Settler teen’s body found in Ramallah
Ali Waked
Published: 29.06.06, 04:47
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31. Eliyahu Asheri was only a child, a beautiful Jewish boy.
Márcia ,   Brazil   (06.29.06)
Devastating news. My heart and prayers go to his family and loved ones.
32. The palestinians voted for this.
David ,   Rhode Island   (06.29.06)
The palestinians voted to go to war against Israel. Although not directly targeted, civilians killed in this war with Israel unfortunately are collateral damage. They never cared about their children anyway; if they did, they would have been happy for the opportunity to provide a future for them through education and technical training that could have been paid for with all the handouts they've been getting all these years, instead of offering them amusement parks in the sky and 72 virgins for being brainwashed bombs.
33. #29 Monsters did, with the help of people like you.
Márcia ,   Brazil   (06.29.06)
34. Nick ?? did you have a lobotomy??
Eve ,   Jerusalem/Canada   (06.29.06)
we have NEVER executed a person like that , sure we have collateral damage as everyone does when they are at war, and believe me we are at war... but we have NEVER executed anyone..... give it a break.. they are murderers
35. To Hell!
jews Terminator ,   Tel Aviv, Palestine   (06.29.06)
... where golda mair, Yitzhak rabin, ben gorion and all the dogs are waiting for him
36. #26 But Hamas said?
Stefano   (06.29.06)
"We will protect him and treat him well. Our morals and our religion dictate that we do this to every prisoner." This Hamas said about Shalit the soldier. Then Fatah (you know, the Muslims who are more moderate) executes the 18 year old civilian. Yes, there will always be useful idiots like American Girl and Nick who can't discern the inconsistency or happily disregard it. But since the statement was made to Israeli gov't and public, you have to wonder how dim Hamas is not to see that they are just comedy for us, like Iraq's former information minister: >>"I triple guarantee you, there are no American soldiers in Baghdad." >>"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussein will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes and hearts."
37. to no 27
oh yes, Palestinians support Hamas. Hamas members, leaders, and supporters are not terrorists. The only terrorists here are the IDF forces. Get out of Palestinians and let this nation live like humans (oh, yes, they are humans, I know you deny this!). Israel, USA, and every other bully in this world will eventually lose!
38. to no 34
You made my day .... Israel never executed someone like that? ... ohhhhhh ... much worse, too frequently! I have at least three incidents fighting to get out from my head to this writing space, however, I do not think you are willing to remember!
39. so cynical pals
yoel ,   switzerland   (06.29.06)
Remember they promised to release him if operation in Gaza was stopped. Now, we learn they probably killed him straight after his kidnaping. This means they were laughing at us from the beginning. Why should we need to show mercy or sympathy to those pals? They don't deserve it. Hope IDF will arrest as many people they can, but also release Guilad if he's still alive. Concerning Eliahu Asheri, I just need to say "Tihyé Nafsho Tsrurah Bitstrur Hahaim", and condoleances to his family.
40. to # 26 and any other that isn't so clear on facts
jman ,   il   (06.29.06)
1.was he a soldier? was he a boy? was he a man? please, you cowardly people killed this kid because your not men enough to return him. i wouldn't call using a tunnel very rambo-like either. but its o.k. because the big sweat men in the Permanant Lutrine Orderly (PLO) did it out of bravery and for the lust for peace. 2.please stop having sympathy for that family that got blown up on the beach. it has been proven in more ways than one that it was not caused by israel. 3. hypocrites! they say that they won't hurt the soldier and treat him well because islam is a merciful religion. so why did they kill this kid, he's definately less harmful than the soldier? besides didn't "ham"ass" realize that israel isn't that soft, that they will only get bombed not freed? the answer to all these is that the palestinians want to feel big for small things, yet the small things that others do to them make big, so they can stay victims. if they don't want the civilians to get hurt, don't shoot from a crowded area. if they feel over populated than use birth control. ect... it's a good thing the terrorists get the 72 virgins after they die, imagine how many more palis there'd be!
41. To #28
me   (06.29.06)
Be rational?? It's very comfortable for you to say stupied things like that while sitting in your well safe home in America. The Incedent at the beach wasn't proved to be by the IDF, the PAL version have more holes in it than a fishing net. We are not occupiers, we are living in our legal promised land, since it was promissed in the Bible to Abraham. If you calling us occupiers then so you too. I'm pretty sure that you are not a native american, which means that either you or some generation of your family is an occupier from somewhere in europe. So keep you stupied remarks to yourself, spoiled child
Ahmed Kadret ,   BAGHDAD, IRAQ   (06.29.06)
God this is a savage act, well what can e\we expect , now you know the life we face daily in Iraq, they kidnapp, they rape and decapitate people, this is Arabism and Islam ladies and gentlemen from an Iraqi citizen that cares and wants a stop to these barbarians the world must take a stronger stand against Arab and Islamic terror
43. #26 because
Michael   (06.29.06)
unlike yourself, the Jewish people see people as humans as a creation of G-d. When G-d's handiwork is diminshed it is sad .Unlike yourselfves, that finds every reason to kill a person. Of course you don't understand all you know is how to deligitimize life. The value you put on life is nothing. You send your sons and daughters to die without hesitation. You don't see your children as a blessing from G-d. You think of them as missles. You claim to be believers in one G-d,yet, you believe you are better than G-d. Because G-d can't kill he needs the Muslims to do it for him?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.29.06)
The Creator of the Universe has the right to give land to whoever He chooses. There never was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, not once in the Koran. The murderous dispute of Islamo-Fascist religious supremacists is with G-D, for it is G-D - Master of the Universe, who gave the Promised Land to Jews. G-D states repeatedly in the Bible He has given Israel to all Jews as an eternal possession. Psalm 105:8 "He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations. The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac. Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, "To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance." Who will dare make war against this great, this mighty and awesome G-D? Psalm 119:120 "My flesh trembles for fear of You, and I am afraid of Your judgments." My condolences to precious Eliyahu's family.
45. Eliyahu Asheri may your soul rest in peace
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
we are with the family G-d give them strenght
46. May the house of Israel find it's sense to protect it's Own
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
Citizens against the constant terrorism aimed at the destruction of the State of Israel Peace was never installed by turning the other cheek - it was sadly only achieved ever via the military actions - time has come to lead Olmert - not to fail your people Otherwise you need to go
47. #42 - Ahmed Kadret
Tsedek ,   Israel   (06.29.06)
My condolences as well. If we start to extend condolences to Iraqi's I suppose we'll be busy for some weeks, unfortunately. I hope that everywhere the good people will win. Take care of yourself and be well ! Peace, Tse.
48. Beasts
Miro ,   London   (06.29.06)
You are plainly stupid.
49. 28 American girl, American: what kind of American girl -
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
Tell us ! we know your kind: Here are the facts of Gaza and the fact is it was NOT as you say: But then you have a set agenda that's why you come to a Jewish website - because you really hate Jews
50. 29 Nick: we know you are a troubled youngster who has
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
problems with reality But we also know that you are never trying to educate yourself - since you have a blind-folded agenda Now it is advisable you find a website other than this one - since it is NOT fitting your agenda There are sites that follow your brainwashed thoughts - visit them
51. #28 Be rational tin horn
HBendor ,   New York USA   (06.29.06)
Hague Professor: This Is NOT "Occupation" ~Prof. Talia Einhorn writes that the Israeli presence in Yesha does not constitute "occupation." Prof. Talia Einhorn, of the T.M.C. Asser Institute, an institute for international law in The Hague, writes that the Israeli presence in Yesha does not constitute "occupation," and moreover, that the U.N. Partition Resolution of 1947 that mentions a "new Arab state" is of the "recommendation" type and not the "mandatory" type. In 1967, after the Six Day War, these territories - which were originally meant for the Jewish Nation's National Home according to the Mandate Charter - returned to Israeli control." Einhorn adds that in 1988, King Hussein of Jordan rescinded its legal and administrative ties to Judea and Samaria. "According to international law," Einhorn writes, "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. At that time, the mandate to the Land of Israel was granted to the British, and the introduction to the mandate charter states clearly that it is based on the international recognition of the historic ties between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. Clause II of that mandate charges Britain with 'ensuring the existence of political, administrative, and economic conditions that will guarantee the establishment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel.'" Prof. Einhorn says that there is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. That resolution states that "independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem" shall come into existence in Palestine. The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan, explains Prof. Einhorn, voids the recommendation of any legal basis.
52. Palestinian
Floyd   (06.29.06)
He was a boy you SAVAGE! An innocent boy that your people decided to snuff out. You people make me sick.
53. American girl
Floyd   (06.29.06)
Use that brain the good Lord has given you honey. The Israeli's did not kill that little girls family. Quit believing everything the palestinians tell you. They have proven to be liars and you have proven to be just another one of their suckers.
54. Wrong 37
Floyd   (06.29.06)
Israel and the USA will not lose and it is you and your fellow muslim terrorists who are the bullies. Can't wait to see everyone of you savages go down hard! You've earned it!
55. Mind Bendor's false academics
Rustum ,   London, UK   (06.29.06)
Right in the tradition of Schaedar of Berlin. The list of achievements on someone's CV is certainly impressive - but your postings here show that you are one professor with an agenda - and that agenda has very little to do with academic research and neutral thinking. It's quite obvious that some tin-pan academic institutions with too much money will pay for reports which justify their own knee-jerk attitudes. I seem to remember that yesterday you said "no Palestinian is innocent." I even wonder how you passed your bac, or o'levels or bagrut of whatever other exam you embezzled your way through. This type of academic rubbish is worthy of the trash-can (rubbish bin, if you're English). Professor Talia Einhorn - an authority on the justification of the untenable: "Prof. Talia Einhorn writes that the Israeli presence in Yesha does not constitute "occupation." " Well she sounds like she is playing the trumpet in Mahler's 1st symphony but the rest of the orchestra have walked off in disgust. You obviously must be a great friend of that other great racist nonsense-writer, Miss Jibril Umm Faswa of Jenf who bangs tin pots from the roof tops in the hope that the Arabs doing their shopping on the Promenade des Anglais will drop dead from the shock. Poisonous writing is no substitute for sound academe - perhaps no one ever mentioned that to you. With love.
56. #50, 49
Rustum ,   London, UK   (06.29.06)
off she goes again - the slightest criticism and she tells American girl that she hates Jews, she tells #29 Nick that he has brainwashed thoughts. I really never expected to find a fully paid up member of the Spanish inquisition here, a Mrs Torquemada. Dissent? Kill'em. Disagreement? Kill'em. Any thoughts at all other than knee-jerk fascist bigotted pensées? Then you are a Jew-hating vermin. Oh, Madame Geneve, it's so boring the way you try to demolish any argument that is not 100% in support of your own venomous thoughts. Why dont you just join in the discussion? NB You seem to have a problem with people posting in this website. For your information, YNETNEWS is not a "Jewish website" but the website of an Israeli newspaper. As such, anyone in the world with access to a computer can write their thoughts here. There is no disclaimer or warning saying that only 1,000% Jabotkinskyites may write here. And I'm sure that you go spreading your evil venom on the English-language websites of Arabic newspapers, and I am also sure that no one tells you that as a non-Arab you have to right to contribute (contribute? that's a funny way to describe your upchuck).
57. 55 Rustum: you fail totally because you only have an agenda
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
why don't you write to get your answers. the issue with YOU is - you never accept any facts - because you just want to blabber HATE - not very educated indeed But write to: T.M.C. If by chance you don't understand Intl. Law - you should take a lawyer and file for arbitration and explanations with the T.M.C. Asser Institute on Intl. Law in the Hague. Good Luck in fact you make yourself look silly because you never have something intelligent to say - you only want to post BS on what people post You are a little man - A Gerne Gross or what's called Moishe Gross
58. 56 Rustum: you are obsessed with what we possibly do or NOT
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.29.06)
you have a serious personality problem and obsessions with people must be the lack of power you have at home - so you use Jewish Websites as an outlet for your compulsions Imaging what and where we post ????????? You are a disturbed man .... go and find something to occupy your life
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