muslim, Jewish or anything else in between. I am not old enough to remember WWII. I do not know anyone that was personally affected by the Holocaust. And for the life of me I cannot understand... why can we not say that what happened is and was horrible? Why can we not have sympathy and empathy for millions of people that suffered at the hands of the Nazi's? Why can we not view the Holocaust and all other atrocities that have happened through out the world, no matter the country, through all time with the same pain? Why can we not all just agree that as PEOPLE we ALL strive for the day that there will be no need for memorials to those people that have been lost? Why can we not see that as people we are all unique with our own ideals, religions, and dreams? Why can we not accept that because someone is different, that does not make them worthy of death and destruction? Yes, I do believe that 6 million people died in concentration camps. Yes, I do believe that millions of others have died in other countries through out the world for hundreds of years. My heart breaks for everyone of those people lost. Are we though willing to forget? Are we willing to allow it to continue to happen? I hope not. I hope that we can all learn to live with others beliefs and differences. I pray for a world that can learn from the mistakes of others. I dream for a world that my children can grow up in and not have to worry one day that because of their color, race or religion will cost them their life.
47. germans?
Sam ,   Virginia, USA   (05.02.06)
Oh, I didnt know that ALL the germans were part of the holocaust, Most of the soldiers were only fighting because if they didnt then guess what, theyd be killed too. Im tired of the ignorant portrayal of german citizens.
48. Germans
Steve ,   Melbourne, Australia   (05.03.06)
It's impossible to estimate the number of Germans who either supported or opposed Hitler. About the fairest thing you can say is that Hitler managed to fool a substantial number of German citizens. Those he couldn't fool, he murdered.
49. Muslim denial
paul silverman ,   usa   (05.15.06)
Thank you, I have printed out your op ed piece. It is the best I have seen so far on the Muslims and the Holocaust. The role of the Bosnian SS and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during the Holocaust is a subject that has not received enough attention in the US, although it was the subject of a History Channel show on Cable TV. Best, Paul
50. Muslims and Holocaust
paul ,   usa   (05.15.06)
Dear Sir, There is a war against terror going on, but you claim there is a "Holocaust" against Muslims. You provide no proof of this. Many have died during the war, but many died during Saddam Husein's rule. What are you talking about ? Yours Paul
51. demonizing
paul ,   plslvmn@yahoo.com   (05.15.06)
Thank you. No one should demonize another religion.
52. And on, and on...
R Taieb ,   NYC,USA   (05.15.06)
Israel was never a real place, it was a reference to a people. The usurption of the land became the pretext to the Post WWII Jews takeover. Even if there are denialist about the purported 6 million fatalities, only the jews in their best victimized interests forget that there were also 20 million russians wiped off the earth too. Anti-semitic is such a weak way to address the very context of this discussion, Arabs, are semitic. This is just politics and US-Israeli propaganda.
53. MAny are responsible
Fred Reinders ,   Spokane WA, USA   (05.17.06)
Zionist Independence Movement that was active in the 1930s & 1940s had a large part to play in the remembrance of the Holocaust as being only Jews. It was as stated in the article a Holocaust that involved many peoples that the Nazi government chose to label undesirables ... added to the ones mentioned are Jehovah's Witness & Seventh Day Adventist Christians as well as many other forgotten groups that were "undesirable" The first mass murder was World War 1 when Turkey eliminated the Christians they did not want. Hitler is said to have used the forgetting of that killing as an example of what a government can accomplish. Let the name of Auschwitz remain unchanged. It is forever connected to the Holocaust as a deth camp run by the Nazis. Let it not be forgotten that Poland's Jewish population was mostly exterminated or deported with the able and willing assistance of ordinary Poles. Let it not be forgotten either that many Germans, Poles, French, Swiss and others risked their own lives to save friends, neighbors and often strangers from death when they themselves belonged to groups that were in no danger. Let the Holocaust not be forgotten, but do not forget the millions of non-Jews who died in the "Jewish" Holocaust that the Nazis oversaw.
54. 23 the term anti-semite
Levy ,   Oak Park Michigan   (05.17.06)
The term anti-semitism was coined by a german philosopher to replace the harsh sounding word "Juden-Haas" which means Jew-Hatred... So Think!!! There is no relationship between anti-semitism and the arabs except for a cosmetic one. Yes Anti-Semitism is rampant amongst the Islamic world because it was canonised by Muhammed himself. The level of Juden-Haas, or anti-semitism in modern parlance, in the Islamic world has no parralel except by Nazi Germany and possibly periods in Catholic Europe. Think! Read a book! Get your facts straight before you speak! Think! Think!
55. # 53 Fred Reinders
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (05.17.06)
Dear Sir, you wrote:"Let it not be forgotten either that many Germans, Poles, French, Swiss and others risked their own lives to save friends, neighbors and often strangers from death when they themselves belonged to groups that were in no danger." If these people were in no danger themselves then how you will explain that 3 million non Jewish citizens of Poland lost their lives along with 3 millions of Jewish citizens of Poland? Did they get killed in car accidents? Do you know that Germans had the only one kind of punishment for Poles who were hiding Jews? Guess what it was. Have a nice day. K.
56. polish involvement in Auschwitz
stan kohls ,   somis, ca. usa   (05.30.06)
The Nazis did not think much of the Poles, either, they were only a notch above Jews and Blacks, except for the Aryian-looking "Volkdeutsch," in Western Poland. While Many Ukranians, Hungarians and Romanians participated in the Holocaust, the number of Poles involved was probably small. In fact, there was a Polish Catholic underground organization, Zatgote, that rescued several thousand Jews, at the risk of death at the hands of the Nazis. Many Poles think the Germans were trying to burden them with the guilt for the Holocaust, which is why most death camps were established in Poland. The Poles were certainly not totally innocent during the Holocaust, but they had problems of their own, since they were next on the list, after the Germans had carried out the Final Solution. sk
57. Germans
stan kohls ,   somis, ca. usa   (05.30.06)
Of course not all Germans were involved in the Holocaust or supported the Nazis, but one only needs to see the film 'Triumph of the Will' (Triumph des Willens) to see that Hitler was very popular with the German people, especially at 1st. There was almost no resistance to the Nazis, and most soldiers were proud to fight for the Third Reich, even when the war was clearly lost. Hatred of Jews in Germany goes back to the time of Martin Luther, and his pamphlet, 'Concerning the Jews and their Lies,' (Ueber Die Juden und Ihre Luegen), and before, when Jews were blamed for ther death of Jesus, accused of spreading the Black Death by poisoning wells, accused of murdering Christian children to use their blood in rituals, etc. The Nazis simply built on these Medieval beliefs, which were commonly held in Central and Eastern Europe prior to WW II. The Germans did not commit the murders of millions of Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, etc. at the point of a gun. Few had any objections, and even fewer voiced them. sk
58. holocaust deniers
stan kohls ,   somis, ca. usa   (05.30.06)
While there have been many tragedies throughout human history, none has achieved the level of cruelty and barbarism as the Holocaust, the attempt to kill off the Jews of Europe by the German Nazis during WW II. Nearly the entire Jewish population of Europe was wiped out, nearly 1/3 of the Jews on Earth. Jews had existed in Germany before there was a Germany, Jewish culture was deeply integrated in European life, Jews had lived in many cities and communities for many centuries. While Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda murdered each other, the Jews were no threat to anyone, they were innocent victims of hatred. Even the Armenians in Turkey had been involved in uprisings against the Turkish govt. prior to WW I. No attempt at genocide achieved the efficiency of the Holocaust, no tragedy in human history comes close. sk
59. The truly forgotten and denied
David B. ,   Los Angeles, USA   (07.13.06)
I have no patience for anyone who would attempt to gloss over or deny the Nazi atrocities. However, it is not a purely Jewish issue. The Holocaust claimed a variety of victims deemed "unfit" by the Nazi machine. When I visited the Holocaust Museum in Israel, I was disturbed at how it "forgot and denied" that homosexuals were viciously persecuted and murdered as well. I understand that that particular memorial is to remember the Jewish legacy; however, homosexuals were not even mentioned in the display listing of other groups (e.g. gypsies, handicapped, etc.) purged. You cannot accuse others of a crime if you are guilty of it yourself.
60. Re: ...and the worst are the Peddlers
ross ,   sumiainen, finland   (07.13.06)
..the first thought that came to me was remembering the Chinese who came out within a day with pocked telephone pictures and wristwatches showing planes smashing into the World Trade Towers in New York....anything to make a yen.
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