Time to boycott the boycotters
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 19.05.06, 20:52
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79 Talkbacks for this article
61. # 60
A cadaver is incapable of flatulence.
62. Cadavre
rachelp ,   USA   (05.21.06)
Cadaver (correct spelling), your moniker is well chosen. You are intellectually, emotionally, and morally dead.
63. #4 re Cadaver
Arthur ,   Keene, NH USA   (05.21.06)
It appears that Cadaver fits the definition of a sexual intellectual. For him/her to even mention the term "common sense" is an oxymoron.
64. To #4 - Apartheid?
David ,   Karmiel   (05.21.06)
Do you know what Apartheid was? You obviously don't. I grew up in South Africa under the disgusting Apartheid Regime and I do not see any similarity between Israel, fighting an Arab population bent on destroying the State of Israel and the desire to stop terrorists from entering Israel. Unlike South Africa prior to Mandela, Israel is a democracy and every citizen, Jew, Arab, Christian and whatever else has the right to vote and elect their representatives to the Knesset. Arab Members of the Knesset have the same rights and immunities as their colleagues even though they visit countries at war with Israel. Freedom of Speech is guaranteed by law and is exercised every day. Might I remind you that your country did every thing it could to prevent the establishment of Israel, the only place in this world that will stop people who hate Jews so much that they will twist every fact to suit their hatred. You country interned Jewish refugees from the Nazi Concentration Camps in British Concentration Camps on Cyprus and even intended to “return” them to the Camps in Germany and Poland! I would remind you that Apartheid means Separate Development. Israel stands for separation of the Jewish State and the Palestinians who work constantly for Israel's demise. I would also remind you that Palestinian terror against Israel began long before the Six Day War and the subsequent "Occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza. This terror was the cause of the War. I would also suggest that you look at your own back yard and open your eyes to the racism in your country and the way that you treat people who are not "White Britons". I too watch Sky News and the BBC every day. Remember that the “Apartheid” that you no nothing about was the child of the racist policies of YOUR country in Africa, India and other Colonies. Before you and others like you throw stones, make sure that your glass house is in order or keep you mouths shut. Britain’s history regarding Jews and other races is nothing to be proud of. You share the dubious honour, with Germany and Spain, in deporting and exiling Jews. I would further suggest that instead of criticizing my country which has lost more that 20,000 men women and children to Arab terror, you look at what your government is doing in Iraq.
65. 62
S Judaj ,   london   (05.21.06)
You might think so ? but our cadaver has proved otherwise
66. Sign the petition
DF ,   Tel Aviv   (05.21.06)
67. Corrrection 65 refers to 61 and i agree with 62
S Judah ,   london   (05.21.06)
spot on 62 well said
68. #10: the aptly named Cadavre (i.e. corpse)
sk ,   USA   (05.21.06)
thinks that Britain is "a real super power." Well, but then we can't expect much from the dead (they don't get out much).
69. #56 and the myth of a Jewish Conspiracy
Cadavre ,   US   (05.21.06)
There is no Jewish Conspiracy. Where would it be best to hide and protect a criminal enterprize? In a penthouse suite on Madison Avenue? A Judicial Compound in the Golden Triangle? Or behind the most successful "widows and orphans" industry the world has ever known? Where better to hide a criminal enterprize than behind the "poor" helpless Jew who has been so misunderstood throughout the history of man? Where better to hide this conspiracy than under the skirts of a Jewish child or behind the despair of Israeli and Palestinian mothers as they dress their children for school? There is no Jewish conspiracy. The Jewish Church does not have the clout or resources to pull it off. The parishioners of the church, fueled by evangelical ignorance, superstition, avengence for persecution and a cultural inferiority complex weeping in the misery as the "poor poor" Jew will give their flesh and take the flesh of others to assure big oil it's profits. To assure big arms it's profits. Rich people calling themselves Jews might be coercing a "conspiracy". But we have to ask, is criminal, a murderer that calls himself a Jew really a Jew? Is he not really just a criminal? Only those who have the gold conspire to accumulate more gold. The everyday Jew does not have the gold or practical sensibilities to engage in such a conspiracy. The criminals want the Jew to say things like "ooooh - see the racist - he thinks there is a Jewish Conspiracy". The only Jewish conspiracy is the one the fostered by the ones with all the gold - to cultivate evangelical ignorance so we will do their bidding. You claim, #56, is the result of that. "evangelical" weakness is not a platform suitable to execute a grand conspiracy. To execute a conspiracy requires a cold objectivity that illudes evangelicals. You just say it because your betters' programmed you to say it - but in reality - you are too far removed from those with the gold to do anything on your own on that scale. I would suggest that you think about a conspiracy for peace. A conspiracy against the Midas class that seek to seperate us with fear and ignorance. Imagine the power house Isreal - and the whole of the middle east could be if Israel could only solve the issues with her neighbors. You are surrounded by industrious smart people. A union with them would lead to a powerhouse economic block. I suggest considering a one state solution. Study the how South Africa ended it's racial policies. Confess your weakness. Reconcile. Quit watching American News outlets and listening to American Politicians - they only want you for the perceptions that put money into the pockets of their supporters - big oil and big bombs. If Israel is to survice and grow beyond a "collection" plate for arms sales and oil profits, Israel needs to apply the golden rule. Israel needs to embrace her neighbors - otherwise - tribulation. And this one might be the one that puts the story of Judea on a dusty shelf next to the stories of Mt. Olympus, Thor. A mythology our children will read for entertainment. The Helenistic and Wagnerian era has passed. The time of the bomb maker has passed.The planet is one tribe. All nations need to review their behaviors. I am not making money of this war. I am not making money off the bullets flying in Iraq and shells landing in Gaza. Are you?
70. # 51 Time for reality Check (again)
Cadavre ,   US   (05.21.06)
"Note that the wounded Fatah leader is presently in a Tel Aviv hospital where he is receiving the latest and best care in the world" The more the "thinking world" sees of the play of Hamas against the PA, the more obvious the "divide and conquer" strategy is being applied. Hamas has been schooling, providing health and charity to the concentration camps Palestine has become without fanfare, without thanks for years. Your IDF in another great moment of Israeli pride shot a rocket and murdered a bind, convelescent muslime cleric, Shiek Yassin, in a wheel chair . A man of charity.. A man who loved and was loved. A man, despite the fraudulent journalists of the bomb makers and oil suckers potrayal of him as just another towell head devil, who helped his people at the risk of his own life. He was a good man. The murder was shameful. So now you claim a charitable contribution to the work of Israeli intelligence forces attempting to engineer a breakdown beyond the denial of services and monies due by Israel to the suffering in Palestine. Israel engineers and manages grievances between hamas and the PA. Abbas just wants to be famous. So he is easy to manipulate. The man in your Hostiptal, the PA Security guy, is what in slave-time America was called a house-negro. Abbas seems to want to be more concerned with a positive image in the west than the well being of Palestine. His vanities and weakness are being exploited. After all, if he wasn't playing, he would be as Arafat sourrounded by US ordinance manned by IDF with the sewers backed up and the water and electricity off - probably waiting for a box of Israeli chocolates. If Israel cares so much about the PA Chief (are they really just using the hospital to exchange intelligence on Hamas, the elected government of Palestine?), why did Israel not show the same concern for Palestinain children and women at the checkpoints who needed to get to a clinic? Many died/ Where is the charity with the shelling of Gaza - or the shooting of Palestinian school children? Where is the charity? Your evangelical fears and the ignorance of the facts make it appear only Palestinians are being harmed - but what the world sees is the final collapse of Judea. And no one is trying to stop it. Do you ever wonder why? You are human before you are a Jew. Act like it.
71. British Academics
Rob ,   London   (05.21.06)
What you all need to understand is that British Academics are largely left wing. They get their news and opinions almost exclusively from the guardian newspaper and the BBC. Both of which distort the facts, give misinformation and are virulently antisemitic/Israel. There is no way that anyone can convince them that both these news sources lie big time. To them they are akin to the bible, every word is beleived and repeated Rob London
72. your all morons
dpc ,   uk   (05.23.06)
Boycott the entire English people just because a bunch of morons who form a minority elite (and control all the media) are boycotting you? I thought Olmert was an idiot, but I think any of you fruitcakes got elected there would be a nuclear apocalypse within 5 minutes. Of course, the academics who want to boycott Israel are just as stupid (and most of them are just self-hating Jews anyway).
73. Time to boycott the boycotters
sorrel ,   manchester   (05.24.06)
I'm a British non-Jewish academic and I think this lot should all be sacked. How dare they demand that anyone should renounce anything!
74. Enough with the boycotting
Dan ,   Israel   (05.24.06)
I don't think we, Jews, should boycott anyone for the standing up for the weaker, even if he is mistaken in his views. This is hardly the way to show him that he is wrong. It's of course, out of the question to boycott all the British academics, because many of them are opposing the idea of boycott and come to Israel even as we speak. I have even better idea than boycotting - let's invest more time and good will in finding a reasonable and humane solution for our problems with Palestinian, not just to please several crazy proffesors from the UK, but for our own sake.
75. to Cadavre # 30
Anat ,   Haifa   (05.28.06)
Good grief, I didn't realize the author of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was still alive! You must be well over a hundred years old by now !
76. Boycott
robert ,   NYC USA   (05.31.06)
This has given me a wonderful reason to terminate research collaborations with two third rate university labs in the Uk. Bye
77. Academic boycott
Bill ,   Rugby, England   (06.02.06)
I am British, I am a Christian, I believe that the Jews are God's chosen people and that Israel is the land He gave them. Like the citizens of most countries I am proud of many aspects about my country but also I am ashamed of many other aspects. I am ashamed of the anti-semitic bias of the BBC, of some British newspapers, of large parts of the British church in its attitude to Isreal and I am ashamed of the British Acedemic boycott. However, I am also concerned over the anti-British rhetoric flowing out of your talkback articles. Tit for tat reprisals rarely work because it gives the recipient the opportunity to say 'I told you so'. The ridiculous e-mail by Ellen Prescott is a perfect example. It is time for every Israeli and supporter of Israel, of which I am one, to take every opportunity to speak out the truth. Write to the BBC, the Guardian, the Independant, the Church of England, the British Academia, and tell them where they are wrong in what they say and print and what is the real truth. And by the way that also applies to people in every other country to write to their own anti-semitic organisations e.g. the Presbyterian Church in the USA.
78. I have jus cancelled my British Vacation
Bill ,   NYC   (06.03.06)
Its only a small dent, but I will not aid a racist, anti-semitic nation like the UK
79. UK
freya ,   Uk   (07.12.06)
Is this the same country that faught the Nazis? When the home secretary talks about changing foreign policy in order for here to be security at home I wonder if this is the begining of the end of GREAT Britain!!!!!
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