7 IDF soldiers killed in north
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 12.07.06, 18:17
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91. 71 Herman,Geneva: Learn facts and history part 1
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.12.06)
before opening your uneducated mouth: A) Occupation only applies under International Law - vis-a-vis the territory of another SOVEREIGN STATE.... You can legally only occupy another State that was under different Sovereignty at the time of occupation - which does not apply to the PA Territories since they were not part of any Sovereign State .... Jordan and Egypt never had annexed any territories to become the sovereign of same, when Israel regained it's territories in a self-defense war. Therefore Legally Judea and Samaria (ancient historical Jewish land) are unassigned territories of the British Mandate for Palestine not "occupied territories." B) Israeli presence in Yesha does not constitute "occupation," and moreover, that the U.N. Partition Resolution of 1947 is a "recommendation" and not obligatory. "Up until 1948, Judea, Samaria and Gaza were a part of the British Mandate. In the 1948 War of Independence, Egypt illegally grabbed the Gaza Strip, and Jordan took Judea and Samaria, the 'West Bank.' Egypt did not claim sovereignty in Gaza, but Jordan deigned, in 1950, to annex Judea and Samaria. This annexation was not recognized by international law. The Arab nations objected to it, In 1967, after the Six Day War, these territories - which were originally meant for the Jewish Nation's National Home according to the Mandate Charter - returned to Israeli control." in 1988, King Hussein of Jordan rescinded its legal and administrative ties to Judea and Samaria.
92. 71 Herman Geneva part 2
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.12.06)
"According to international law," "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. At that time, the mandate to the Land of Israel was granted to the British, and the introduction to the mandate charter states clearly that it is based on the international recognition of the historic ties between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. Clause II of that mandate charges Britain with 'ensuring the existence of political, administrative, and economic conditions that will guarantee the establishment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel.'" "Even the White Paper of 1922," emphasized the Jewish Nation's rights to the national home in the Land of Israel - while at the same time tearing away almost 80% of the mandate's area on the eastern side of the Jordan and giving it to Emir Abdullah." There is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. [There was never at that time a people referred to Palestinians - or such provision of such State - That was NEVER used in any Resolutions This was a sole provision between Israe l- and Arabs No separate Palestinian State was ever mentioned inside Israel] The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan, voids the recommendation of any legal basis. Resolutions 242 and 338, which call for negotiations and a "withdrawal from territories" (not "withdrawal from THE territories") captured in 1967, are similarly "recommendations." The word mentioning ONLY - TERRITORIES !!! - and not THE !!! - was intentionally used by those Resolutions - to avoid exactly what happens now - mis-conceptions of resolution texts - regarding any land. These resolutions were drawn up under the UN Charter's Clause VI, which deals with non-mandatory recommendations - as opposed to Clause VII resolutions, "which are mandatory, and which deal with a threat to world peace, such as those taken against Iraq." If by chance you don't understand Intl. Law - you should take a lawyer and file for arbitration and explanations with the T.M.C. Asser Institute on Intl. Law in the Hague. Good Luck ALSO: Israel White Paper – Israel's Legal Rights to Judea, Samaria, and Gaza
93. 84 the truth,world: Get a Name and stop Posting Crap
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.12.06)
94. 59 you are right
ami ,   israel   (07.12.06)
for evry soldier wich was killed to day excecute 50 hammas terrorists we have plenty of them we can solve th problem for nassrala
95. Israel Can't Hack It!
You Have Lost   (07.12.06)
It seems that the Israelis have bitten off more than they can chew with their latest outrages against the Palestinian people. Dead and captured IDF soldiers - more to follow - a destroyed Merkava tank - more to follow - and just wait until IAF aircraft start falling out of the sky, shot down by Strela and Stinger missiles. It's war alright, and Israel has no one to blame for it but itself. Welcome to hell, you arrogant Zionists.
96. Fields of red tulips,.......
Aaron ,   Western world   (07.12.06)
Fields of red tulips, as far as the eye can see quite beautiful especially when they're trampled
97. #11 an all the arabs
Lev ,   NY   (07.12.06)
just look at the history... roman empire, greek empire, turks, hitler, stalin, the list goes on an on.... they all tried to kill us, the JEWS, the CHOSEN people. where are these mighty empires and people now now. gone forever. burning in gehenom. yet we, the smallest of all the nations are still here, with G-ds help running this world, OR LAGOYIM. to us every single jewish life is precious, unlike arabs who send their own children to bi suicide killers for money. what kind of perverted world do you people live in. not even animals do thet to their children. #11, you are an ignorant moron. period. all the arabs hate the world and each other. just look and imagine how much nicer this world would be without saudis, iraquis, iran, taliba, al qaeda, etc. the one thing that unites all them is their united hate for palestinians, imah shemam vezihronam. but they push it onto Israel to resolve that dilemma. why dont the rich princes of saudi arabia donate some money to pa? why not help the rebuild? i tell you why. because then they wont be able to blame Israel for anything. AM ISRAEL CHAI KAHANE CHAI
98. #7, Roberto Gutierrez, Madrid Spain
Pieter van der Stelt ,   The Netherlands   (07.12.06)
Like you, I’m not Jewish or Israeli but I fully agree with your statement. Count me in! Regards, Pieter.
99. thine cojones
cutter kev ,   madrid, soon as   (07.12.06)
roberto, could you be a bit more specific about your address please?
100. Arabs seem to forget
Elias ,   Colorado Springs, CO   (07.12.06)
It's very funny to hear the bravado from Arabs and their supporters. They all seem to forget that once Israel looses its temper the COMBINED armies of ALL the Arab states get their butts handed to them. Get over yourselves. Israel is not going away, and will kick Lebanon's, Syria's, and Iran's butts AGAIN if they have to. Yes, Arabs are fanatics when measured by the following: A fanatic is someone who does the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Pray to Allah for your souls, then kiss your fanatical arses goodbye.
101. thank u Edward from Las Vegas
Hisham ,   saudi arabia   (07.12.06)
Thank u very much Mr. Edward I am very happy that there is good people like u still live in this world the problem of most of these posters r hiding behind religion and myths to justify the crimes of Israel there r trying to convince us that snow is black, tomatoes r blue and jews r angels
102. Remeber Perez and Periztes stoping Sharon in LEBANON?
Nebojsa Yitzchak M ,   Toronto   (07.12.06)
Peres and Peresites prevented its success. That particular group was acting like the “Fifth Column” against the Israel for the enemy.. ANY ENEMY. Israel hast go into Lebanon and finish the Job, last time when the Israeli Army went into Lebanon people were greeting them by throwing the rice on the Israeli solders. Today since last betrayal of the Lebanese population I doubt that this will happen this time again. BUT! If Israel shows to be true friend and ally of i.e. Lebanese Christians and does everything to protect their interests as well Israelis on the long term I truly believe Israel will have very important and a trusted ally on its Northern border. Syria has to be dealt totally with and permanent solution has to be IMPOSED on them. It is the critical moment to use this TRAGIC PROVOCATION and would be an opportunity and to rectify this issue once for good. SYRIA is “Hezbollah” and all evil in Lebanon is sawn by the Syria which was dismantling the Lebanese society in order to expand its borders into a social-vacuum they created; with the terror, anarchy, pillaging that was going there for the past 30 years under the “watchful” eye of the “humanity”. Lebanon was slowly butchered out of existence what was once a Switzerland of the Middle East become just another Muslim HELL HOLE. Israel has to make a bold move and take whatever measures are necessary and to restore a peaceful society there that was once flourishing at its northern border. Syria is client state of IRAN, all aggressive posturing of Iran is going trough the Syria. If Iran gets a nuclear device it would be most likely delivered trough Syria via “Lebanese” terrorist organization (any). Taking Syria out of that equation (together with Lebanon of course) that threat would be harder to implement. Syria is a dedicated enemy that will not cease unless it is disarmed and “educated” as of the consequences of the terrorism. Syria should be kicked out of Lebanon promptly, ANY ensuing hostilities from their forces would be pretext to the total destruction of Syrian defense forces, INFRASTRUCTURE, power-plants, bridges, airports, manufacturing plants, road-railroad grids what NATO did to Yugoslavia should be done to the Syria. It will de-facto take Syria out of circulation for at least 20 years, Israel should declare Syrian region as its strategic zone of Interest as US declared Grenada, and any military “provocation” or escalation should be met with utmost resolve. It is very important that enemy and potential enemy has no clue as the gravity-cost of their action would be they have to guess.. but they have to be for CERTAIN that Israel will respond DISPROPORTIONATELLY, how disproportional its should be left to them to guess on. Syria has Soviet weapons which are still quite “archaic” and electronically (seriously) obsolete, It would loose a BIG-TIME, and its Iran’s terror-allegiance would be to expensive, so Israel and Syria would have 20 years to talk it over.. Perhaps even peace could come to fruition?
103. Billion and a half Muslem's
Rob ,   USA FL.   (07.12.06)
I don't see how, But they wont loose the war, They are still the apple of GODS eye, They wont ever be driven from their land, If the whole world was against them, Dont forget America has a base in Israel, Its pretty big, So they say Pray for the peace of Jerusalem Rob
104. #71 Herman "the fool"
Pieter ,   The Netherlands   (07.12.06)
“Enough humiliation of Palestinian and daily killing by Israel”? Have you ever read a newspaper lately? (with lately I mean: for the past six decades!) Does Switzerland have electricity already?, do they cell television sets in Geneva? Apparently not, otherwise you would have known that “the urge to kill” comes mainly from the arab side. If you do have electricity and television sets: Purchase one, turn it on and pay attention! Humiliation is a “philological state of mind” closely related to cultural sensitivities. Hé, have you ever wondered why Chinese, Peruvian, German, Vietnamese, Mongolian, French, Japanese, Dutch, Israeli, American etcetera, hardly feel humiliated when confronted with someone more clever or richer than themselves? To feel Humiliated is a weakness, is being irrational and arabs/muslims don’t seem to understand that. It is acknowledging that that you can’t keep up the pace. About killings: the slaughter (on earth) is mainly done by the ones who feel humiliated, the irrational ones. Someone who feels humiliated kills indiscriminately, regardless if it’s a soldier or a civilian. (turn your TV on and watch the news from Bombay-India to see the proof of it) For those, even toddlers aren’t safe! “Start negotiations!”, the Swiss idiot says!: Look you moron!, negotiations have been going on for decades! Even superpowers like the US, Russia, China, The EU and even the UN are desperately trying to stop the violence. Have you ever heard of “the Oslo agreements”? (Someone can only negotiate with someone who is willing to treat his opponent as his equal and apparently the Palestinians don’t see the Israelis as equal, otherwise they would have kept themselves to the agreements.) Herman!: They don’t keep themselves to the agreements! Worse, they are even exporting their insane “holy” war to Western Europe! See what is happening in the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, France, Germany, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Italy etc. It are not the Israelis/Jews who are bombing our trains, burning our cars and buildings, raping our women and slaying our columnists/cartoonists. Herman?: are you backwards? Look, you naïve youngster: I will never forgive them for bringing THEIR war to my continent (and my kids). For Herman: It’s a good thing to show solidarity, but please keep your own pants up! For the Palestinians/Arabs: Touch our kids, and we will annihilate you! (this is not a threat, it’s a promise!) It’s not our war! GOT IT! A European.
105. Irony - Arabs posting comments in a free press
Moses ,   usa   (07.12.06)
What is it like to post your comments in a free Isreali press? Doesnt it suck - knowing your own media and govt is corrupt? Isnt it ironic that you have to go the Israeli press to speak freely? Think about that before you prepare to join your 72 virgins (or was that 72 olives?)
106. Bibi
grieved for Israel ,   US   (07.12.06)
Is Israel regretting that Bibi was not elected PM?
107. Loosing ones freedom
Rob ,   Florida USA   (07.12.06)
You may think you have Democracy But if you live in this world, your Democracy is faiding before your eyes. American's that have a brain, Are seeing freedom slipping away Like flowing river. The AntiChrist will Sign the Covenant, With Israel One of these days, This could happen at any time. Billions of people will die. This will last 7 years, Then the missiah will return and rule for A thousand years. Get saved today Tomarrow may be to late. Rob
108. Edan Beer Sheva
Rob ,   Broocksville FL   (07.13.06)
What a good spirit you have Mr. Edan You sound like a winner to me. I will pray my LORD for your safety GOD bless Rob
109. answer to Mike
rob ,   USA florida   (07.13.06)
You are on Jewish grond right now Read Jenesis in the bible, It was given by GOD to them forever, The Jewish land goes to the nile river, Part of Iraq and part of Syria belong to the Jewish people Gaza belongs to the jewish people along with the west bank. Their GOD is not Dead, as you are about to find out. Enjoy your like of Knowledge while you can. Rob
110. Reply to: "Billion and a half Muslem's"
J   (07.13.06)
and ONE G_d, who loves Israel.
111. 69 Phanarath : Thanks shalom to your and yours
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.13.06)
112. 104 Pieter : This Herman Clown either doesn't speak enough
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.13.06)
French to watch Geneva TV - or worse - he watches the TSR from morning til night -- which is Left to Lenin - esp. when Mrs. Mamarbachi reads her tilted news - the name alone will tell you all She is half Damascus and Spanish and worries about her family in Damascus more than about anyone Geneva TV TSR .... loves such LEFT fools so ..... you know why I am Fighting them all the time .......
113. Rights of Land
mike d ,   NY, USA   (07.13.06)
god did not grant jewish people israel, men did. Men do not have the right to claim land in the name of a god. We are all still in the dark ages - men do not have the right to claim any land - the earth belongs to all creatures. judaism, christianity and islam all have common prophets and developed from the same roots. No group of people is chosen - no one will be left to be chosen if this ignorance persists. arabs think non-islamic people are bad because arabs are afraid of change, they cover their women because they are afraid to challenge the primitive instincts to violate what they see and want, they fight against progress because they are intolerant of anything that may push them outside the comfort zone of their minds which they shield with blinders, they give their lives in suicide bombings because they have forsaken the wisdom this world has to offer. jewish people are just as discriminating as the people who have persecuted them because they think less of non-jewish people, because they have the conceit to believe that only one “brand” of human is in the favor of “god”, because they want the tolerance to live freely within other societies but simultaneously exclude non-jewish people from their circles. Many americans are gluttonous or shallow people who choose not to think beyond the scope of their houses, cars and jobs. Some people within the american government are corrupt. The elected leaders of any one country cannot reflect the ideas and convictions of all its citizens. No single ethnicity or country’s people are all one way or another way, because open-minded people do not let boundaries restrict their philosophies and thoughts, and those people live where they live even if they are not accurately represented by their leaders. One thing to be said for america, in spite of its downfalls, it is founded on and still maintains tolerance for all thoughts. These religious clashes stem from intolerance. god did not grant jewish people israel, men did. allah does not rejoice when prisoners are taken and beheaded. any religion and its ideas are meant to be a guide to enlightenment which is based on unlimited growth and expansion of mind and spirit, not to be taken as a frame into which one restricts and molds thoughts. don’t wait for a messiah to save – don’t believe you can know in this life what “rewards” death might offer. or, maybe I’m all wrong.
114. We, the Swiss, SUPPORT ISRAEL!!!
Lina ,   Switzerland   (07.13.06)
Good luck IDF!
115. 114 Lina ,Switzerland: You said, and Herman can go and
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.13.06)
fly a kite - doubt he's Swiss thanks Girl - thanks for your support Toda Ve Shalom
116. wise man 81
rob ,   usa   (07.13.06)
Do you approve of strapping on a belt of explosives, And blowing up A bus load of people, Every one that does that is in HELL right now. Do you notice that Israel never atacks anyone Until Arabs kill jewish People I would think the Governant of Israel Would destroy all the Arabs off their Land, But they hope for peace with this wild people that their joy is only Killing Jews, And each other Have a good day ( wise man ) what a Joke. Rob
117. Answer for Rachel 89
Rob ,   USA Florida   (07.13.06)
Those arabs would starve to death within 3 months if the world didn;t support them, They dont know how to make a living. Stealing and Murder is what they understand. Can you Imagine them growing anything and selling it on the market. This war could be the start of something very big, Egypt cant provide for itself. Read Ezikael 38- 39 This is real All these countrys Will be headed for Israel Pretty soon. Gog & Magog are Russia. They may destroy America on their way to Israel. We don't know that for sure, Just a thought, Iran is persia, it changed its name in 1932, My spelling may be bad but study tells me these things are well underway, Togarmah is Turky, The little nation that are in turkey will be allinged with Russia That will be Gomar. They dont make it to Israel, GOD bless Israel, Rachel & Jacob Rob
118. # 71 Herman. Words of wisdom
Jeremiah ,   USA   (07.13.06)
But most of the people on here are too full of hate to see it. Forty years of occupation and illegal settlement have sewn the seeds for Israel's destruction. They need to end both before it's too late. But the window is closing fast.
119. 41 Edan: Think who is the idiot - those who appease are
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.13.06)
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