Jewish Scene
New York: Missionaries storming Israelis
Eitan Amit
Published: 03.07.06, 11:05
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31. 6# my fear
ash ,   gush etzion   (07.03.06)
I personally have no fear of missionionaries because I know the basic tenets of Judaism and what missioniaries argue. Every time a missionary has approached me I have stood my ground and argued their points until they left....they always did. The prophets talk of a messiah coming who will bring the Geula, this means no war (how we doing on that one?!?!?!), the dead will rise (nope, not seen them yet!!) and a rebuilt Temple (may it be soon in our time). Nothing changed before or after the life of Jesus, if he lived, we still have absolutely no verification from any sources that such a person lived. So what is the point of the messiah if not one thing changed, I think you had better go and read the scriptures again....and not from a Christian bible. You have to read it in its original language to truly understand the meaning, if not you are reading nothing but an interpretation of the bible.
32. Never-ending Barrage from Christians
Edwin   (07.03.06)
I can’t believe the arrogance of some Christians and Messianics who constantly barrage Jewish websites with pleas for Jews to believe in Jesus as messiah or god, or both. They assume that Jews have not studied the Christian arguments and found them to be completely baseless. Moreover, they suggest that their own gentile Hebrew translators are more learned than the Jews. Unbelievably, they propose that their Jesus-in-prophecy translations are accurate and simply will not entertain the evidence of deliberate Christian manipulation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Knowing that Jesus can only be painted into the Hebrew by using Christian proprietary dictionaries, they argue that the cunning Rabbi’s changed the meaning or somehow hid the texts. If only they knew how frustrating it is to have these same old Christian arguments regurgitated over and over again ad nauseam.
33. Augustine Johnson, Alabama (#24)
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.03.06)
You pose two of the main arguments that point compellingly to the 1st-century, Torah-teaching Pharisee Ribi from Natzrat. Even Talmud acknowledges that Isa. 53 speaks of the Mashiakh Ben-Yoseiph. But Torah is an indivisible whole that cannot be taken selectively and Dt. 13.1-6 absolutely rules out the post135 C.E. Christian Jesus. There is a solution to the apparent paradox. Historians like Oxford scholar James Parkes have proven (The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue, available in my website, below) that the antinomian 4th century Christian image was the polar antithesis of the 1st-century Pharisee Ribi and Torah teacher. This, however, poses a serious dilemma for the pseudo-Messianics and other Christians: if Ribi Yehoshua is the Mashiakh, as we Netzarim believe, then his polar antithesis, the Hellenist Jesus, is the antichrist. This forces the Christian to choose. Polar antitheses are mutually exclusive. Following either is rejection of the other. Dt. 13.1-6 makes the choice clear. Advocating Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming non-Jews
34. jews for jesus is a cult
azael   (07.03.06)
that forces members to cut ties with their families and runs and ruins their lives read the stories from former members and decide for yourself "messianic judaism" is just a way for baptist churches to suck in jews through their front groups and then brainwash them and tear away their identity
35. Studying the sources
Drs. Dorothea Killus ,   Loerrach, Germany   (07.03.06)
You are right, dear "ash" from Gush Etzion: It's right - and great to study the Scriptures in the original languages - and teach Biblical Hebrew, if you mean me. All the more your judgement about Jesus is astonishing because it shows an interpretation of the Bible foreign to its message.
36. Jews have nothing to do with Jesus
Miriam   (07.03.06)
Christianity was not born as a Jewish religion. It's a combination of pagan beliefs, Babylonian mystery religion and some stolen bits of Judaism. It's no more Jewish than Islam. Christianity was not created by Jesus or his apostles, but by the Emperor Constatine and a meeting of Church leaders which edited the Christian Bible in order to create a cohesive religion for the Empire. They used the mythical figure of Jesus as their Apollo\Mithras substitute in order for the new religion to also appeal to the Jews. The Jesus myth is actually the story of Mithras, a Babylonian diety who was a shepherd born of a virgin mother. The myth was moved to Bethelhem and focused around a Jewish figure in order to supplant Judaism which was at the time becoming popular in the Roman Empire.
37. To Connie #27 - There's nothing to debate
Avi   (07.03.06)
The only people who believe Jesus was the Messiah are Christians not Jesus. The entire fake Messianic movement is an attempt to prop up that notion. Jesus was certainly not the Messiah. He did not bring peace. Instead a religion was created around him that killed hundreds of millions across the world and is now beginning to disintegrate in America and Europe. He was not divine because the Bible clearly says that God will not place himself in man. Nor indeed does Jesus claim to be God. ( Mark 10:18) "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone" Your religion is based on a lie and sucking in Jews won't succeed in perpetuating that lie.
38. to #36
Tobias   (07.03.06)
What are your surprising claims based on? Your theory of Emperor Constantine having edited the bible in order to create a new religion, reminds me a bit of the pseudo-scientific contents of Dan Brown's fictive novels... I think this christianity-is-rooted-in-a-babylonian-myth is pure nonsense
39. christianity a sect??
Tobias   (07.03.06)
Dear Ynet, in the image caption of the image at the top of this page you write: "Jesus Christ. The Jewish Messiah according to sect" The believe of Jesus Christ (greek: Jesos Christos; hebrew: Yeshua HaMashiach * ) being the Jewish Messiah is an important element of the bible and christian believe. So do you really want to call all christians a "sect"? * "Christos" is the greek translation of the hebrew word "mashiach" (messiah). So the term "Jesus Christ" means nothing else than "Yeshua, the messiah"
40. America is a Christian country
Marco ,   N.Y.   (07.03.06)
America is a Christian country. 98% of the country and history are Christian. Same as in Israel, people who are not jews get mostly discriminated, you have to respect that in USA you have a strong Christian community and it's in the DNA of the country. Nobody needs to convert to Christianity. But don't be surprised to face it from time to time. You shouldn't forget that USA is a Chrstian country and not Israel...
41. Kate from London, #19
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (07.03.06)
1. For more than a half century I am in a church almost every Sunday, I have received regular Roman Catholic religious education and never heard anything against Jews in churches. 2. If it was so bad in Catholic Poland then why we had, up to the WW2 the biggest Jewish community in the world? Why they did not left her for e.g. anti-papist England of yours?
42. To #22, 24 & 27:
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.03.06)
Any Jew with a decent to moderate jewish education will put ALL of your ridiculous, pathetic arguments (including Isaiah 53 and Daniel) to shame. Jews for Jesus is an oxymoron. Believing that Jesus was the messiah is a direct contradiction to everything Jewish ( OK not EVERYTHING...). I personally have challenged two christians and caused them to rethink their faith, and will be happy to do so again.
43. BRAVO #30 - WELL SAID!
44. New York Missionaries Storming Israelis
Livia ,   Anna Texas USA   (07.03.06)
I have come to the conclusion that this type of activity is religious harrasment. I think a class action suit should be done against J4J, and any other religious group that does this kind of targeted activity, because they state over and over again that we are the intended target of their organization (s). This particular organization harrasses us as a people group 24/7 with its proselytization. Our religious right, and personal privacy freedomes, are being trampled on by them. Saying no to them once is not effective; as they continue to press forward until they have gained converts by complulisve, obessive behavior patterns. It is time that we do something leagally to protect our rights of privacy and legally stop this type of harrassment. They not only distort Judaism to people who know nothing about our religion but they are trying to become the source of information for our religion to non Jews. This is deception and misrepresentation on the highest level. We are a small religious group, that does not proselytize to gain converts, and our rights to privacy and the protection of our religion on our own terms is being violated viciously. It is time to put an end to this reilgious harrassment!
45. To Tobias - Read the History
Miriam   (07.03.06)
And don't throw in buzz words about Dan Brown. The Christian Bible was edited together with major elements discarded including writings that supposedly came from Jesus and Mary. It was indeed an attempt to create a new religion that blended elements of existing pagans religions. Much of Christianity such as Easter which derives from the worship of Astarte, is Babylonian.
46. The sect being refered to is Jews for Jesus
Miriam   (07.03.06)
The Evangelicals behind Jews for Jesus certainly do not speak for all of Christianity, though they aspire to sometimes, especially as they believe all other Christians including Catholics are going to hell along with the Jews. Christos is further not the translation of Mashiach. Nor is Yeshua hebrew for Jesus. There is no such hebrew name as Yeshua. Yeshua means salvation.
47. to Chris #41
Norton   (07.03.06)
1. Try listening to Cardinal Glemp sometimes. 2. People often end up in places they don't like. In any case the territory of Poland was running back and forth between Russia, Lithuania, the Austria Hungarian Empire and so on and so forth. And finally quite a few Jews did leave Poland. Hundreds of thousands and among them my ancestors.
48. Missionaries ... et al.
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.03.06)
Answers ?! (FIRST PART) Old Testament Manuscripts Richard Anthony «...Another reason why bibles are not reliable is because of the Old Testament manuscripts that bibles are translated from Corrupted Manuscripts The Old Testament found in bibles today is not even translated from the original Hebrew texts! They are translated from the Masoretic Hebrew texts (from the 8th-10th century AD), not the original Hebrew texts. By the time bibles came around (in the 15th century), the original Hebrew had been lost, both the manuscripts and the language. There is not a man alive today who knows how to pronounce or read the original Hebrew language. Around the 8th-10th century AD, the Masorites took the liberty within themselves to add vowel signs to the original Hebrew Alphabet. The original Hebrew alphabet had only 22 letters and had no vowels. This 10th century manuscript is what all bibles BASE their Old Testament TRANSLATIONS on. Now, if one starts taking liberties within himself and says, "Gee, there aren't any vowels in this alphabet. Why don't I start adding these little points in there and I'll re-create something here. I'll just add what God left out. It was a mistake for God to omit vowels in His alphabet, so I must correct His mistake." What has he now done to a language that was perfect at its conception? Can anybody improve on God? Can anybody do better than God Himself? If God intended for the Hebrew alphabet to have vowels, He would have added them himself! We are not to tamper with the Word of God or His ordained languages, i.e., Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, English, etc. We are not to take away or add to God's Word (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Jeremiah 26:2, Revelation 22:18-19). But this is what the Masorites blatantly did! There is not one place in the Masoretic Hebrew where they can show that God ever authorized them to change the original language by adding vowel points to it. And by adding the vowels, they changed the words, and by changing the words, they have changed the meaning of these words, and by changing the meaning of words, they have changed the WORD of God. And if they have changed the Word of God within the Masoretic Hebrew text, we must take care. » « ... It is worth noting that, as far as the Hebrew text is concerned, the King James was translated from the Ben Chayyim Masoretic Text; named after Jacob ben Chayyim, under whose editorship it was printed in 1524-1525, while almost all modern English bibles translated since 1898 rely heavily on Kittel's revised Masoretic text; Rudolf Kittel was a German rationalistic higher critic, rejecting Biblical inerrancy and firmly devoted to evolutionism. So, if the original Hebrew language has been lost, and all the Old Testament books contained in bibles are based upon a corrupted 8th-10th century manuscript that has little in common with the Original Hebrew Text, is God's Word still available to us today? Well, God has promised us that He would preserve his Word (1 Peter 1:23, 25, Luke 21:33, Psalms 12:6-7; 119:89, 152, 160, Isaiah 40:8; 59:21, John 10:35, Matthew 24:35). So, just where is God's Word preserved today ? »
49. Jews for Jesus
charlie ,   sydney australia   (07.03.06)
Jesus Christ - the same to yesterdeay, today and forever!
50. Jews for Jesus is like ...
Gary ,   Calgary, Canada   (07.03.06)
Kosher pigs OR F.... for virginity. They are all equally incongruous. If you believe in Jesus as the messiah, you are not Jewish; you are Christian. Jesus, the Jewish itinerant preacher, who only addressed Jews must be spinning in his grave (wherever it is). He only became God to the pagans after the destruction of the Temple and the centre of the cult moved from Jewish Jerusalem to pagan Europe and Egypt, where they had been worshipping god-kings for millennia. The pagans deified him, the poor guy. He had nothing to do with this idolatry. He was, after all, a Jew.
51. I worked with JFJ
Yossi ,   USA   (07.03.06)
A number of years ago I spent part of a summer with Jews for Jesus on one of their evangelism campaigns in New York. We "stormed the Jewish community" by handing out pamphlets, and performing "street theater" or music. Our "manipulative" strategy was to talk with interested people who read our pamphlets (or saw a performance) and came to us, or who called or wrote to the address on the pamphlet. We specifically had a policy of not harassing anyone, and were told to disengage from anyone who used foul language or just wanted to fight. Accordingly, hostility and rage directed toward us tended to reinforce the sense that we were right and doing G-d's will. I understand that being opposed in a hostile way doesn't in and of itself prove that one is right... but I think it does say something about the "rightness" and alignment with "G-d's will" of the opposer.
52. to (42) don' t be so modest !!!
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.03.06)
I have done the same with Jews and caused them to read the " original " texts again. But I was not happy after that. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in one famous book (House of the Dead, 1862) said : « If someone gave me irrefutable evidence that Jesus of Nazareth be outside TRUTH ... I would STAY with HIM rather than with truth. » Peace on you. Amen.
53. .
Alex   (07.04.06)
I'm a Noachide with nothing but strong love and admiration for the Jewish people and deep thankfulness to Chabad. I wish to join the Jewish nation in their prayers to HaShem to strengthen the weak Jews who might otherwise fell into the brainwashing hands of JFJ and other missionary cults.
54. Missionaries ... et al. (END)
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.04.06)
« There is a manuscript still in existence today that was around during the time of Christ in the first century. The Septuagint (also known as the LXX - the Greek Old Testament) WAS translated from the original Hebrew Text, 285 years before Christ, into the language that was then predominant in the world, Greek! ... It is a fact that the New Testament manuscripts were all written in Greek. The reason they were all written in Greek is because that is the predominant language that Jesus and the apostles spoke. Jesus spoke at least three languages (Greek, Hebrew and Aramic), but the predominant language spoken, by far, was Greek! And the gentiles to whom they preached certainly did not speak Hebrew, they spoke Greek! The reason Greek was the predominant language, and the reason the Septuagint came about, is because in 400 B.C., Alexander the Great had come through and conquered many of those nations, and Greek became the predominant language. So, around 285 B.C., they took the original Hebrew Text and translated it into Greek for those Jews that no longer spoke Hebrew, and also to convert many of the Greeks over to Judaism. By the time Christ was begotten in the first century, Hebrew was very rarely spoken, because they were conquered by a Greek speaking nation 400 years earlier (most of the Jews who still spoke Hebrew were those in charge of the temple). Similarly how, in the united states of America, the Indians were conquered by an English speaking nation 400 years ago. The ones who still speak the original Indian language today are mostly those who are in charge and in authority over their tribes. Most other Indians no longer speak their original tongue. And this is why very few people spoke the original Hebrew in the first century. Now, think about this. When Jesus and the apostles quoted from the Old Testament scriptures, they did not quote from the original Hebrew Text, for two reasons. One: the writers of the New Testament books spoke mainly Greek; and two, their listeners and readers (who were mostly gentiles) did not speak Hebrew! So, they quoted from a manuscript that was in the same language that they spoke during the first century...the Greek Septuagint! Doesn't this make sense? The Septuagint is the scripture cited by Christ and by the Apostles. By Christ quoting from the Septuagint, he is confirming what he wrote 285 years before he came! Why then would I need something that is a translation from another source that does not have God's seal of approval? » (My gratitude and my thanks to Richard Anthony). ----------- Jesus, I miss You and I am waiting for You, and I love You. Will You come soon for appeasing our fears, comforting all of us, and making us happy as You are the PATH, the TRUTH and the LIFE. « Then He said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
55. They should be beaten up
Daniel van Dalen ,   Jerusalem   (07.04.06)
These heretical idolaters should be beaten up until they cry for mercy or until they can no longer cry. No mercy for those who try to kill all Jews and eradicate Judaism from the face of the earth. They are the Satan in physical bodies, they are the yetzer hara trying to get to you. They are worse than Reform and worse than Conservative 'Judaism'. And that says something, from the mouth of a chareidi person.
56. Shame on J4J
Michael U ,   SF,CA   (07.04.06)
These people are performing a great desecration of the name of Hashem. Shame be on them who deceives a Jew and gets him to worship a foreign G-d. Remember the Shema, which should RING in the heart of a TRUE JEW.... HEAR O ISRAEL, THE L-RD IS G-D, THE L-RD IS ONE! If you should turn and worship another G-d the land will forsake you and the rain will not fall in its appointed season. What is wrong with these EVIL soulless beings. As a Jew who has returned to his roots I find it extremely offensive that people will cast stumbling blocks before the blind. There are many sources of anti-missionary information on the web. One is . I personally have shown the light to two christians who are about to convert to Judaism. My synagogue has about 10 members who have converted from xtianity. The Christians know that they are defying the will of Hashem, which is why Xtianity is a pagan religion. They don't believe in the unity of the L-rd, bless his name. They seek to weaken the spirit of those who serve Hashem, and by doing so they believe they increase the strength of their other deity Jesus. Jesus is not G-d, G-d is not Jesus. There is no Man-G-d and mans purpose is to grow closer to the infinite creator, not a mortal piece of dead meat. No prophecy or understanding of Moshiach included resurrection, dying on the cross, etc. That is all pagan religion, not the true word of G-d. Please Xtians... GO AWAY!
57. #54 Marcel Abel (France)
Edwin   (07.04.06)
Marcel, the Septuagint is, except for the Pentateuch, clearly a Christian document, which accounts for Matthew’s narrative having Jesus riding on TWO donkeys in contradistinction to the other Gospels. This is only one of many mistakes found in the New Testament. History reports the Jews translating only the Torah.
58. re: article and posters
Ouch! ,   California   (07.04.06)
First, thanks to those of you who have tried to prevent this discussion from being an attack on the religious faith of different people. Secondly.....Ouch! I'm a Christian, and it is painful to read that so many of you have such low opinions of us. What makes it particularly painful is that we have given you so much cause to feel so negatively towards us. I acknowledge that our history towards you has been shameful (something we have belatedly faced, but are facing, nonetheless.) As for missionaries, I get them at my door, too. Usually they are Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. I just say, "Thanks, I'm very happy with my faith, but good luck to you." That usually dispatches them quite nicely. Now, I'll go put some salve on my wounds! (ouch! ouch! ouch!)
59. AVI
Connie ,   USA   (07.04.06)
You are taking that verse out of context. Tell us where does it say that Jesus wouldn't be in a mans body. Give some info to back up your claim. Please take the time, if only to prove that others are wrong, the gospel of John. The book of John is full of exchanges between the Father and Jesus. He said that He only does what He sees the Father doing. He also said that He did not come to bring peace but a sword.(Matt. 10:34). Please read it if only for curiosity's sake. Goodnight.
60. why are christians on ynet?!
chez ,   philly usa   (07.04.06)
I'd seriously question their motives for posting on ynet...... I'd like to opt for the happened to come across this article on the internet Reason, but somehow i dont think so...
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