Rightist files complaint against PM's daughter
Efrat Weiss
Published: 11.06.06, 15:28
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. Freedom of speech is for leftists only
Mordechai ,   Boca Raton USA   (06.11.06)
Interesting reading the posts about how Olmerts anti Zionist daughter has the right to call the Chief of staff a murderer because of freedom of speech. They are missing the point that Israel does not have freedom of speech. She is being accused of a "crime" that that Itamar Ben Gevir has been CONVICTED of. If they believe in freedom of speech then they need to support a complete end to Israel's speech controls. This means the end to laws outlawing criticism of public officials, laws banning "racism" the banning of politically incorrect political parties etc. If you believe in freedom of speech, it isn't just for the PM's daughter or the left but for all Jewish Israelis
32. Olmarts daughter behavior
chaim ,   phoenix usa   (06.11.06)
PM Olmart states that he speaks to his daughter daily, and is tolerant and respects her opinion well, this attitude reminds me of a certain explanation of a interesting verse in the Torah wherein it states, Bat Kohen ki satza liznos et aviuou he mitchllales, the actual translation is If the daughter coming from a (priestly) Cohans family becomes promiscuous, she is defiling her father, the question such statement raises, is why does her personal conduct have such a detrimental effect upon her priestly father, does she not have her personal ideology and beliefs, and why just a daughter from a priestly family is considered as denigrating to her priestly heritage, the explanation for this is, since we are unable to read or know what a person feels or believes, we do not intrude into the conduct of a persons private home behavior, their true nature manifests in the behavior of their children, as children are prone to emulate the behavior of their parents. As to why does the Torah proclaims and only describes a daughter from a priestly family is, Jews placed their trust in the Cohanim for our salvation and to understand and conduct themselves in both in body and spiritually accordingly, the Torah guides us to recognize the tell-tale signs of the Cohans irreverence to his calling are. Apparently PM Olmart has a different private lifestyle and or ideology then what his proclaimed Public stance is.
33. Olmert 's daughter must be arrested
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (06.11.06)
Itamar did NOT call government official murderer. He called a left-wing politician that was not even close to the government of Israel. She and members of her family MUST be taken to jail. Otherwise the demage to Israeli society will be huge.
34. own opinion
concerned citzen   (06.11.06)
If each of us is allowed to express our own opinion, then all the Right wing people who have been convicted of offenses for expressing their opinions should be given pardons and a public apology. There is no true freedom of speach in this country, only the leftests have freedom of speach, no one else is allowed it.
35. Why does Israel tolerate racism and bigotry?
John ,   London, UK   (06.11.06)
As a person living in a truely democratic society, I am very disappointed to see Israel which prolcaims itself to be a " a light on to nations" tolerating and aiding and abetting extremists and racists such as settlers and right wing fascists. in the UK, this can never happen.For example, the British national Party (which are saints compared with this Guy Itamar) never had a seat in the house of commons and can only manage a few out of thousands council seats at best. I suggest that Israel learns from the UK experience in fighting intolerance and extremism. we once gave the jews a homeland,\now you can perhaps help them to make it a liberal tolerant one.
36. Daniel #30
Marcel ,   Florida   (06.11.06)
your post is a most perfect specimin of the successful brainwashing of so many Jews by the Stalinist cult who make gods of men and ASSume to leave G-d out of everything. I couldn't have pointed out your evil pride and arrogance better than you did yourself. You leftists extremistsa assume that you are god . Your awakening will be brutal and without mercy as His judgments falls on your heads., Do you really think you can leave G-d out of it ?
37. Re #2: Not freedom if one-sided
Steve ,   USA   (06.11.06)
B"H It is not freedom of speech if only one political viewpoint is allowed to express such things. If the police are prosecuting one political viewpoint but for another viewpoint permit the behavior, that is not freedom of speech, but rather promotion of "favorable" viewpoints and imprisonment of "unfavorable" viewpoints, the exact opposite of freedom of that expression. It is imposition of a political viewpoint instead. This sort of behavior is very detrimental to Jewish property, because one political side of the spectrum is permitted to demonize the other, and then the government steals the property of the other side of the politcal spectrum as in Gush Katif, which had not been represented in the first place equally. Also, the defense of Jewish property is encombered by those making such accusations with the intent that the army should not defend the property of Sderot by retaliating for attacks. I think the right wing activists are fully justified in their suit. I am surprised that the residents from Sderot are not also suing for damages to their property value as well as to their homes. Anone have a house for sale? Now is a good time to buy as far as I can tell.
38. # 30, Daniel my brother......
Ram ,   London   (06.11.06)
If your only claim to fame is your grandfather was a rabbi, oy oy oy. It is a bit contradictory of you to say you love your people and your country and in the same sweep pour blame on them. The olive branch has been permanently extended in the direction of the Palestinians, they only have to reach for it. That would give them the opportunity to sweep away all the ills, caused them by the Israelis, as you have stipulated and listed, whether one agrees this to be the case or not. You seem to ignore the consistant message from the Palis side that calls for nothing less than the destruction of Israel. Israel was and is always ready to negotiate a settlement. You and your likes should bring the Palis to the table and see if they want to settle. By the way, if your grandpa was a rabbi, what happened to you? Have you chosen to be secular? If so, out of curiosity, why? Kol tuv.
39. 35 how tollerant of you only leftwing people deserve to live
goes to show ,   left wing fascists   (06.11.06)
40. At least Dana Olmert lives in Israel
Johnny Weintraub ,   Sugar Land, Texas US   (06.11.06)
We should all be greatful that Dana Olmert lives in Israel. Her two brothers have abandoned the country for "greener pastures" elsewhere. It must be awfully lonely for Dana to be by herself. Her father, Ehud Olmert, constantly refers to the "demographic problem", and it would appear to me that step one would be for him to persuade his sons to return to the land of their birth, and to the land that their father attempts to govern.
41. Re #20
Daniel ,   Australia   (06.11.06)
Im not saying the govt was right in prosecuting Itamar. Just wanted some clarafication on the specific law that prohibits one from calling a government official a "murderer". Obviously there is some double standard here which is totally immoral in a democratic country.
42. "we once gave the jews a homeland" LOL
Greg ,   Boston, USA   (06.11.06)
In your dream John :) In reality Jews kicked your ass out of their homeland in 1948 after you tried to steal it from them; and they did the same to your Arab friends, armed, trained and commanded by your officers, like Glabb etc.
43. Another Political Move to Isolate Peretz
Steve ,   USA   (06.11.06)
B"H This talk of "murderer" seems like incitement against Peretz. But it is also a tool of political isolation of Olmert, since Olmert has not condemned the remarks. In other words, Olmert can distance himself from the remark since he can state that "his daughter" made that remark and she is a separate person, kind of like Sharon had sons who did his dirty work. But the protests are putting Peretz in a political bind. His electorate is extreme Left-wing, but his home is under attack. Pertez is all the talk about the evictions, and his home is under attack. If he is interested in getting his expensive property fortified, he can write a talkback so we can find out how to find one of those evicted by his political sensibilities to assist in fortifying HIS house, of course with due payment. The Gush Katif evacuees were in not too different a situation than the defense minister, and his Labor party was merciless on THEM, but they were just protecting HIM for the most part! The best thing for Peretz would be to swallow the pill and reestablish all of the settlements plus add 20 percent more to show that he is ashamed of his behavior. He might get some help fortifying his house along the path. And when the houses are rebuilt, they will need a more solid construciton to prevent these missiles from threatening anyone, unless the sources of fire are totally wiped out.
44. #35 Shut up,garbage!
keren ,   sao paulo   (06.11.06)
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