4 Palestinians killed in IDF operation
Efrat Weiss
Published: 24.05.06, 17:14
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54 Talkbacks for this article
31. To #18 Hey Ellen.....
Roni   (05.24.06)
Hey Ellen (if that's your real name, rumour has it that your real name is fatima al-blow), if you love so-called "palestininas" so much, why don't you go over to west bank or gaza as a volunteer for one of those "human rights watch" organizations?! This way you'll get to experience how cute and lovely "palestinians" really are! But no, you're too scared because you know that you will eventually either get bitten or kidnapped by the very people you know defend!
32. To #22 About Hamayel (what about him?)
Roni   (05.24.06)
You have culture? Hahahahaha.........I can't stop laughing, this is too funny......I will submit your post to Jay tell us about discrimination, equality and love.........what are you smoking buddy? On a side note, it is nice to see arabs trying to use's a step forward for you guys........keep up the good work About and please write on here more - you are a good comedian!
33. #22
baruch ,   jerusalem   (05.24.06)
pathetic is not the correct word for you. moran is more like it. the worst lie in history is that there is such a thing called palestinians. before 1948 there were groups of arabic speaking people who had wandered from all over the middle east living under turkish and british rule. they never produced anything from this beautiful land. interesting, was there a specific language? culture? food? anything palestinian? please - go to jordan - that is the real palestine for you all. my family has been here for 14 generations and my name is straight from the bible. and you say i have no connection to the land?
34. Oh my
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (05.24.06)
Oh my, all this fighting, the two sides should just get together for lunch and talk and in the end, compromise. Why not just have both sides come to a compromise? Would that not be better? Then we can all be friends.
35. aboud hamayel
KAPARA   (05.24.06)
careful ... don't talk about racism....just a few questions... how many jews/christians were allowed to immigrate last year to saudi arabia/yemen/lybia/jordan/syria/lebanon/kuwait/egypt, etc.??? dont talk about racism...your writing the book on it. and when do i get my land back in iraq that was stolen from me? why must we live with the results of the wars you started, but you must never be accountable?
36. #30 Boo hoo cry cry whine whine
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's stables   (05.24.06)
Face reality, when you start wars you take chances and even the chance of losing them, we came in peace and you started a war, and another, and another, and another, losing more land and whining even more, look at yourselves, you're pathetic, where is your honor? What would a true Arab say about whiners like you who shoot at civilians and cry when they are shot back at. You glorify the great Arab culture and history, so why not take a page from your history. Did Muhammad cry to mommy when he fought the kuraish and lost? Did he run to the UN with his tail between his legs sobbing "They took my things, they ate my food they drank my water heeeeelp I just wanted to kill all the infidels and take their wives, do something", the honorable leaders of the former Arab world would spit at lowlifes like you, who cant even fight without hiding behind their women and who are always crying for aid from the crusading kufirs or the zionist pigs, you are PATHETIC, grow up and take responsibility over your screw ups, not everything in life is handed on a silver plate, your parents should of taught you that before they bought you a computer.
37. #30. aboud hamayel
shoshana ,   safed   (05.24.06)
racist? israel is more of a melting pot of people from every corner of the earth. you are correct! religion is our common denominator. that is why we are here you jerk! jews from all over the world have come back home to join other jews who have been here for generations. our common religion gives us the power your fellow shmelistians will never have!! racist? where did all our sepharidic jews come from? after being kicked out of egypt, iraq, iran, libya, morroco,etc..... who's racist, huh!!
38. bad operation
Bilal ,   ramallah   (05.24.06)
its a bad operation against Palestinian civilian people
39. Don't be silly : palestinians exist!
Shai ,   T-A   (05.24.06)
It is inconceivable that people lose their time arguing against the obvious, denying the reality they don't want to see for ideological reasons. Go to the ramallah marketplace and shout : ''you don't exist''. A palestinian nation is bornt, when? maybe between 67 and 87 but all nations have a beginning (the US in 1775, the majority of the UN members around the 1960). And a last point, the palestinians are natives of the land (british census of 1922 : 589000 moslems, 71000 christians and 83000 jews).
40. Abdoul Hamayel...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.24.06)
Israel is not a victim, nor will it ever be. It is one of the strongest countries in the world. Small, but know why??? CULTURE!!! Jews were around before Islam was who stole what now? Another thing...Israel thrives with technology, medicine and one Arab country that can say the same!!! We teach our children to live and teach them to die for Allah, so who is telling lies to who? You kill your own women in honor killings...very humane!!! You trample each other to death in religious rituals...very humane!!! The list goes on and on my friend. I was educated in the USA where no one is brainwashed...we all think and learn for ourselves, so again, you are wrong. You are pathetic and your talkbacks prove this point. People like you need to start understanding that the world is advanced and we can see the truth. Your lies only expose you for what you are...scum!!!
41. #22
We immigrated because we were exiled, being exiled means we got exiled from our land which was Israel, it was renamed to Phlistine and then you called it Palestine, face it, palestine is the biggest lie in history. There was never a Palestine culture.. what culture are you talking about? you don't even have your own currency.. you don't have your own language... you are just the garbage all the eastern countries left for us to deal with. We don't teach our kids about weapons in the age of 10, YOU DO, we teach them by the age of 18 when they draft to the military to defend our country from terrorists like your many brothers. Every country has murderers racism etc. But at least we have a country. :) You can keep wanting all the palestinian lands but it will lead you to the exact place you are in today, the place you reach without a compromise. You don't wanna compromise... fine by us, we'll disconnect from you totally and you can keep crying like you always do. Next time don't start a war with us then we won't need to conquer land.
42. # Caligula's Horse remake history
"Face reality, when you start wars you take chances and even the chance of losing them, we came in peace and you started a war...." I will remind you only this : “A land without people for a people without land.” period
43. Terrorists Unarmed Only AFTER Being Shot - Good Riddance
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (05.24.06)
44. barbarians...
stephane ,   france   (05.24.06)
i'm sure that the 4 palestinians had guns,but anyway,IDF don't need to justify itself for the 4 barbarians who died,because as we can see in the video;there is 5 or 6 soldiers against hundred of palos with (big) stones and molotov coktails,and when there is hundreds against 5 men,you can consider that the situation is as much dangerous than if there was 5 soldiers against 2 palos with,once again,bravo to tsahal who killed ONLY 4 palos in this situation.if the palos were doing that against their own "police",they would have been today 20 palos dead,at least...
45. So Shai, what are you doing here?
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's stables   (05.24.06)
If you believe that Palestinians are the natives and that Jews have no right for land here why dont you take your colonialistic butt and get the hell out of here, leave the country for those who believe in their right on it, or at least dont ruin it for them. And lets paraphrase on your example, you see, since you cant find any connection to the land of Israel, you will forever feel like an occupier, since you want to feel moral and blah blah you've invented this theory, according to which occupation only started in 1967 and if you just leave the land freed in 1967 you will clear your conciounse and there will be world peace. That is of course, nonsense, a settler wouldnt feel like an occupier even in the middle of the marketplace in Ramallah, because he knows the land is his, he might agree to share it in order to make peace or according to the situation and the practical solution, but he comes from a standpoint of "This land is mine", unlike him, you come from a standpoint of "I'm a colonialist and Arabs are the natives", and that is why you will forever be eaten by guilt and feel like an occupier even while striding in shenkin.
46. Then we can all be friends.
47. #18 !!
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (05.25.06)
Stop cloning my name !! Enough already
48. IDF
usa   (05.25.06)
keep up the good work
49. Reading all this makes me think of one thing!
Ron ,   USA   (05.25.06)
PUT RELIGION TO THE SIDE AND SEE WHAT HAPPENES. Both sides are crying, I was here first! NO! I was...... Give me a break..... I thought all along that I was a Christian from Jerusalem, and my family lived there for the past 600 years. Come to find out that I have Jewish Blood in me too. The moral of this is I was raised to respect other people's religion and culture, just because I'm a Christian does that make me hate a Jew or Muslim? NO! Thank god I had a father that taught me a lesson I will never forget, respect your neighbors for some day you might find out they too are your flesh and blood. Respect is the KEY! Put religion aside and respect each other, stop the hatred on both sides. Peace!
50. #30..racist country? anit-semti you are
jason ,   usa   (05.25.06)
1. there is alot of culture and israel didnt steal it alot of the countrys share there culture with israel japan-sumos want to promote israel france-they bougght a building to share cultures much more 2. geez...the othman empire loved jews in 1400s mostly beacuse they were smart lies? guess what hamas said he accepted peace with israel but guess WHAT!? he lied and a teen was caught with a bomb belt(thats the traditional "hi, can i kill you?') 3. a. it was voted in by the U.N so dont blame israel b.who kick out jews from there homes , jobs , life? almost all the the arab countrys did that and do you see israel banning all the arabs from israel?no you dont 4.why blame israel?5 arab countrys attack israel when it 1st became a country and israel has always been the home for jews back in the B.C while islam was made in 600s A.D thats thousands of years ago 5.every terroists is muslim but some muslims isnt a terroist its the only way to keep terror attacks away israel wants peace while hamas dosnt(see the difference?) if israel is so "racist" why are they saving lives in palestine with aid care? hamas dosnt care..he just wants to kill it might have been democacy but you got to chose your leaders wisely or things could get bloody racical islamic countrys or leaders are racist like hamas he wants power he wants to kill for it he wants to be the rulers he wants jews dead
51. mentoined "center of Ramallah"?
Vorax   (05.25.06)
A bit symbolic place. This is second operation there in last couple of days. IDF accomplishes tactical tasks when it chooses, smoothly, thoughtfully, without casualties. Democratic legitimate hamas and other freedom fighters sit quietly in their holes .
52. Ellen Prescott???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.25.06)
Is that even your real name? I don't think anyone can think like you unless they were raised by Muslims and brainwashed for decades, so I have a hard time believein you are a true Brit. I don't even know why people like you come here to post??? We don't care for your idiotic rabble. It is so one sided and ilogical, no one is listening. Go to an Arab web page and have your fun there.
53. Hamas sells martyrs' clothes for money.
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.25.06)
All of you retarded Palestinians and Ellen Prescott, who come here to spew hate and blame all your ills on ISrael...look in the mirror. Your culture loves death!!! You make heroes out of murderers and terrorists and then you expect Israel to do nothing...pathetic!!! Anyone who defends and makes excuses for terror is not a human being...period!!! You are missing some vital part of your brain that says that it is wrong to kill innocent people. This auction is proof that your people will never change...keep living in misery you fools.
54. Ellen the moron...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.25.06)
Why have you said nothing about the ten Palestinians killed by Palestinians in the last month???? Where are your cries of outrage when they kill each other, blow themselves up in cafes, in egypt, in the US, in madrid, and in your back yard ( london)???? Why are people like you so one sided?
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