Opinion  Ray Hanania
Another anniversary of suffering
Ray Hanania
Published: 13.05.06, 20:22
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50 Talkbacks for this article
31. Extended hand of peace
Ami I. ,   Rehovot Israel   (05.15.06)
All of us Zionists insist that we want peace - only the other side does not want peace. Yet when someone like Ray extends the hand of peace, he is greeted with hate and suspicion. He may not be 100% right in his perception of history, but making peace must be our priority, rather than deciding who is right.
32. optimistic and hopeful view
Viveka ,   Finland   (05.15.06)
Good job.
33. to Ray
Hilda ,   USA   (05.15.06)
Israel, dispite all the hatred from all quarters, despite the fact that it has taken in so many refugees from all over the wrld, despite having to use so much of its income to protect itself. Israel has contributed much to the world. Name me one thing the Palestinians hae contributed besides homicide bombers? Zero nothing. Infact the entire Arab civilization????? has contributred nothing except vast income from oil---wells which were originally set up by either Americans or British have contributed nothing for centuries. Be serious, you know that the Palestinians are the eternal beggars of society. They/you continue to claim to be victims but are really prepetratos. You are vicitims of your own nothingness. Get lost. We are tired of hearing your lies and ratings
34. #25 and other Israelis
So you are no different than the people you bash, attack and hate. Calling people "monkeys" suggests you can't address the facts, which is your failing. Shame on you. You make all Israelis and Jews look bad when you resort to this kind of vicious hatred. How can you call it anti-Semitism when you practice the same hatred?
35. hatred
Hilda ,   USA   (05.15.06)
speaking for myself and I'm sure for may Jews and Israeli, we did not start out hating. We only began hating in answer to the murder of our people. Just as we did not hate Germans until after Hitler began murdering our people. Stop killing us and stop your rotten rhetoric of hate and we will embrace and love you like cousins bur remember the ball is in your court. I dare you.
36.  How to get “ap-peaced” and pissed off by ...
Ron ,   LA   (05.15.06)
How to get “ap-peaced” and pissed off by fast-talking self-promoters Don't quit asking questions especially if you get only ambiguity answers. If the “peace” salesperson’s pitch can't explain it to your satisfaction … then you need to buy something else. Ron sez run, don't walk, bros.
37. May I aks anozer qvestion, bleaze?
Mohammed Rabinovitch ,   Mecca / Zio Entity   (05.16.06)
May I aks anozer qvestion, bleaze? Mohammed Rabinovitch asks and his twin brother “Ron the hater” answers. MR: How would Palestinians call themselves if Israel would never exist? Ron “the hater”: Hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmmm....just Arabs. MR: How can you describe in one word what "Palestinian" is all about? Ron “the hater”: Hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmmm......anti-Israeli. Take “Isreal” out of here; there is no Palestinian ...just an Arab. Take Israeli Independence day out and there in not "Nakba" either... MR: So who was the loonie who invented the term “Palestinian”; it means he is a criminal? Ron the “not clever”: Arafat. He is a criminal, I tinK, because now those “Palestinians” have to behave as a nation and it ain’t easy to be responsible. For this, you have to be a “real” nation. Mohammed Rabinovitch sez: Are you shur? I don’t have words... Ron sez: M. R. Blease I urge you ; don’t talk, tinK, bro... M.R. sez: So in other words; this is that and that is this? Ron sez: Exactly. This is exactly what Hanania “The Ray of Hope” says.
38. Ray is right
Mad Zionist   (05.16.06)
It is unjust for Arabs to be subjected to life under Israeli occupation. Therefore, the only fair thing to do is forcibly expel every last Arab, every one of them, from Eretz Yisroel, so that they may be free to live in an islamic nation that truly represents their way of life. A Jewish State is no place for a moslem to live. http://www.madzionist.blogspot.com/
39. Questions to Hanania
Ron ,   LA   (05.16.06)
Questions Hanania would NOT answer because he does not want his REAL views to be known to Israelis, Americans and the Jews. (I hope I am mistaken) Hanania, since you always talk in very general and vogue terms I want to be fair to you and give you the opportunity to answer to my straight questions. This way, it will be less “hateful” to you. Instead of talking of “morons”, “moon influences” on Israelis and Palestinians,” courage for peace” , “strategy to achieve peace”, and cycle of violence”, “racism”,” hate” and “bigotry” and such generalizations...please try to be clear for once. Vagueness is important philosophically, but in our case, it is unpractical, indeed. The ambiguity of your “imagination” and expressions has recently provoked severe criticism, so to speak... This is your opportunity to set the record straight. Thanks for your honest answers, Hanania. (Readers are encouraged to respond and express their own opinions regarding those questions, especially Arabs and Palestinians.) (A) Do you believe in One State Solution in ALL Mandate Palestine? Do you believe in one state from the river to the sea with all pre 1948 Arabs and their descendants returning to it? (B) Do you believe Israel commits war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank you can compare to crimes executed by Hitler’s Nazi Germany? In other words, is Israel equal Nazi Germany? Clear answer, please. (C) Do you believe Arafat regularly diverted money to himself and his wife’s Suha Paris accounts, established many import-export companies overseas, personally stole billions, his Prime Minister Ahmad Qureia sold cement to Israel for use in constructing the West Bank fence, then pocketing the money, living in luxury and much more corruption? (D) Do you believe that in case of two state solution scenario Israel should give Palestinians MORE land, than was taken in 1967? Do you believe ALL Palestine from the river to the sea is “on the table” or just West Bank and Gaza? Yes, no and why so. (E) Do you believe suicide bombings are wrong because (a) that is bad FOR PRACTICAL reasons or (b) that is bad FOR MORAL reasons? Can you describe? (F) Do you believe Palestinian society is highly anti-Semitic and promote anti-Semitism? (Please DO NOT compare to Israel; this is a question ONLY about Palestinians.) (G) Why do you think Arafat (Mohammed Abdel Rauf al Qudwa al Husseini) admired his uncle the mufti Amin al-Husseini who was enthusiastic supporter of Adolph Hitler? Please list the reasons. If you do not know, say so. (H) List what Arafat did WRONG and what he did RIGHT for the SAKE OF PALESTINIANS? What PLO and others, achieve since 1948 for Palestinians? What was wrong? Make it short and precise, not long and ambiguous. (I) Should we believe to Palestinians when they say they are democracy? If so, should we respect their democratic choice of choosing Hamas? Otherwise, what is democracy? At the end of the day, people have to be responsible for the leaders they put in power, don’t they? In light of this, how can Israel negotiate with entity, who seeks her destruction as written in Hamas charter? Why don’t you write an article, answering those questions, instead of “talking to the moon” or calling Bush “moron”? Your last article headline was, “Palestinians, Israelis must find courage for peace.” Do you have courage to face this forum and answer our questions from A to I?
40.  "Can we get along here? Can we all get along?"
Ron ,   LA   (05.16.06)
Hanania the “Ray of Hope”: "What the solution really comes down to is that Palestinians and Israelis both want the same thing. We want an end to this conflict. We know there are forces on both sides who do not want a compromise ending to the conflict. They both want to defeat each other. That's never going to happen. The sooner we recognize that fact, the sooner we can find answers to our problem. Rodney King the “Ray of Hope”: "Can we get along here? Can we all get along?" Khaled Meshaal the “Ray of Hope”: ” Provide the Palestinians with weapons, fighters and money so they can continue their "holy war.!" Ron “ the hater”sez: Hanania you are right. Rodney you are right. Meshaal, you are right too... Mohammed Rabinovitch “piss processor” sez: Ron , how come all those crazies are right? Ron sez: No mo hommie, enough nonsense, you are all right too...
41. Why waste your time on this rabble?
Ray. Why are you writing here? These people are monsters. If you are trying to get the monster to show its face, you don't have to do it here. Seriously. You may offer hope but the response is so ugly even I'm starting to believe there is no hope left but endless violence and conflict and suffering for both sides.
42. To Ray: Happy Nakba Day
Tom ,   Tel Aviv   (05.16.06)
And may the next 58 years be just as wonderous and joyful as the last.
43. #41; The true monsters are the terrorists Hamass.
Daisy ,   USA   (05.16.06)
Obviously neither you or Ray like to hear the truth. Too bad!
44. two peoples, two states
gil teitler ,   paris ( france)   (05.16.06)
thank you to the author for this hopeful article a member of shalom archav (france) ( "la paix maintenant" )
45. Ron: please engage my argument against disengagment
sk ,   USA   (05.16.06)
Dude, on this one issue, I disagree wtih you & have spelled out why in http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3249618,00.html If you or your twin brother has the time, I would most appreciate your comments. sk
46. Ray lives in CukooLand if he thinks...
Joel ,   New York City   (05.16.06)
the Jews are going to rethink what Israel's war of Independence means because of some PLO terrorist sponsored event called Nakba / Shmakba or whatever.
47. once again words are redefined this time the word Suffering
there is only one group in the world that has the arrogance and stupidity to define their suffering. Its the arabs. You attack us and try to wipe us out and you fail. You've spent the last 58 years exclusivly,on ways to destroy the jews. What ever, institution you've managed to create with help from the west. You've corrupted it to serve one purpose. To eradicate the jew. Your arrogant attitude that you can decide who lives and doen't live on G-d's earth. The suffering you have endured is due to yourselfs. Please Ray there is no moral equivalent betwen Palestinian suffering and Israelis suffering. Not because Israelis are superior rather israelis are the victims because they suffer from outside peoples' hell bent need to destroy them. The palestinan suffering is due to their own arrogance and hatred.This can be changed by the Palestinins themselves.anytime the Palestinians want to stop their suffering they can. The question is do the palestinians want to?
48. Nakba?
BR   (05.18.06)
Ray, I get the sentiment, and believe me, I am tired and just wish that something positive would happen, but its tough for Israel to trust an opponent who's leaders deliver official speeches on the occasion of Nakba, asking Israel to come back to the table. The irony is too much. "I am officially recognizing your existence as a catastrophe, but I want to negotiate a peace with you." Despite a respect for your POV and an appreciation of the spirit you tried to convey here, I wish you had more strongly condemned this continuing practice of marking this day. If mindsets are going to be changed, Palestinians should focus on working toward their own independence day someday, not mourning Israel's. As long as events like this are still instututionalized, I think the peace process, such as it is, is doomed.
49. Nakba, Shamkba - Just ignore the enemy's propaganda
Tomer ,   Herzeliyya   (05.19.06)
Everytime they bring up the issue of refugees we must bring up our refugees -1M sephardic Jews kicked out of the Arab World.
50. Good Intent
yehuda ,   USA   (05.19.06)
Ray, your past two articles are a call for compromise and peace. I think its encouraging to hear, but you have made your peace with the existence of a Jewish state while most Palestinians have not - particularly muslims who are not married to Jews. I don't know how you can convince them to think in the spirit of this article. I do not think that Israel can unilaterally come up with borders that will appease Hammas and the muslims. Anything it does will not be enough. So I encourage Olmert to look ater Israel's interest and when the majority of the Palestinians are ready to talk peace (not just Ray, Dahlan and Mahmood) then we should do something more lasting and meaningful.
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