Canada court: Jerusalem not Israel's capital
Itamar Eichner
Published: 07.05.06, 09:26
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31. #15
Michaekl   (05.07.06)
1948, Many arabs fled becuase other arabs statres told them ,their leave would be temporary. that Israel would cease to exist. there are plenty of Israeli arabs whose parent swere smarter and stayed. if Israel purposely threw out all the arabs. where did the 1.3 millin come from? Space?! Aboud Don't even go there about massacres. Do you know anything about the Masscres of the Jews of mecca and Medina? Do you know it happend about 1200 years before the state of israel. Unfortunately, It is arahter long lists. So if you want to talk about massacres that us statrt from 700 A.D. It will take a few days to get to 1948. Aboud, Do oyu even know what a concentration camp looked like? go to Poland. where are the concentration camps, where are the ovens? if you would spend as much time reading about history as you do making it up. There would be a lot more mutual respect
32. Oh Can-a-duh
Yoel Ariel ,   US   (05.07.06)
An appeal should be filed in the Superior Appeals Cour in Canada's capitol city; Calgary. Since Canada considers any disputed claim sufficient to "cloud" ownership the appellant should seek a judgement from the Canadien PM in Canada's capitol city, Montreal, Quebec
33. #9
Answer me the following questions: 1) who renamed Israel Palestine?hint: it wasn't Mohammad it was the Romans or in your language the infedels. Are you saying you are from Romans. 2) Do Muslims believe in the prophets? 3) what year did Syria and Jordan and iraq recieve independence? Jordan 1948 that too is part of historical Israel,as wellas southern Lebanon and parts of Syria. But we haven't asked for it. 4) If the temple Mount was so special,Why was their a garbage Dump right next to it until 1967? 5) how many Arab States are there? 6) Who controls the oil? 7) how many times does the bible mention jerusalem? 8) how many Times is it written not inferred jerusalem? 9) With 22 wealthy arab countries, why have they been unwilling to help remove your refugee status? well we do have aright to name Jerusalem as our capital because we purchased it.King David Purchased it before there was islam. Unlike Islam that Massacred a predominently Jewish town called medina and made Medina its holy city.
34. #30 Mike, Canada.
DR ,   Gwent, UK   (05.07.06)
If I may respond. The Islamic/Arab conquest of the 7th Century AD indeed illegally occupied what was THEN "Palestine" by force. Sovereignty over Jerusalem is something that this regime never enjoyed despite their illegal occupation. The "peaceful and calm" city described by Mike clearly perhaps includes the period when Jordan ensured that it was "Judenrein" and where 58 Synagogues were desecrated. Such Synagogues bieng turned into stables, chicken coops and garbage dumps. The Jewish cemetery dating back to 1st Century AD on the Temple Mount having some 38,000 gravestones removed, graves desecrated and Jews being forbidden access to the Western Wall. I have not even begun to mention the horrific slaughters of Jews during Islamic rule prior to the REBIRTH of the Jewish state. The enforced subjugation of Jews under DHIMMITUDE being a factor expediently ignored by Islamic sources during their professions of "tolerance" and "peace". It is not for nothing that Hamas bases it's calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews on quotations from the Qu'ran itself. How quickly it is forgotten that under UN Resolution 181 of 1948/48, the Jews of what was THEN "Palestine" accepted the partition plan, reluctantly agreeing to the internationalization of Jerusalem as the price of statehood. Yet the Arab nations instead sought the genocide of the Jews from their midst. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, personally obtained assurances that Hitler would complete the "final solution" of the Jews should the Third Reich have extended further into the ancient Jewish homeland. The "Palestinianization" of the campaign of Arab aggression actually arose from their realization that you can further your agenda far more successfully through the political goals of self-determination than with declarations of intended genocide. (Palestinian self-determination subsequently played the same role for Arab aggression as Sudeten self-determination did for German aggression.) The following is a direct quotation during 1948 of the public declaration of Jamal Al-Hussein, the Vice-president of the A.H.C. (Arab High Committee - the effective Palestinian-Arab `government');- "We are sadly and PERMANENTLY determined to fight to the last man against the existence in our country of ANY Jewish state, no matter how small it is..." A general public circular of the same Arab High Committee at that time also publicly declared, just three years after the Holocaust when Jews were still fleeing Europe for refuge in their reborn homeland;- "The Arabs have taken into their own hands, the FINAL SOLUTION of the Jewish problem. The problem will be solved only in blood and fire. The Jews will be driven out."
35. # 30 DR
Mike ,   Canada   (05.07.06)
WOW !! are good at twisting TRUTH and creating lies..... One question...if Arabs are that bad ...why did the JEWS decide to escape from the Nazis by immigrating to Morroco, Plaestine...and the other Arab countries who welcomed them and treated them right........when arabs were in Spain...Jews were living in peace with them...and when the Arabs were kicked out ..the jews were kicked out with History and you will find out that the Jews never lived in peace under any nation but the Arab and Islamic nations.........only when they started to take over Palestine and claim it to themselves...only then....their relationship with the Arabs and Muslims was screwed up
36. the sovereignty over Jerusalem
john ,   london   (05.07.06)
What is at stake is not the choice of the capital of Israel. Indeed, the choice of a capital is a domestic law matter. The problem, in international law, is the sovereignty over jerusalem which is disputed : the resolution 181 which created Israel and a palestinian state, in 1947, was also creating jerusalem as a international neutral territory. So, legally, no country may today claim a sovereigny over the city.
37. Jerusalem/Al-Quds
Muhammad-Ali ,   Montreal   (05.07.06)
1. Jerusalem was the capital of British mandated Palestine. 2. Canada would not recognize all of Jerusalem as Israel's capital becuz the eastern portion is considered occupied. The stance of the int'l community on that is that the issue of Al-Quds must be resolved btween Israel and the Pals. Moving ur embassy to Montreal or another place won't change anything.
39. #35 Mike, Canada
DR ,   Gwent, UK   (05.07.06)
Three decades of studying Middle Eastern history has familiarised me extremely well with the selective omission of pivotal facts and mixture of distortions and half truths which constitute the Arab propaganda which has sold so well among the nations and which formulates the basis of your contribution here. Your reply itself expediently omits the cold, callous indictment of the forcible expulsion of over 800,000 Jews from the Arab world such Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen which effectively made so many areas "Judenrein". A Jewish presence that preceded the rise of Islam by over a thousand years, that has virtually disappeared through forcible expulsion. These Jews, whose families had inhabited these Arab lands for thousands of years, left with only the possessions that they could carry, being robbed of homes, businesses, and all their worldly possessions by their Arab `overlords'. This was a forcible ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Arab nations, not because of war but due to unregulated racial hatred and gratuitously cruel Arab policies. The de-humanising policy of dhimmitude towards Jews and Christians, treated in so many ways as second class/inferior citizens in Islamic society are issues that you need to investigate as a matter of urgency. You will discover that Islam largely only permits Jews to live under Muslim rule by adhering to the principles of Dhimmitude. It is not for nothing that Jews and Christians are referred to by Islam as "infidels". As for the Jews "taking over Palestine", I refer you to my comments in #27 to Atmawi. With respect Mike, you really need to study history before you accusing others of "twisting truth" and "creating lies".
40. #37
DR ,   Gwent, UK   (05.07.06)
Jerusalem was NOT the capital of British mandated Palestine. No such entity as a 'capital of the mandate region' ever existed. I reiterate that Jerusalem has not been the capital of any nation or people other than the Jews themselves. The British Mandate of Palestine was effectively an administrative control, provided in the form of a 'mandate' given by the League of Nations to Britain under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations as formulated at the Paris Peace Conference (January-June 1919). Under this article it was stated that the territories inhabited by peoples unable to stand by themselves would be entrusted to other nations until such time as the local population could handle their own affairs. This concept was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Further to the Balforu Declaration, Britain was given a Mandate at "Versailles" to establish the Jewish National Home in ALL of Palestine, which at that time constituted both sides of the Jordan River including the Golan Heights, Gaza & Judea and Samaria. Britain however, soon embarked on a policy of Arab appeasement, which it still pursues to this day. It gave control of the Golan Heights to the French, who were then occupying Syria. Then, with one swift stroke of a pen, Britain cut off a further 77 percent of then Palestine and gave it to Abdullah Ibn Hussein, whose family had been ousted from Arabia by the Sa'ud family. Abdullah formed the new nation Transjordan (now Jordan) and became it's King. The British also established Abdullah's brother, Feisal as King over a semi-independent Iraq. In November 1947 what remained of "Palestine" at that time was divided by the League of Nations between Arabs and Jews, with the Jews receiving the smaller allotment. The Jewish National Home that was to have originally incorporated all of Palestine now actually constituted less than 11 percent of that land. These facts are readily available in history books but seldom is the dust brushed away from their covers to reveal the truth.
41. 35, mike in canada
kapara   (05.07.06)
You are a moron. Jews never escaped in mass from the nazis by immigrating to arab countries. THe jews were never anything foreign to the middle east, they were in these 'arab" countries before the arabs arrived. My family lived in iraq for thousands of years, before the arabs even showed up. When we were ethnically cleansed from iraq we had no where else to go except israel where there has been a constant jewish population for about 4000 years. Should the arab world not have to live with the results of the wars they started? Should they not be held accountable in any way in your narrow eyes? Have you always held jews to a higher level of accountability than arabs? Do you feel they are incapable of accountability, so don't bother expecting it from them??? Muslim love for Jews ??? ask the jews of Mecca and Medina about that one. What happened to them? When do I get compensated from the arabs living in my house for 50 years in bagdad? How dare you blame the jews for the results of the wars started by the arabs? Obviously being the genious you are, you know that more jews became refugees as a direct result of the arab decisions to wage war instead of make peace with israel than did arabs become refugees from israel. Maybe if israel had put me in a refugee camp, I could have some pathetic pity from you as well. Have you ever demonstrated against the arab world for not taking in the arab refugees and for keeping them in "refugee camps??"
42. hold on to your horses here.......
Imbar ,   Rosh Pina/Denver   (05.07.06)
Truthfully, I am less concerned with Canada than the US (of all countries!) not identifying Jewish citizens born in Jerusalem. Then of course there is the matter of George Bush never saying Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel let alone signing the embassy act. IMAGINE! Taking away the exact right every other country on the planet has. What we say and do here sets the tone for the world. By not signing the embassy act let alone never saying Jerusalem is the undivided captial of Israel screams illegitimacy to all Israelis; to Jews everywhere!! Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia: "The embassy's movement is a recognition of Israeli fait accompli which is not wanted by anyone. Consequently, returning the U.S. policy to the previous position is welcomed," Al-Faisal to the Saudi news agency. Read it and read it again and don't forget it! ..,7340,L-3247454,00.html #46
43. Fools!
Shlomo ,   USA   (05.07.06)
You are all fools! Who cares what you write! Don't you see that the "State" of Israel has stolen Israel from the Jews. Since the "State" tolerates such moves by other countries it is endorsing their position. #1 is correct. Which legitimate State cedes part of its capital. You voted for these idiots, get rid of them or shut up.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (05.07.06)
Israel's most famous king, king David founded Jerusalem. Reigious Jews pray three times a day in the direction of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned constantly in prayers. Passover Seder ends with: "Next year in Jerusalem!" And at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. Jerusalem is mentioned in the blessings at the end of meals. During Jewish wedding ceremonies, the groom breaks a glass as a sign of mourning of the destruction of the two Temples, accompanied by Psalm 137: "If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy." During the First and Second Temple periods, the Temple was the central focus of Jewish life. The First Temple was built by King David's son, King Solomon. 2 Chronicles 2:4:"Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the L-RD my G-d, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant incense before Him and to set out the showbread continually...on sabbaths and on new moons and on the appointed feasts of the L-RD our G-d, this being required forever in Israel." The great, the mighty and the awesome G-D of the universe returned Jewish Holy Land and holy places to the Jews in the 1967 Six Day War. The response of Israeli leaders was shocking. They gave control of Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount to Muslims. There are no words to describe this terrible offense - this terrible betrayal of the Ruler of the universe, the Holy One of Israel. Control of Jewish land and the HOLIEST site on earth, the Temple Mount, has been given by Israel's leaders to the enemies of Israel. Bringing down upon Jews ever increasing terror, death, destruction and war.
45. To DR - Great posts! Thanks
JBK ,   Davis, CA   (05.07.06)
46. DR
Ram ,   London   (05.07.06)
Your educational postings are no doubt most appreciated by all, with the probable exception of the arabs and anti-semites posting here, most of whom insist on living in ignorance and denial. Keep up the good work!
47. So much for the shared capital concept
Steve ,   USA   (05.07.06)
B"H The Jews should reinagurate the Holy Temple service and drive the Arabs out of the temple mount. Wny? Because this "shared city" concept is bogus. If it were sharing, then Canada would recognize that a resident could be born in Jerusalem, in the State of Israel, as well as Jerusalem, "whatever country it is being shared with". Here there is no sharing. It is just a detrimental imposed slavery over the Jewish people by a foreign occupancy that is bent on continual dispute. The reason cited is that the city is in dispute. Of course it is. The dispute keeps going to keep the city out of peace with the Jewish people. The dispute is fabricated for that purpose and it is shameful. If there is no sharing the only way to clear up the confusion is to drive out the party that cannot understand that Jerusalem is the Jewish capital of Israel, as Ishmael was driven out for a similar reason by Abraham. Abraham put his son Isaac on the alter on the Temple Mount so that Ishmael would not claim the first inheritance of G-d. It is high time to obey Abraham's will by both parties. He was a kind and understanding father who understands the nature of both of his children. Canada's diplomatic presence should be moved to Tel Aviv like the United States presence is and no offices should be allowed in Jersusalem and there should be no further consultations in Israel so long as Canada cannot recognize that there is a Jewish Jerusalem that is the eternal Capital of Israel. Israeli foreign ministers can travel to the respective countries if consultations are required, since Canada cannot from the article understand the concept of Jewish sovereignty in Israel; perhaps Canada can accept it outside of Israel. Everyone foments this dispute as one with the muslims, but the muslims are just the tip of the iceburg. The muslims are pawns in an unfortunate international game, and it is high-time that their lives stop being played with by those power brokers, for their peace as well as for the peace of Israel. Each time they get hired by an international body to lob something at Israel or to attack a soldier, their lives are also put needlessly at risk in a detrimental game. This dispute needs to end so both parties can move forward.
48. Jerusalem has been Israels capital for 2,500 years
David Landman ,   Boston, USA   (05.07.06)
Jews have been the majority in ALL the city for at least the past 200 years. Canada has no right to determine the capital of Israel any more than Israel the right to determine Canada's capital. Sooner or later, the rest of the world will eventually move their embassies to Israel's eternal capital, the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem. It has never been the capital of anything else and never will. Amman is the capital of Palestine and will continue to be.
49. # 48 David
3009 years to be exact.
50. Took my last vacation in Canada 15 years ago, don't miss it.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (05.08.06)
51. Canada: Better brush up on your bible, eh?
Scott ,   Haifa   (05.08.06)
Jerusalem, eternal capital of Israel.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (05.08.06)
There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. At the time of Muhammad's death, there was not a single mosque in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, not once in the Koran. Muslims pray facing Mecca. It is Muslim practice to take over, desecrate and destroy the holy sites of other religions-Jews, Christians, Hindus, Bhuddists, et al. Muslims build mosques on top of the holy sites of other religions to signify that their religion is superior to all others. Muslims did this on the Temple Mount. During the time Jordan controlled Jerusalem from 1948-1967, no foreign Arab leaders visited Jerusalem. Jordanian radio broadcast Friday prayers not from Al-Aqsa Mosque, but from a mosque in Amman. Jordan destroyed 58 synagogues in Jerusalem. Jordan's army desecrated the 2,500 year old Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives and used Jewish tombstones for pavement and latrines. All land, homes, businesses and buildings seized in the 1948 Islamic invasion of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and east Jerusalem must be returned to Jews immediately. 13th Century Arab biographer Yakut, noted: "Mecca is holy to Muslims; Jerusalem is holy to the Jews."
53. Canada/Israel
Kevin ,   Kelowna, Canada   (05.09.06)
Jerusalem is in Israel. I know - I have been there.
54. Canada
Brod ,   Marshall, USA   (05.10.06)
Jerusalem is the eternal capital city of Israel. Other countries like Canada should better learn to accept this fact instead of meddling in Israel affairs.
55. Jews were not the majority in the city until Israel brought
Sonya ,   Toronto   (12.10.17)
Jews were not the majority in the city until Israel become the homeland for Jews that came from the entire world after World War 2. Russian Jews and Jews from all Europe that were born and their great grandfathers also born in Russia or other countries, Israel opened the Palestine land for them and established thousand of colonies and made the land their home, that what makes them majority in the city. Religion is different story, the holy city of Jerusalem is for everybody and it’s been occupied by all religions for hundred years has never been the capital of Israel and never will. Amman is the capital of Jordan not Palestine, do you know that?
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