Hamas missile to threaten most Israelis
Aaron Klein, WND
Published: 04.06.06, 11:48
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31. Act...don't wait
Dr D ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.04.06)
When all those who know the situation so well will enroll in the Army?? All I hear is we we we but I don't see any of you training for the real war but only for the word's war. Dr D
32. This will backfire!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (06.04.06)
This may cause the Israeli people to go into the liberated territories and have revenge. The people just might take the law into their own hands and not wait for the army and airforce to bomb empty fields.Remember most of us are trained soldiers and we will not hold back.The palis population centers can be erased from the map in a short period of time. If the p.m. will stop whining to hajj bush and give the iranians something to remember us by.Take out the reveloutionary guards,knock out their parliment and govt.Do not wait for bush,he is not going to do anything.He does not know what to do.He is practically an ex-president, before the end of his term.
33. Ellen Prescott encourages a crime against humanity
Kate ,   London   (06.04.06)
"The Palestinians, being a nation under occupation, have a legal right and moral obligation to attack their occupier's military." 1) The Palestinians are not a nation and are involved in a conflict concerning disputed territories. 2) No one has the right to engage in armed conflict when there is a peace process which has been agreed to by both sides. 3) The deliberate targeting of civilians is a crime against humanity according to international law. In actively encouraging this, you have also made yourself a criminal. "Israel: abide by international will and immediately withdraw to the 1967 borders" International law does not call for this at all. Resolution 242 of the UN Security Council simply states that in return for peace Israel should give up some of the land in the territories - note: not all the land. Give Israel the peace and the Arabs will get some land. "let Palestinian refugees return to the homes whence they were savagely expelled," This is just code for the destruction of Israel. In any event, as you well know the vast majority of Arabs, having attempted to destroy the nascent state of Israel, left of their own accord. They lost a war of their own making and now they have to pay the consequences. "make financial, political and social reparations to the Palestinian people" The very minute the Arab nations give full and fair compensation to the 800,000 Jews who they ethnically cleansed and whose property they stole. "tear down the apartheid wall" This is ridiculous rhetoric. You haven't got the first clue what apartheid really means. "and end your racist, exclusionary 'chosen people' dogma." The very minute the Arabs abandon Islamofascism, terrorism, oppression of minorities and women and those aspects of Islam which are so dangerous and medieval. As an aside, everyone assumes that because you have called yourself "Ellen Prescott" you are an English gentile. Employing the same logic, if I called myself Ahmed, I obviously would be a male Muslim. My educated guess is that you are a Pakistani owner of a fish and chip shop and you live in Bradford.
34. A proper response
Arie   (06.04.06)
Soon, given the spineless character of the Olmert Peretz regime we will be forced to elect a new PRO-ISRAEL government. Then there will be an adequate response to pali aggression and terror. The palestinian people better wake up soon. Any dream they ever had of an independent state is quickly disappearing under their terror regimes
35. # 23 GG
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.04.06)
When brain cells are lost there can be no dilemma, when brain cells are intact even professors and academics contravene the laws of nature, either that or they are mutants.
36. 27 Ron , Prescott: There is and never will be talk about
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.04.06)
withdraw to 67 Armistice lines stick to facts FACTS: The so called Green Line (67 Armistice Line) has never been a border - but ARMISTICE LINE Peace agreement with Egypt - are also only based on ARMISTICE LINES Peace agreement signed with Jordan also only based only on ARMISTICE LINES Israel to this day has NO Borders with any neighbors - ONLY ARMISTICE LINES There is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. (study the partition plan) Resolutions 242 and 338, which call for NEGOTIATIONS ONLY on a "withdrawal from territories" (not "withdrawal from THE territories" - recognize the intentional wording of only saying TERRITORIES) captured in 1967, are similarly "recommendations." These resolutions were drawn up under the UN Charter's Clause VI, which deals with NON - MANDATORY RECOMMENDATIONS - as opposed to Clause VII resolutions, "which are mandatory, and which deal with a threat to world peace, such as those taken against Iraq." All Resolutions considering Israel are always falling in this term under Charter Clause VI - Only ever Recommendations. Charter VI - is ALWAYS only recommendations - NOT Law. In general the UN is not a body that legally can enforce any laws. Constitutional Law of any Sovereign State - ALWAYS over-rules legally any UN trial to want to set laws. ALSO: Israel White Paper – Israel's Legal Rights to Judea, Samaria, and Gaza "According to international law," "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. The most relevant fact is, the Arabs cannot make no demands under any of ALL for the simple reason: ........The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan, voids the recommendation of any legal basis............. Arabs refused ALL and any of the Partition plan then - so legally that was off the table then - since they chose to attack Israel instead - but suddenly now want to reverse to the times of the Partition Plan ? Legally this is off the table for the Arabs and cannot be reversed. The only real issue left for Arabs who were the LOSERS IN ALL WARS - THEY STARTED against Israel - The Loser (Arabs) is trying to negotiate with the party Israel that was the victor. A victor legally sets normally the setting of possible negotiations - and not the loser. Example: When Germany lost the war W.W.II - It was NOT Germany who was legally able to set the arguments or demands. Now: Armistice agreement did not set the permanent border between Israel and a future Arab State in the WB - better known as Judea and Samaria. In any of these past resolutions there was never once the question or talk of a separate Palestine - or Palestinian State. There was only ever talk about Arabs - never Palestinians - They did not exist in legal language. Armistice = always only ARMISTICE ............ Definition: ....A break in fighting: A truce in a war to discuss terms for peace ..... So Armistice lines anywhere in the world - are legally never a border ...... but a Line of cease fire Now start to understand facts
37. Why does anyone even bother with that Ellen Prescot thing??
Annie ,   Ofarim, Israel   (06.04.06)
Ignore her. Why try to reason with someone so ugly. She obviously gets her kicks out of the aggravation her posts create.
38. The end is near ?
Jarred S ,   Adelaide, Australia   (06.04.06)
Iran close to nukes, hizbullah with long range rockets, palestinians with guided missiles. True that Israel still has choppers and jets and tanks which it uses on a daily basis, but what difference does that make when the target is a stone throw away. The IDF is still a small army which has earned it reputation by waging a war against unarmed people. Well now the people are armed ...
39. Kassams
Farid Shishakli ,   Gaza   (06.04.06)
for izrailis we must to make dead and izrail make dead only empty feelds ha ha ha you very stupid we win always ha ha alla is for filistine.
40. ellen
karen ,   south africa   (06.04.06)
Ellen- you are the creme de la creme of Antisemites- go choke on your tea and scones!
41. Excellent
SR ,   New York USA   (06.04.06)
It suddenly dawned on me that the Arabs are much less of a problem than the morons in the West, such as Ellen Prescott. An even bigger problem are the morally corrupt sheygetz politicians and intellectuals to whom these morons listen. I don't know if you notice or not but the West has already sold the rope upon which it will soon hang. Who could've thought that it is not the Marxists-Lenininsts who will do the hanging but the primitive and fanatical Arab/Muslim terrorists.
42. For Ellen
The renewed efforts by branches of the National Association of University Teachers to carry resolutions boycotting Israeli lecturers and academic institutions exemplify the extremes to which anti Israeli initiatives are being taken. No such resolution was ever directed against any other country! It is of course also bizarre to observe Leftists proudly marching under a common anti Israeli platform purportedly based on human rights, side by side with Jihadists who deny female equality, preach death to gays, promote censorship, and endorse suicide bombing against innocent civilians.
43. Ellen you still have not answered: Who is the entire world ?
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.04.06)
and who is the ....Entire Will And why don't you care if Jews, even children and women, get murdered in their own homes - even by snipers .. answer !!! be specific and respond !!!!!!! This is about the 10th time we ask you detailed questions you fail to answer to
44. Gabrielle Goldwater #7
SR ,   New York   (06.04.06)
Gabrielle, excellent summary!. However, in this case I don't think it's worth casting pearls before swine. My own theory of the "Prescott" phenomenon in the West, especially Europe, is that it's akin to Macular Degeneration of the eye, excpet the process takes place in the brain. Using sexual analogy, Europe has long been used to sucking toes of the US on Russia's feet, at the same time. In the last generation this was being done while in the doggy-style position, for the Arabs. After centuries of colonialism, imperialism, slave trade, occupation, and several world wars, (and add hypocritical religious dogma in the the mix), Europe badly needs guilt displacement. Its collective sick mind, especially on the Left, needs victims and villians, real or imaginary, to take a stand for or against. Jews in the form of Israel, are a perfect villain (and besides, they're disgusting anyway, with their "R's", money-grabbing ways, and their impertinence. While those young Arabs, with those AK-47s against their lithe, bronzed bodies...., bud I digress) G-d forbid peace suddenly breaks out in the ME - I fear many leftist Europeans might commit suicide out of despearation. In England especially. After all "quiet desperation is the English way"
45. #1
Excellent? you think Israelies fear those little missiles? the second one of them hits a major city gaza will turn into a dump. And then you will see how inhuman we can really be. If you are a professor I'm donald duck.
46. #5
What you are trying to build now we had 50 years ago. Just try us.
47. Poor Ellen
pierre ,   belgique   (06.04.06)
Are you just English,or just a very very ,stupid person???Every time you put in a talkback,one wonders if your degree of Inteligence,will improve,as your talkbacks become more rediculous by the day..You really are taking a very big risk,by supplying your mail..;but then again you must not be a very bright person..;You have absolutly NO,Knowledge of what you are talking about.and all we are seeing here,is a lot of hate and racist talk,;;Ellen If you cannot,be more intelligent,I would suggest you shut up,or pack up and move to Gaza,It'll be easier .....
tony mark ,   paris   (06.04.06)
Unfortunatly,Ellen There is a lot in common,Who is murdering the Africans in Darfour???The Arabs.and they are doing it in the name of ALLAH.Or are,nt you aware of that fact too???If the Arabs can't kill Jews,they kill their own,they kill the africans in Darfour,they kill their christian citizens,take a good look at whats happening in Iraq.Killing and murder is in their blood,for they know no other way,to get what they want,(not that they will get it)But as you are a very intelligent person,I wont go into more detail,about the difference s between,having no choice,and having one,but not choosing right..You deffinitly are one very Stupid person..
49. to twit from #1
A ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
I hope those great arabs of yours take care of your own home town..You bunch of pussies!!look at the other headline in YNET - "England afraid to fly its own flag"
50. Thank you Hamas!
NP ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
For giving us a reason to reoccupy Gaza, be ready!
51. to #38 or is it jamal?
jason white ,   afula,israel   (06.04.06)
Israel's army is a lot bigger than you "think". We took on the combined armies of several arab nation and destroyed them.Bigger than austrailia and england combined and a alot better. If we did not have govt.s of cowards,then we would have ended the terrorism long ago.With very few troops involved.
52. to # 38 jamal
jason white ,   afula,israel   (06.04.06)
By the way what did you humps do to the aboriginies? We atleast came from here,lived here and our history is from here.
53. ellen the hypocrite prescott
kapara   (06.04.06)
ellen, once again, and I know you will not respond to this since you never do, if you do not speak out for the return and compensation to the more than one million jews that were ethnically cleansed from nearly every arab country as a direct result of the arab decision to make wars instead of peace with israel....then you are a hypocrite. And don't you dare even try to say that the jews left of their own will, after my father was murdered in the street with dozens of other jews, after our property confiscated, and now arabs occupy our home in bagdad. You, being the genious you are, must obviously know that more jews from arab countries were ethnically cleansed than arabs who chose to leave israel with arab encouragement when the arabs started each war. Will you speak out for the removal of the apartheid walls that surround each arab country prohibiting jews/christians from immigrating back to the arab countries ? Again, you are a hypocrite for always holding jews to a higher level of accountability than arabs. Arabs start wars, and ellen wants them to pay no price for their actions, none at all. You are a silly moron.
54. #39
NP ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
Ironically, stupid is the only word you managed to spell right. idiot.
55. #38 - HAHAHA
NP ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
Unarmed people? Forgot how we kicked Syria's ass? Forgot how we kicked Egypt's ass? forgot how we did that more than twice? forgot how we killed all the Russian airforce that helped egypt with their migs? (with the egyptian kind of migs from the egyptian army in the war of 'Yom Kippur'?) Are you forgetting more than 3 armies tried to attack us at once and we kicked all of their asses and also almost took their capital cities and stopped only because of international pressure? You must be kidding, we had 7 (I believe) formal wars, we won them all, in one of them, we doubled Israel's turf in 6 days.... 6 days ... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Are you forgetting blowing up the Iraqi nuclear facilities who had heavy defense but they didn't even catch us because we were so quick? I have 3 words for you: bring it on
56. Raed
steven ,   france   (06.04.06)
NO,Raed,Occupation is not the reason,and you know it as well as I do.The conflict between the Israelis and the Pals,can be sorted out If you Pals ,really wanted Peace..When the Israelis Left Gaza,what have you done with that land,that was so rich,with buildings,and wide possibilities for you to improve your "Misserable" lives????What have you done since??NOTHING.Instead you have turned it into one big Terrorist camp.Your choosing the Hamas,was you BIG mistake;and now you are becomming aware of the BIG,MISTAKE,and instead of moving ahead,and working towards peace,you prefer to put the Blame on the OCCUPATION????What crap,Your crocodile tears,are not working on us any more..You have shown the world that you are a very Hateful people,with no comprimise,You had the chance ,but you refused the outstreched hands..Just like when Arafat had his chance.;With Barak;Remeber??NO,I think you prefer to forget,like the many times,the Int community,tried to help you..;but you turned your backs,and prefered the Violent way..;Your love story with Hamas,Hizbullah,and Iran,will drag you down into the snake pit,and it will be too late ,when you finally realise that ,they are not the answer..; So I think Thanking Ellen Is a bit Premature...
57. kate #33
kapara   (06.04.06)
well said kate!
58. # 45 quack quack
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.04.06)
you got it right, that's what she is, a quack.
59. #58
Stop insulting ducks.
60. # 54 np
Farid Shishakli ,   medinat raza   (06.04.06)
allah with filistine and iran get good messege from allah he say them what to make for izrail when end come we have key to hous in jaffa and haifa this is hous of filistine grandfather from many generation and all izrail go away alla hu akbar iran ahsan and izrail kalb.
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