Opinion  Ray Hanania
Giving ‘terrorists’ exactly what they want
Ray Hanania
Published: 01.07.06, 10:24
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31. Good spirit, but wrong about Isreal.
Yehuda ,   USA   (07.01.06)
Ray, I do not agree that Israel or Israelis believe in collective punishment. In my diverse family and circle of friends most believe in a two state solution. Most, like myself, are deeply disturbed when atrocities occur (including the Gaza beach family tragedy) we continue to support a two state solution despite these awful incidents. I don’t know of an Israeli individual would support or fight for policies that promote punishment of civilians – I know these fanatics exist but they are a small portion of our community are not influential in policy making these days. There is a reality created when your civilian and army population are attacked. It requires a response to those who attack you. If it were the US or UK fighting in Gaza I'll bet you'd see huge civilian casualties – just look at Iraq – and the US and UK are not fighting for their existence there. You keep on saying that Israel must come up with a fair solution. Most Israelis are interested in a fair and ever lasting solution. Even in the Barak days this was known to be: two states, Palestinians controlling Gaza, WB and Arab parts of E Jerusalem. Financial compensation vs Right of Return. WB land swap to address security concerns (+/- 3% WB). That’s it. Today, I feel that anything we come up with will never be good enough for the Palestinians. I think that Arab culture likes dictatorship so that it can continue to rebel, misbehave, encourage Jiahd and complain about how unfair life is. I think that's become the Arab way of life. While there are Palestinians like you who believe in a fair two state solution, I feel that the majority of Palestinians voted for a different, Hammas solution - the destruction of their neighbor. Ray, if this is not the case, Palestinians need to announce a fair and just solution. If it’s within the parameters outlined above, change your complaining web site message and spell out the solution clearly. Israelis like me would join, endorse and support the initiative.
32. Ray, a stupid is a stupid does
Ray wrote: "No civilized nation starves people to death because extremists committed violent acts This is exactly what 'the terrorists' want." Well, that is just too bad...isn't it? The palestinian population should have thought twice, or maybe 3 times, when they full knew that by electing Hamas that this is what it is going to lead to. But the truth is that it would matter anyway. Hamas and all the other factions have differents means to achieve the end - to destroy Israel. Ray wrote: "But the real issue is the higher principle that seems orphaned high above the carnage below: Responding to violence with violence is a form of terrorism, and failing to pursue peace despite the violence is also terrorism, too." You are at it again Ray. Israel had had countless of times responded to palestinian terrorism with a hand extanding an olive branch. You know that, and I know that. But those days are coming to a close. Israel had showed more patients than any other would tolerate if faced with thte same terrorism. The palestinans would have truely become sardin cans. You now call for Israel not to use "violence" (defense) in response to violence. Not only you not distinguishing between self-defense and aggression with that comment, but you also terrorism. WOW..... Ray wrote: "You can’t look at this as a conflict that started when Palestinians kidnapped Israeli “teenager” soldier Gilad Shalit and killed two other Israeli soldiers when they successfully destroyed an Israeli tank." Close Ray, but you are wrong as usual. At this point in time, the new chapter in this story started when Israel exited Gaza. This is the point where Israel took the big step towards peace. The ball was then on the palestinian court. And how the palestinians responded? The usual way they do, with the terrorism. With the launching of thousands of rockets and kidnapping a solider into the land that is no longer "occupied" is what broke the camels back. Ray wrote: "Palestinians can’t seem to control their fanatics and extremists, and their terrorism continues in the form of Qassam rockets being fired, often unprovoked, across the border at Israel." The palestinians cant control themselves? Is that a joke Ray? Maybe they don't deserve a state since they can't "control themselves". Ray wrote: "Israelis can’t seem to control their fanatics and extremists, and their terrorism continues in the form of the occupation and all its manifestations: The wall, the confiscation of land, the expulsion of civilians from their homes, the killings of civilians when targeting alleged criminals." This is another bad joke Ray. There is no equivalence between what Israel does and the palestinians terrorists, not morally and not strategically. And I do get a kick out of the last sentence when you refer to "alleged" .
33. Non-violence the only answer
P Singh ,   USA   (07.01.06)
The fact is that violence just kills. A bullet or a shell does not identify a Jew, Christian or a Moslem before it hits. There is only one answer -- Non Violence. Unfortunately man is genetically designed to fight and his anger most of the times his anger kills his intelligence.
34. it's amazing ,ray, that you get to spew
patriot   (07.01.06)
your venom freely in an israli paper without any real interuptions.... but still, just because you sugar coat your venom with a sprinkle of candy, it's still venom ,and b.s!! you are not a moderate ,as you wish everyone reading this s*** ,to think. you're a hypocit, and con- man and an idiot!
35. LMAO!!! No wonder you have a successful career in comedy.
Josh   (07.01.06)
36. Atmawi
Jane   (07.01.06)
It is not Israel that rejected a 2-state solution. From 1947 forward, and even before, it was never, never Israel's policy to deny such a solution. The rejectionist wing of the Palestinians, egged on by their big-talking, do-nothing Arab brothers, have put you in the regretable situation in which you find yourselves. Your election of Hamas underlines the fact that rejectionism still dominates the Palestinian mindset. When you are ready for true peace, true compromise, true acceptance of our right to live in our homeland - then, and only then, will YOU SET YOURSELVES FREE. Negotiation by terror will never work. We will never negotiate with terrorists, but will gladly do so with those who acknowledge our human rights in the same way that you demand we do for you. You stand in your own way and more's the pity.
37. Any people,any Nation
yakov shani ,   Israel   (07.01.06)
deserve the leaders they have, whether elected, appointed or self placed. The very fact that the leaders are in power and the people are complacent and compliant means that they agree. I even extend this to the most extreme instance of Soviet Russia. The fact is that the people agreed for 70 years, and the fact is that the people, when they had had enough were the ones who stopped it and changed it. The fate of a people is and always has been in the palm of its own hand and not that of the leaders. If the People in Gaza and Nablus and Bethlehem have had enough of the continual suffering brought upon them by their continual agreeance to a set of failed leaders then it is up to them to do something about it. If they do nothing, this means compliance and not inability, there is no such thing as inability, in any event in life, inability does not exist. It is therefor a sound conclusion that they are in total agreement with the policies of their leaders, to kill as many Jews as possible and to "liberate conquered lands". They will suffer the conequences of the leaders they have and agree with. It is their choice, their destiny. No complaints to anybody except themselves, not their leaders, themselves.
38. Gaza IS palestine now!!!!
lizzy ,   israel   (07.01.06)
.. how the hell are we occupying Gaza? its yours! enjoy! use the greenhouses! make industry! thrive! you people cant live unless you're playing the victim card..... and hurling missiles into another country is no the way to run a new country and forster co-opperation between nations.. time to grow up and stop playing the snivelling victim all the time.
39. The kidnapping is declaration of war
Caroline ,   Israel   (07.01.06)
"No civilized nation starves a people to death simply because some extremists have committed an act of violence." says Ray Hanania. But these "some" extremists are the whole of Palestinian people who chose on their own will not to recognize the State of Israel and to fight Israelis until the last inch of the historical Palestine is under their control. It is sad to say, but it became an obvious fact that Palestinians are our enemis and that they take any gesture of good will for weakness that they try by all means to use for our destruction. It is the question of life or death for both sides. The time of civilities is over with Oslo and is replaced by mutual distrust and hatred, expressed much more from the Palestinian side than from the Israeli one. Israel must be strong now more than ever. By supporting Hamas, Hizbullah and El Qaeda, Palestinians made their choice and now must face the consequences.
40. No symmetry ! Too much lies !
yaron 119   (07.01.06)
There is no symmetry ! You know very well that if the Palis will stop the terror, and the missiles, they will just hear the birds ! Israel will do nothing ! Only liers use the symmetry . You know very well that Israel does not, and is NOT trying to starve the Palestinians to death. You know that the Palis will never win in violance . They will get achievement only near the table. But talking peace is not in their dictionary ! Just to kill in the name of Alla ! Maybe you afraid on your life, but you should talk to your people, tell them directly the truth, and not to us .
41. hananian yada yada yada
Joe ,   NY, NY   (07.02.06)
Responding to violence with violence is the only way to stop terrorism, and failing to annihilate terrorists is state suicide.
42. Can it be possible ...
Eli Reuven ,   Newton USA   (07.02.06)
... that the majority of pals want to commit suicide, perhaps to sample some of those 70 special heavenly somethings? I know that there are sane pals and good pals. They are the ones who help Israel kill or arrest the murderous compatriots and foreigners who live among them. There were good Poles and Germans too when it was very dangerous to be so. But it would seem that the majority of pals are not good guys. Can it really be that pal lies and murder will only stop when there are no pals to lie and murder?
43. To No. 31
NYC Girl   (07.02.06)
I hope you're not insinuating that the Israelis were responsible for the deaths of that family on the beach in Gaza since it's already been established that it wasn't the case. Your comment would seem to indicate that you aren't aware of that fact.
44. RE "Responding to violence with violence is Terror"
DANNY ,   America   (07.02.06)
What a bunch of crap! Killing those who kill deliberately innocents is not the same, even if you accidentally kill innocents while trying Kill the evil monsters. RAY your kind of Evil and Brainwashed and cannot add. 2+2= 4 not 5
45. Glad Ynet gives Ray a platform
Dan ,   New Jersey, USA   (07.02.06)
I for one really appreciate this piece by Ray Hannia, and I apprecaite ynet for sharing his voice with its readers. Including perspectives like Ray's keep ynet from becoming one of those inane echo chambers that populate so many of todays political websites. While I may disagree with particular points and comparisons, my immediate reaction to this article was: "If only Ray Hanania were in charge, we'd have peace already." While it is fair to challenge him on the factual basis of his comments, the personal attacks on him reflect badly on those making them and does little to further the critically necessary discourse.
46. The tragedy of hatred and hope
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (07.01.06)
Not one reasoned voice in the mob ... screaming blood will only bring more blood. To cast judgment on the other, you must first take responsibility for your role in the deaths of so many innocent people. When you put hatred before hope, and propaganda before peave, you disgrace the honor of your people and become complicit in the violence. Ray Hanania www.hanania.com
47. I agree with Mr. Hanania - there is enough blame....
Andy   (07.02.06)
on both sides to last forever. The blodshed is getting way out of hand.
48. Some problems have simple answers..
NS ,   Long Island, NY   (07.02.06)
Ray, Ray, Ray......... You live in Chicago, USA. Not far away is Detroit, Michigan. Across the Lake from Detroit is Windsor, Canada. I have no doubt that if the Canadian Army shot missiles into Detroit, the US Army would turn Windsor into a parking lot. I also have no doubt that if the Canadian Army kidnapped an American soldier in Detroit, the US Government would unleash the US Armed Forces and tear Canada a second a-hole in order to find that soldier. There are no Jews in Gaza. It is "Judenrein". The Palestinian are in control of their own destinies there. Instead of building houses, schools, hospitals and factories they are building sheet metal shops to perfect missiles which are now hitting Israeli farming villages and towns in PRE-1967 Israel. When Israel shells the missile sites, Palestinian terrorist scum cross an internationally recognized armistice line, kill two Israeli soldiers and kidnaps a third one. No Western society would tolerate this and Israel will not. The IDF will bring back Gilad. Alive would be best for all concerned. If he is brought back any other way, the Palestinians in Gaza will pay for their complience in this crime. You see Ray sometimes there are simple answers. Not everything is a matter of moral relativism (i.e. I'm OK , your OK, Adolf Hitler is OK, etc.) To everyone else, pray for the safe return of Gilad.
49. Hanania for PA President
Michael U ,   SF,CA   (07.02.06)
Why doesnt Ray run for president in Palestine... I bet he would not have a chance, but it might be a good thing. He is so optimistic and peaceful. This is exactly what Israel has been waiting for. Has there ever been a Palestinian leader who truely wanted peace in the region? I can't think of a single one... They TRUELY need a peaceful negotiator to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem. I am sure Israel doesnt want to perpetually have problems with their neighbors. As a Jew I know we only want shalom, to get along with those around us. They have a lot to learn about being civilized people. We can show them the light, be a light unto the nation of Palestine. But for some reason I think that their savage nature will rise up against Israel. If more Palestinians are like this Ray character, maybe there is hope. He should stop blaming Israel for defending itself from the blood thirsty savages who kill innocents with evil intent. Peace be with you, Michael U
50. Ray - You ALMOST got it right.
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.02.06)
Most of what you wrote is true (sadly). But then you go on to write, "even when the Israeli government acts as a terrorist state , as it is now doing." Wrong, wrong, wrong. The pain of having one of your own soldiers kidnapped is apparently beyond your comprehension, which is not your fault. There is something about this situation which goes beyond the normal cycle of bus bombing/rocket fire - retaliation. There is absolutely no one to blame for the palestinians plight at this moment other than Ismael Haniyeh and his buddies (may they rot in hell). You know very well that I am no extremist, but in this situation I believe Israel has every right to use whatever means neccesary. Kidnapping a soldier (why the quotaion marks for teenager??) has added a new variable into the equation. If Hamas cannot realize that they are only hurting their own cause rather than helping it, then they are truly not only terrorists but just plain stupid. Israel would rather not use collective punishment, Ray, but sometimes the bastards leave us no choice.
51. # 46 Dear Ray
Yakov Shani ,   Israel   (07.02.06)
# 24 and # 37 were posted by me. They contain not one word of hatred, yet you do not respond. All people have a right to live. All people have a right to National identity. We, the Jews accept this , you the Palestinians do not. Your leaders declare day after day, Israel is a cancer, Israel must be destroyed. This Ray, is hatred. Ray, the Muslims are motivated by hatred, deep hatred for a anything outside of the tenets of Islam as layed down by Mohammed. Herein lies the problem. I invited you to reply to my postings. I await. I do not hate, nor do I love the Arabs. It is impossible to love people who are motivated by senseless hatred based on religious teachings. Religion induces a deep psychotic state of mind which in turn can lead to tradgedy, as it has throughout history. All religion Ray, including the Jewish one. A balanced mind and a balanced mindset on both sides would be beneficial to producing a solution.
52. #46 pot calling the kettel black Ray...
DANNY ,   America   (07.02.06)
Your wrote: "you must first take responsibility for your role in the deaths of so many innocent people." You are so right and that is the one thing you arabs will never do. You started this war, nobody else. You'er the agressor you'er the attackers, Israel is defending it's right to exsist. God knows that, I know that but you never seem to take responsabilty for what the whole of the Arab world is doing. After what you just wrote I say you are a Hypocrite. Your not very concerned about truth just extending the lie. pathetic
53. Collective punishment
Francois ,   Paris & Montréal   (07.02.06)
Germans voted for Hitler and they have to pay a heavy price and suffered from starvation. Same for the Fakestinians. Moreover Fakestinian jihad against Israeli Jews is a 120 years old collective punishment and collective agression. Fakestinians must make a decision, either living at peace with their neighbors, either uncolonizing Gaza- Judea-Samaria as Hanania. The real peace with Arab settlers will only be achieved through war. Give peace a chance, kick Arab asses.
54. Germans and Japs were starved!
yehuda ,   new york usa   (07.02.06)
In WWII Both the Germans who voted for Hitler, and the Japanese who worshipped their Emporer, were subject to full carpet bombing, which ended with nuclear bombs. Even after the Israeli attacks, the Gazans, the world's longest and richest welfare recipients, are doing much better, than the Germans and Japanese. It is not Israels responsibility to feed these terrorist supporters, it's the govenment they elected in a fair and free election. Their elected government can stop kidnapping and shelling Israelis, and they can eat. Otherwise, let them all drop dead! Israel's government's responsibility is to its citizens, and the PA is responsible for its citizens. The PA cannot have it both ways. They cannot shoot Kassams, kidnap Israelis, and then complain, when Israel fights back. The PA can stop the "humanitarian crisis" in a minute! Otherwise, they need the Dresden, Frankfurt, Berlin, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki treatment. It's their choice!
55. self-defense is not terrorism
Susan ,   Philadelphia, USA   (07.02.06)
Self-defense is not terrorism. Preventing the kidnappers from moving Shalit to another country is not terrorism or collective punishment. I may not agree with what the Israeli government response is, but I don't see it as morally equivalent to what the Palestinians are doing. Israel is allowing food and medical supplies into Gaza. Before Shalit's kidnapping, the Israeli government bought medicine with the money it had collected, but Hamas refused to accept the medicine.
56. R. Hanania Emotional outburst
HBendor ,   New York USA   (07.02.06)
Instead of researching what the readers love to learn, Hanania commitment is displayed without any basic corroboration. The numbers are wrong Ray Hanania and here is the proof of the pudding! Written by ***Yoram Ettinger a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports which is featured on the ACPR website. The Title… Demographers Caught Asleep At the Switch perpetuating another hoax on the naïve public. A 50% inflation in the number of Palestinians, promoted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), has been exposed by a groundbreaking demographic study, “Arab Population in the West Bank and Gaza: The Million Person Gap”. The PCBS numbers include 1.3 million non-residents, babies who have never been born, non-existing immigrants (while a substantial emigration overseas has taken place), legal-emigrants into Israel’s “Green Line” and Jerusalem Arabs, who have also been counted as Israeli Arabs. Go read: - http://www.acpr.org.il/cloakrm/index.html
57. yehuda ya yehuda in philadelphia in the big USA
mimi ,   gaza   (07.02.06)
58. #46 Ray says ...
Eli Reuven ,   Newton USA   (07.02.06)
"Not one reasoned voice in the mob." I am sure that the majority of pals would agree with this as well as ALL of the Arab leadership. And that's the problem, isn't it? The enemies of Israel claim that 2+2=5 and they are going to prove it no matter what evidence there is to the contrary and even if it kills them all. What a culture! Makes you want to weep for what could be but will not. Yakov Shani makes a lot of sense. You and yours really ought to listen more, Ray. We Jews have listened plenty, believed you, and have been killed for our misplaced trust.
59. Ray there is no moral equivalence
Ren   (07.02.06)
After all, you don't see Jews dipping their hands in the blood of the murdered, and running around, like a demon from hell, as we see the "ancient palestinians" doing . You claim to be a Christian, I'm curious, in your Bible, who does it say the Holy Land belongs to?
60. to #9
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.02.06)
you are the stupid one.The U.S. is the country that stops us from totally defeating the arabs.One day we just will not listen and destroy them for good. P.S. Good luck swimming the rio tonight.
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