UN: Gaza children wetting their beds
Ali Waked
Published: 05.07.06, 19:22
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31. sad,i'm almost crying...
stephane ,   france   (07.05.06)
the UNC (united nations of cowards) should better talk about the kids of sderot and ashquelon! i'm fed up to hear this bastards worrying only when we fight to defend our country.i've never seen the UNC gathering to ask the pals to stop sending quassam,or to tell them that if they don't free our soldier they will stop sending them,i hear this stupid people talking only to put pressure on israel but never on the arabs.never listen to UNC,because when we needed them during the holocaust ;we didn't heard them.
32. UN Responsibility
Yisrael ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.05.06)
After their beloved Arab brethren, the people most responsible for the refugee situation and deplorable living and political conditions of the Arabs is the UN. Let them continue to pay for the Arabs' misery, and blame Israel for it, as they have always done, while ignoring the racism and human rights abuses of the Arab world. Meanwhile, they live in some of the priciest neighbourhoods of Jerusalem. What a great life ! Promote suffering while living off the fat of the land ! No wonder they support the Arabs. They share the same philosophy !!
33. Israeli leaders wetting their trousers.
Adam ,   Gaza   (07.05.06)
34. Who causes this
John ,   NZ   (07.05.06)
All these hardship are caused by the ppl whom they elected. Depending which side you like at it, this is where Western Palis sympathisers are putting all the blame on the Israelis. And the Hamas govt. see this as good media propaganda to gain more support and sympathy.
35. #30
Siala ,   US   (07.05.06)
I understand attacking the actual attackers, sure. But attacking their children? There is no justification for that. You have to be more careful with your actions, because this just encourages the kids in Gaza to grow up with a grudge against Israel.
36. AK..Nice name, prefered rifle of the enemy
Jacob ,   DC   (07.05.06)
Your a fool if you think the IDF purposfully targets innocent women and children, where the terrorists use them as human sheilds, and purposefully target innocent people. Terrorists are far more responsable for innocents getting hurt. They are cowards who hide in a population center for protection. You have no ammo in your argument, go cry to someone else. PS- AK, is that the name of peace?
37. #6 if the Palestinians feel keeping the
Israeli soldier is more important than their children. What do you want from us. this whole thing can end in asecond. Release the soldier that you illegally abducted. The Ball is the Palestinians court.. Besides, aren't the Palestinians parading their children in the streets with bomb belts. And now, these are the same people who are concerned about their children wetting their beds. I never could believe a person could hate a person more than they could love their own child. This wonderful concept is brought to the world by the palestinians.
38. #27, Hamas has kindergatens?
Chatich   (07.05.06)
Oh dear, I can just imagine the cirriculum: 1st period - physics (projectile motion) - students throw grenades and launch qassams toward Israel, tracking their path and velocity. 2nd period - chemistry - children learn about anthrax, mustard gas and other popular nerve agents. 3rd period - Phys-ed - barbed wire hurdling, wall scaling, and the 100 meter tunnel-digging relay. 4th period - HomeEc - mine-planting, greenhouse razing, and how to conceal explosives and still be fashion concious. 5th period - Recess - lots of popular toys and games which help hone the childrens' important devloping skills - namely, terrorist-shielding and jew-killing. The idea of a Hamas kindergarten is expoentially more disturbing than anything else I've read here today. Shalom
39. I would believe this
David Joseph ,   Orlando, Florida   (07.05.06)
If they said; the percentage of bed wettings has increased by a percentage with a margin of error. Let’s face it; kids wet beds, its what they do. If there is fear and anxiety it is picked up from the parents. So it’s the parents fault. I don’t want to see anybody hurt or killed or kids wetting beds in supposed anticipation of a large scale operation. But let’s face it; it’s the Palestinians fault, its what they do.
40. To Sam ,London-Quit censoring ynet
Jacob ,   DC   (07.05.06)
The Israeli Army does not target schools like your obviosly good friends the terrorists do. The Israeli Army does not target innocent women and children, like your terrorist buddies do. Israeli soldiers do no hide behind the innocent, and take cover in population centers like your cowardis terrorist buddies do. Harming civilians is the terrorists fault because they use the children as human kevlar and await their deaths as a propaganda tool. Where was all of your outcry when Gazans vs Gazans was on display, and women and children were killed in the cross-fire. It wasn't propaganda savoy, thats why there was no outcry. You too disgust me with your feebale argument.
41. Bedwetting and other trauma
Marcell ,   Kibbutz Nir-Am   (07.05.06)
My children have been under Kassam rocket attack for more that 4 years. They, as are many other children of the kibbutzim bordering the Gaza Strip, suffer from bedwetting, insomnia, nail-biting, attention deficiency and various other symptoms related to the situation in which they have been living for so long. Their school has been closed as a result of continuing rocket attacks. Wake up, world: this is our reality.
42. Sam from London 27
Ann   (07.05.06)
Thats not true,the Israelis aren't deliberaretly shooting rockets at Hamas funded kindergartens with the intention of killing Arab children. Everytime the Israelis do accidently kill or injure an Arab child, they feel guilty and sad about it and apoligize.If the Israelis really want to kill Arab kids, why do they evacuate wounded Arab children to Israeli hospitals and foot the bill as well? The Arab terrorists are the ones who really want to kill children,they want to Israeli kids because they hate Jewish people, and they want to kill their own children because it makes for great propaganda.It is actually the Palestinians who are shooting rockets at Israeli schools and kindergartens hoping to kill Jewish children. For instance,a couple of years ago,a 3 year old boy and his grandfather were killed by a Kassam rocket at the child's kindergarten in Sderot, Hamass responded to that attack by saying "with the help of Allah we killed two settlers" .what kind of cruel,heartless people would say something like that? A few months later a 2 year old Israeli girl and her 4 year old brother were killed in the playground at their nursery school by a Kassam rocket. Many more Jewish children have been injured both physcially and emotionally by these attacks. Dozens of rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists have landed in Israeli schoolyards and it is nothing short of a miracle that many more children haven't been killed by these rocket attacks.
43. #27, Hamas bombed an Israeli school. IDF hunts terrorists
David ,   Boston, USA   (07.05.06)
There is NO similarity. For almost 1 year the Arabs in Gaza chose attacking Israeli civilians vs building economy. They are to blame for the current situation.
44. #37
Siala ,   US   (07.05.06)
So you're saying one Israeli life is worth more than multiple Palestinian lives? That's why they hate Israelis so much. And by the way, I'm actually Jewish, not Palestinian, so telling me returning the soldier will end things isn't really productive.
45. To 27 You should really be complaining to the terrorists
Da dude   (07.05.06)
46. So's Olmert. We're bombing empty buildings and fields.
47. #36, Sorry, but I fail to understand your point.
AK   (07.05.06)
Which of my points exactly you disprove?
48. wetting their beds
dawn vuick ,   nyc ny usa   (07.05.06)
As Michelle Malkin has noted about this and other subjects: Boo fricking hoo. The 60-years-war that the arabs have waged unceasingly against the sovereign nation of Israel, which has kindly supplied their water and electricity through endless arab bouts of pummeling qassam rockets and incursions into Israel has been unable to go about their business for 3 score of years--and the people of the scimitar and the unforgivingness might well think of their rapine and destructive hatred as they reflect on electing Hamas, translation: Destruction!, to office, instead of pursuing the peace that civilized societies seek. Should the world care that arab children whose parents are murdering civility and decency and destroying the sleep of the entire nonMuslim world are wetting their beds? If these savages run out of water and ganja-laced tea, let them drink the urine spilled by their brainwashed and destined-for- disaster offspring. We don't cry for them.
49. Wow Siala
Floyd   (07.05.06)
"Palestinian children under six don't launch rockets.." But children over the age of six do? Is that what you're have to be older than six to launch rockets?
50. Who are you kidding Siala
Floyd   (07.05.06)
"because this just encourages the kids in Gaza to grow up with a grudge against Israel." Bullshit! I saw a palestinian television show where a grown palestinian man was telling a group of palestinian children how evil and destructive the Jews are. They even had a child phone into the show to brag at the lessons he had learned from the story. You people poison your own childrens minds and you are the reason why your country can't get it's shit together.
51. #35 Siala, Israel is not or ever had targeted Arab children.
AK   (07.05.06)
However, the war is never pretty and only very naive would actually expect no civilian casualties. Actually the demands made on Israel to ‘show restraint’ and to ‘ mind Arab civilian casualties’ have absolutely nothing to do with naiveté but everything with a deliberate delegitimization of Israel whereby Israeli civilian casualties are minimized or outright ignored while Israel is denied the very basic right to wage defensive war. When we bombed Dresden, Hamburg or Berlin, not to mention cities in Italy, Holland and France do you honestly believe that no children were killed? Or do you suggest that we should have never bombed them and waited for the Germans to change their ways through diplomacy and understanding, or at least waited until we developed a strategy ensuring that no German civilian died? The kids in Gaza are being raised on a diet of hate not because of what Israel does or doesn’t do but because of what the Arabs do. Se photos of masked Arabs shooting at Israelis, planting bombs or engaged in other military activity with Arab children right next to them. I remember seeing some pics lately on little, it was Sunday of Monday, just roll down and you’ll find it.
52. to #44
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.05.06)
I say one drop of Jewish blood is worth ten gallons of palis blood. Destroying the terrorists and their supporters will help to end it.Getting the palis to leave our Jewish Holyland will end it.
53. # 21 Siala
Ginette Golden ,   Toronto, Canada   (07.05.06)
You write: "Just because they do it doesn't make it ok for you to do it back." Are you out of you cotton picking mind? You are saying it is ok for your freaking people to kill us indiscriminately, but it's not ok for us to defend ourselves or kill you back? DREAM ON! I say to you girl, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a whatever for a whatever. And that’s how it is in Pali land. Ellen is a hateful and loving person at the same time. She hates Jews but loves Arabs, mostly the terrorists whom she puts on a pedestal in her postings on Ynet....I don't even know why they allow her to post...she is so hateful that reading her stuff stirrs up hate in me and I don't like it!
54. The U.N.
miriam ,   Israel   (07.05.06)
So the U.N. is worried about Gaza children. Where is their concern for the Jewish children of Sederot?
55. 49, 51, 53
Siala ,   US   (07.06.06)
Ok, first to number 49, I specifically said under the age of six because that is who the article refers to. Had I said Palestinian children, I would have been yelled at for including teenagers. To number 51, I believe the bombinbs in WW2 were wrong and pointless. Historically, bombing cities like that doesn't break people, it strengthens their resolve. And to number 53, read my other post, I'm not Palestinian, so "my people" aren't the Palestinians. I'm German Jewish and Lithuanian gypsy by heritage if you must know.
56. Haaretz Bashers
Leon ,   Grand Rapids U S A   (07.06.06)
Hey you guys; stop bashing Haaretz for printing infuriating stuff. When you get mad, your'e entertained, and will read more and more. And Haaretz prospers.
57. tell this to 200000 people who lives under qassams
there are a lot of babys, childrens, womens, old people. but it doesn't seems that anybody do care about it. The whole country thinks where the terror will hit next. so the childrens are suffring everyday. The world don't know what is realy happening here, if you want to know come here by yourself, don't listen to the news. thy are telling you a lot of bullshit. the gaza childrens are afraid of the sounds, not the hit. If they will get hurt it bcause of the explosives of the terroist (which i guess they will say that it was IDF act). and eveyone who says that we need negotiation, we haven't started it. exactly the opposite, we got out from gaza to let the palestinians a chance to improve their lives, but instead they hav built amd improve their terror.
58. Why do you guys respond to Palis' postings.
Edwin   (07.06.06)
They sure have got your number. If everyone ignored them, you'd spoil their fun.
59. What about children of Sderot?
Jew ,   Eretz Israel   (07.06.06)
Does Kofi Annan cry for them?
60. Maybe it's not Israel that's making them wet their beds...
Neil Kuchinsky ,   Colonial Heights, VA   (07.06.06)
Perhaps it's the Palestinians' TV programs for children that tell them it's great to blow yourself up for the cause.
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