Air Force: We saw no civilians
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 20.06.06, 23:22
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28 Talkbacks for this article
1. paliwood at work
Arie   (06.20.06)
Seems there is employment in gaza: parents providing their kids for human kevlar to the terrorists for pay!
2. This must be the tears the PRC referred to
Arie   (06.20.06)
They stated they will keep attacking. Any casualties are on their heads -as if they really care
3. paliwood makes use of "throwaways"
Arie   (06.20.06)
4. The REAL source of the "kid victims"
Arie   (06.20.06)
5. this is just so wrong...
Ruben ,   tlv   (06.21.06)
after so many times, why, just why do we still drop bombs among civilians and then make excuses... "no civilians were spotted", who killed those kids then? This is just so wrong. Army should stop lying, because its embarrasing itself and next time, even if they tell the truth noone is going to believe them.
6. To #5
Arie   (06.21.06)
The better question is "Why do the palis insist on allowing the terrorists to base their operations in the midst of civilian areas? Throughout the world, only the muslims situate their terror bases and military bases in heavily civilian areas. That said, the willing civilians have offered no choice but face the ovious consequences
7. terrorists
someone ,   somewere in israel   (06.21.06)
the terorist kill regular children and say israelis killed them . very simple!
8. Ministerial
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.21.06)
responsibility Mr. Peretz, go home please. You have given us proof of how tough you are on civilians, now let another give us proof of how tough we can be on the real villains. Olmert has no solution, you hit the wrong targets, maybe, just maybe, we chose the wrong people.
9. We saw no civilians
ZD ,   USA   (06.21.06)
maybe because you are blind or pretend to be.
10. #8, Yakov Shani.
S. ,   Tel-Aviv, Israel   (06.21.06)
Unfortunately, we did choose the wrong people. :(...
11. #8/#10 You voted for Kadima, ughgh
12. Bullies
Ras ,   Springfield, OR, USA   (06.21.06)
When Israel uses US made warships to bomb in confined areas, uses US made Caterpillar bulldozers to destroy the houses of Palestinians, and is funded BILLIONS in US taxpayer dollars per year can anyone be surprised that the Palestinians live in despair? Despair so consuming that they see suicide bombings as their only recourse. What horrifies me is I helped pay for the missiles and artillary used by Israel to kill children and then deny it.
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (06.21.06)
So, what else is new?
Art ,   Sydney, Australia   (06.21.06)
No apologies are needed. The only investigation to be conducted is how come we failed to hit the terrorist. If the Pals are upset, let them complain to the rocket firers and their own terrorist government.
15. all this screwball talk
Yisraeli   (06.21.06)
whilst fighting a war no sane country analyses each and every single hit, shell or missile. Just keep hitting them. They declared war so give them what they ask. and stop this bullshit of analising every single shell its not just stupid but rediculous and self inficting.
16. #11, No.
S. ,   Tel-Aviv, Israel   (06.21.06)
I intend to say 'we' speaking of the whole Israel. Haven't voted Kadima though.
17. Lies and more lies, IDF is a liar
18. Harry S. Truman quote. I wish we had leaders like that ...
Ron ,   LA   (06.21.06)
"Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything. " Harry S. Truman
19. 5 Ruben: But you don't question Palestinian Terror Moron
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
20. 5 Ruben get facts: King of Jordan understands
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
King Abdallah ON WAR "War, ultimately, means tragedy, pain, and sacrifice. The harder, faster, more determinedly, and more aggressively a war is fought, the fewer the casualties 'War Means War, Not Boy Scout Camp' It is a war that does not mean delicacy, but brutality. war on terrorism."
21. 5 Ruben: get facts: International Law
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
states that "protected persons may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations," nullifying the Argument that the IDF violates Intl. Law.
22. 5 Ruben More education for you- You missed
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
If a terrorist is hiding in a populated area and civilians are killed, then ALL legal and moral responsibility is on the terrorists` heads: "Palestinian Atrocities, Israeli Retaliations And The Laws Of War", By Professor Louis Rene Beres (Professor Department of Political Science, Purdue University, PhD. Princeton, 1971)
23. #20-22
Ras ,   Springfield, OR, USA   (06.21.06)
Gabrielle, take a good look at international law, open your eyes, and realize that Israel has been in violation for decades. With the backing of the US as a permanenent member of the UN. ONLY WHEN THE USA CUTS ISRAEL LOOSE AND MAKES IT ACCOUNTABLE FOR ITS OWN ATROCITIES WILL THINGS IMPROVE.
24. Ras of springfield
Rustum ,   London, UK   (06.21.06)
Your comments regarding #20-22 are most pertinent. That person bends international law to suit her own vile prejudices and bigotry. no doubt soon you will be the victim of her vile name-calling campaign. your post is what a forum is all about - exchange of ideas. no doubt, though, Ms Goldpfeiffer will imply that you have no intelligence and that you know nothing. PS I completely agree with you - Israel has flouted international law since the day of its creation - and Bush's call recently for the Security Council resolutions to be implemented correctly is a great big own goal - as soon we can hope to see Mr John Bolton calling for the implementation of the resolutions vis-a-vis the Middle East, such as Israeli withdrawl, end to targetted assassinations, end to demolitions, end to expulsions, end to raining hell-fire from the air on refugee camps.
25. Ras,Springfield: Rustum cannot face facts
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
AGAIN Face the Fact: states that "protected persons may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations," nullifying the Argument that the IDF violates Intl. Law. You BOTH again ignore psecialists in International law: If a terrorist is hiding in a populated area and civilians are killed, then ALL legal and moral responsibility is on the terrorists` heads: "Palestinian Atrocities, Israeli Retaliations And The Laws Of War", By Professor Louis Rene Beres (Professor Department of Political Science, Purdue University, PhD. Princeton, 1971) If you don't agree with Prof. Beres - look him up in google and write to him Argue with him on a professional basis - since you believe to be professionals We never see YOU ever - being upset about Arab Palestinians performing for over 77 years terrorism against Israel/Jews How come ? International funds transferred to PA used to finance arms purchases You never answer to Child Abuses by the Arabs How Come ? What Can We Learn from the Palestine Investment Fund Report? - Mark Sloman Now; last January the Palestinian Arabs voted newly into power the world wide listed terror organization called HAMAS. THE HAMAS - BACKGROUND THE COVENANT OF THE HAMAS - MAIN POINTS The 1929 Hebron Massacre of Jews Tha doesn't bother YOU obviously as long as ONLY the Jewish State gets destroyed - part of your agenda I see it doesn't fit your agenda to face facts - you hate to admit to facts each single time How Come? We know your types - but why coming to a Jewish website only to spew your agenda of Hate why not use your own people's sites ? Because YOU have an agenda
26. Ras and Rustum Arabs started the Intifada
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
Arafat began to call for an Intifada in the first few months of the year 2000. Speaking before Fatah youth in Ramallah, Arafat "hinted that the Palestinian people are likely to turn to the Intifada option" (Al-Mujahid, April 3, 2000). FACTS: Arafat advisor Mamduh Nufal told the French Nouvel Observateur (March 1, 2001): "A few days before the Sharon visit to the Mosque, when Arafat requested that we be ready to initiate a clash, I supported mass demonstrations and opposed the use of firearms." Of course, Arafat ultimately adopted the use of firearms and bomb attacks against Israeli civilians and military personnel. On September 30, 2001, Nufal detailed in al-Ayyam that Arafat actually issued orders to field commanders for violent confrontations with Israel on September 28, 2000. Since the Intifada was deliberately initiated by Yasser Arafat, the question remains: what exactly did he hope to achieve through this pre-mediated escalation of violence against Israel? It should be remembered that when the Camp David Summit broke down in July 2000, Arafat was blamed for the failure. Arafat's advisors hoped that by combining violence with negotiations, the Palestinian Authority could force Israel to make further tangible concessions. Moreover, they expected that excessive Israeli firepower would bring about the kind of international intervention that would externally impose new political arrangements on Israel that would be to the Palestinians' advantage. Arafat's continuing pursuit of the Intifada option, including the use of his own security forces in attacks against Israeli civilians, is based on his assessment that he is succeeding in converting the violence into tangible gains. For this reason, Arafat had refrained from taking action to prevent Hamas and Islamic Jihad suicide attacks launched from areas under his control.
27. Every Sovereign State has the duty to defends it citizens
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
against Terrorism and any attack against their State. It is a duty under International Law. The international organisation Doctors of the World has qualified the attacks by Palestinian terror organizations against Israelis as "crimes against humanity". The report also concludes that "the Palestinian Authority cannot deny any responsability, at least because of it's ambiguous attitude towards those groups until now."
28. A History of Terrorism against Israel
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.21.06)
A History of Terrorism against Israel
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